ZMQ doesn't work with the raw socket in Linux but works in Windows - c++

I have a client program written with raw socket communicating with a server. It uses 'select' to poll the socket descriptor and get the message from the server. After getting message, I use a ZMQ socket to send the message out.
This works perfectly in windows. But in Linux, after I call the ZMQ 'send' function, I cannot receive message from the server any more. It seems the raw socket has been affected somehow.
The program is a multithread program but I have dealt with ZMQ carefully. The client program is running in a thread A and the ZMQ socket is only used by that thread A. I think I used ZMQ correctly as it is working well in Windows. But how comes the issue in Linux?
Anybody knows if this is normal? I am suspecting this is a ZMQ issue. As long as I remove the ZMQ 'send' function, the program works well. Anybody knows how to solve this issue? and why it is working well in Windows, not in Linux?
I found it doesn't work even in single thread situation. ZMQ creates more than ten threads automatically for me. I don't use any multithread this time, and the code flow is like this:
create a raw socket A;
connect to a business server B;
while (raw socket A is connected){
if (STATE==1){
send(Request 1);
}else if (STATE==2){
send(Request 2);
int ret = select(fd + 1, &readSet, &writeSet, &errorSet, &timeout);
if (ret > 0){
if (FD_ISSET(fd, &readSet)) {
char buf[8192];
int nResult = receive( buf, sizeof(buf));
if (buf is X){
}else if (buf is Y){
}// socket is ready for reading
After zmq.send(message), I cannot receive any new message!! The server side code is closed to me so that I cannot debug from server side. If I remove "zmq.send(message)", everything works fine. In Windows, this program works fine too.

Well, it is hard to tell u whats wrong without a code. But you should probably look at ZMQ versions in Linux and Windows because the "formats of sending" etc can differ between versions and stuff that works in one version will not in another.


Reading and storing a stream of UDP datagrams in c++ 98 and berkeley sockets

Setup: This is a dynamic library made only for openSUSE linux, using C++ 98 due to strict requirements, and Berkeley Sockets. I have a stream of UDP datagrams sent at 90hz from another pc.
I'm following the great Beej's Guide to Network Programming for this.
Intented behaviour: I'm providing a dinamic library as the interface with the network and it should store the latest datagram received so that when you ask for it, it will be returned.
Option A) PASSIVE LIBRARY: Make them call an Update() method at those 90Hz (more or less) to make it read the datagrams from the socket and get the latest one. If not called frequently enough it will not work well.
Option B) ACTIVE LIBRARY: make the library perform the check itself at 90Hz (more or less). I guess I would need to use a thread for this, am I right?. I have no idea how to make it sleep so that it doesn't waste CPU and resources. No idea how to do this.
Problem: I created two little apps, one sends the datagrams at 90hz, another reads them. Active wait works, but as soon as I introduce a while loop reading the socket all the time, it returns no datagrams. The socket is always empty. I've been told to use "Select()" with a timeout. But I guess both do something similar. Why isn't there anything in the socket when I do this?
numbytes = recvfrom(sockfd, buf, MAXBUFLEN-1 , 0, p->ai_addr, &p->ai_addrlen);
if (numbytes == 0)
printf("Error. Sender closed connection?\n");
else if (numbytes > 0)
printf("listener: got packet from %s\n",inet_ntop(p->ai_family, get_in_addr(p->ai_addr), s, sizeof s));
printf("listener: packet is %d bytes long\n", numbytes);
buf[numbytes] = '\0';
printf("listener: packet contains \"%s\"\n", buf);
Are the datagrams lost if I don't wait actively for them?
In case they are stored, why aren't they available when I fetch them with the while loop?
In case they are stored, how many are stored?
Is there any way to make the socket store the latest package by itself and letting me fetch the last one?

C++: One client communicating with multiple server

I was wondering, if it is possible to let one client communicate with multiple server at the same time. As far as I know, common browsers like for example firefox are doing exactly this.
The problem I have now is, that the client has to listen and wait for data from the server, rather then requesting it itself. It has to listen to multiple server at once. Is this even possible? What happens if the client is listening to server 1 and server 2 sends something? Is the package lost or will it be resend until the client communicates a successful receival? The protocol used is TCP.
edit: platform is Windows. Thanks for pointing this out Arunmu.
This is nothing different from regular socket programming using select/poll/epoll OR using thread-pool OR using process-per-connection OR whatever model that you know.
I can show you a rough pseudo-code on how to do it with epoll.
NOTE: None of my functions exist in C++, its just for explanation purpose. ANd I am ALSO assuming that you are on Linux, since you have mentioned nothing about the platform.
socket sd = connect("", 8080);
epoll_event event; = sd
epoll_ctl(ADD, event);
while (True) {
auto n = epoll_wait(events, 1);
for (int i : 1...n) {
if (events[i].data.fd == sd) // The socket added in epoll_ctl
std::thread(&Session::read_handler, rd_hndler_, sd); // Call the read in another thread or same thread
I hope you got the gist. In essence, think of server like a client and client like a server and you have your problem solved (kind of). Check out below link to know more about epoll
To see an fully functional server design using epoll, checkout:

UDP real time sending and receiving on Linux on command from control computer

I am currently working on a project written in C++ involving UDP real time connection. I receive UDP packets from a control computer containing commands to start/stop an infinite while loop that reads data from an IMU and sends that data to the control computer.
My problem is the following: First I implemented an exit condition from the loop using recvfrom() and read(), but the control computer sends a UDP packet every second, which was delaying the whole loop and made sending the data in the desired time interval of 5ms impossible.
I tried to fix this problem by usingfcntl(fd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);and using only read(), which actually works fine, but I am unsure whether this is a wise idea or not, since I am not checking for errors anymore. Is there any elegant way how to solve this problem? I thought about using Pthreads or something like that, however I have never worked with threads or parallel programming so I would have to spend some time learning that.
I appreciate any advice on that problem you could give me.
Here is a code example:
int main() {
RNet cmd; //RNet: struct that contains all the information of the UDP header and the command
RNet* pCmd = &cmd;
ssize_t b;
int fd2;
struct sockaddr_in snd; // sender is control computer
socklen_t length;
// further declaration of variables, connecting to socket, etc...
fcntl(fd2, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
while (1)
// read messages from control computer
if ((b = read(fd2, pCmd, 19)) > 0) {
memcpy(&cmd, pCmd, b);
// transmission
while (cmd.CLout.MotionCommand == 1) // MotionCommand: 1 - send messages; 0 - do nothing
if(time_elapsed >= 5) // elapsed time in ms
// update sensor values
//sendto ()
// update control time, timestamp, etc.
if (recvfrom(fd2, pCmd, (int)sizeof(pCmd), 0, (struct sockaddr*) &snd, &length) < 0) {
perror("error receiving data");
return 0;
// checking Control Model Command
if ((b = read(fd2, pCmd, 19)) > 0) {
memcpy(&cmd, pCmd, b);
I really like the "blocking calls on multiple threads" design. It enables you to have distinct independent tasks, and you don't have to worry about how each task can disturb another. It can have some drawbacks but it is usually a good fit for many needs.
To do that, just use pthread_create to create a new thread for each task (you may keep the main thread for one task). In your case, you should have a thread to receive commands, and another one to send your data. You also need for the receiving thread to notify the sending thread of the commands. To do that, you can use some synchronization tool, like a mutex.
Overall, you should have your receiving thread blocking on recvfrom, and the sending thread waiting for a signal from the mutex (wait for the mutex to be freed, technically). When the receiving thread receive a start command, it signals the mutex and go back to recvfrom (optionally you can set a variable to provide more information to the other thread).
As a comment, remember that UDP are 1-to-many, thus your code here will react to any packet sent to you (even from some random or malicious host). You may want to filter with the remote sockaddr after recvfrom, or use connect + recv. It depends on what you want.

QTcpSocket Read Error

I have a Qt based TCP client and server making use of QTcpServer and QTcpSocket classes for communication. The server is compiled using Qt 5.3.1 and the client is compiled using Qt 4.8.1. This is done so because the client is a part of a framework that uses Qt 4.8.1 running on Ubuntu 12.04.
Since the classes I make use is available in both Qt versions I assume this wont create a problem.
However my client has some weird issues that it does not receive data from the server! I checked the server side and the data is sent from the server and I can also see the data packet on the wire using wireshark. However on my client code, the data does not arrive!
I investigated this a bit and it led me to a strange conclusion that this happens only if I use the read method of QTcpSocket! If I use the native POSIX read system call, I am able to read the data correctly! Please see my code below:
qDebug() << "QTcpSocket::bytesAvailable() gives" << m_pSocket->bytesAvailable();
char nData;
qint32 szReceived;
if(sizeof(char) != (szReceived = m_pSocket->read((char*)&nData,sizeof(char))))
qDebug() << "Error reading data from QTcpSocket::read()" << m_pSocket->errorString();
qDebug() << "QTcpSocket::read() returned" << szReceived;
int nDesc = m_pSocket->socketDescriptor();
if(sizeof(char) != (szReceived = read(nDesc, &nData,sizeof(char))))
perror("Error reading data from POSIX read()");
qDebug() << "POSIX read() returned" << szReceived;
This produces the following output:
QTcpSocket::bytesAvailable() gives 0
Error reading data from QTcpSocket::read() "Network operation timed out"
POSIX read() returned 1
How is it that the POSIX system calls reads the buffered data as expected and the Qt class cannot read it? Plus I have not set any socket options and so I don't know why it reports an error that network operation timed out!
"read" is a blocking call in POSIX, it waits till the data is arrived. while QTcpSocket is non-blocking operation it immediately returns the buffered data. Call waitForReadyRead before doing a read
if(sizeof(char) != (szReceived = m_pSocket->read((char*)&nData,sizeof(char))))
I think that it is misuse of QTcpSocket concept. QTcpSocket implements asynchronous architecture while POSIX read/write calls are blocking until the success or error of I/O on socket. It is much better to process read in slot for readyRead signal. Consider this:
class MyClient
private slots:
In your intialization:
m_pSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()),
this, SLOT(readFromSocket()));
And real job done here:
QByteArray buffer = m_pSocket->readAll();
// All your data in buffer.
I'm aware of the non-blocking nature of QTcpSocket and blocking nature of POSIX read call. Unfortunately I cannot use the signal readFromSocket because my communication architecture expects a header to be sent before each communication (TCP way) to see the payload that is streamed for that particular message. Hence I have to wait till I receive at least the header.
I do believe that this has something to do with the mode (blocking or non-blocking). I did some more tests and none of them were conclusive. In one of my tests, I tried to call a waitForReadyRead with a timeout of 1ms, 2ms, 3ms. This still wasn't sufficent for the read to succeed! I doubt if the read would need such time to read from the kernel buffers to user space as I can clearly see from wireshark that the message was received within 400ms.
When I give -1 as the timeout value of waitForReadyRead, the read succeeds! To put it in another way, the read succeeds only when the socket waits indefinitely like in the case of POSIX read call.
Another strange thing I observed was, this issue was originally observed when I was running a server compiled using Qt 5.3.1 and client compiled using Qt 4.8.1. When I compile my client to use Qt 5.3.1, I do not see this problem!!! I even tried compiling using Qt 4.7.1 and it worked without any issues!!!
Are there any known issues with socket implementation of Qt 4.8.1? I couldn't find much info regarding this unfortunately.

Socket Client send using connection accepted by Server

Is it right method client send data using the same connection accepted by server?.
The situation is like this, I have blue tooth server running on my PC and on the other side I have android phone with client and server. From android side the client start connection. I am using blue-tooth chat example from android samples.
And the server-client on android look like
BluetoothSocket socket;
InputStream tmpIn = null;
OutputStream tmpOut = null;
// Get the BluetoothSocket input and output streams
tmpIn = socket.getInputStream();
tmpOut = socket.getOutputStream();
And in the PC side I am using Bluez libraries to implement server and client.
The code includes blue tooth receive thread and a main thread, whenever the server accept a connection from android phone I just assign the socket value to a global variable and whenever the client need to send data it send using the same socket ,
void* recive_bluetooth_trd(void*)
client = accept(s, (struct sockaddr *)&rem_addr, &opt);
bytes_read = read(client, buf, sizeof(buf));
void clinet(char *msg, int length){
int bytes_write=write(GLOBAL_CLIENT,message, length);
My question is, Is it a right method ? The problem is that some times the client send data successfully from PC but not receiving on android side.
The biggest problem I see is that you won't ever leave your while(1) loop, even when the client disconnects. Read will return immediately forever with 0 bytes read (check for a return code of <= 0), trying to signal that the socket is disconnected. Your code will go into a tight infinite loop and use up all the CPU resources it can get its single-threaded hands on.
You need to make sure you ALWAYS check your socket and IO return codes and handle the errors correctly. The error handling for sockets is usually about 3x the actual socket code.
Unless of course the .......... stuff is the important bits. Always tough to tell when people hide code relevant to the question they are asking.
Seems correct to me, but after read you have to NUL ('\0') terminate your buffer if you are treating with strings:
buf[bytes_read] = '\0';