Needing a private and public method for the same recursive function - c++

We have recently been working on implementing recursive methods for several classes (trees, heaps, queues, linked lists, etc) in C++ for my computer science class. I have not been having any trouble writing the implementations for the methods, but something my professor mentioned briefly in passing confused me and she never elaborated on the point.
She mentioned that when implementing a recursive function for a class you need to have both a public and private version of that function.
For example (part of a linked list class definition):
// constructors, destructors
// member functions etc.
findMax() { findMax(head); }
findMax(Node* first_node) { // actual code with recursive calls }
Node* head;
So here there are two functions, one private and one public. All the public function does is call the private function and return whatever it finds to be the answer.
I have a few questions about this.
Is this something you must do?
Does this only apply to class methods that are recursive? If so, what about recursive functions makes this necessary? Would you do this for other functions?
My intuition is that perhaps this is done to ensure that people using the public class methods don't go full dingus mode and end up calling a recursive function with parameters that won't ever lead to a stopping/base case.
Can anyone elaborate on this idea in general and explain it in an intuitive way?
EDIT: Thank you all for your quick answers they have been very helpful! I think I may have misheard my professor and this actually has nothing to do with recursion (though the example she was writing may have been) and is rather just a convention in Object Oriented Programming.
The idea within OOP being that findMax() requires the use of a private class variable (head) to be of use, but would be a handy public function. The private version of findMax(Node* n) then allows a public user to find the max of the list without having the opportunity to access and mess up the private head.
Thanks everyone! Cheers.

"My intuition is that perhaps this is done to ensure that people using the public class methods don't go full dingus mode and end up calling a recursive function with parameters that won't ever lead to a stopping/base case."
Your intuition is right up to some point. head is managed internally with the class, and shouldn't be introduced as a parameter from a caller.
There's no specific relevance to recursion, but rather data encapsulation OOP principles:
head should be managed from the class internally, though a function findMax() should be available in the public class interface. To provide an appropriate internal implementation the search is delegated to a private implementation, which in this case is used recursively. But that doesn't really matter as mentioned.
As for your edits in the question. You should put as much code as possible into the private function, and leave it narrow. I can't see any reason, why your prof put these in the public function.

Is this something you must do?
Does this only apply to class methods that are recursive?
Not even that.
If so, what about recursive functions makes this necessary?
Would you do this for other functions?
Yes, I would. It's a choice you make about organising your code. In general, the functions invoked by my public class member functions are private, unless there's any inherent need for them to also be public.
She mentioned that when implementing a recursive function for a class you need to have both a public and private version of that function.
Assuming this is close to verbatim, your teacher was either wrong or unclear. (It's also possible that she was leaving the element of "choice" for a future lesson; whether this is ethical/reasonable or not is up for debate.)
One might also argue that, in this case, she misled you by giving the two findMax overloads the same name; findMax() and findMax(Head*) are two separate functions and you could have (I would have) called the latter findMaxImpl(Head*), or something like that. Then you will see that recursion doesn't have anything to do with this.
My intuition is that perhaps this is done to ensure that people using the public class methods don't go full dingus mode and end up calling a recursive function with parameters that won't ever lead to a stopping/base case.
Amusingly, your intuition is a lot more sensible here than C++ actually is. :P There is nothing in the language to prevent or even try to prevent "full dingus mode". Not really.


Breaking encapsulation in C++

Is there any way to break a class enacapsulation? A friend keyword can be used for the same. If i use a friend function or class, then I can access all public and private data members of it. I want to know is there any other way for the same.This is one of my interview question, I have googled much, but not found convincing answers, hope someone could help me. Thanks in advance.
I would say that friend does not break encapsulation. See
Now let's ignore the issue of what "encapsulation" actually means. It is generally possible to access private members using a template specialization hack. The basic idea, for when the class has a member template, is explained in
This approach can be extended to access any private data member or private member function of a class, even if the class contains no templates. See and
It depends what you men by breaking encapsulation. Generally all operations perfomed on class members outside of the class may be considered as breaking class encapsulation.
For example getters that return non-const reference may be considered as breaking encapsulation because they expose private class members in such way, that you can freely modify them and there is little controll over this process.
Yes, there are. If the class has a public template member function, you can specialize it for a type of yours, and do whatever you want inside it.
There is a book by Herb Sutter that discusses this and other possibilities. IIRC, this is the only one that has standard conformance.
Anything you can do in C is also possible in C++.
You can take a pointer to the class, cast it to char *, treat it as an array and start overwriting the memory with whatever you like, adjusting all the private member variables. You can do this even if someone is using the pImpl idiom to try to hide those variables from you.
Doing things like that is generally a sign of code smell and great evil... the road to hell is paved with good intentions, they say. :)
But in general, when you make a variable or a function private, you are really saying "please don't touch this". The next programmer to come along can always do more or less whatever they want, without modifying your class definition. The features "private" and "public" really are just statements of intent, and a way to inconvenience someone who wants to go against your intent, and a guide to someone who isn't sure where they should be looking for something. It's like the locks on the door to your house -- anyone who is determined can get in anyways.
This is not for the meek and only use in extreme and temporary situations.
The following 3rd party header had private fields I needed to alter.
#define private public
#include "controllers/incremental_mapper.h"
#undef private
The was an experiment and if it worked I would modify the library properly which I knew would be a lot of work.

Preferring non-member non-friend functions to member functions

This question title is taken from the title of item #23 in Effective C++ 3rd Edition by Scott Meyers. He uses the following code:
class WebBrowser {
void clearCache();
void clearHistory();
void removeCookies();
//This is the function in question.
void clearEverything();
//Alternative non-member implementation of clearEverything() member function.
void clearBrowser(WebBrowser& wb) {
While stating that the alternative non-member non-friend function below is better for encapsulation than the member function clearEverything(). I guess part of the idea is that there are less ways to access the internal member data for the WebBrowser if there are less member functions providing access.
If you were to accept this and make functions of this kind external, non-friend functions, where would you put them? The functions are still fairly tightly coupled to the class, but they will no longer be part of the class. Is it good practice to put them in the class's same CPP file, in another file in the library, or what?
I come from a C# background primarily, and I've never shed that yearning for everything to be part of a class, so this bewilders me a little (silly though that may sound).
Usually, you would put them in the associated namespace. This serves (somewhat) the same function as extension methods in C#.
The thing is that in C#, if you want to make some static functions, they have to be in a class, which is ridiculous because there's no OO going on at all- e.g., the Math class. In C++ you can just use the right tool for this job- a namespace.
So clearEverything is a convenience method that isn't strictly necessary. But It's up to you to decide if it's appropriate.
The philosophy here is that class definitions should be kept as minimal as possible and only provide one way to accomplish something. That reduces the complexity of your unit testing, the difficulty involved in swapping out the whole class for an alternate implementation, and the number of functions that could need to be overridden by sub-classes.
In general, you shouldn't have public member functions that only invoke a sequence of other public member functions. If you do, it could mean either: 1) you're public interface is too detailed/fine-grained or otherwise inappropriate and the functions being called should be made private, or 2) that function should really be external to class.
Car analogy: The horn is often used in conjunction w/ slamming on your brakes, but it would be silly to add a new pedal/button for that purpose of doing both at once. Combining Car.brake() and Car.honk() is a function performed by Driver. However, if a Car.leftHeadLampOn() and Car.rightHeadLampOn() were two separate public methods, it could be an example of excessively fine grained control and the designer should rethink giving Driver a single Car.lightsOn() switch.
In the browser example, I tend to agree with Scott Meyers that it should not be a member function. However, it could also be inappropriate to put it in the browser namespace. Perhaps it's better to make it a member of the thing controlling Web browser, e.g. part of a GUI event handler. MVC experts feel free to take over from here.
I do this a lot. I've always put them into the same .cpp as the other class member functions. I don't think there is any binary size overhead depending where you put them though. (unless you put it in a header :P)
If you want to go down this route the imlementation of clearEverything should be put in both the header (declaration) and implementation of the class - as they are tightly coupled and seems the best place to put them.
However I would be inclined to place them as a part of the class - as in the future you may have other things to clear or there may be a better or faster implementation to implement clearEverythingsuch as droppping a database an just recreate the tables

Always create classes in C++? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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Coming from a Java background it is new for me to deal with the choice of creating a class or just implementing the functions I might need. Normally this is no question when it comes to modeling something which could have a state.
Now I am implementing a shared library which has no main function and exclusively static member functions. Does something speak against creating a class to encapsulate the functions?
Further I wanted to encapsulate further code, especially auxillary functions, in another file. The execute code is always the same and the state of it does not change, so I guess I would declare them also static - so the same questions arises here to.
If you find you have a class where every method is static, then perhaps a namespace would be more appropriate.
Frankly, this is philosophical, and kind of fuzzy guidelines, but I prefer to use the simplest things first then build up in terms of complexity when its needed.
My first preference is
Free, stateless, side-effect free functions that perform some operations/calculations/transformations on their arguments and return the result(s).
However, if any of those arguments evolve to become stateful, and your function become in charge of maintaining that state, consider wrapping stateful data and methods that manipulate that data into a class for good encapsulation/data hiding.
File I/O is an example of something that's stateful. You open a file, write some data to it which moves ahead a write pointer, and ultimately close it, its a good example of where you'd want a class.
The most obvious example of a place where a free functions are best are math. Other examples might be performing a regex, transforming one kind of message into another kind, etc.
(1) Is simplest because in its purest form there's no persistent state, everything is transformational, and you should consistently get the same output with the same input. Easy to test, easy to figure out how it works. Ideally we wouldn't need to persist any state and we could all program this way.
(2) Is needed because safely updating state is a necessary part of life and if you can't do any data hiding or encapsulation you lose confidence that state is being maintained correctly and safely.
You may want to define a namespace instead of a class.
namespace mycode
//Code for the library here
void myfunction()
//function definition
then when you need to use it you can either preface it or use the namespace
using mycode;
Not sure if I completely understand you but yes you can create a container class that provides static methods. It may be worthwhile to make the constructors private to prevent people from instantiation an instance of the class.
class HelperFunctions
static void DoSomethingUseful() { /* useful bits */ }
// yata yata
HelperFunctions(); // private default constructor
HelperFunctions(const HelperFunctions&); // private copy constructor
Then you could do something like this:
But you couldn't do something like this:
HelperFunctions myHelperFunction; // private constructor = compile error
You also could create namespaces for the purpose of organization non-member functions.
namespace HelperFunctions
void DoSomethingUseful() { /* useful bits */ }
// yata yata
Remember you can define namespaces across multiple files as well making these particular useful for grouping objects and functions wherever they may be. This is preferable as it logically separates the functions making the design and intended use more obvious
Unlike Java where everything is a method in C++ we can have functions at a global, namespace, or member scope. You also can have non-member friend functions which can access internal members of a class without being a member of the class themselves.
Basically you can do whatever you want including shoot yourself in the foot.
Edit: Why so serious?
I wasn't suggesting what the OP should or shouldn't do. It seemed as though they were new to C++ coming from the Java world where everything is a method and all "functions" are class members. To that affect my answer was to show how firstly you can create something in C++ similar to what you might have in Java and secondly how you can do other things as well and why that is.
As others have stated it's considered good practice to prefer non-member non-friend functions when possible for various reasons. I agree if you do not need an object with state than you probably shouldn't design one. However I'm not sure if the OP was looking for a philosophical discussion on best practice in design and implementation or just a curiosity for equivalent C++.
I had hoped my last line joking about shooting yourself in the foot was enough to make the point that "just because you can, doesn't mean you should" but perhaps not with this crowd.
Actually, if the code does not belong in a class, you should not put it in a class in C++. That is, one should prefer non-friend non-member functions to member and friend functions. The reason is that pulling the method out of the class results in better encapsulation.
But don't take my word for it, see Scott Meyers' Effective C++ Item #23: Prefer non-member non-friend functions to member functions.
Careful, in C++, static functions are functions that are only visible to other functions in the same file. So basically they are auxiliary functions that cannot be part of the interface of a library.
Static methods in classes is something completely different (even though the same keyword is used in both cases). They are just like normal functions that can call protected/private methods in the same class. You can think of static methods as simple (non-static) functions that are "friends" with the class.
As for the general guideline, I don't think it matters if you have (non-static) functions or static methods as the interface of your library, this is mostly a matter of syntax: call f() or call obj::f(). You can also use namespaces for encapsulation. In this case the syntax is: ns::f() for a function and ns::obj::f() for a static method.
EDIT: Ok, I though there was a confusion around the keyword static, turns out this is more of a controversial answer than I would have wanted it to be. I personally prefer the term method for member functions (which is also the same vocabulary used in the actual question). And when I said static methods can call private methods I was referring to visibility (a.k.a. access control).

Why do Boost Parameter elected inheritance rather than composition?

I suppose most of the persons on this site will agree that implementation can be outsourced in two ways:
private inheritance
Inheritance is most often abused. Notably, public inheritance is often used when another form or inheritance could have been better and in general one should use composition rather than private inheritance.
Of course the usual caveats apply, but I can't think of any time where I really needed inheritance for an implementation problem.
For the Boost Parameter library however, you will notice than they have chosen inheritance over composition for the implementation of the named parameter idiom (for the constructor).
I can only think of the classical EBO (Empty Base Optimization) explanation since there is no virtual methods at play here that I can see.
Does anyone knows better or can redirect me to the discussion ?
EDIT: Ooopss! I posted the answer below because I misread your post. I thought you said the Boost library used composition over inheritance, not the other way around. Still, if its usefull for anyone... (See EDIT2 for what I think could be the answer for you question.)
I don't know the specific answer for the Boost Parameter Library. However, I can say that this is usually a better choice. The reason is because whenever you have the option to implement a relationship in more than one way, you should choose the weakest one (low coupling/high cohesion). Since inheritance is stronger than composition...
Notice that sometimes using private inhertiance can make it harder to implement exception-safe code too. Take operator==, for example. Using composition you can create a temporary and do the assignment with commit/rollback logic (assuming a correct construction of the object). But if you use inheritance, you'll probably do something like Base::operator==(obj) inside the operator== of the derived class. If that Base::operator==(obj) call throws, you risk your guarantees.
EDIT 2: Now, trying to answer what you really asked. This is what I could understand from the link you provided. Since I don't know all details of the library, please correct me if I'm wrong.
When you use composition for "implemented in terms of" you need one level of indirection for the delegation.
struct AImpl
//Dummy code, just for the example.
int get_int() const { return 10; }
struct A
AImpl * impl_;
int get_int() const { return impl->get_int(); }
/* ... */
In the case of the parameter-enabled constructor, you need to create an implementation class but you should still be able to use the "wrapper" class in a transparent way. This means that in the example from the link you mentioned, it's desired that you can manipulate myclass just like you would manipulate myclass_impl. This can only be done via inheritance. (Notice that in the example the inheritance is public, since it's the default for struct.)
I assume myclass_impl is supposed to be the "real" class, the one with the data, behavior, etc. Then, if you had a method like get_int() in it and if you didn't use inheritance you would be forced to write a get_int() wrapper in myclass just like I did above.
This isn't a library I've ever used, so a glance through the documentation you linked to is the only thing I'm basing this answer on. It's entirely possible I'm about to be wrong, but...
They mention constructor delegation as a reason for using a common base class. You're right that composition could address that particular issue just as well. Putting it all in a single type, however, would not work. They want to boil multiple constructor signatures into a single user-written initialization function, and without constructor delegation that requires a second data type. My suspicion is that much of the library had already been written from the point of view of putting everything into the class itself. When they ran into the constructor delegation issue they compromised. Putting it into a base class was probably closer to what they were doing with the previous functionality, where they knew that both interface and implementation aspects of the functionality would be accessible to the class you're working with.
I'm not slamming the library in any way. I highly doubt I could put together a library like this one in any reasonable amount of time. I'm just reading between the lines. You know, speaking from ignorance but pretending I actually know something. :-)

Class design vs. IDE: Are nonmember nonfriend functions really worth it?

In the (otherwise) excellent book C++ Coding Standards, Item 44, titled "Prefer writing nonmember nonfriend functions", Sutter and Alexandrescu recommend that only functions that really need access to the members of a class be themselves members of that class. All other operations which can be written by using only member functions should not be part of the class. They should be nonmembers and nonfriends. The arguments are that:
It promotes encapsulation, because there is less code that needs access to the internals of a class.
It makes writing function templates easier, because you don't have to guess each time whether some function is a member or not.
It keeps the class small, which in turn makes it easier to test and maintain.
Although I see the value in these argument, I see a huge drawback: my IDE can't help me find these functions! Whenever I have an object of some kind, and I want to see what operations are available on it, I can't just type "pMysteriousObject->" and get a list of member functions anymore.
Keeping a clean design is in the end about making your programming life easier. But this would actually make mine much harder.
So I'm wondering if it's really worth the trouble. How do you deal with that?
Scott Meyers has a similar opinion to Sutter, see here.
He also clearly states the following:
"Based on his work with various string-like classes, Jack Reeves has observed that some functions just don't "feel" right when made non-members, even if they could be non-friend non-members. The "best" interface for a class can be found only by balancing many competing concerns, of which the degree of encapsulation is but one."
If a function would be something that "just makes sense" to be a member function, make it one. Likewise, if it isn't really part of the main interface, and "just makes sense" to be a non-member, do that.
One note is that with overloaded versions of eg operator==(), the syntax stays the same. So in this case you have no reason not to make it a non-member non-friend floating function declared in the same place as the class, unless it really needs access to private members (in my experience it rarely will). And even then you can define operator!=() a non-member and in terms of operator==().
I don't think it would be wrong to say that between them, Sutter, Alexandrescu, and Meyers have done more for the quality of C++ than anybody else.
One simple question they ask is:
If a utility function has two independent classes as parameteres, which class should "own" the member function?
Another issue, is you can only add member functions where the class in question is under your control. Any helper functions that you write for std::string will have to be non-members since you cannot re-open the class definition.
For both of these examples, your IDE will provide incomplete information, and you will have to use the "old fashion way".
Given that the most influential C++ experts in the world consider that non-member functions with a class parameter are part of the classes interface, this is more of an issue with your IDE rather than the coding style.
Your IDE will likely change in a release or two, and you may even be able to get them to add this feature. If you change your coding style to suit todays IDE you may well find that you have bigger problems in the future with unextendable/unmaintainable code.
I'm going to have to disagree with Sutter and Alexandrescu on this one. I think if the behavior of function foo() falls within the realm of class Bar's responsibilities, then foo() should be part of bar().
The fact that foo() doesn't need direct access to Bar's member data doesn't mean it isn't conceptually part of Bar. It can also mean that the code is well factored. It's not uncommon to have member functions which perform all their behavior via other member functions, and I don't see why it should be.
I fully agree that peripherally-related functions should not be part of the class, but if something is core to the class responsibilities, there's no reason it shouldn't be a member, regardless of whether it is directly mucking around with the member data.
As for these specific points:
It promotes encapsulation, because there is less code that needs access to the internals of a class.
Indeed, the fewer functions that directly access the internals, the better. That means that having member functions do as much as possible via other member functions is a good thing. Splitting well-factored functions out of the class just leaves you with a half-class, that requires a bunch of external functions to be useful. Pulling well-factored functions away from their classes also seems to discourage the writing of well-factored functions.
It makes writing function templates easier, because you don't have to guess each time whether some function is a member or not.
I don't understand this at all. If you pull a bunch of functions out of classes, you've thrust more responsibility onto function templates. They are forced to assume that even less functionality is provided by their class template arguments, unless we are going to assume that most functions pulled from their classes is going to be converted into a template (ugh).
It keeps the class small, which in turn makes it easier to test and maintain.
Um, sure. It also creates a lot of additional, external functions to test and maintain. I fail to see the value in this.
It's true that external functions should not be part of the interface. In theory, your class should only contain the data and expose the interface for what it is intended and not utilitarian functions. Adding utility functions to the interface just grow the class code base and make it less maintainable. I currently maintain a class with around 50 public methods, that's just insane.
Now, in reality, I agree that this is not easy to enforce. It's often easier to just add another method to your class, even more if you are using an IDE that can really simply add a new method to an existing class.
In order to keep my classes simple and still be able to centralize external function, I often use utility class that works with my class, or even namespaces.
I start by creating the class that will wrap my data and expose the simplest possible interface. I then create a new class for every task I have to do with the class.
Example: create a class Point, then add a class PointDrawer to draw it to a bitmap, PointSerializer to save it, etc.
If you give them a common prefix, then maybe your IDE will help if you type
In many OOP languages non-friend non-class methods are third-class citizens that reside in an orphanage unconnected to anything. When I write a method, I like to pick good parents - a fitting class - where they have the best chances to feel welcome and help.
I would have thought the IDE was actually helping you out.
The IDE is hiding the protected functions from the list because they are not available to the public just as the designer of the class intended.
If you had been within the scope of the class and typed this-> then the protected functions would be displayed in the list.