Filter a table by column name in sas enterprise guide - sas

How to use a column as a filter for a table in sas enterprise guide?
Got a column consisting of personal IDs and want that column as a filter on my table with information about ALOT of people.
Hope you can help me.

I am not sure what version of SAS EG you are using, but here are the screenshots for SAS EG 5.1
start building a basic filter in query wizard
click on the drop down triangle for the filter value
select "columns" tab
select the actual column
make sure "Enclose values in quotes" is not ticked
Hit finish


Issue with Sorting in Power BI Desktop Table Visual

I'm displaying my data in Power BI Desktop table visual using SQL Server Stored Procedure data source. I need data to be sorted in particular user-requested order (there are only 5 rows in the data output). For this purpose I did the following:
Created "dummy" column in SQL Server SP to reflect the ordering requirements (values 1-5)
Specified dummy column in Order By clause for SP output.
In Power BI Desktop I navigated to Power Query Editor and sorted data table by the dummy column explicitly.
Still, after all these steps, data in table visual is sorted differently. Please note dummy column is NOT displayed on table visual (and is not supposed to be). Also, NO manual sorting has been applied to the table visual (both Sort Ascending and Sort Descending options are blurred for the Table Visual).
How can I fix this issue?
Appreciate your help.
P.S. Here is the picture of not displaying Column Tools when clicking on a column:
What you may want to try to do is select the column you want to have sorted and set it to sort by the dummy column you have created. This uses your chosen field as the display field but will sort it by your dummy field.
This is very commonly used when sorting months or days of the week where you want to see, say, a day name on an axis but don't want it sorted alphabetically but rather by the order of the day in the week.
Sample screen shot below taken from these PowerBI Docs.

Charts in Oracle APEX display group as label

As mentioned in the Title im creating a Webapplication with Oracle APEX and my Charts are showing Group (im German so on my charts it shows "Gruppe") instead of the selected Labels.
First few labels are correct but the it'll take Group 6 for example.
Are you seeing x-axis labels like Gruppe x?
The Reason?
When the number of data points for a series is higher than the number of x-axis labels being rendered.
What to do?
Please run the SQL query in SQL Workshop, and identify any duplicate entries for a given x-axis label. Probably, you will need to update the SQL query, to avoid returning duplicate data.

How to remove the empty rows in the table in PowerBI?

Hi all,
I have a table in PowerBI as shown in the screenshot above. I want to remove the rows in the table where column D is empty. So in the example above, the rows that should be removed are row7,8,9,10. In Power Query Editor, I'm only able to remove the rows if the entire row is empty.
May I know how should I remove row 7-10 in PowerBI? In future, if the data for row 7-10 in column D are available, then it will be restored back. Is this possible to achieve? Any help or advice will be greatly appreciated!
You can do as #Jeroen Mostert mentioned in his comment, within Power Query, or if you are just trying to display the table as a table visual in Power BI like this...
...then you could just filter the table visual by the column with blanks within Power BI without doing anything in Power Query.
To filter the table visual:
select the table visual
then, in the Filters pane, find the section about your column named Final, and then select "is not blank" from the drop-down selection below "Show items when the value"
then click Apply filter.
This screen snip shows the table visual selected and the Filters pane visible with "is not blank" selected in its drop-down.

Power BI Visualize Many to Many

I currently have two tables: A "Send ID" table and an "Affiliation Table" each based on a column of customer IDs.
No columns have purely distinct values so I cannot create a many to one relationship.
I would like to visualize the Send IDs based on the Affiliations as shown here:
Desired Output
I can work with either having the Send IDs repeat per affiliation in the new desired table or have them unique per affiliation - either way works with me.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you
noyraz's solution in establishing a many to many relationship based on the customerID should suit your needs.
If you are required to find out where a customer appears in the affiliation table or sendID table, I highly recommend performing a full outer join in the query editor.
Using the picture below, right click on any of the tables, and select reference.
Reference Screenshot
Then rename the table if you like
Click on Merge Queries
In the drop down, select the other table you didnt reference, then click on both customerIDs
select full other join.
Full Outer Join labled screenshot
Expand the new table column
deselect the ID if you like.
Expanding Column Screenshot
If there are occurrences where they don't appear (useful for sending and delivered tables), you can do visual level filters to see where either the Affiliation or SendID is null/blank.
when you create Many To Many relationships like Here
all you have to do next it's just visual this like you desire
hope I understand your question right

Split column in two with Power BI desktop

My table has the following structure:
I need to analyse the variance of views by page title from the periods in column B: 2016 vs 2015.
For that, I'm using Power BI desktop. I'm trying to split column B in two: one with the period 1/jan/2015-19/ago/2015 and other with 1/jan/2015-19/ago/2015
Is this possible to do? How?
I tried unpivoting but it didn't work.
Thanks in advance for helping!
If I understood your need correctly you might be able to achieve your result with your same data without the need to split your columns:
Insert a Clustered Column Chart visual.
On the "Axis" field of the visual drag your "Title" column.
On the "Legend" field of the visual drag your "Dates" column.
On the "Value" field of the visual drag your "Views" column and then select "Variance" on the dropdown for "Value".
This should compare the variance of the number of views for each of the pages between the 2015 and the 2016 period.