CCSprite detection via touch without transparent pixel - cocos2d-iphone

I am trying to detect a touch on a CCSprite using:
#implementation MainScene{
CCPhysicsNode *_levelView;
- (void)touchBegan:(CCTouch *)touch withEvent:(CCTouchEvent *)event{
CGPoint location = touch.locationInWorld;
CCSprite *clickedSprite;
for (CCSprite *obj in _levelView.children)
if (CGRectContainsPoint(obj.boundingBox, location))
clickedSprite = obj;
which works perfectly fine.
So I can detect clicked Sprites already.
Since I am using sprites which are transparent at some parts, they are also detected when the transparent part of the sprite is clicked.
But I want to exclude the transparent part from the detection…
For the physics I am using physics shape polygon. Is there a way to use this polygon for something like:
polygonContainsPoint(obj.physicsPolygon, location)
? Or maybe even a way saying all pixels but those with transparency 100? Or an even easier solution?


It seems, that method is called twice, when collision happens . cocos2d-iphone

I use this code to show game over menu after _hero sprite and _enemy sprite collide :
if (CGRectIntersectsRect(_hero.boundingBox,_enemy.boundingBox)) {
CCActionCallFunc *_callShowMenu=[CCActionCallFunc actionWithTarget:self selector:#selector(showMenu)];
[self runAction:_callShowMenu];
// EDIT : I also remove both sprites when collision happens.
[_hero removeFromParent];
[_enemy removeFromParent];
In _callShowMenu I just stop all actions and show a sprite with half transparent black background image and buttons.
Sometimes when collision happens, it seems to me, that _callShowMenu is called twice, because
background is completely black, like there is the same image behind. Has anyone had a similar problem? (Mostly background image is half-transparent, as it should be).
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] pause];
CCSprite *_halfTransparentBackground=[CCSprite spriteWithImageNamed:#"halfTransparentBackground.png"];
_halfTransparentBackground.position=ccp(160, 280);
[self addChild:_blackBack z:5];
I found a solution using BOOL. Actually everyone uses BOOL in this case, so I don't need to reinvent the wheel.
BOOL doNotCallMeTwice;
Somewhere in the didLoad method:
In the collision detection method:
if (doNotCallMeTwice==NO) {
[self showMenu];
And finally:
Possibly, showMenu was called twice(or much more times),because collision detection is in the update method.

Side scrolling game background

I am working in Cocos2d and xcode to create a side scrolling game.
I have an issue with my coding for adding a background to the levelscene.
I tried to implement a parallax background to no avail so have opted to just have a background the player will scroll across.
But at the moment the background follows the player across the screen, which frankly looks rubbish.
The code I have is
(void)setupParallax {
NSString *backgroundName = [self.tilemap propertyNamed:#"BackgroundImage"];
CCSprite *background = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:[AssetHelper getDeviceSpecificFileNameFor:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"background-noon.png]]];
background.anchorPoint = ccp(0,0);
background.position = CGPointMake(0, 0);
[self addChild:background z:0];
I know it must be something with either the position or anchorPoint but these values only change with reference to the screen they are loaded on.
Have you looked at this tutorial on doing parallax scrolling in cocos2d-x?
You an do parallax scrolling by hand...but it will probably easier, at least if you are just starting out, to do it using the CCParallaxNode and let the framework do the heavy lifting for you.

How can I get a child CCSprite to draw on top of its parent?

I'm trying to control the order in which CCSprites are being layered one on top of the other. I'd use zOrder, but I'm animating characters made up of articulated sprites (some sprites parented on others with addChild) and zOrder is only honored among sibling sprites.
Basically, I want to parent my sprites so they can inherit each others' transforms, but I want to determine the draw order.
Looking around, it sounds like using a CCSprite's vertexZ property is the way to go. I've tried that. I set the draw method of my custom CCSprite like so:
- (void)draw
glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE);
[super draw];
Each of my sprites now has a zOrder of 0 and a unique vertexZ to layer them as I'd like, but it's not working: any sprite that has a parent is not displayed!
Trying some things, I find if I don't set vertexZ, all sprites are displayed. And if I keep the vertexZs and don't parent, they're all displayed. But with vertexZs set, any child sprite won't display.
What's going on here and how can I get it to work?
Update: More clues. I can comment out the GL functions around my call to [super draw] entirely and the results are the same. Also, it turns out child sprites with a vertexZ do display, but wherever they overlap any other sprite they go invisible. The purple paper sprite is a child of the creature's left forearm sprite (on screen right) yet should go on top of it.
For the picture above, I'm basically doing this in my CCLayer. I want the parenting, but I want hand and paper to be on the top.
[self addChild:lUpperarm];
[self addChild:lForearm];
[self addChild:face];
[self addChild:rUpperarm];
[self addChild:rForearm];
[lForearm addChild:handAndPaper];
lUpperarm.vertexZ = -100;
lForearm.vertexZ = -99;
face.vertexZ = -98;
rUpperarm.vertexZ = -97;
rForearm.vertexZ = -96;
handAndPaper.vertexZ = -95;
This is how I want it to look. (I changed the last line to [self addChild:handAndPaper] which loses lForearm's transformations, not what I want.)
Update 2: Some have suggested I add all children with zOrder set to -1: e.g. [lForearm addChild:handAndPaper z:-1]. This changed things a little, but still didn't fix it, alas. Seems either vertexZ is not determining draw order and/or the blending is wrong.
I dealt with this issue when writing an RPG with Cocos2d. The problem is the alpha blending. As you are seeing, the paper is being covered up by the left arm sprite, even though it is transparent. For some reason, when Cocos2d's vertexZ technique is used, this problem can sometimes occur. To fix it, you can try changing your alpha blending level. Try 0.0, 0.5 and 1.0:
-(void) draw
glAlphaFunc(GL_GREATER, 0.0f);
[super draw];
If that doesn't work, then I recommend a complete workaround solution. Keep all your sprites as part of the same parent node and use regular z ordering. It's not an ideal solution, but if you use a "meta" parent node then you can still transform all the children easily.
While adding only u can control z-order?
[self addChild:lUpperarm z:1];
[self addChild:lForearm z:2];
[self addChild:face z:3];
[self addChild:rUpperarm z:4];
[self addChild:rForearm z:5];
[lForearm addChild:handAndPaper z:6];
I can't be sure that this is your problem but I've had issues in the past when playing with draw() and it turned out to be that I wasn't resetting the blendfunc at the end of the call.
Here's a draw function I use that does some basic drawing with some transparency. Again, no guarantees.
- (void) draw {
ccDrawSolidPoly(vertices, 4, fillColor);
// This is the important bit. Must do this last.
set higher z value to set object on top. and lower z value to set in back..

Animate Sprite From Tile Map

I would like to animate a sprite at a specific location on an isometric tilemap. I can animate a sprite on a given layer, but not when its a sprite from a tilemap. For example the following works just fine:
// make a frame cache
CCSpriteFrameCache *frameCache = [CCSpriteFrameCache sharedSpriteFrameCache];
[frameCache addSpriteFramesWithFile:#"spellanim.plist" textureFile:#"spellanim.pvr.ccz"];
// create a sprite
CCSprite *effectSprite = [CCSprite spriteWithSpriteFrameName:#"spell_strength__33.png"];
// set sprite at center of screen
CGSize screenSize = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] winSize];
effectSprite.position = CGPointMake(screenSize.width / 2, screenSize.height / 2);
// create animation using an animation helper (since animationWithName:delay:frames: will be deprecated)
CCAnimation *animation = [CCAnimation animationWithFrame:#"spell_strength__" frameCount:13 delay:0.3f startAt:33];
CCAnimate *animate = [CCAnimate actionWithAnimation:animation];
// run animation on sprite
[effectSprite runAction:animate];
// add sprite as a child of the layer
[self addChild:effectSprite];
Now the following does not work, I assume it has to do with how tile maps work (I get an assertion failure in CCSprite setTexture:):
// add one to x to offset the spell animation from the player
CGPoint tileCoord = CGPointMake(player.entityTileCoordinate.x + 1, player.entityTileCoordinate.y);
// get the effects layer from the tile map
CCTMXTiledMap *tileMap = (CCTMXTiledMap *)[[TileMapLayer sharedTileMapLayer] getChildByTag:TileMapNode];
CCTMXLayer *effectsLayer = [tileMap layerNamed:#"Effects"];
// get a sprite from the effects layer
CCSprite *effectSprite = [effectsLayer tileAt:CGPointMake(0, 0)];
// move the sprite to the desired location (this works just fine)
CGPoint pointPixel = [effectsLayer positionAt:tileCoord];
[effectSprite runAction:[CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:0.0f position:pointPixel]];
// now animate the sprite
CCSpriteFrameCache *frameCache = [CCSpriteFrameCache sharedSpriteFrameCache];
[frameCache addSpriteFramesWithFile:#"spellanim.plist" textureFile:#"spellanim.pvr.ccz"];
CCAnimation *animation = [CCAnimation animationWithFrame:#"spell_strength__" frameCount:13 delay:0.3f startAt:33];
CCAnimate *animate = [CCAnimate actionWithAnimation:animation];
[effectSprite runAction:animate];
My guess it is because the animation sprites aren't a part of the tile set for that layer of the tile map. Is there a way to dynamically add these animation sprites to some cache used to draw on that layer (basically modify the tile set at runtime)? Can I later then remove these sprites from that modified tile set? Is there still a 1024x1024 limitation when you modify a tileset at runtime?
At the end of the day I really want to be able to have an animated sprite move from one tile to another on the tile map but I'm just not sure how to do that in the most efficient way. It seems really clunky to have an effects layer on the tile map and a tile set with all spell animations (especially if you can't fit them in 1024x1024) as assembling an animation would be chaining together tile GID updates as the effect moves across the tile map.
I know I can do what I want when the layer isn't a part of a tilemap - I can animate and move a sprite using screen coordinates, but when what I know are tile coordinates, translating those to screen coordinates (if the tile is even visible on the screen) has evaded my understanding so far. How do you determine what tiles the screen can actually 'see'? What then is the pixel coordinate on the screen of a visible tile?
I appreciate any thoughts on how to go about this process.
what you guess is the real cuase of the problem, tile maps are created using spritebatchnode. spritebatchnode is just like a layer with higher performance that you can only add sprites to it but there is a single restriction all the sprites in a spritebatchnode must share their textures. so when you are trying to change a tile to show an animation you are trying to draw something from diffrent texture alongside other tiles (which have default tile texture) and it causes crashes or malfunctioning. i didn't test it myself but i think if you try putting all your frames in a same texture you put other tiles, the problem would be solved.

create a texture from a spritesheet cocos2d

Hey all
Basically all i want is to create CCTexture2D objects from a spritesheet. I can make individual sprites from
charSpriteCur = [CCSprite spriteWithTexture:charSheet.texture rect:CGRectMake(136, 0, 136, 223)];
but i want to get individual textures from a spritesheet so that i can use
[mySprite setTexture:tex];
to change the sprite as required. I dont need it to be an animated sprite i just want to be able to change its texture when i want using a spritesheet.
any ideas with this or what is the best approach?
I don't think this is possible. When I need to do this I instead remove the CCSprite node (which I have setup as a property in my class) and then make a new one. Here is an example:
[self removeChild:[self mySprite] cleanup:YES];
[self setMySprite:[CCSprite spriteWithSpriteFrameName:#"image.png"]];
[mySprite setAnchorPoint:ccp(0,1)];
[mySprite setPosition:ccp(623,872)];
[self addChild:mySprite z:5];