Foscam Integration in Wowza using RTSP or HTTP - wowza

We are using Foscam F18918W model and Wowza 4.1.0
Foscam url ->
username -> admin
password -> admin
Now this url is working fine in VLC
and we do streaming in Wowza by add a Stream File in that application.
We create myFoscam Stream in live application. And when we hit this URL using swagger UI
then we get this response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<StreamFile restURI="http://localhost:8087/v2/servers/_defaultServer_/vhosts/_defaultVHost_/applications/live/streamfiles/myFoscam">
And when we Test Player then this message comes is now published. but only black screen open, no videos
So how to get video ???

Issue is that Foscam F18918W model sends MJPEG streaam and wowza cant stream from I.P. camera that sends MJPEG


django send image filed oher rest api

I am using Django.
[My web application structure]
I have implemented the structure shown in the picture above
But I have a problem.
There is no problem with images send between clients and bridge hosts.
However, I am not sure how to send an image between the host and the bridge host.
How should I send it?
You probably want to send the image to the Host's REST API using a library such as requests.
On the Bridge Host in the view that receives the file from the client, you will need to get a handle on the file:
# Get the file sent by the Client
image_file = request.FILES.get('name_of_file')
Then you'll need to post that file to the REST API end point of the Host.
# Post the file to the Host from the Bridge Host using "requests" library'/Host/image/endpoint/url', data={'name_of_file',})
You will need to pip install requests on the Bridge Host if it is not already present.
More info about making POST requests using requests:

Getting published streams from Live Repeater Edge using Wowza Java API

I have Java code that gets all the publisher streams using the Wowza Server-side API
This works great if this module runs on an origin application that has a stream pushed to it, however, when the application is set up as a Live Repeater Edge, it looks like the published streams from the upstream origin cannot be accessed via this api.
How can I get the published streams from the upstream server in the Server-side API?

Parse server on AWS ElasticBeanStalk does not stream .mp4 PFFile to AVPlayer?

Parse server hosted on AWS ElasticBeanStalk(deployed with AWS button) cannot stream .mp4 PFFile saved in mongodb on AWS EC2 (EBS) to iOS AVPlayer and Safari browser.
Video plays on Chrome browser but does not play on my iOS app or Safari browser. video link
Videos hosted on parse service play with no problem.
Error I get on iOS:
Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11850 "Operation Stopped" UserInfo={NSUnderlyingError=0x13fb86740 {Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-12939 "(null)"}, NSLocalizedFailureReason=The server is not correctly configured., NSLocalizedDescription=Operation Stopped}
Using the S3 file adapter for storing my videos fixed it!

Issue in getting custom header in Safari

I have a webservice which is hosted on api server and application on app server which have url's like for webservice server and for application.
In application we get live data from database using several service we developed on webservice server using CORS http request.
In some service like login we have passed custom header x-auth-token from server.
Above is the screen shot of response we have got in Google Chrome for the request. The Custom header shown in last is available in application when we use it in chrome or Mozilla. The same response we got in Safari too, x-auth-token also available in response when we check in headers but can't able to read it through code.
Finally, after a lot of search i got answer for my problem, Custom headers from CORS http request can be read only in Safari for latest webkit version i.e above 537. I have checked in all safari browser which is above this webkit version will provide me cusom header value. And similarly in chrome if webkit is less than 537 version you can't able to read it.
Maybe this answer on github could helpa bit :

How to connect wowza media server from ios device through http?

We are implementing an app in xcode for live streaming which uses the url http://[wowza address]:1935/application to connect the wowza server, but there is no connection established
What are the server side changes to be implemented in addition to the application.xml to connect the server?
When publishing via http, Wowza does not support that. You can see a list of supported codecs for inbound streams here.
You can publish using rtmp or rtsp from ios / mac app and you can have a look at a variety of projects that will do that. You can take a look at their GoCoder solution for comparison.