I am very new but keen to learn SAS coding.I have 2 data sets a and b namely dt1 and dt2 which consist of columns a for dt1 and b and c for dt2:
a b c
2014 2008 2
2009 3
2014 4
2015 5
I am trying to get the nth row of the c column when the element which is at nth row of b column is equal to a(1)
Here it is c=4;
I wrote a code below.
DATA dt1;
set dt1;
data dt2;
set dt2;
do while (b ne a);
call symput('ROW_NUMBER',i);
proc print data = dt2(keep = c obs = &ROW_NUMBER firstobs = &ROW_NUMBER);
but this code enters in an infinite loop and I could not find any solution for this. I appreciate if you help solve this issue.
I think you should learn the basic syntax of the data step before trying to use macro variables. A lot of what you're doing makes little sense. Here is an explanation of how the data step works. You will do yourself a huge favor if you study that.
Here's how to do an inner join in proc sql, which seems to be more in line with your goal here. This simply selects the values of c where dt1.a is equal to dt2.b:
proc sql;
select c
from dt1 inner join dt2 on dt1.a = dt2.b;
If you were to use a data step, you'd do something like this the following.
data out(keep=c);
set dt1;
do until (a=b or eof);
set dt2 end=eof;
if a=b then output;
proc print data=out noobs;
Use the end= option to create temporary variable eof which allows you to end the loop after the last row of dt2 is read.
This is a simple MERGE. You just need to rename the variables to match. This assumes they're both sorted by the value (a/b). You can then set the macro variable in that data step or do whatever you want.
data want;
merge dt1(in=_a rename=a=b) dt2(in=_b);
by b;
if _a and _b;
call symput("ROW_NUMBER",c);
If you want to define macro variables:
data _null_;
set dt2;
if _n_=1 then set dt1;
if a=b then do;
call symput('c_val',c);
call symput('row_num',_n_);
%put &row_num &c_val;
I can't find a way to summarize the same variable using different weights.
I try to explain it with an example (of 3 records):
data pippo;
I tried the following:
proc summary data=pippo missing nway;
var a /weight=wgt1;
var a /weight=wgt2;
var a /weight=wgt3;
output out=pluto (drop=_freq_ _type_) sum()=;
Obviously it gives me a warning because I used the same variable "a" (I can't rename it!).
I've to save a huge amount of data and not so much physical space and I should construct like 120 field (a0-a6,b0-b6 etc) that are the same variables just with fixed weight (wgt0-wgt5).
I want to store a dataset with 20 columns (a,b,c..) and 6 weight (wgt0-wgt5) and, on demand, processing a "summary" without an intermediate datastep that oblige me to create 120 fields.
Due to the huge amount of data (more or less 55Gb every month) I'd like also not to use proc sql statement:
proc sql;
create table pluto
as select sum(db.a * wgt1) as a0, sum(db.a * wgt1) as a1 , etc.
There is a "Super proc summary" that can summarize the same field with different weights?
Thanks in advance,
I think there are a few options. One is the data step view that data_null_ mentions. Another is just running the proc summary however many times you have weights, and either using ods output with the persist=proc or 20 output datasets and then setting them together.
A third option, though, is to roll your own summarization. This is advantageous in that it only sees the data once - so it's faster. It's disadvantageous in that there's a bit of work involved and it's more complicated.
Here's an example of doing this with sashelp.baseball. In your actual case you'll want to use code to generate the array reference for the variables, and possibly for the weights, if they're not easily creatable using a variable list or similar. This assumes you have no CLASS variable, but it's easy to add that into the key if you do have a single (set of) class variable(s) that you want NWAY combinations of only.
data test;
set sashelp.baseball;
array w[5];
do _i = 1 to dim(w);
w[_i] = rand('Uniform')*100+50;
data want;
set test end=eof;
i = .;
length varname $32;
sumval = 0 ;
if _n_ eq 1 then do;
declare hash h_summary(suminc:'sumval',keysum:'sum',ordered:'a');;
h_summary.defineKey('i','varname'); *also would use any CLASS variable in the key;
h_summary.defineData('i','varname'); *also would include any CLASS variable in the key;
array w[5]; *if weights are not named in easy fashion like this generate this with code;
array vars[*] nHits nHome nRuns; *generate this with code for the real dataset;
do i = 1 to dim(w);
do j = 1 to dim(vars);
varname = vname(vars[j]);
sumval = vars[j]*w[i];
rc = h_summary.ref();
if i=1 then put varname= sumval= vars[j]= w[i]=;
if eof then do;
rc = h_summary.output(dataset:'summary_output');
One other thing to mention though... if you're doing this because you're doing something like jackknife variance estimation or that sort of thing, or anything that uses replicate weights, consider using PROC SURVEYMEANS which can handle replicate weights for you.
You can SCORE your data set using a customized SCORE data set that you can generate
with a data step.
options center=0;
data pippo;
retain a 10 b 1.75 c 5 d 3 e 32;
data score;
if 0 then set pippo;
array v[*] _numeric_;
retain _TYPE_ 'SCORE';
length _name_ $32;
array wt[3] _temporary_ (.5 1 .333);
do i = 1 to dim(v);
call missing(of v[*]);
do j = 1 to dim(wt);
_name_ = catx('_',vname(v[i]),'WGT',j);
v[i] = wt[j];
drop i j;
proc print;[enter image description here][1]
proc score data=pippo score=score;
id a--e;
var a--e;
proc print;
proc means stackods sum;
ods exclude summary;
ods output summary=summary;
proc print;
enter image description here
So I have a vector of search terms, and my main data set. My goal is to create an indicator for each observation in my main data set where variable1 includes at least one of the search terms. Both the search terms and variable1 are character variables.
Currently, I am trying to use a macro to iterate through the search terms, and for each search term, indicate if it is in the variable1. I do not care which search term triggered the match, I just care that there was a match (hence I only need 1 indicator variable at the end).
I am a novice when it comes to using SAS macros and loops, but have tried searching and piecing together code from some online sites, unfortunately, when I run it, it does nothing, not even give me an error.
I have put the code I am trying to run below.
*for example, I am just testing on one of the SASHELP data sets;
*I take the first five team names to create a search list;
data terms; set sashelp.baseball (obs=5);
search_term = substr(team,1,3);
keep search_term;;
*I will be searching through the baseball data set;
data test; set sashelp.baseball;
%macro search;
%local i name_list next_name;
proc SQL;
select distinct search_term into : name_list separated by ' ' from work.terms;
%let i=1;
%do %while (%scan(&name_list, &i) ne );
%let next_name = %scan(&name_list, &i);
*I think one of my issues is here. I try to loop through the list, and use the find command to find the next_name and if it is in the variable, then I should get a non-zero value returned;
data test; set test;
indicator = index(team,&next_name);
%let i = %eval(&i + 1);
Here's the temporary array solution which is fully data driven.
Store the number of terms in a macro variable to assign the length of arrays
Load terms to search into a temporary array
Loop through for each word and search the terms
Exit loop if you find the term to help speed up the process
proc sql noprint;
select count(*) into :num_search_terms from terms;
%put &num_search_terms.;
data flagged;
*declare array;
array _search(&num_search_terms.) $ _temporary_;
*load array into memory;
if _n_ = 1 then do j=1 to &num_search_terms.;
set terms;
_search(j) = search_term;
set test;
*set flag to 0 for initial start;
flag = 0;
*loop through and craete flag;
do i=1 to &num_search_terms. while(flag=0); /*4*/
if find(team, _search(i), 'it')>0 then flag=1;
drop i j search_term ;
Not sure I totally understand what you are trying to do but if you want to add a new binary variable that indicates if any of the substrings are found just use code like:
data want;
set have;
indicator = index(term,'string1') or index(term,'string2')
... or index(term,'string27') ;
Not sure what a "vector" would be but if you had the list of terms in a dataset you could easily generate that code from the data. And then use %include to add it to your program.
filename code temp;
data _null_;
set term_list end=eof;
file code ;
if _n_ =1 then put 'indicator=' # ;
else put ' or ' #;
put 'index(term,' string :$quote. ')' #;
if eof then put ';' ;
data want;
set have;
%include code / source2;
If you did want to think about creating a macro to generate code like that then the parameters to the macro might be the two input dataset names, the two input variable names and the output variable name.
I have an sql table like this one
id | payment | date |
obs1 | -20,10,13 | 21184,22765,22704 |
And so on (1M+ observation). I prepeared all the data for using finance() in SQL, so in SAS i just need to take them and pass to the function. I am confident, that the data i prepared will return right answer
The problem is that i can't find the most proper way to do caclulate the function on entire data. Right now i am going row by row in cycle and passing data to macro variables throught proc sql BUT i can't get string larger than 1000 characters, so my program isn't working.
I am running next function:
finance('XIRR', payment, date, 0.15);
Can you help me please? Thanks
The code i had before the answer. Worked unacceptable long!
%macro eir (input_data, cash_var, dt_var, output_data);
data rawdata;
set &input_data(dbmax_text=32000);
proc sql noprint;
select count(*) into :n from rawdata ;
%let n = 100;
%do j=1 %to &n;
data x;
set rawdata(firstobs = &j obs= &j);
proc sql noprint;
select &cash_var into: cf from x;
select &dt_var into: dt from x;
data x;
set x;
r= finance('xirr', &cf, &dt, 0.15);
drop &cash_var &dt_var;
data out;
set %if &j>1 %then %do; out %end; x;
proc append base = &output_data data=out;
proc datasets nolist;
delete x out rawdata;
%mend eir;
%eir(input_data = have, cash_var = pmt, dt_var = dt, output_data = ggg);
Took 20 minutes to calculate 50,000 rows
and now it's just
data want;
set have(dbmax_text=32000);
eir = input(resolve(catx(',','%sysfunc(finance(XIRR',pmt,dt,'0.15),hex16)')),hex16.);
Took 6 minutes to calcuate 1,400,000 rows
Tom just saved our project =)
The FINANCE() function wants a list of values, not a character string. You could parse the string and convert the text back into numbers and pass those to the function. But if the lengths of the lists vary from observation to observation that will cause issues.
You could use the macro processor to help you. You can generate a call to %sysfunc(finance()) and read the generated string back into a numeric variable.
It also might work to pad the short lists with zero payments on the last recorded date.
Let's make some test data.
data have ;
infile cards dsd dlm='|' ;
length id $20 payment date $100 ;
input id payment date;
obs1 | -20,10,13 | 21184,22765,22704
obs2 | -20,10 | 21184,22765
Now let's try converting it two ways. One by creating numeric variables to pass to the FINANCE() function call and the other by generating %sysfunc(finance()) call so that we can make sure the %sysfunc() call is working properly.
data want;
set have ;
array v (3) _temporary_;
array d (3) _temporary_;
do i=1 to dim(v);
if missing(d(i)) and i>1 then d(i)=d(i-1);
drop i;
value1=finance('XIRR',of v(*),of d(*),0.15);
Here's my best guess based on the limited details you've provided. I think you need to split out each date and payment into separate variables before you can call the finance function, e.g.:
data have;
infile datalines dlm='|';
input id :$8. amount :$20. date :$20.;
obs1 | -20,10,13 | 21184,22765,22704
data want;
set have;
array dates[3] d1-d3;
array amounts[3] a1-a3;
do i = 1 to 3;
amounts[i] = input(scan(amount, i, ','), 8.);
dates[i] = input(scan(date, i, ','), 8.);
XIRR = finance('XIRR', of a1-a3, of d1-d3, 0.15);
I suspect this will only work you have the same number of dates and payments in every row, otherwise you will run into array out of bounds issues or problems with the IRR calculation.
I have a few columns in SAS for which name starts with 100_Section_xxx. So first part of the name is the same, while second part (xxx) is different.
I want to write condition for every column such as If 100_Section_xxx >1 then do error_100_Section_xxx ="yes" How do I write it, in order Sas takes the second part of the name of 100_Section_xxx and add xxx to the second part of the name of the column error_100_Section_xxx.
You can do this with a simple macro and data step with an array:
This macro loops through a list of names (the XXX values) and lists variables that end with it.
%macro var_names(names, prefix=);
%local i n var;
%let n=%sysfunc(countw(&names));
%do i=1 to &n;
%let var=%scan(&names,&i);
Now use that, a data step, and 2 arrays.
data have;
_100_Section_a = 1;
_100_Section_b = 0;
_100_Section_c = 10;
data want;
set have;
array vars[*] %var_names(a b c, prefix=_100_Section_);
format %var_names(a b c, prefix=error_100_Section_) $8.;
array errors[*] %var_names(a b c, prefix=error_100_Section_);
do i=1 to dim(vars);
if vars[i] > 1 then
errors[i] = "yes";
drop i;
Note, I added a _ to the variable names. SAS variables cannot normally start with a number.
Is it possible to repeat a data step a number of times (like you might in a %do-%while loop) where the number of repetitions depends on the result of the data step?
I have a data set with numeric variables A. I calculate a new variable result = min(1, A). I would like the average value of result to equal a target and I can get there by scaling variable A by a constant k. That is solve for k where target = average(min(1,A*k)) - where k and target are constants and A is a list.
Here is what I have so far:
filename f0 'C:\Data\numbers.csv';
filename f1 'C:\Data\target.csv';
data myDataSet;
infile f0 dsd dlm=',' missover firstobs=2;
input A;
init_A = A; /* store the initial value of A */
/* read in the target value (1 observation) */
data targets;
infile f1 dsd dlm=',' missover firstobs=2;
input target;
K = 1; * initialise the constant K;
%macro iteration; /* I need to repeat this macro a number of times */
data myDataSet;
retain key 1;
set myDataSet;
set targets point=key;
A = INIT_A * K; /* update the value of A /*
result = min(1, A);
/* calculate average result */
proc sql;
create table estimate as
select avg(result) as estimate0
from myDataSet;
/* compare estimate0 to target and update K */
data targets;
set targets;
set estimate;
K = K * (target / estimate0);
%mend iteration;
I can get the desired answer by running %iteration a few times, but Ideally I would like to run the iteration until (target - estimate0 < 0.01). Is such a thing possible?
I had a similar problem to this just the other day. The below approach is what I used, you will need to change the loop structure from a for loop to a do while loop (or whatever suits your purposes):
First perform an initial scan of the table to figure out your loop termination conditions and get the number of rows in the table:
data read_once;
set sashelp.class end=eof;
if eof then do;
call symput('number_of_obs', cats(_n_) );
call symput('number_of_times_to_loop', cats(3) );
Make sure results are as expected:
%put &=number_of_obs;
%put &=number_of_times_to_loop;
Loop over the source table again multiple times:
data final;
do loop=1 to &number_of_times_to_loop;
do row=1 to &number_of_obs;
set sashelp.class point=row;
Two part answer.
First, it's certainly possible to do what you say. There are some examples of code that works like this available online, if you want a working, useful-code example of iterative macros; for example, David Izrael's seminal Rakinge macro, which performs a rimweighting procedure by iterating over a relatively simple process (proc freqs, basically). This is pretty similar to what you're doing. In the process it looks in the datastep at the various termination criteria, and outputs a macro variable that is the total number of criteria met (as each stratification variable separately needs to meet the termination criterion). It then checks %if that criterion is met, and terminates if so.
The core of this is two things. First, you should have a fixed maximum number of iterations, unless you like infinite loops. That number should be larger than the largest reasonable number you should ever need, often by around a factor of two. Second, you need convergence criteria such that you can terminate the loop if they're met.
For example:
data have;
%macro reduce(data=, var=, amount=, target=, iter=20);
data want;
set have;
%let calc=.;
%let _i=0;
%do %until (&calc.=&target. or &_i.=&iter.);
%let _i = %eval(&_i.+1);
data want;
set want;
&var. = &var. - &amount.;
call symputx('calc',&var.);
%if &calc.=&target. %then %do;
%put &var. reduced to &target. in &_i. iterations.;
%else %do;
%put &var. not reduced to &target. in &iter. iterations. Try a larger number.;
%mend reduce;
That is a very simple example, but it has all of the same elements. I prefer to use do-until and increment on my own but you can do the opposite also (as %rakinge does). Sadly the macro language doesn't allow for do-by-until like the data step language does. Oh well.
Secondly, you can often do things like this inside a single data step. Even in older versions (9.2 etc.), you can do all of what you ask above in a single data step, though it might look a little clunky. In 9.3+, and particularly 9.4, there are ways to run that proc sql inside the data step and get the result back without waiting for another data step, using RUN_MACRO or DOSUBL and/or the FCMP language. Even something simple, like this:
data have;
data want;
do iter=1 to 20 until (abs(target-estimate0) < 0.001);
do _n_ = 1 to nobs;
if _n_=1 then result_tot=0;
set have nobs=nobs point=_n_;
estimate0 = result_tot/nobs;
k = k * (target/estimate0);
That does it all in one data step. I'm cheating a bit because I'm writing my own data step iterator, but that's fairly common in this sort of thing, and it is very fast. Macros iterating multiple data steps and proc sql steps will be much slower typically as there is some overhead from each one.