Export Qt Designer window to Qt Creator - c++

I am working on a project on Qt, and I'm a total noob, so I don't know how to bind my Qt Creator code and my QT Designer window.
I almost finished my code, so I began drawing my windows with qt designer.
Then I simply saved as .ui file, but whenever I try to go to a slot (in this case clicked() from a button) I get the error that the header file associated with the window does not exist.
How do I properly import my designed window?
Thank you very much
ANy help will be appreciated

As commented by #peppe, the best way is to go with Qt Creator from the start. You can copy/paste your designs if made on Qt Designer.
On Qt Creator go to
File > New File > Qt > Qt Designer Class and it will automatically generate the code.


Qt Creator Design Form Editor missing

Qt Creator Design Form Editor missing
I create a Qt Quick Application
Build system: qmake
Minimum required Qt version: Qt 5.15
Kit: Desktop Qt 5.15.2 MinGW 64-bit
First time I couldn't use the "Design" tab on the left. I went to Help->About Plugins->I search Qt Quick and I check the box "Load"->I clicked OK button.
When I clicked "Design" tab ->pup up 3 windows with the project... weird!
I close "X" one of the windows and all of them disappear...
I tried to find my window but no chance...
I research a bit on google and seems a error "Qt Designer has no canvas"
Thank you in advance for any suggestions to fix the issue..

Creating Forms in Qt creator IDE

For many projects (like this) I need to create a Form using the Qt creator IDE and then work on that Form.
I use the Qt creator 3.6.0 which is the latest Qt IDE.
There I have File -> New File or Project and the templates are just like the page below:
But the tutorial says that I need to create a Form (!) and sometimes, using one of the MainWindow templates. But I have only All Templates and Desktop Templates (top-right corner of the screenshot).
If I cannot create that Form, I then will not be able to do the tutorial's instructions.
This may be the problem of any other beginner of Qt, that uses the new Qt creator IDE.
Would anybody help please?
I just found the answer. I hope this helps other new beginners as well. :-)
I should select from the menu: File > New File or Project ...
This will produce a dialog like this one:
I must choose Qt and Qt Designer Form, click on the Choose ... button and then follow the wizard.

Qt Console Application missing in New Project wizard in Qt Creator

For some reason the Qt Console Application entry is missing from the New Project wizard in my Qt Creator 3.3.0.
How it looks on my computer:
How it should look normally:
Any idea why it's missing and how to bring it back?
It turned out that it was because I had selected Android Templates in the combo at the top-right. I hadn't noticed that Combo at all and I have no idea how it got that way.
Changing it to All Templates fixed the problem.

How to add Fullscreen icon in Qt in the title bar of an OSX app?

I recently started developing an app in C++ & Qt 5.1 and I would like to have the double-arrowed icon on the title bar of my window like other Mac apps.
I created a QtQuick 2 Application project and the default code doesn't make this button appear.
I noticed that QtQuick 2 UI default project shows this button.
I really don't understand why. Is there someone who can help me ?
Thanks a lot for your answers,
I don't have experience with qtquick, but if it's the same project file as Qt, you would create the icon (icns file) and add it to the project file like this: -
ICON = images/icon.icns
The icon.icns file, in this case, is in a folder called images, relative to the project file.

What's kind of widget is the toolbox in qtdesigner?

I mean widget from which widgets could be transfered to form.
I want make up some widget like that one. Maybe there already is some open source solutions in web. It would be great.
The Sourcecode for Qt is open and freely available; Qt Designer is part of that. So just have a look into:
the Qt Designer sub-directory of the Qt project, in particular:
the WidgetBox component of Qt Designer.
as successor to Designer, look at Qt Creator (and its Designer Component...)
Also suggest to subscribe to Qt mailing lists and post such questions there; you'll find people pretty happy to explain how Qt Designer works / what it does / how it can be enhanced and/or its components integrated elsewhere (like, say, what the difference between the Qt Designer from the Qt sources and the "Designer" component of Qt Creator is).