Is there any way to detect that cocos2d::ui::ScrollView stopped scrolling? - cocos2d-iphone

I can't find a way to detect scroll ending in cocos2d::ui::ScrollView. Does anyone knows how can I detect it?

Add this line and try to run may be its work
scrollView->setBounceEnabled(true );

this is help for you.using cocos2d v3.8.1


Forcing a terminal windowl of set size to open in C++

My question regards c++ and trying to create a window to ensure my output is all fit into a single line. The only way I can think to do this is to force another window to open up upon running the program and have the output appear there.
Does anyone know how to do this?
I am using XCode on my Mac. Anything Helps!
The best you can do is to adjust your code to format the line within the bounds of the terminal you are using. For this, on OSX, you will need to use (and link) against termcap (short for 'terminal capabilities')
See also this one.

Assert with regsvr32 in map_ss.cpp

I have a serious problem I do not know how to fix it. When registering a "dll", regsvr32 returns a strange error and I do not know how to fix it. Can you think any idea how to track it?
Many thanks in advance

ctrl+e doesn't clear output window but exits SAS program?

when i tried to clear the output window using ctrl+e, it terminated SAS. My SAS version is 9.3M2. Has anyone encountered the same problem? Thanks.
Looks like there is a hot fix for this. It is supposed to be fixed in 9.3TSM2, so if it is not you may need to contact SAS support.
The kb article with the hot fix is located currently here (kb# 45003).
While not exactly what you are asking, we hot-key the clearing of the log and output so someone doesn't accidentally CTRL-E their program window.
Type keys in the command box
Type output;clear;log;clear;wpgm into the command for a key (we use F12)
This will clear the log and output windows and bring the current program editor to focus.

wxButton - change position using C++

I'm doing some experimental coding on Code::Blocks with wxSmith.
I have 2 buttons. When one is clicked, I want to change the position of the other.
I've tried this:
void FormButtons::OncmdMoveClick(wxCommandEvent& event)
cmd.pos.x += 10;
But I think it's not correct. According to the docs, I am supposed to be able to access wxPoint->X but I'm not quite sure how this is achieved.
Thanks for any tips.
Sorry for the lack of info. cmd and cmdMove are wxButton.
It seems odd that you have a reference to a widget - usually you have a pointer.
Anyhow, you need to move the button by calling a method called, strangely enough, Move.
STRANGELY, I could not find sufficient info on the docs. Perhaps I'm overlooking something. But in the mean time, I bumped into this article that is about Python and I did a bit of guess-work and came up with this method...
cmd->SetPosition( wxPoint( cmd->GetPosition().x + 10,100));
It works great and does what I need. But I find the answer by ravenspoint to be easier. I wonder how we can find out the methods of an object/class when we don't have any docs on them. Also my Code::Blocks IDE does not give any support on it. At least an object/class browser would be super-helpful :)

How do I catch keyboard events in X11?

I'm writing an LCD controller, and one feature I want to add is the ability to catch keyboard strokes so that you can do stuff like instant messaging over the LCD. I found xsnoop.c but it's outdated. I'm using xorg-x11-server 1.6.4-0.1.fc11 on Fedora 11. I'm also using Qt. I didn't find anything in the docs that might help, but figured I'd mention it.
Any hints?
I've just tried compiling xsnoop.c and there was a line
#include <vroot.h>
which needs to be just removed, but apart from that it works.