Add HMI in QScrollArea, but ScrollArea won't scroll - c++

in my project, I have a QScrollArea in a QTabWidget , in this QTabWidget i had few IHM. I would like to put two IHM per line, and when you arrive at the end of QTabWidget , the scrollbar scroll .
This is my class diagram :
My code in MainWindow where i created the QScrollBar :
//Here I create the QScrollArea
QScrollArea *scrollArea = new QScrollArea();
//I had the QScrollBar in the Tab of my QTabWidget
ui->tabWidget->addTab(scrollArea,"Plateau " +"ID"));
//I call my class Plateau (i'm french ^^)
Plateau *plt = new Plateau(ui->tabWidget);
My class Analyse , where i had this IHM :
the code :
//I create the layout and ScrollWidget
QGridLayout *layout = new QGridLayout;
QWidget *scrollwidget = new QWidget;
int row = 0;
int column = 0;
QDomNode Analyse;
for(int i=1;i<plateau.childNodes().count()+1;++i)
Analyse = plateau.childNodes().at(i-1);
QString nomAnalyse = Analyse.toElement().attribute("Type");
if(nomAnalyse == "Traction_Perpendiculaire")
Traction_Perpendiculaire* TP = new Traction_Perpendiculaire();
QGroupBox* analyse = TP->recuperationAnalyse();
//I add the analyse IHM in the layout
//I don't think my problem it's here
Eprouvette *blocEprouvette = new Eprouvette(analyse);
if(i%2 == 0)
column = 0;
row += 1;
column += 1;
//And I had the layout in scrollWidget and ScrollWidget in scrollArea
And i obtain that:
So if you have any ideas , any ideas would be well come.
Thank you in advance. (sorry for my bad english)

Ok so , when i had the HMI in the layout it's don't work but when i had the QGroupBox it's work. So i resolve it like this :
//to :


How to properly delete QWidget from layout QT?

I know, that I can delete QWidget from QLayout so:
QLayoutItem*item = wlay->takeAt(0);
delete item;
delete w;
However, without deleting QWidget(delete w), the widget will be on the screen. However, I cant delete the widget, so the widget will be on the screen. How to delete the widget from screen after removing it from layout?
For example, I have so code:
class QTest: public QWidget{
QVBoxLayout* wlay;
QPushButton* b;
wlay = new QVBoxLayout();
b = new QPushButton("click");
for(int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
wlay->addWidget(new QLabel( "TEST" + QString::number(i)));
connect(b, &QPushButton::clicked, this, &QTest::doit);
public slots:
void doit();
void QTest::doit(){
//Removing all QLabel from Layout
for(int i =0; i < 20; i++){
QLayoutItem*item = wlay->takeAt(0);
delete item;
After removing QLabels from layout, labels are showed on screen. How to remove them from main Widget(without deleting them)?
It seems the function you're looking for is QWidget::hide().
Moreover, once you've called QLayout::takeAt(), you don't have to call QLayout::removeItem() afterwards since the former already removes the item as mentioned in the documentation.
You can see QLayout::takeAt() as a shorthand for QLayout::itemAt() + QLayout::removeItem().

QTableView bigger than its container

I am working on Qt applicaction. There I have QMainWindow. Inside it I have added QTableView. When I run the application I see that I need to scroll to display the whole table and also blank space shows up below it.
I would like main window to resize horizontally in order to use space needed by the table. Also I would like it to resize vertically to not having space unused. How could I achieve that?
This is my code so far:
void MainWindow::initUi() {
setWindowTitle(tr("Main Window"));
QWidget* centralWidget = new QWidget(this);
QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout(centralWidget);
QFormLayout *upperLayout = new QFormLayout;
// Default layout appearance of QMacStyle
upperLayout->setFormAlignment(Qt::AlignHCenter | Qt::AlignTop);
QVBoxLayout *resultsLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
QTableView* table = new QTableView(centralWidget);
QStandardItemModel* model= new QStandardItemModel(4, 4);
for (int row = 0; row < 4; ++row) {
for (int column = 0; column < 4; ++column) {
QStandardItem *item = new QStandardItem(QString("row %0, column %1").arg(row).arg(column));
model->setItem(row, column, item);
QLabel* upperLabel = new QLabel(tr("Label:"), centralWidget);
resultLabel = new QLabel(tr("Result goes here"), centralWidget);
upperLayout->addRow(upperLabel, resultLabel);
Set the sizeAdjustPolicy of the table to AdjustToContents view, then set the size policy to Fixed in both horizontal and vertical directions.
AdjustToContents might incur a slight performance penalty for dynamic contents in the view, since every data change may change the layout.
The Qt Designer is a really nifty tool to figure layout issues out quickly; the {table,list,tree} widgets behave exactly the same as the views do (because they're the same) and the widgets can be quickly filled with dummy data in Qt Designer.

Scrollable view as TabWidget

Here is my problem, I display Buttons and Labels manually with setGeometry() method.
MyClass which inherits from QWidget
Here is my code :
void MyClass::function() {
QLabel *imgP;
QLabel *name;
QPushButton *newConv;
QPixmap *profilPic;
std::stringstream ss;
int j = 0;
int i = 0;
for (int tmp = 0; tmp < 15; tmp++)
if (i % 7 == 0 && i != 0)
i = 0;
ss << "Username " << tmp;
name = new QLabel(tr(ss.str().c_str()), this);
name->setGeometry((30 * (i + 1) + 240 * i), (30 + 390 * j),
240, 60);
profilPic = new QPixmap("./gui/img/avatar1.png");
imgP = new QLabel(this);
imgP->setPixmap(profilPic->scaled(240, 240));
imgP->setGeometry((30 * (i + 1) + 240 * i), (90 + 390 * j),
240, 240);
newConv = new QPushButton(tr("Chat"), this);
newConv->setGeometry((30 * (i + 1) + 240 * i), (330 + 390 * j),
240, 60);
connect(newConv, SIGNAL(released()), this, SLOT(addTab()));
It may be a bit more complicated than it should, but it works just the way I wanted ..
it looks like this :
As you can see, the result is good, I have my contacts displayed, but the 15th element is hidden because the window is too small. So my question is :
How can I make a ScrollView when this happens ?
I already know QScrollArea, but I would have to work with QBoxLayout, and I don't think this will do the job.
Thanks for your help !
This is my MainWidget class which displays the window :
class QTabBar;
MainWidget::MainWidget(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent)
setFixedSize(1920, 1200);
QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
QTabBar *tb;
UiContact *contact = new UiContact(this);
QScrollArea *contactScrollArea = new QScrollArea();
_tabWidget = new QTabWidget;
tb = _tabWidget->tabBar();
_tabWidget->addTab(new Home(), tr("Home"));
_tabWidget->addTab(contactScrollArea, tr("Contact"));
std::ostringstream oss;
connect(_tabWidget, SIGNAL(tabCloseRequested(int)), this, SLOT(closeTab(int)));
tb->tabButton(0, QTabBar::RightSide)->hide();
tb->tabButton(1, QTabBar::RightSide)->hide();
QScrollArea is certainly the way to go. It is not necessary to use a layout, it's only necessary to force the widget to be the size it needs to be. A QScrollArea can handle any QWidget derived class, and it will display its scrollbars as needed.
Practically: if you can calculate how much space you need (which I think you can do), and set the size constraints of the containing widget accordingly, the QScrollArea will show the scrollbars automatically. You can use QWidget::setMinimumSize for that purpose, a simple setMinimumSize(itemWidth*7,itemHeight*(count%7)) should suffice.
This method does allow the widget to grow as large as to fill the QScrollArea. Also, it's possible to disable the frame around the QScrollArea if preferred.
You probably have something like this:
MyClass *myClass = new MyClass();
An example implementation in that situation would be:
MyClass *myClass = new MyClass();
QScrollArea* contactScrollArea = new QScrollArea();
It will place a scroll area inside the tab widget and put the instance of MyClass inside it
A QScrollArea is used as a relatively high container class. Think of a QScrollArea as a widget which can embed another widget inside it. By default it creates an empty widget, which can get a layout. But by using setWidget, you can literally place anything you want in it. A possible "combination" is a QLabel with a large licence text or any other widget that can potentially grow too large (like your widget).
Now, just some extra information:
When you draw stuff yourself (not creating several widgets and code your own layout stuff), you may use QAbstractScrollArea. It would give you full control. It gives scrollbars and a separate middle widget to which you can draw during paintEvent. But I think that's beyond the scope of this.
Now, for sake of clean coding. I would actually suggest you create a separate class ContactItem. It would consist of that label, image and pushbutton, held together with a QVBoxLayout (which makes them neatly packed above eachother). This "item" can be put inside a QGridLayout. This way, you don't need to concern yourself with arranging the items. If you set a minimum size on the picture, it will make sure the items are your preferred width/height. The label size constraints make sure that font differences don't affect the presentation (same goes for the buttons). Last but not least, your list is suddenly resizable. (By using setRowStretch and setColumnStretch you can make sure your list is centered, or top aligned, in case the window is larger than your list takes up.
Functional interpretation
Here I have a possible implementation (it isn't my best code) from what I got from the screenshot and given code.
It consists of a 'Widget' which is responsible for the tab layout:
#include <QWidget>
#include "uicontact.h"
class QTabWidget;
class MainWidget : public QWidget
QTabWidget *_tabWidget;
MainWidget(QWidget *parent = 0);
public slots:
void addChatTab();
#include "mainwidget.h"
#include <QScrollArea>
#include <QTabWidget>
#include <QTabBar>
#include <QVBoxLayout>
#include "home.h"
MainWidget::MainWidget(QWidget *parent)
: QWidget(parent)
QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
QTabBar *tb;
UiContact *contact = new UiContact(this);
QScrollArea *contactScrollArea = new QScrollArea();
_tabWidget = new QTabWidget;
tb = _tabWidget->tabBar();
_tabWidget->addTab(new Home(), tr("Home"));
_tabWidget->addTab(contactScrollArea, tr("Contact"));
connect(_tabWidget, SIGNAL(tabCloseRequested(int)), this, SLOT(closeTab(int)));
tb->tabButton(0, QTabBar::RightSide)->hide();
tb->tabButton(1, QTabBar::RightSide)->hide();
void MainWidget::addChatTab()
_tabWidget->addTab(new QWidget, tr("Number %1").arg(_tabWidget->count()-2));
The class MyClass is responsible for creating the 'contact' tab:
#include "uicontact.h"
#include "mainwidget.h"
#include <QLabel>
#include <QPushButton>
UiContact::UiContact(MainWidget *owner,QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent)
QLabel *imgP;
QLabel *name;
QPushButton *newConv;
QPixmap *profilPic;
int j = 0;
int i = 0;
for (int tmp = 0; tmp < 15; tmp++)
if (i % 7 == 0 && i != 0)
i = 0;
name = new QLabel(tr("Username %1").arg(tmp), this);
name->setGeometry((30 * (i + 1) + 240 * i), (30 + 390 * j),
240, 60);
profilPic = new QPixmap("./gui/img/avatar1.png");
imgP = new QLabel(this);
imgP->setPixmap(profilPic->scaled(240, 240));
imgP->setGeometry((30 * (i + 1) + 240 * i), (90 + 390 * j),
240, 240);
newConv = new QPushButton(tr("Chat"), this);
newConv->setGeometry((30 * (i + 1) + 240 * i), (330 + 390 * j),
240, 60);
connect(newConv, SIGNAL(clicked(bool)), owner, SLOT(addChatTab()));
The uicontact.h file is very trivial so omitted.
A few things to note: MyClass receives an 'owner' pointer, this allows it to talk directly to the top level widget responsible for adding tabs. Probably you want to look at QSignalMapper to be able to map the individual QPushButtons to a more known value. With QSignalMapper, you can map the button to an integer, string, QWidget* or QObject*.
Also note the tr("Contact %1").arg(tmp) which is the correct way to make your program locale aware.

QScrollArea with multiple QWidgets only shows empty box

I am trying to create a widget that would display some information. Each information would be a QWidget that contains multiple QLabel with text (the information). My idea is to put multiple (array of these) into a QScrollArea so that the user can view them scrolling up and down. The following code:
InfoWidget::InfoWidget(QWidget* parent) : QWidget(parent){
widgets = new QVector<MarkerInfoWidget*>();
csv_data = 0;
csv_velocity = 0;
labels = 0;
infoWidgetLayout = new QVBoxLayout(this);
scrollArea = new QScrollArea(this);
scrollWidgetLayout = new QVBoxLayout(scrollArea);
QString name = "TEST";
for(int i=0; i<10; i++){
MarkerInfoWidget* markerWidget = new MarkerInfoWidget(name, scrollArea);
Both MarkerInfoWidget and InfoWidget extends QWidget. What I am getting is simply a box that has very small text:
If I drag it out and re-size it, it display correctly:
What I have noticed is that if I re-size it too small, it does not generate scrolls. What do I need to fix this?
I guess changing:
to sth like:
QFrame* frame = new QFrame(scrollArea);
As far as i know you have to put widget into QScrollableArea to make it really scrollable. Setting its layout is probably not the thing you want to do.

Delete A Row From QGridLayout

All, I am maintaining a QGridLayout of QLabels which show the coefficients of a polynomial. I represent my polynomial using QList<double>.
Each time I update my coefficients, I update my labels. When changing the size of the list, my method does not works well. QGridLayout::rowCount() doesn't update correctly. I am wondering if there's a way to remove rows from a QGridLayout.
Code follows, updating the QGridLayout size with more (or less) QLabels
int count = coefficients->count(); //coefficients is a QList<double> *
if(count != (m_informational->rowCount() - 1)) //m_information is a QGridLayout
for(int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
QLabel * new_coeff = new QLabel(this);
m_informational->addWidget(new_coeff, i+1, 0);
QLabel * param = new QLabel(this);
m_informational->addWidget(param, i+1, 1);
QSpacerItem * space = new QSpacerItem(0,0,QSizePolicy::Expanding);
m_informational->addItem(space, i+1, 1);
m_informational->setColumnStretch(0, 3);
m_informational->setColumnStretch(1, 1);
m_informational->setColumnStretch(2, 1);
The SetFitMethod (it's an initial mockup)
void SetFitMethod(int method)
case 0: //Polynomial fit
QLabel * title = new QLabel(this);
title->setText("<b> <u> Coefficients </u> </b>");
m_informational->addWidget(title,0,0,1,3, Qt::AlignHCenter);
The Clearing Method:
void ClearInformational()
QLayoutItem * cur_item = m_informational->takeAt(0);
delete cur_item->widget();
delete cur_item;
The issue is that QGridLayout::rowCount() doesn't actually return the number of rows that you can see, it actually returns the number of rows that QGridLayout has internally allocated for rows of data (yes, this isn't very obvious and isn't documented).
To get around this you can either delete the QGridLayout and recreate it, or if you're convinced that your column count won't change, you can do something like this:
int rowCount = m_informational->count()/m_informational->columnCount();
I solved this by creating a QVBoxLayout (for rows) and within this I was adding QHBoxLayout (for columns). In the QHBoxLayout I was then inserting my widgets (in one row). This way I was able to nicely remove rows - overall row count was working as it should be. Additionally to this I got also an insert method, thanks to which I was able to insert new rows into specific locations (everything was correctly reordered/renumbered).
Example (only from head):
QVBoxLayout *vBox= new QVBoxLayout(this);
//creating row 1
QHBoxLayout *row1 = new QHBoxLayout();
QPushButton *btn1x1 = new QPushButton("1x1");
QPushButton *btn1x2 = new QPushButton("1x2");
//adding to vBox - here you can use also insertLayout() for insert to specific location
//creating row 2
QHBoxLayout *row2 = new QHBoxLayout();
QPushButton *btn2x1 = new QPushButton("2x1");
QPushButton *btn2x2 = new QPushButton("2x2");
//adding to vBox - here you can use also insertLayout() for insert to specific location
Well, my solution was to also delete the QGridLayout in ClearInformational