Where is my partial name getting cached? - ruby-on-rails-4

I am trying to do some refactoring but am not able to move my partial without getting a missing template error from the calling template. I renamed and moved the partial, then in the calling template, I changed from:
= render 'slot_fields', f: builder
= render 'slots/slot_create_fields', f: builder
But I get the error:
Missing partial sheets/_slot_fields, application/_slot_fields
I have tried restarting the Rails server and cntl-F5 to reload the page but I am stuck. Thanks in advance for your help.

Rails templates are not cached by default.
It could be possible that your templates get precompiled by the Rails Asset Pipeline.
Try to clean all the precompiled assets with the following
rake assets:clobber

Thanks all for the help but I just figured it out. I was referring to the partial somewhere else (a link_to helper).


Is there any way to render Handlebars templates on server via Backbone in front-end?

This question is in addition to previous Handlebars with Backbone template not rendering problem in which browseser was not rendering forms at all now the problem was solved for the form but returns another error which is possibly also with the rendering.
I have an app with Backbone on front-end and Express in back-end with express-handlebars templates and I was trying to change from Underscore templating to Handlebars while still leaving backbone logic behind. So the way I did it - installing handlebars via Bower and then required it.
app.ContactView = Backbone.View.extend({
template: Handlebars.compile( $('#tmpl-contact').html() ),
instead of
app.ContactView = Backbone.View.extend({
template: _.template( $('#tmpl-contact').html() ),
But it returns errors and I don't really get what causes them.
When I try to load a page, for example:
It doesn't shows any errors in the browser. But if I move to:
which doesn't even have Backbone logic behind it returns an error:
You must pass a string or Handlebars AST to Handlebars.compile. You
passed undefined
Which means that template is compiled before the DOM loads on the page. But my Backbone script is loading after html script e. g. after the {{{body}}} element. Also if there is a problem with an order I should get this error on every, not only when moving to another.
So I think the cause is some kind of a conflict between front-end handlebars and express-handlebars on a server. How to solve this, preferably that templates to be rendered via expHbs instance?
If the only change that you made was:
template: Handlebars.compile( $('#tmpl-contact').html() ),
template: _.template( $('#tmpl-contact').html() ),
it wouldn't cause the problems you're describing. As the error message told you "You passed undefined", and undefined wouldn't have worked with the Underscore code either.
It seems more likely that you changed something else, and that change caused the issue you described. However, without more code (ideally a JS Fiddle) it's hard to say what.
Problem solved by loading each Backbone part as a separate file for its route.

New rails 4.1 mailer preview action not found error

Rails has 607 open issues...so, rather than plugging that hole even more I though Id try here first. I have upgraded to 4.1 and am implementing rails mailer previews. I tried upgrading my existing mailer and adding tests/mailers/previews directory. When that gave the following error I tried generating a new mailer. Same error.
class NotifierPreview < ActionMailer::Preview
def welcome
results in this error:
The action 'notifier' could not be found for Rails::MailersController
I've tried searching google, the docs, stack overflow, but nothing eludes to this error.
Anyone experience this or have any ideas?
The default preview path is /test/mailers/previews but rspec will override this to be /spec/mailers/previews
You can set the path to be whatever you like with:
config.action_mailer.preview_path = "#{Rails.root}/test/mailers/previews"
This is because you are using UserMailer with NotifierPreview. Change NotifierPreview to UserMailerPreview and it will start working. Check the example implementation https://github.com/RichIsOnRails/ActionMailerPreviewsExample and tutorial.
If you're using rspec, make sure that the rspec-rails gem is being loaded in the development environment, otherwise Rails will look for the previews under the /test folder, not /spec.
Remove the line(s)
get '/:controller(/:action(/:id))'
get '/:controller(/:action(/:id))(.:format)'
from your routes.rb
As #hellion says in a comment on the previous answer this is the solution to this problem.

How do you use precompiled handlebars templates with emberjs 1.0.0-rc.2?

I'm trying to use guard-handlebars to precompile my handlebars templates (to avoid having them all in my index.html, which feels slightly sub-optimal...). The precompilation works well, and Ember accepts the fact that the template accept when I inject it into Ember.TEMPLATES like this:
Ember.TEMPLATES['application'] = Handlebars.templates['application']
However, it doesn't work. I get an exception like this:
Could not find property 'outlet'
...in the Handlebars helperMissing method. It seems like Ember uses some monkey-patching of the default Handlebars stuff, supposedly adding support for the {{outlet}} helper and others. But my template does not seem to use these outlets. How do you work around this?
I'm using the handlebars compiler installed via NPM to compile the templates.
Found a duplicate question with a suggested solution/workaround: How can I consume handlebars command-line generated templates with Ember?
(short summary: yes, precompiling with the handlebars command line program does not work straight away, exactly because of the reason I am suggesting in the original question)
The plugin for you.
(Here's a sample integration: https://github.com/trek/ember-todos-with-build-tools-tests-and-other-modern-conveniences/blob/master/Gruntfile.js)
The guard-handlebars gem is pretty out of date, it was not designed to work with ember.
Today there are a few options.
barber with rake-pipeline
For example, to compile an ember template with barber try something like this:
compiled_template = Barber::Ember::FilePrecompiler.call(IO.read(file))
# now ruby variable compiled_template is a string like: "Ember.Handlebars.template(function(...));"
result = "Ember.TEMPLATES['#{name}'] = '#{compiled_template}';"
# now result is a JS string that sets Ember.TEMPLATES[name] to precompiled handlebars
When a new version of ember comes out it can take a few days to make it's way thru the ecosystem. When that happens you might find the ember-source gem helpful. See Alex's blog post for more detail:

Ember data - How to update record

I did implement some code with ember-data talking to a sinatra json-app. Method findAll works as expected and load of records.
Also I did implement the updateRecord-method in the DS.Store.create, but don't really know how to update and commit. Please, see the code here (for sake of brevity, I didn't include the jquery functions): http://pastie.org/3197008
I tried the following:
a = Todos.records.objectAt(0).set("text", "should be so")
But I get the following error: TypeError: Object (subclass of DS.State) has no method 'enter'
How should I update records? Or did I forget to implement something for the update?
Thanks in advance!
I had the same problem. I think this is a bug in ember-data. The problem is that the code was not properly initializing certain substates, and those substates were not state instances but rather state classes.
I fixed the problem by defining a function that generates a new state instance (with properly created substates) each time it is called. You can find my changes here.
I also requested that the ember-data folks pull my fix, so hopefully this issue will disappear soon. You can view the pull request for discussion.
i had the same problem this morning. Use the emberjs git version

Using multiple jQuery versions problem

I am building control that uses last version of jstree. Problem is that whole system is build using jQuery 1.3.2, but i need to use jQuery 1.4.2 for jstree, also to prevent errors need "$" still pointing to jQuery 1.3.2 to make system works normally. I tried to solve problem like this
var jq142 = jQuery.noConflict(true);
And it works, but when i added other control to form like "datepicker" that initialized via $("#id").datepicker it throws error $("#id").datepicker is not a function
When i inspect DOM variables through firebug all is ok - $ is pointing to 1.3.2 and datepicker function is registered.
What it can be?
in case anyone came to this by looking for unanswered questions, the answer was to simply upgrade to 1.4.*
btw: jQuery 1.7 has just been released... time to upgrade again ;-)