Grep or in part of a string - regex

Good day All,
A filename can either be
abc_source_201501.csv Or,
Is it possible to do something like grep abc_source|source2_201501.csv without fully listing out filename as the filenames I'm working with are much longer than examples given to get both options?
Thanks for assistance here.

Use extended regex flag in grep.
For example:
grep -E abc_source.?_201501.csv
would source out both lines in your example. You can think of other regex patterns that would suit your data more.

You can use Bash globbing to grep in several files at once.
For example, to grep for the string "hello" in all files with a filename that starts with abc_source and ends with 201501.csv, issue this command:
grep hello abc_source*201501.csv
You can also use the -r flag, to recursively grep in all files below a given folder - for example the current folder (.).
grep -r hello .

If you are asking about patterns for file name matching in the shell, the extended globbing facility in Bash lets you say
shopt -s extglob
grep stuff abc_source#(|2)_201501.csv
to search through both files with a single glob expression.

The simplest possibility is to use brace expansion:
grep pattern abc_{source,source2}_201501.csv
That's exactly the same as:
grep pattern abc_source{,2}_201501.csv
You can use several brace patterns in a single word:
grep pattern abc_source{,2}_2015{01..04}.csv
expands to
grep pattern abc_source_201501.csv abc_source_201502.csv \
abc_source_201503.csv abc_source_201504.csv \
abc_source2_201501.csv abc_source2_201502.csv \
abc_source2_201503.csv abc_source2_201504.csv


Can I perform a 'non-global' grep and capture only the first match found for each line of input?

I understand that what I'm asking can be accomplished using awk or sed, I'm asking here how to do this using GREP.
Given the following input:
I want to use GREP to get:
Currently I'm trying
grep -Po '([^/]*[/]?){1}'
Which results in output:
Is there some simple way to use GREP to only get the first matched string on each line?
I think you can grep non / letters like:
grep -Eo '^[^/]+'
On another SO site there is another similar question with solution.
You don't need grep for this at all.
cut -d / -f 1
The -o option says to print every substring which matches your pattern, instead of printing each matching line. Your current pattern matches every string which doesn't contain slashes (optionally including a trailing slash); but it's easy to switch to one which only matches this pattern at the beginning of a line.
grep -o '^[^/]*' file
Notice the addition of the ^ beginning of line anchor, and the omission of the -P option (which you were not really using anyway) as well as the silly beginner error {1}.
(I should add that plain grep doesn't support parentheses or repetitions; grep -E would support these constructs just fine, of you could switch to toe POSIX BRE variation which requires a backslash to use round or curly parentheses as metacharacters. You can probably ignore these details and just use grep -E everywhere unless you really need the features of grep -P, though also be aware that -P is not portable.)

Grep multiple files using regex for specifying filenames to search for

Let's say I have n files with names like link123.txt, link345.txt, link645.txt, etc.
I'd like to grep a subset of these n files for a keyword. For example:
grep 'searchtext' link123.txt link 345.txt ...
I'd like to do something like
grep 'searchtext' link[123\|345].txt
How can I mention the filenames as regex in this case?
you can use find and grep together like this
find . -regex '.*/link\(123\|345\).txt' -exec grep 'searchtext' {} \;
Thanks for ghoti's comment.
You can use the bash option extglob, which allows extended use of globbing, including | separated pattern lists.
Matches one of 123 or 456 once.
shopt -s extglob
grep 'searchtext' link#(123|345).txt
shopt -u extglob
I think you're probably asking for find functionality to search for filenames with regex.
As discussed here, you can easely use find . -regex '.*/link\([0-9]\{3\}\).txt' to show all these three files. Now you have only to play with regex.
PS: Don't forget to specify .*/ in the beginning of pattern.
It seems, you don't need regex to determine the files to grep, since you enumerate them all (well, actually you enumerate the minimal unique part without repeating common prefix/suffix).
If regex functionality is not needed and the only aim is to avoid repeating common prefix/suffix, then simple iterating would be an option:
for i in 123 345 645; do grep searchpattern link$i.txt; done

Why do my results appear to differ between ag and grep?

I'm having trouble correctly (and safely) executing the right regex searches with grep. I seem to be able to do what I want using ag
What I want to do in plain english:
Search my current directory (recursively?) for files that have lines containing both the words "nested" and "merge"
Successful attempt with ag:
$ ag --depth=2 -l "nested.*merge|merge.*nested" .
Unsuccessful attempt with grep:
$ grep -elr 'nested.*merge|merge.*nested' .
grep: nested.*merge|merge.*nested: No such file or directory
grep: .: Is a directory
What am I missing? Also, could either approach be improved?
You probably want -E not -e, or just egrep.
A man grep will make you understand why -e gave you that error.
You can use grep -lr 'nested.*merge\|merge.*nested' or grep -Elr 'nested.*merge|merge.*nested' for your case.
Besides, for the latter one, E mean using ERE regular expression syntax, since grep will use BRE by default, where | will match character | and \| mean or.
For more detail about ERE and BRE, you can read this article

Grep matching two or more patterns within pattern file

I'd like to use grep to pull in matching patterns from a file only if the line contains two or more patterns contained within my pattern file. This is my rough idea of what the syntax looks like, but it doesn't work. Any pointers?
egrep -f -i pattern.txt {2,} file.txt >> output.txt
grep -E '/pattern1/' -E '/pattern2/' file
In this way you can scan multiple pattern in a single line using this command. try to google 'regular expressions with grep tutorial' and you will find the answer. also be specific when mentioning the pattern you want to search in a line.

Grep regular expression to find words in any order

Context: I want to find a class definition within a lot of source code files, but I do not know the exact name.
Question: I know a number of words which must appear on the line I want to find, but I do not know the order in which they will appear. Is there a quick way to look for a number of words in any order on the same line?
For situations where you need to search on a large number of words, you can use awk as follows:
awk "/word1/&&/word2/&&/word3/" *.c
(If you are a cygwin user, the command is gawk.)
If you're trying to find foo, bar, and baz, you can just do:
grep foo *.c | grep bar | grep baz
That will find anything that has all three in any order. You can use word boundaries if you use egrep, otherwise that will match substrings.
While this is not an exact answer your grep question, but you should check the "ctags" command for generating tags file from the source code. For the source code objects this should help you a much more than an simple grep. check:
Using standard basic regex recursively match starting from the current directory any .c file with the indicated words (case insesitive, bash flavour):
grep -r -i 'word1\|word2\|word3' ./*.c
Using standard extended regex:
grep -r -i -E 'word1|word2|word3' ./*.c
You can also use perl regex:
grep -r -i -P 'word1|word2|word3' ./*.c
If you need to search with a single grep command (for example, you are searching for multiple pattern alternatives on stdin), you could use:
grep -e 'word1.*word2' -e 'word2.*word1' -e 'alternative-word'
This would find anything which has word1 and word2 in either order, or alternative-word.
(Note that this method gets exponentially complicated as the number of words in arbitrary order increases.)