Grep regular expression to find words in any order - regex

Context: I want to find a class definition within a lot of source code files, but I do not know the exact name.
Question: I know a number of words which must appear on the line I want to find, but I do not know the order in which they will appear. Is there a quick way to look for a number of words in any order on the same line?

For situations where you need to search on a large number of words, you can use awk as follows:
awk "/word1/&&/word2/&&/word3/" *.c
(If you are a cygwin user, the command is gawk.)

If you're trying to find foo, bar, and baz, you can just do:
grep foo *.c | grep bar | grep baz
That will find anything that has all three in any order. You can use word boundaries if you use egrep, otherwise that will match substrings.

While this is not an exact answer your grep question, but you should check the "ctags" command for generating tags file from the source code. For the source code objects this should help you a much more than an simple grep. check:

Using standard basic regex recursively match starting from the current directory any .c file with the indicated words (case insesitive, bash flavour):
grep -r -i 'word1\|word2\|word3' ./*.c
Using standard extended regex:
grep -r -i -E 'word1|word2|word3' ./*.c
You can also use perl regex:
grep -r -i -P 'word1|word2|word3' ./*.c

If you need to search with a single grep command (for example, you are searching for multiple pattern alternatives on stdin), you could use:
grep -e 'word1.*word2' -e 'word2.*word1' -e 'alternative-word'
This would find anything which has word1 and word2 in either order, or alternative-word.
(Note that this method gets exponentially complicated as the number of words in arbitrary order increases.)


Grep multiple files using regex for specifying filenames to search for

Let's say I have n files with names like link123.txt, link345.txt, link645.txt, etc.
I'd like to grep a subset of these n files for a keyword. For example:
grep 'searchtext' link123.txt link 345.txt ...
I'd like to do something like
grep 'searchtext' link[123\|345].txt
How can I mention the filenames as regex in this case?
you can use find and grep together like this
find . -regex '.*/link\(123\|345\).txt' -exec grep 'searchtext' {} \;
Thanks for ghoti's comment.
You can use the bash option extglob, which allows extended use of globbing, including | separated pattern lists.
Matches one of 123 or 456 once.
shopt -s extglob
grep 'searchtext' link#(123|345).txt
shopt -u extglob
I think you're probably asking for find functionality to search for filenames with regex.
As discussed here, you can easely use find . -regex '.*/link\([0-9]\{3\}\).txt' to show all these three files. Now you have only to play with regex.
PS: Don't forget to specify .*/ in the beginning of pattern.
It seems, you don't need regex to determine the files to grep, since you enumerate them all (well, actually you enumerate the minimal unique part without repeating common prefix/suffix).
If regex functionality is not needed and the only aim is to avoid repeating common prefix/suffix, then simple iterating would be an option:
for i in 123 345 645; do grep searchpattern link$i.txt; done

Why do my results appear to differ between ag and grep?

I'm having trouble correctly (and safely) executing the right regex searches with grep. I seem to be able to do what I want using ag
What I want to do in plain english:
Search my current directory (recursively?) for files that have lines containing both the words "nested" and "merge"
Successful attempt with ag:
$ ag --depth=2 -l "nested.*merge|merge.*nested" .
Unsuccessful attempt with grep:
$ grep -elr 'nested.*merge|merge.*nested' .
grep: nested.*merge|merge.*nested: No such file or directory
grep: .: Is a directory
What am I missing? Also, could either approach be improved?
You probably want -E not -e, or just egrep.
A man grep will make you understand why -e gave you that error.
You can use grep -lr 'nested.*merge\|merge.*nested' or grep -Elr 'nested.*merge|merge.*nested' for your case.
Besides, for the latter one, E mean using ERE regular expression syntax, since grep will use BRE by default, where | will match character | and \| mean or.
For more detail about ERE and BRE, you can read this article

Use of grep + sed based on a pattern file?

Here's the problem: i have ~35k files that might or might not contain one or more of the strings in a list of 300 lines containing a regex each
if I grep -rnwl 'C:\out\' --include=*.txt -E --file='comp.log' i see there are a few thousands of files that contain a match.
now how do i get sed to delete each line in these files containing the strings in comp.log used before?
edit: comp.log contains a simple regex in each line, but for the most part each string to be matched is unique
this is is an example of how it is structured:
server[0-9]\/files\/bobba fett.stw
[a-z]+ mochaccino
[2-9] CheeseCakes
etc. silly examples aside, it goes to show each line is unique save for a few variations so it shouldn't affect what i really want: see if any of these lines match the lines in the file being worked on. it's no different than 's/pattern/replacement/' except that i want to use the patterns in the file instead of inline.
Ok here's an update (S.O. gets inpatient if i don't declare the question answered after a few days)
after MUCH fiddling with the #Kenavoz/#Fischer approach, i found a totally different solution, but first things first.
creating a modified pattern list for sed to work with does work.
as well as #werkritter's approach of dropping sed altogether. (this one i find the most... err... "least convoluted" way around the problem).
I couldn't make #Mklement's answer work under windows/cygwin (it did work on under ubuntu, so...not sure what that means. figures.)
What ended up solving the problem in a more... long term, reusable form was a wonderful program pointed out by a colleage called PowerGrep. it really blows every other option out of the water. unfortunately it's windows only AND it's not free. (not even advertising here, the thing is not cheap, but it does solve the problem).
so considering #werkiter's reply was not a "proper" answer and i can't just choose both #Lars Fischer and #Kenavoz's answer as a solution (they complement each other), i am awarding #Kenavoz the tickmark for being first.
final thoughts: i was hoping for a simpler, universal and free solution but apparently there is not.
You can try this :
sed -f <(sed 's/^/\//g;s/$/\/d/g' comp.log) file > outputfile
All regex in comp.log are formatted to a sed address with a d command : /regex/d. This command deletes lines matching the patterns.
This internal sed is sent as a file (with process substitition) to the -f option of the external sed applied to file.
To delete just string matching the patterns (not all line) :
sed -f <(sed 's/^/s\//g;s/$/\/\/g/g' comp.log) file > outputfile
Update :
The command output is redirected to outputfile.
Some ideas but not a complete solution, as it requires some adopting to your script (not shown in the question).
I would convert comp.log into a sed script containing the necessary deletes:
cat comp.log | sed -r "s+(.*)+/\1/ d;+" > comp.sed`
That would make your example comp.sed look like:
/server[0-9]\/files\/bobba fett.stw/ d;
/[a-z]+ mochaccino/ d;
/[2-9] CheeseCakes/ d;
then I would apply the comp.sed script to each file reported by grep (With your -rnwl that would require some filtering to get the filename.):
sed -i.bak -f comp.sed $AFileReportedByGrep
If you have gnu sed, you can use -i inplace replacement creating a .bak backup, otherwise use piping to a temporary file
Both Kenavoz's answer and Lars Fischer's answer use the same ingenious approach:
transform the list of input regexes into a list of sed match-and-delete commands, passed as a file acting as the script to sed via -f.
To complement these answers with a single command that puts it all together, assuming you have GNU sed and your shell is bash, ksh, or zsh (to support <(...)):
find 'c:/out' -name '*.txt' -exec sed -i -r -f <(sed 's#.*#/\\<&\\>/d#' comp.log) {} +
find 'c:/out' -name '*.txt' matches all *.txt files in the subtree of dir. c:/out
-exec ... + passes as many matching files as will fit on a single command line to the specified command, typically resulting only in a single invocation.
sed -i updates the input files in-place (conceptually speaking - there are caveats); append a suffix (e.g., -i.bak) to save backups of the original files with that suffix.
sed -r activates support for extended regular expressions, which is what the input regexes are.
sed -f reads the script to execute from the specified filename, which in this case, as explained in Kenavoz's answer, uses a process substitution (<(...)) to make the enclosed sed command's output act like a [transient] file.
The s/// sed command - which uses alternative delimiter # to facilitate use of literal / - encloses each line from comp.log in /\<...\>/d to yield the desired deletion command; the enclosing of the input regex in \<...\>ensures matching as a word, as grep -w does.
This is the primary reason why GNU sed is required, because neither POSIX EREs (extended regular expressions) nor BSD/OSX sed support \< and \>.
However, you could make it work with BSD/OSX sed by replacing -r with -E, and \< / \> with [[:<:]] / [[:>:]]

Grep matching two or more patterns within pattern file

I'd like to use grep to pull in matching patterns from a file only if the line contains two or more patterns contained within my pattern file. This is my rough idea of what the syntax looks like, but it doesn't work. Any pointers?
egrep -f -i pattern.txt {2,} file.txt >> output.txt
grep -E '/pattern1/' -E '/pattern2/' file
In this way you can scan multiple pattern in a single line using this command. try to google 'regular expressions with grep tutorial' and you will find the answer. also be specific when mentioning the pattern you want to search in a line.

Grep or in part of a string

Good day All,
A filename can either be
abc_source_201501.csv Or,
Is it possible to do something like grep abc_source|source2_201501.csv without fully listing out filename as the filenames I'm working with are much longer than examples given to get both options?
Thanks for assistance here.
Use extended regex flag in grep.
For example:
grep -E abc_source.?_201501.csv
would source out both lines in your example. You can think of other regex patterns that would suit your data more.
You can use Bash globbing to grep in several files at once.
For example, to grep for the string "hello" in all files with a filename that starts with abc_source and ends with 201501.csv, issue this command:
grep hello abc_source*201501.csv
You can also use the -r flag, to recursively grep in all files below a given folder - for example the current folder (.).
grep -r hello .
If you are asking about patterns for file name matching in the shell, the extended globbing facility in Bash lets you say
shopt -s extglob
grep stuff abc_source#(|2)_201501.csv
to search through both files with a single glob expression.
The simplest possibility is to use brace expansion:
grep pattern abc_{source,source2}_201501.csv
That's exactly the same as:
grep pattern abc_source{,2}_201501.csv
You can use several brace patterns in a single word:
grep pattern abc_source{,2}_2015{01..04}.csv
expands to
grep pattern abc_source_201501.csv abc_source_201502.csv \
abc_source_201503.csv abc_source_201504.csv \
abc_source2_201501.csv abc_source2_201502.csv \
abc_source2_201503.csv abc_source2_201504.csv