Modify non-registry based Group Policy In C++ - c++

I want to change group policy settings in my C++ code.
I know I should use the IGPEInformation or IGroupPolicyObject functions, but how use them for non registry based polices like this one?
this one hasn't got a key in registry
(I found it in cis-microsoft-windows-7-benchmark pdf)
Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings
\Local Policies\User Rights Assignment\Allow log on locally


GCP: Is it possible to have an access to a resource if don't have project access?

It is my first expirience in Google Cloud Platform and I'm confused.
I've got an access to a resource: has granted you the following roles for resource resource_name(projects/project_name/datasets/ClientsExport/tables/resource_name) BigQuery Data Editor
But if I open BigQuery Data Editor, I don't see project_name and resource_name. Search by resource_name also returns no result.
Is it only access that I have in the project (I didn't get another accesses and mails).
Could you please help me with this? Maybe should I get some additional access to resource_name will be available? If is there another way to find the resource?
Thank you in advance!
In the message you have access to BigQuery data inside a table. You can query them from your project, you are autorised to access them (and to write also, because you are editor).
However, this table isn't in your project, it's in another project that's why you don't see it directly in the BigQuery console. In addition, you haven't the right to read the metadata (roles/bigquery.metadataViewer) on the dataset of the other project. Eventually, you can't also view the table schema in the console, but the bq CLI allow you to view it.
I had some discussions with Google BigQuery team about that (because I got the same issue in my company), and updates should happen by the end of the year (or soon in 2022) to fix this "view" issue in the console.
It looks like you have IAM permission to access a specific resource in BigQuery but cannot access it from the GUI.
Some reasons you may not see access on your GUI:
You have permission to interact with BigQuery but don't have access to any of the data.
You aren't a member of the organization which provided the resources and they have higher level permissions (on the org level) which prevents sharing of resources outside of the org.
Your access is restricted to the command line/app level. (If your account is a service account then this is likely the case.)

Unable to create AWS key pair using console

I tried to create new AWS key pairs and the option to create disappeared
Does anyone know why?
It would be worth checking the IAM permissions associated with the User who is trying to create the key pair. Contact the Administrator (presumably you?) and investigate. I would suggest creating a Group with Permissions and adding them to that.
I performed an experiment and added aDeny policy to my IAM User that prevented me from being able to create a keypair.
I then tried to launch an instance and the option to create a keypair (in the dialog box you show above) was still available. So, the display does not vary according to permissions.
Therefore, something else is causing your situation. I would recommend trying it in a different browser. Also, check the underlying HTML to see whether the option is coded on the web page. Something is causing it to disappear.

How to restrict createObject() on certain java classes or packages?

I want to create a secure ColdFusion environment, for which I am using multiple sandboxes configuration. The following tasks are easily achievable using the friendly administrator interface:
Restricting CFtags like: cfexecute, cfregistry and cfhttp.
Disabling Access to Internal ColdFusion Java components.
Access only to certain server and port ranges by third-party resources.
And the others using configuration of the web server accordingly.
The Problem:
So I was satisfied with the setup only to encounter later that regardless of the restriction applied to the cfexecute tag one can use java.lang.Runtime to execute system files or scripts easily;
String[] cmd = {"cmd.exe", 'net stop "ColdFusion 10 Application Server"'};
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);
or using the java.lang.ProcessBuilder:
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("cmd.exe", 'net stop "ColdFusion 10 Application Server"');
Process myProcess = pb.start();
The problem is that I cannot find any solutions which allows me to disable these two classes: java.lang.Runtime & java.lang.ProcessBuilder for the createObject().
For the note: I have tried the file restriction in the sanbox and os permission as well, but unfortunately they seem to work on an I/O file operations only and I cannot mess with security policies of the system libraries as they might be used internally by ColdFusion.
Following the useful suggestions from #Leigh and #Miguel-F, I tried my hands on implementing the Security Manager and Policy. Here's the outcome:
1. Specifying an Additional Policy File at runtime instead of making changes to the default java.policy file. To enable this, we add the following parameters to JVM arguments using CFAdmin interface or alternatively appending it to the jvm.args line in the jvm.config file :"c:/policies/myRuntime.policy"
There is a nice GUI utility inside jre\bin\ called policytool.exe which allows you to manage policy entries easily and efficiently.
2. We have enforced the Security manager and provided our custom security policy file which contains:
grant codeBase "file:///D:/proj/secTestProj/main/-"{
"<<ALL FILES>>", "read, write, delete";
Here we are setting FilePermission for all files to read, write, delete excluding execute from the list as we do not want any type of file to be executed using the java runtime.
Note: The codebase can be set to an empty string if we want the policy to be applied to all the applications irrespective of the source.
I really wished for a deny rule in policy file to make things easier similar to the grant rule we're using, but there isn't unfortunately. If you need to put in place a set of complex security policies, you can use Prograde library, which implements policy file with deny rule (stack ref.).
You could surely replace <<ALL FILES>> with individual file and set permissions accordingly or for a better control use a combination of <<ALL FILES>> and individual file permissions.
References: Default Policy Implementation and Policy File Syntax, Permissions in JDK and Controlling Applications
This approach solves our core issue: denying execution of files using java runtime by specifying permissions allowed on a file. In other approach, we can implement Security Manager directly in our application to define policy file from there, instead of defining it in our JVM args.
//set the policy file as the system securuty policy
System.setProperty("", "file:/C:/java.policy");
// create a security manager
SecurityManager sm = new SecurityManager();
//alternatively, get the current securiy manager using System.getSecuriyManager()
//set the system security manager
To be able to set it, we need these permissions inside our policy file:
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "setSecurityManager";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "createSecurityManager";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "usePolicy";
Using Security Manager object inside an application has its own advantages as it exposes many useful methods For instance: CheckExec(String cmd) which checks whether a calling thread is allowed to create a sub-process or not.
//perform the check
catch(SecurityException e){
//do warning.

Update the Local Computer Policy in Windows 7 with IGroupPolicyObject

I just want to be able to programmatically do what gpedit.msc does. I'm trying to set the value of these keys to 1 and Update the Local Group Registry.
In gpedit.msc:
Local Computer Policy/Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/System/Removable Storage Access
ValueName: All Removable Storage classes: Deny all access
Value: 1 (set this to 1)
Local Computer Policy/Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/Windows Components/AutoPlay Policies
ValueName: Turn off Autoplay
Value: 1 ( set this to 1)
I think the key is to use IGroupPolicyObject in C++. However, I can't find any documentation that I can wrap my head around.
My application needs to disable/enable all USB Access without having to reboot Windows 7.
I think that these links will help you:
C/C++ with a fully described way to change a setting in LGPO: Pete's Blog - Programatically setting and applying Local Group Policies on Windows
C# code that alters LGPO object by ComImport mechanism Software Developer's Bytes - Group Policy Object via .NET\C#

How do you find what GroupPolicy objects are attached to a container/domain/site?

I've got a problem where I need to interleave settings made on the host/user/containers/domain/site with the group policy settings attached to the containers/domain/site.
We can walk the ad tree for the host and the user and have those settings.
We have our group policy list & objects and those settings.
I'm just having trouble joining the 2 heirarchies back together, I can't seem to find the appripriate API/info to do it.
You need to look at the gpLink attribute of each site, domain, and OU. You can also look at gpOptions for a handful of related flags. The gpLink attribute will have the DNs of each GPO applied to that object as well as whether or not the link is enabled or not.