How to restrict createObject() on certain java classes or packages? - coldfusion

I want to create a secure ColdFusion environment, for which I am using multiple sandboxes configuration. The following tasks are easily achievable using the friendly administrator interface:
Restricting CFtags like: cfexecute, cfregistry and cfhttp.
Disabling Access to Internal ColdFusion Java components.
Access only to certain server and port ranges by third-party resources.
And the others using configuration of the web server accordingly.
The Problem:
So I was satisfied with the setup only to encounter later that regardless of the restriction applied to the cfexecute tag one can use java.lang.Runtime to execute system files or scripts easily;
String[] cmd = {"cmd.exe", 'net stop "ColdFusion 10 Application Server"'};
Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);
or using the java.lang.ProcessBuilder:
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("cmd.exe", 'net stop "ColdFusion 10 Application Server"');
Process myProcess = pb.start();
The problem is that I cannot find any solutions which allows me to disable these two classes: java.lang.Runtime & java.lang.ProcessBuilder for the createObject().
For the note: I have tried the file restriction in the sanbox and os permission as well, but unfortunately they seem to work on an I/O file operations only and I cannot mess with security policies of the system libraries as they might be used internally by ColdFusion.

Following the useful suggestions from #Leigh and #Miguel-F, I tried my hands on implementing the Security Manager and Policy. Here's the outcome:
1. Specifying an Additional Policy File at runtime instead of making changes to the default java.policy file. To enable this, we add the following parameters to JVM arguments using CFAdmin interface or alternatively appending it to the jvm.args line in the jvm.config file :"c:/policies/myRuntime.policy"
There is a nice GUI utility inside jre\bin\ called policytool.exe which allows you to manage policy entries easily and efficiently.
2. We have enforced the Security manager and provided our custom security policy file which contains:
grant codeBase "file:///D:/proj/secTestProj/main/-"{
"<<ALL FILES>>", "read, write, delete";
Here we are setting FilePermission for all files to read, write, delete excluding execute from the list as we do not want any type of file to be executed using the java runtime.
Note: The codebase can be set to an empty string if we want the policy to be applied to all the applications irrespective of the source.
I really wished for a deny rule in policy file to make things easier similar to the grant rule we're using, but there isn't unfortunately. If you need to put in place a set of complex security policies, you can use Prograde library, which implements policy file with deny rule (stack ref.).
You could surely replace <<ALL FILES>> with individual file and set permissions accordingly or for a better control use a combination of <<ALL FILES>> and individual file permissions.
References: Default Policy Implementation and Policy File Syntax, Permissions in JDK and Controlling Applications
This approach solves our core issue: denying execution of files using java runtime by specifying permissions allowed on a file. In other approach, we can implement Security Manager directly in our application to define policy file from there, instead of defining it in our JVM args.
//set the policy file as the system securuty policy
System.setProperty("", "file:/C:/java.policy");
// create a security manager
SecurityManager sm = new SecurityManager();
//alternatively, get the current securiy manager using System.getSecuriyManager()
//set the system security manager
To be able to set it, we need these permissions inside our policy file:
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "setSecurityManager";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "createSecurityManager";
permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "usePolicy";
Using Security Manager object inside an application has its own advantages as it exposes many useful methods For instance: CheckExec(String cmd) which checks whether a calling thread is allowed to create a sub-process or not.
//perform the check
catch(SecurityException e){
//do warning.


GCP - Can we enforce a user to add labels while creating resources?

Is there any way to enforce the addition of labels while creating resources? If not, is there a way to automatically label resources when creating said resources in GCP?
My use case: I need this to investigate the price in Data Studio.
No, you can't enforce any one to put labels on resources on GCP (same for projects). BUT you can enforce TAG automatically by inheritance. (You can't oblige a user to use them, but, by default there is a tag).
The TAG are still in preview and were named "label next gen" during the Alpha period. So, you can use them like labels, but you can enforce authorization on them (who can up view/update/delete them). This feature is very interesting because today, anyone with admin/owner roles can update/change/delete labels and you lost the control and the monitoring of your resources.
You can also put IAM condition on them and enforce organization policies accordingly.
You can't enforce users to do so. However you can:
Create a log sink if a resource is created
Use that log sink to call a cloud function that will create an alert or give a default label
If you use infrastructure as code for example Terraform, you can put a CI/CD job that will check if a label is placed, and if not reject the PR.

how to get shared access signature of Azure container by C++

I want to use C++ Azure API to generate a Shared Access Signature for a container on Azure and get the access string. But cannot find any good example. Almost all examples are in C#. Only found this,
Here is what I did,
// Retrieve a reference to a previously created container.
azure::storage::cloud_blob_container container = blob_client.get_container_reference(s2ws(eventID));
// Create the container if it doesn't already exist.
// Get the current permissions for the event.
auto blobPermissions = container.download_permissions();
// Create and assign a policy
utility::string_t policy_name = s2ws("Signature" + eventID);
azure::storage::blob_shared_access_policy policy = azure::storage::blob_shared_access_policy();
// set expire date
policy.set_expiry(utility::datetime::utc_now() + utility::datetime::from_days(10));
//give read and write permissions
azure::storage::shared_access_policies<azure::storage::blob_shared_access_policy> policies;
//add the new shared policy
policies.insert(std::make_pair(policy_name, policy));
auto token = container.get_shared_access_signature(policy, policy_name);
After run this, I can see the policy is successfully set on the container, but the token got by the last line is not right. And there will always be an exception when exiting this function, the breakpoint locates in _Deallocate().
Could someone tell me what's wrong with my code? Or some examples about this? Thank you very much.
The token I got looks like,
By this token, I couldn't access my blobs. The right token created by "Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer" using this policy looks like,
About the exception, I put all these code in a function. If without the last line, everything is okay. But if added the last line, while exiting this function, it will throw an exception and said a breakpoint was triggered. It stopped at the last line of _Deallocate() in "C:\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.10.25017\include\xmemory0",
::operator delete(_Ptr);
Have no idea why this exception being thrown and how to debug because it seems it cannot be caught by my code.
After changed the last line to,
auto token = container.get_shared_access_signature(azure::storage::blob_shared_access_policy(), policy_name);
The returned token is right, I can access my blobs by using it. But the annoying exception is still there :-(
Just found the exception only happened when building in Debug. If in Release, everything is ok. So maybe it's related to compiling environment.
When creating a Shared Access Signature (SAS), there are a few permissions you set: SAS Start/Expiry, Permissions, IP ACLing, Protocol restrictions etc. Now what you could do is create an access policy on the blob container with these things, create an ad-hoc SAS (i.e. without access policy) with these things or combine these two to create a SAS token.
One key thing to keep in mind is that if something is defined in an access policy, you can't redefine them when creating a SAS. So for example, let's say you create an access policy with just Read permission and nothing else, then you can't provide any permissions when creating a SAS token while using this access policy. You can certainly define the things which are not there in the access policy (for example, you can define a SAS expiry if it is not defined in access policy).
If you look at your code (before edit), what you're doing is creating an access policy with some permissions and then creating a SAS token using the same permissions and access policy. That's why it did not work. However when you created a SAS token from Microsoft's Storage Explorer, you will notice that it only included the access policy (si=Signature11111122222222) and none of the other parameters and that's why it worked.
In your code after edit you did not include any permissions but only used the access policy (in a way you did what Storage Explorer is doing) and that's why things worked after edit.
I hope this explains the mystery behind not working/working SAS tokens.

Modify non-registry based Group Policy In C++

I want to change group policy settings in my C++ code.
I know I should use the IGPEInformation or IGroupPolicyObject functions, but how use them for non registry based polices like this one?
this one hasn't got a key in registry
(I found it in cis-microsoft-windows-7-benchmark pdf)
Computer Configuration\Windows Settings\Security Settings
\Local Policies\User Rights Assignment\Allow log on locally

WSO2 GR: add application artifact and lifecyle when defining new application in the GR

I have a WSO2 Goverance Registry setup conformant to this blog post
When defining a new application in the WSO2 GR using the menu: Metadata > Add > Application I would like to be able to directly add the actual application artifact (war/car file).
The selected file should then by placed in the SVN location conforming to the initial state of the lifecycle to which I will bind the application. This of course implies that I would also need to be able to directly add the lifecycle when defining a new application.
The new application form would then be something like this:
Name: ExampleApplication-1.0.0
Type: .war (is now redundant)
Description: My Example Application Artifact: Selected file
ExampleApplication-1.0.0.war Lifecyle: MyDTAP-Lifecycle_v1
Does anybody know a good starting point for adding this functionality in terms of code hooks or extension points?
If I have understood you correctly, what you need to do is basically provide an file upload option in your "Application" RXT (Governance Artifact Configuration) which will upload what ever your file type and based on that you want to fill the derivable information to the meta data of the artifact. And also to attach a selected/pre defined life cycle to it at artifact creation. What you are looking for is Registry Handlers [1]. You can achieve all aforementioned tasks probably through a single handler.
[1] -

Amazon Web Services - CreateDBSnapshot

I am completely new to Amazon Web Services, however, I did get an account and I am able to browse our list of servers. I am trying to create a database backup programmatically using .NET. I have installed AWS for .NET and I have built and run the sample Empty console program.
I can see that I can create an instance of the RDS service with the following line:
AmazonRDS rds = AWSClientFactory.CreateAmazonRDSClient(RegionEndPoint.USEast1);
However, I notice that the rds.CreateDBSnapshot(); needs a request object but I don't see anything like CreateDBSnapshotRequest in the reference .dll, can anyone help with a working example?
Like you said CreateDBSnapshotRequest is the parameter you have to pass to this function.
CreateDBSnapshotRequest is defined in the Amazon.RDS.Model namespace within the AWSSDK.dll assembly (version
Within CreateDBSnapshotRequest you must pass the the DB Instance Identifier (for example mydbinstance-1), that you defined when you invoked the CreateDBInstance (or one of it's related methods) and the identifier for the snapshot you wish to generate (example: my-snapshot-id) for this DB Instance.
edit / example
Well there are a couple ways to achieve this, here's one example - hope it clears up your doubts
using Amazon.RDS;
using Amazon.RDS.Model;
//gets the credentials from the default configuration
AmazonRDS rdsClient = AWSClientFactory.CreateAmazonRDSClient();
CreateDBSnapshotRequest dbSnapshotRequest = new CreateDBSnapshotRequest();
dbSnapshotRequest.DBInstanceIdentifier = "my-oracle-instance";
dbSnapshotRequest.DBSnapshotIdentifier = "daily-snapshot";
Dont't forget that the DB Instance (in the example my-oracle-instance) must exist (duh :) and must be in the available state, like this: