Which unit test framework to use for c++? [closed] - c++

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Which unit test framework is in your opinion the best? It should be possible to use with c++/cmake projects.
If possible it should have a eclipse plugin for it.

There are lots of unit test frameworks for C++. But I like Catch most. Its design is modern, and supports awesome features. It is a header-only library, so easy to use.

Check out the boost unit testing framework. Here's a link to a tutorial on how to use it. It's fairly straight fforward: tutorials


c++ unit-tests sample in open-source-project [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm interested in learning about c++-unit-testing in the 'real-world'. I'd like to see a complex class with good test-coverage. Preferably tested with g-test or qtestlib. I had a look at KDE and Chromium but didn't find what I wanted.
Even if you have a proper knowledge of the gtest framework, in order to fully understand the test coverage you should first understand the project's needs and how it works.
That said, clang has a good unit tests coverage and code generation tests which often use advanced mocking techniques.
There's no silver bullet to your question since it's based on your personal experience and preferences.
I would recommend searching on github for gtest usage, and choosing an domain you could easily understand.
Modern C++ Programming with Test-Driven Development by Jeff Langr is a a great book for unit testing with C++ and gtest. It has lots of examples and good style.

Best cross-platform solution for network server? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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im starting a new project and for the first time i want to be cross-platform. But the tricky is my project would involve listen server, cryptos etc., etc. So i was wondering what is the best solution for cross-platform development (OpenSSL, instead of MSCrypto etc.) that would be easy to write with VS2010 (yeah the RC). The language is still not specified (depends on witch we would be easier) but im leaning to Visual C++.
In Cross-Platform i mean windows/generic unix compilation.
Qt4 is a complete crossplatform framework, including a very strong socket library.
also Boost.Asio http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_42_0/libs/libraries.htm.
The Poco C++ library may be what you are looking for.

Which open-source C++ projects have good (inspiring) tests? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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What are inspiring examples of open-source software written in C++ with great tests?
I would like to read, study and follow.
I like mysql's exhaustive test suite, where they add a test for almost every bug they fix to prevent regressions.
I have not read the source code, but PHP have a lot of tests which kan be easily run by make test after compilation.

What is a good C/C++ CSS parser? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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What is a good C/C++ CSS parser? All that I can find is CSSTidy, and it seems to be more of an application than a parsing library.
libcss seems also a common google hit and it looks good
I googled for:
"CSS Parser" C++
The first result is http://sourceforge.net/projects/htmlcxx. It's a CSS/HTML API for C++.
A pretty good bet would be to read through the Mozilla or Safari code-base. If you need something a little more accessible for another program, there's an ANTLR grammar (which you can use to create C++ code) at http://www.antlr3.org/grammar/1214945003224/csst3.g. The W3 validator is located at http://dev.w3.org/cvsweb/2002/css-validator/, but it is Java.

Recommended C++ Database Abstraction Layers [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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What Database Abstraction Layer libraries would you recommend for use with C++? I am more interested in solutions for non-Windows platforms, but that is personal preference. Which libraries would you recommend and why?
Take a look at SOCI
Apparently, it is a serious candidate for Boost.
Personally, I like the database template library.
I'd recommend using an ODBC library.
Here are the first two when I googled: