c++ unit-tests sample in open-source-project [closed] - c++

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm interested in learning about c++-unit-testing in the 'real-world'. I'd like to see a complex class with good test-coverage. Preferably tested with g-test or qtestlib. I had a look at KDE and Chromium but didn't find what I wanted.

Even if you have a proper knowledge of the gtest framework, in order to fully understand the test coverage you should first understand the project's needs and how it works.
That said, clang has a good unit tests coverage and code generation tests which often use advanced mocking techniques.
There's no silver bullet to your question since it's based on your personal experience and preferences.

I would recommend searching on github for gtest usage, and choosing an domain you could easily understand.

Modern C++ Programming with Test-Driven Development by Jeff Langr is a a great book for unit testing with C++ and gtest. It has lots of examples and good style.


C++ - most popular framework for interacting with SQL? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I am a computer science student and I want to do a personal project demonstrating some skills that I have learned. Recently I learned how to use SQL with PHP. Since PHP isn't as relevant as it once was, I was hoping someone could point me towards a more commonly used back-end tool where I still interact with my database through SQL queries. In my question, I specifically asked about a C++ framework since I am most comfortable with C++, but if there are much more common frameworks for what I'm looking for that use Java or Python, that would work as well.
Doing a quick google search gave me a very very large list of potential frameworks, so I was hoping someone with more knowledge in the field can point me towards one that employers would find the most relevant.
On a side note, I was also wondering if a framework is completely necessary, or if I can create my back-end just using native c++? If so, is this a valuable skill to look into?
Thanks for the help.
check out QT for the C++ GUI & MySQL for the backend...

Are there any developer tool out there that allows me to roll-out features incrementally and, at the same time, test them? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a huge project with a bunch of features. Each of these features are new to the product so I'm a bit worried how customers will perceive them. I'm wondering if there are tools out there that help me facilitate my features releases. Are there any analytic tools out there that let me measure which one is working and which isn't? I'm worried I might lose customers.
I believe there's no such universal tool for testing everything in everyone. However there are some work flows and methodologies which helps to ensure released functionality quality. For example writing some tests in software level with some schedule should help a lot.
I cannot provide any concrete guidance since every team takes practices which suits best their needs.

Which unit test framework to use for c++? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Which unit test framework is in your opinion the best? It should be possible to use with c++/cmake projects.
If possible it should have a eclipse plugin for it.
There are lots of unit test frameworks for C++. But I like Catch most. Its design is modern, and supports awesome features. It is a header-only library, so easy to use.
Check out the boost unit testing framework. Here's a link to a tutorial on how to use it. It's fairly straight fforward: tutorials

Looking for reverse-engineering UML tool [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm looking for a reverse-engineering UML free tool for c++ code.
The old software i'm working on has almost no documentation, and i must add an evolution :s
So an UML diagram would help me a lot.
I downloaded StarUML, but when i do the reverse engineering, i have an issue, it doesn't display all the classes on the diagram, as if it was too small.
I didn't find the solution so i wanted to download another free tool. But doesn't find one.
Thanks for the answers
You could always try Doxygen. It won't produce the most beautiful output of all times, but you can force it to generate class diagrams for you.
One of the best tools I've ever used for reverse engineering to create UML diagrams is Visual Paradigm. I've never used it for C++ but for Java and C#.
Try to take a look:

Are there any good Unit Test frameworks for Ada? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I come from a C++ background, but I'm currently working in Ada. In the C++ world, I unit test every class as I write it... this doesn't seem to be the vogue for our codebase here at work.
I'd like to start implementing unit tests for the Ada packages I create, are there any good frameworks out there that do this?
There are two open source JUnit-like unit testing frameworks around, AUnit and Ahven.
AUnit is good if you use Ada 2005 and GNAT compiler family. Downside is that you cannot use it in Ada 95 projects. Ahven fills the gap and concentrates on being compatible with various Ada 95 compilers (like older GNAT compilers, Janus/Ada, ObjectAda).
(PS. I am author of Ahven.)
Check out AUnit
tkoskine says that AUnit doesn't support Ada95; don't know where that came from, I've been using AUnit for the last 8 years on a project which is still Ada95!
VectorCAST/Ada has been around for awhile.