qt/c++ context menu - disable an item - c++

I'm currently developing an app such as the browser using Qt and c++.
I have create a contextual menu to allow on right click action such as delete, rename and add folder.
void MyTreeWidget::createContextMenu() {
contextMenu = new QMenu();
addFolderAction = new QAction("Add Folder", contextMenu);
connect(addFolderAction, SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(onAddFolderActionTree()));
deleteAction = new QAction("Delete", contextMenu);
connect(deleteAction, SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(onDeleteAction()));
RenameAction = new QAction("Rename", contextMenu);
connect(RenameAction, SIGNAL(triggered()),this,SLOT(onRenameAction()));
This is working fine. This contextual menu is used when you select a file or folder in my treewidget and make a right click. My issue is that I propose the "add folder" option even if I select a file. You can't create a folder inside a file.
What I want is to disable the option when a file is selected and enable it when it's a folder.
I can know if it's file or folder by getting the TreeWidgetItem class I have overloaded:

You can disable QAction. In this case "Add Folder" menu item will be disabled:

Use the QAction::setEnabled(bool) method on your 'addFolderAction'.
One way to use it is like this:
bool addFolderEnabled = <check TreeWidgetItem here to enable / disable>;
Call the updateMenuActions() method just before you display the context menu.
I actually prefer the code below in case you have situations where you can have NULL pointers to actions (for cases where you don't even add them):
bool addFolderEnabled = <check TreeWidgetItem here to enable / disable>;
updateAction(addFolderAction, bEditEnabled);
MyTreeWidget::updateAction(QAction* pAction, const bool& bEnabled)


Sitecore custom ribbon button not working

I have created a custom ribbon button following the steps mentioned in http://jondjones.com/how-to-add-a-custom-sitecore-button-to-the-editor-ribbon/
I can see the button appearing in sitecore:
Custom button
Command does not get triggered when clicked on the button.
Below is my code:
using System;
using Sitecore.Shell.Applications.Dialogs.ProgressBoxes;
using Sitecore.Shell.Framework.Commands;
namespace SitecoreVsPoc.Commands
public class TranslateContent : Command
private static readonly object Monitor = new object();
public override void Execute(CommandContext context)
if (context == null)
ProgressBox.Execute("Arjun", "Title", "Applications/32x32/refresh.png", Refresh);
catch (Exception ex)
Sitecore.Diagnostics.Log.Error("Error!", ex, this);
public void Refresh(params object[] parameters)
// Do Stuff
Below is the command I have registered in commands.config:
<command name="contenteditor:translatecontent" type="SitecoreVsPoc.Commands.TranslateContent,SitecoreVsPoc" />
Note: I am using Sitecore 8.2 initial release.
Can someone suggest a solution for this?
In Sitecore 8 it was changed the way you add Ribbon button. As far I see your link is from Sitecore 7 or 6.
To create the new button item for the Experience Editor ribbon:
In the Core database, open the Content Editor and navigate to /sitecore/content/Applications/WebEdit/Ribbons/WebEdit/Page Editor/Edit.
Create a new item based on the relevant ribbon control template, for example, the Small Button template. The templates are located at /sitecore/templates/System/Ribbon/.
For the new item, add the following information:
In the Header field, enter the display name of the button.
In the ID field, enter a unique identifier for the item. For example, you can include the ribbon group name in the ID.
In the Icon field, enter the path to the relevant icon. Depending on the button you create, adjust the icon size accordingly.
Open Sitecore Rocks and add the relevant control rendering, for example SmallButton, to the layout of the button item you created.
Enter a unique ID for the rendering.
For other SPEAK controls, you can point to another item in the Data Source field and specify the configuration in this other item.
More informations you can find here: https://doc.sitecore.net/sitecore_experience_platform/content_authoring/the_editing_tools/the_experience_editor/customize_the_experience_editor_ribbon
Before it was very simple, you didn't need to add new code:

Delete confirmation when deleting from floating menu in a page editor in sitecore

I am very new sitecore, working with sitecore 7.
The question is when I am in a page editor, when I delete an item using the floating menu 'delete' function, It just deletes the item.
Customer requirement is to add a confirmation box here. Something like 'are you sure to delete'. and two typical buttons(yes/cancel).
is that even possible? any help would be appreciated.
In the picture below, The red cross, is a delete/remove button. If I click it just deletes. I want to show confirmation upon clicking the button.
Ok, I am writing a custom command.
I have added a new button. The target is this new button will ask if the user wants to remove the component or not. And if user says 'yes' it will do the same as the default built in remove button does.
public class RemoveWithNoti:Sitecore.Shell.Applications.WebEdit.Commands.WebEditCommand
public override void Execute(CommandContext context)
Context.ClientPage.Start(this, "Run", context.Parameters);
protected static void Run(ClientPipelineArgs args)
if (args.IsPostBack)
if (args.HasResult)
//Here I need to call "chrome:rendering:delete" this . I just dont know how to!!
SheerResponse.Confirm("Are you certain that you want to remove this component");
How do I call chrome:rendering:delete from code??
The "chrome:rendering:delete" event is handled on the client side by javascript. Here is the exact places:
/sitecore/shell/Applications/Page Modes/ChromeTypes/RenderingChromeType.js file:
handleMessage: function(message, params, sender) {
switch (message) {
case "chrome:rendering:delete":
You can do something like this in the same file:
deleteControl: function() {
if(confirm('Are you sure to remove this component?')){
var placeholder = this.getPlaceholder();
if (placeholder) {

Do I need to check one by one to know which radiobutton is checked in a group in Qt

I know that I can use this kind of code to know which radio button is checked in Qt:
int checkButton;
if( ui->radioButton_0->isChecked() ){
checkButton = 0;
}else if(ui->radioButton_1->isChecked()){
checkButton = 1;
}else if
Are there any easier way to know which radio button is checked in a group in Qt. I think it is really helpful if there is such kind of easier way when the group of radio button is large. Code may look like that:
int checkbutton = groupName.getCheckButtonIngroup();
Also we can put a few radiobuttons in groupbox in Qt Designer and after this find children of groupbox, add children to buttonGroup and use the checkedId or checkedButton methods.
void MainWindow::on_pushButton_15_clicked()
QButtonGroup group;
QList<QRadioButton *> allButtons = ui->groupBox->findChildren<QRadioButton *>();
qDebug() <<allButtons.size();
for(int i = 0; i < allButtons.size(); ++i)
qDebug() << group.checkedId();
qDebug() << group.checkedButton();
First of all you need to add all radio buttons to a button group. There are two ways to do that:
In Qt Designer select all radio buttons you want to add and select Assign to button group from the context menu.
From the code. Create a new QButtonGroup and add the buttons there with QButtonGroup::addButton.
Then anytime you can get to know what button is checked:
If you need a pointer of a checked button use QButtonGroup::checkedButton.
If you need a number of the button you need to add buttons to the group manually with addButton(QAbstractButton* button, int id). After this use QButtonGroup::checkedId to get an identifier of the checked button.

Automatically saving a file with QFileDialog

I have to automate a test using QTest, Qt, C++:
I write text in a tab (part of tabwidget) and then try to close it, afterwards a QFileDialog appears ( because I made changes to the plaintext in the tab), I try to "catch" the QFileDialog like this:
QWidgetList topWidgets = QApplication::topLevelWidgets();
foreach (QWidget *w, topWidgets) {
if (QFileDialog *fd = qobject_cast<QFileDialog *>(w)) {
After getting the QFileDialog object I want my changes from the tab to be saved in the file "test.txt" which I created before in the tmp directory. When I execute this nothing happens, the QFileDialog pops up, but test.txt is not selected and not saved, how can I achieve this?
The selectFile method does not work if the filedialog is visible and if the focus is set to the line edit widget. From the qfiledialog.cpp (QT 5.2):
if (!isVisible() || !d->lineEdit()->hasFocus())
For our automated tests, we just hide the filedialog for a moment, call selectFile() and show it again
Try this:
QWidgetList topWidgets = QApplication::topLevelWidgets();
foreach (QWidget *w, topWidgets) {
if (QFileDialog *fd = qobject_cast<QFileDialog *>(w)) {

In Sitecore how to open a custom Sitecore app by right clicking on a content item?

I want to be able to right click on a content item in Sitecore and then select something like "Run My App" in the context menu. Then in the app that runs I need to be able to reference the content item that was right clicked. Is this possible?
Yes you can do this, its not as hard as it sounds.
You want to drop into the Core database and open up the content editor. The right click menu is defined within the sitecore/content/Applications/Content Editor/Context Menus/Default
The items within that folder are what you see when you right-click an item in the tree. So you can add a new item there with a template of Menu Item.
If you look at the existing ones, most of them send a message to the Sitecore Desktop. These messages are the commands defined in /App_Config/Commands.config. I can't see anything in there that would just launch another Sitecore application, so you would need to create a new command to do that. To create one, just inherit from the Sitecore.Shell.Framework.Commands.Command class. That passes in a CommandContext which will holds a collection of Items.
public class DemoCommand: Command
#region Overrides of Command
/// <summary>
/// Executes the command in the specified context.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="context">The context.</param>
public override void Execute(CommandContext context)
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(context, "context");
var parameters = new NameValueCollection();
if (context.Items != null && context.Items.Length == 1)
var item = context.Items[0];
parameters["id"] = item.ID.ToString();
Context.ClientPage.Start(this, "Run", parameters);
public CommandState QueryStat(CommandContext context)
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(context, "context");
return CommandState.Enabled;
protected static void Run(ClientPipelineArgs args)
Assert.ArgumentNotNull(args, "args");
"[Path to your application here]"
To get the item passed over, in your message call - just pass the variable $Target.
So the field Message in the Menu Item would be something like:
Hope that makes sense :)