VS2013 Boost using NuGet - c++

I have been trying for days to get boost to work with my Visual Studio 2013 Premium install. I tried it with a zip install, and now with NuGet. Both methods have gotten me to same point of a linker error.
The error: 1>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_system-vc120-mt-gd-1_57.lib'
I looked through the mailing list for boost and found someone posting of a similar issue, but that was from 2012 with boost_1_54_0 or something, so not relevant at all to VS2013 or boost 1_58_0.
I've also looked at a few forum posts, including SO, but none of them have the same issue I'm having. Either that, or they simply have no replies.
I can't really discern any of the flags that the error show because this is my first time ever using anything other than STL libraries or my own headers.
Any and all help would be appreciated, let me know if there's any other additional info that would be helpful.

I suspect you installed the NuGet package named simply "boost". This seems to contain all the Boost headers, but no compiled libraries. That's fine if you're interested in using only the header-only Boost libraries (i.e. most of them).
What you really want is the package named "boost-vc120" (vc120 refers to VC++ 12.0, which is the VC++ version that ships with VS2013). This has all the libraries as well. You'll notice that it'll take a lot longer to install.
In either case, NuGet will take care of setting up all the necessary VC++ Directories settings. No further configuration is needed.

The structure of Boost NuGet packages is here. You can use boost-vc120 but it will download ALL boost libraries to your project. So if you want to save disk space, then use boost package which gives you header files, and specific binary packages. In your case, it's boost_system-vc120.
You can't remove boost package because binary packages, such as boost-vc120/boost_system-vc120, depend on it.

Does the file libboost_system-vc120-mt-gd-1_57.lib exist on your hard drive?
If yes, did you add the .lib to the linker/input/Additional Dependencies?

Go to following web page:
From there you find "NuGet Packages for Boost." with multiple links.
If you pick first link - you will get to boost-includes nuget-package
instructions. Basically you need to open Package manager in Visual studio, select correct project, and type command "Install-Package boost -Version 1.69.0" - it will enable
boost includes automatic downloading to "packages" folder.
By following other links you can get boost static libraries for your specific Visual studio - follow "boost-vc141" to get Visual studio 2017 static libraries.
That boost package will get a lot of boost libraries - if you don't need all of them - make temporary project, get boost static libraries, and copy paste libraries which you need by yourself.


Point Cloud Library with Visual Studio 2017

I'm having trouble using Point Cloud Library with Microsoft Visual Studio 2017.
I have installed [PCL-1.8.1-AllInOne-msvc2017-win64.exe] and I've followed the steps mentioned
here. to link it to my Visual Studio 2017 project.
My problem is that Visual Studio is not finding the header nor the source files of the library I need.
The error I'm getting is as follows:
[fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'pcl/io/pcd_io.h': No such file or directory]
To be more precise about my problem, I need to include three PCL header files in order to run thisIterative Closest Point Tutorial
I've followed the following steps to include the PCL into my project:
Added the include directories to my project at the Project Properties/Configuration Properties/VC++ Directories/Include Directories field - here I specified the path to my PCL/include directory and to all 3rd party include directories (PCL/3rdParty)
Added the library directories on the same settings page (Library Directories field) - hereI specified the path to my PCL/lib directory and to all non-header-only 3rd party libs (Boost, Flann, VTK)
Chose the libs to be used in the linker. In Project Properties/Configuration Properties/Linker/Input/Additional Dependencies field. I added all the libs required. As I'm trying to run it in debug mode for now, I've picked the "_debug.lib" library files.
Finally, I've added the PCL/bin folder to my system path variable.
Does anyone know if I'm missing something configuration-wise?
I've seen several old posts about incompatibility between older Point Cloud Libraries and older versions of Visual Studio. As far as I understood, the new versions are supposed to work well together, but it's not the case for me.
Installing pcl is tough because there are dozens of dependencies used along with pcl software. But with with vcpkg,a command line package manager, the installation becomes just like a one liner command.
Use Microsoft vcpkg to build a static or dynamic library for your project automatically. All the dependencies like boost,tiff,openssl,flann,szip,etc will be downloaded and installed by itself. After installing vcpkg type the following on Powershell.
.\vcpkg install pcl:x64-windows-static
The link you referenced is 3-4 years old. At the time, any binary build of PCL for Visual Studio 2012 or later was not provided, and thus. PCL needed to be built with target VS. And every include/library directory of PCL and any related library have to be manually added to setup the IDE. Since PCL is a large-scale collection of libraries, this made it difficult for its users to setup VS.
Now early 2018, binary builds of PCL for VS 2015/2017 and more automatic way to setup VS (e.g., adding library/include directories) using CMake are provided. Thus, installing PCL and creating a VS project using PCL does not take more than 10 minutes. I think you'd better follow the recommended way rather than setting VS by yourself.
the previous answer use vcpkg is good,but is better to use:
.\vcpkg install pcl:x64-windows
It can let you have fewer problems.
A small note for anyone who has issues with the install listed above, occasionally an install will get corrupted and not work. I got:
LINK : fatal error LNK1201
on a build, and the solution for that is find the downloaded item. This will be located in the vcpkg/downloads/ directory. Delete the item that was having issues and try the install again.

C++ boost nuget cannot open file Visual Studio 2015

I am making a C++ project (quite new to C++) and it needs the so called "boost" library. I thought I could add it with a nugget to make my life easier...(#include <boost\date_time.hpp> added) but now I am getting this error
Error LNK1104 cannot open file
What is the problem?
Error LNK1104 cannot open file
According to the error, you should add the libboost_date_time-vc141-mt-gd-1_65_1.lib library directory to your project configuration. This .lib included in the NuGet package boost_date_time-vc140 or boost_date_time-vc141.
Since you are using Visual Studio 2015, you just need install the NuGet package boost_date_time-vc140 to your project, NuGet will add the libboost_date_time-vc141-mt-gd-1_65_1.lib library directory to your project configuration automatically. After installation completed, that error will be resolved.
Besides, since you are use boost library in Visual Studio 2015, I suggest that you can use the boost-vc140, which included many dependencies. So you do not need to add them manually.
Hope this helps.
You need to add the boost library directory to your project configuration, go to the project menu, then properties.
In the property tree go down to 'VC++ Directories' and in the library directories add \lib64-msvc-12.0 (change the 64 to 32 for 32 bit builds).
I suggest you do this through view->other windows->property manager, then it will be set up for all future projects as well.
The reason why you have a link error is because you installed the header-only NuGet "Boost" package. However, due to an unfortunate design decision, this header-only package also contains header files for Boost libraries that are not header-only, such as datetime. With a better design, you would have gotten the error earlier (at compile time).
The "Boost.vc120" and "Boost.vc140" packages contains both header-only libraries and regular compiled libraries; the difference between them is the compiler used.

Visual Studio 2013 (vs120) asks for wrong boost libraries

I'm trying to compile one of my projects on Windows 7, using Visual Studio 2013. I've installed Boost 1.53 and setup the solution using cmake.
What happens is that now the compiled libraries of boost are in the form libboost_*-vc120-mt(-gd)-1_53.lib. In the linker project options, under the input tab, I have verified that the libraries that I need are there, and in fact the compiler is able to correctly read them.
However, for some reason that I absolutely can't understand, the linker is also trying to find libraries compiled as vc110. For example:
error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_filesystem-vc110-mt-gd-1_53.lib'
The Platform Toolset that is listed in the project option is "Visual Studio 2013 (v120)". I couldn't find any reference to vc110 in any of the project options. Can you help me understand what is happening?
This post thankfully solves my question. I wasn't able to find it before. The solution is to edit the boost/config/auto_link.hpp because the code inside is not able to handle vc120, and ends up suggesting vc110
How do I specify, which version of boost library to link to?
The library name is autogenerated in the boost header version.hpp
Possibly the version wasn't rebuilt, or you are pointing at the wrong header version?
Instead of patching the config file try just defining a macro before the header inclusion .. this is what I did in my project
//#define BOOST_LIB_TOOLSET "vc100"

unable to compile examples in ODEINT package

I am trying to solve a coupled set of ODE's in C++, and I have decided that I want to try out odeint (available here) as I have read many good things about it. However I am having compiling the examples that are included in the package. Here is the situation:
So far I have only downloaded the package and extracted it. I am running Visual C++ 6 on Windows XP and I am compiling the example "simple1d". I get the error message: "Cannot open include file: 'boost/config.hpp': No such file or directory".
It is not clear to me what I am missing. Do I need the full boost library to make this work? I was under the impression that ODEINT is a "standalone" package.
Your error says that compiler can not find the boost libraries. You should download them from boost.org and also add them to your header path.
Where did you download and extract the package to? The package homepage says that it's a header-only package, so you only need to let Visual find the header files. I haven't used Visual in a while, but a quick google of something like "Visual 6 add header path" should be a good place to start. Take a look at Where does Visual Studio look for C++ header files?.
Quoting from this page:
Within Visual Studio, go to the Project Settings dialog. We want to change the settings for both Debug and Release versions, so under the Settings For field, select "All Configurations". Under the C/C++ Tab, select Preprocessor options.
The package tarball has a directory called boost: you want to add the path of that directory into the Additional include directories box and then #include <boost/numeric/odeint/config.hpp> in your code.
It appears, then, that you already have the odeint headers installed properly: the file boost/numeric/odeint/config.hpp has a line #include <boost/config.hpp>, which is what visual must be complaining about; so I guess the package is not standalone. It must need other boost header files installed. I can't find anything in either the package homepage or the package tarball that mentions any dependencies, so I suppose you should try to install boost too. Download version 1.51.0 here, and this is the windows documentation.
You must download odeint from http://headmyshoulder.github.io/odeint-v2/downloads.html and Boost c++ libraries from http://www.boost.org/users/history/version_1_51_0.html.
If you use codeblocks right click your project, select build oprions, select Search Directories and add two references one for odeint and one for boost.

how to install boost to the VS 2008?

I've almost completely installed Boost, but I have a problem with how to set my path to Boost in Tools->options->projects->VC++ Directories.
I've written the path to include files and libraries (my folder contains two subfolders, lib and include), but when I try to use Boost with
#include boost/regex.hpp, I got this linking error:
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'libboost_regex-vc90-mt-gd-1_36.lib
Could you please tell me how to install Boost correctly for Visual Studio 2008?
Use the Boost Installer by the Boost consulting group.
You might be interested in the Visual Studio 2008 Feature pack. It adds many of the features that have only been available from Boost until now, the features that are part of the C++ TR1.
Also checkout this post for instructions on how to build Boost yourself.