Choose language using views services in drupal 7 - web-services

I use views services module with rest services. The views shows content using "current user's language" but when I get content always returns in the default language.
For example:
"title":"node title",
"value":"content body here",
I need choose language in rest petition.

From Services Views module page:
You can create exposed filters and pass them to your resource. For example if we created exposed filter "tags" call will be:
So you can create a exposed filter for language in your view and than just filter results by adding &lang=en to the url:


Get proper usernames to populate on Superset with Azure SSO instead of ID string

I've finally gotten Azure Single Sign-On (SSO) connected to Apache Superset running via docker-compose, following the Flask docs. Users in my company's Azure group can create and access Superset accounts by logging in with Azure and they are assigned roles based on their identity. This is good.
The usernames they get assigned, however, are long Azure ID strings. These are undesirable in displays. Here's what my account looks like on the List Users screen and on my profile:
How can I modify either my Azure application SSO setup or my Superset config to have Superset populate usernames like SFirke for the account usernames, instead of values like 3ee660ff-a274 ... ?
The security part of my looks like this, almost identical to the Flask template:
"name": "azure",
"icon": "fa-windows",
"token_key": "access_token",
"remote_app": {
"client_id": "CLIENT_ID",
"client_secret": "CLIENT_SECRET",
"api_base_url": "",
"client_kwargs": {
"scope": " name preferred_username email profile upn groups",
"resource": "RESOURCE_ID",
"request_token_url": None,
"access_token_url": "",
"authorize_url": "",
EDIT: Looks like the way to go is writing a custom userinfo retrieval method, there's a template on the Flask page linked above and an example used for Superset in this Github comment. I think I would use a line like "id": me["preferred_username"] or "id": me["upn"], based on the field names in the Microsoft docs.
But Microsoft notes that this value can change over time and should not be used for authorization changes. Since the oid value is immutable, and it is hardly visible to the typical user, I plan to just stick to it.

Amazon API Gateway swagger importer tool does not import minItems feild from swagger

I am trying the api gateway validation example from here . I observed that from the given swagger.json file, minItems is not imported into the models which got created during the swagger import.
"CreateOrders": {
"title": "Create Orders Schema",
"type": "array",
"minItems" : 1,
"items": {
"type": "object",
"$ref" : "#/definitions/Order"
Because of this when you give an empty array [ ] as input, instead of throwing an error about minimum items in an array, the api responds with a message 'created orders successfully'.
When I manually add the same from the API gateway console UI, it seems to work as expected. Am i missing something or this is a bug in the importer?
This is a known issue with the Swagger import feature of API Gateway.
The maxItems and minItems tags are not included in simple request validation. To work around this, update the model after import before doing validation.

Facebook graph api. how to list all pages that my app is subscribed to?

So I am aware of how to check each page to get a list of all subscribed apps.
But I would like to get a list of all pages my app has real time update subscriptions for?
so i have tried this$app_id/subscriptions?access_token=$app_token
but this just brings back basic info on the app.
I would like a list of pages that it has subscriptions to already?
Can anyone help?
This doesn't look to be possible.
Endpoint you're using - - is to get list of application webhooks (callback_url and type of changes), which are called subscriptions for some reason. It's not about pages that subscribed to this webhook (or this app in general).
Overall, even in for your app, under e.g. Messenger tab, you will only see subset of all pages that subscribed to this app. The visible subset is limited by your facebook user account permissions, presumably only show pages that you're either Admin or Editor.
Therefore, if such call would be possible, it would be somehow tied to User Access Token as well, not only app token.
You can do this here:
Once logged, you can click on right button and select "Get User Access Token". You will need at least manage_pages or pages_show_list permission to accomplish this.
Now, all you have to do is call this endpoint: /me/accounts.
It should list all subscribed pages on your app.
Hope it helps.
As per
it is possible (graph api):
GET /oauth/access_token
And then /<app_id>/subscriptions
which returns something like:
"data": [
"object": "application",
"callback_url": "https:...",
"active": true,
"fields": [
"name": "ads_rules_engine",
"version": "v2.9"
"object": "page",
"callback_url": "https://...",
"active": true,
"fields": [
"name": "leadgen",
"version": "v2.5"

Get total number of Custom Actions on Open Graph Object

I want to access number of custom actions (that I've defined) done on my Open Graph object. Facebook will return number of Like actions in response(like this) but they don't include number of custom actions.
Apps can retrieve actions published for the authorized user. For example, a Recipe app can retrieve all the recipes I've cooked or plan on cooking and customize the app experience based the data.
This API returns the action’s metadata including timestamps along with custom properties and their values. Objects referenced from an action are returned a single level deep.
GET /{action-instance-id}
The following retrieves a specific action instance{action-instance-id}?access_token=USER_ACCESS_TOKEN
"id": "1538292028372"
"start_time": 1303502229,
"end_time": 1303513029,
"data": {
"type": "recipebox:recipe",
"url": "",
"id": "1234567890",
"title": "Pumpkin Pie"
The above content is from FB Documentaion

Extracting Cache Process information via SOAP in 2008.2

What is the best way to configure Intersystems Cache 2008.2 so that the Web Service interface could be utilized to export a table consisting of the process information?
It will be something like this:
Class SSH.WS Extends %SOAP.WebService [ ProcedureBlock ]
/// Name of the WebService.
/// Return process list with some additional info
Method GetProcess() As %XML.DataSet [ WebMethod ]
set Dataset=##class(%XML.DataSet).%New()
set Dataset.ClassName="%SYS.ProcessQuery"
set Dataset.QueryName="SS"
quit Dataset
You may use any query from %SYS.ProcessQuery, or create your own based on one of these.