Selecting the word immediately after a keyword - regex

I'm trying to extract the word immediately a keyword using R. I don't have a lot of experience with regular expressions so everything I've found so far doesn't help me much. If I could get the function to return multiple instances that would be ideal.
For example if my keyword was the and my string was:
The yellow log is in the stream
It would return yellow and stream.
I found this solution for c# and it seems exactly like what I want but I'm having trouble implementing it in R.

You can try
str_extract_all(str1, perl('(?<=\\b(?i)The )\\w+'))[[1]]
#[1] "yellow" "stream"
Or using stringi
stri_extract_all_regex(str1, '(?<=\\b(?i)The )\\w+')[[1]]
#[1] "yellow" "stream"
EDIT: Changed based on #Roland's suggestion in the comments.
str1 <- 'The yellow log is in the stream'

assign key to whatever string you want and use
key <- 'the'
p <- "The yellow log is in the stream"
regmatches(p, gregexpr(sprintf('(?i)(?<=%s\\s)\\w+', key), p, perl = TRUE))[[1]]
# [1] "yellow" "stream"
or as #Roland points out, it would be safer to use a word boundary around your keyword to avoid this:
key <- 'the'
p <- "The yellow log is in the stream drinking absinthe and beer"
regmatches(p, gregexpr(sprintf('(?i)(?<=%s\\s)\\w+', key), p, perl = TRUE))[[1]]
# [1] "yellow" "stream" "and"
regmatches(p, gregexpr(sprintf('(?i)(?<=\\b%s )\\w+', key), p, perl = TRUE))[[1]]
# [1] "yellow" "stream"

Here is non regex solution:
mytext <- "The yellow log is in the stream"
mykey <- "the"
x <- unlist(strsplit(mytext," "))

Try this: this returns 'yellow' and 'stream'
x <- "The yellow log is in the stream"
regmatches(x, gregexpr("(?:(?:T|t)he)\\s(\\w+)", x, perl = TRUE))[[1]]
## [1] "The yellow" "the stream"

The qdapRegex package I maintain has a regular expression after_ in the regex_supplement dictionary that is perfect for this. You can use rm_ to make your own after_the function:
x<- "The yellow log is in the stream"
after_the <- rm_(pattern = S("#after_", "[Tt]he"), extract = TRUE)
## [[1]]
## [1] "yellow" "stream"
The S function is a wrapper for sprintf that allows you to easily pass elements (like the work "the" in this case) to the base regex producing:
S("#after_", "the", "The")
## [1] "(?<=\\b(the|The)\\s)(\\w+)"
x<- c("The yellow log is in the stream", "I like the one box for a pack")
after_ <- rm_(extract = TRUE)
after_ <- rm_(extract = TRUE)
words <- c("the", "a", "one")
setNames(lapply(words, function(y){
after_(x, pattern = S("#after_", y, TC(y)))
}), words)
## $the
## $the[[1]]
## [1] "yellow" "stream"
## $the[[2]]
## [1] "one"
## $a
## $a[[1]]
## [1] NA
## $a[[2]]
## [1] "pack"
## $one
## $one[[1]]
## [1] NA
## $one[[2]]
## [1] "box"


Combining lines in character vector in R

I have a character vector (content) of about 50,000 lines in R. However, some of the lines when read in from a text file are on separate lines and should not be. Specifically, the lines look something like this:
[1] hello,
[2] world
[3] ""
[4] how
[5] are
[6] you
[7] ""
I would like to combine the lines so that I have something that looks like this:
[1] hello, world
[2] how are you
I have tried to write a for loop:
for(i in 1:length(content)){
if(content[i+1] != ""){
content[i+1] <- c(content[i], content[i+1])
But when I run the loop, I get an error: missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed.
Can anyone suggest a better way to do this, maybe not even using a loop?
I am actually trying to apply this to a Corpus of documents that are all many thousands lines each. Any ideas on how to translate these solutions into a function that can be applied to the content of each of the documents?
you don't need a loop to do that
x <- c("hello,", "world", "", "how", "\nare", "you", "")
dummy <- paste(
c("\n", sample(letters, 20, replace = TRUE), "\n"),
collapse = ""
) # complex random string as a split marker
x[x == ""] <- dummy #replace empty string by split marker
y <- paste(x, collapse = " ") #make one long string
z <- unlist(strsplit(y, dummy)) #cut the string at the split marker
gsub(" $", "", gsub("^ ", "", z)) # remove space at start and end
I think there are more elegant solutions, but this might be usable for you:
chars <- c("hello,","world","","how","are","you","")
###identify groups that belong together (id increases each time a "" is found)
ids <- cumsum(chars=="")
#split vector (an filter out "" by using the select vector)
select <- chars!=""
splitted <- split(chars[select], ids[select])
#paste the groups together
res <- sapply(splitted,paste, collapse=" ")
#remove names(if necessary, probably not)
res <- unname(res) #thanks #Roland
> res
[1] "hello, world" "how are you"
Here's a different approach using data.table which is likely to be faster than for or *apply loops:
dt <- data.table(x)
dt[, .(paste(x, collapse = " ")), rleid(x == "")][V1 != ""]$V1
#[1] "hello, world" "how are you"
Sample data:
x <- c("hello,", "world", "", "how", "are", "you", "")
Replace the "" with something you can later split on, and then collapse the characters together, and then use strsplit(). Here I have used the newline character since if you were to just paste it you could get the different lines on the output, e.g. cat(txt3) will output each phrase on a separate line.
txt <- c("hello", "world", "", "how", "are", "you", "", "more", "text", "")
txt2 <- gsub("^$", "\n", txt)
txt3 <- paste(txt2, collapse = " ")
unlist(strsplit(txt3, "\\s\n\\s*"))
## [1] "hello world" "how are you" "more text"
Another way to add to the mix:
tapply(x[x != ''], cumsum(x == '')[x != '']+1, paste, collapse=' ')
# 1 2 3
#"hello, world" "how are you" "more text"
Group by non-empty strings. And paste the elements together by group.

Using regular expressions in R to extract information from string

I searched the stack overflow a little and all I found was, that regex in R are a bit tricky and not convenient compared to Perl or Python.
My problem is the following. I have long file names with informations inside. The look like the following:
I want to extract the parts from the filename and convert them conveniently into values, for example the first part is a date, the second is machine abbreviation, the next an institute abbreviation, group abbreviation, sample number(s) etc...
What I do at the moment is constructing a regex, to make (almost) sure, I grep the correct part of the string:
regex <- '([:digit:]{8})_([:alnum:]{1,4})_([:upper:]+)_ etc'
Then I use sub to save each snipped into a variable:
date <- sub(regex, '\\1', filename)
machine <- sub(regex, '\\2', filename)
This works, if the filename has the correct convention. It is overall very hard to read and I am search for a more convenient way of doing the work. I thought about splitting the filename by _ and accessing the string by index might be a good solution. But sometimes, since the filenames often get created by hand, there are terms missing or additional information in the names and I am looking for a better solution to this.
Can anyone suggest a better way of doing so?
What I want to create is an object, which has all the information of the filenames extracted and accessible... such as my_object$machine or so....
The help page for ?regex actually gives an example that is exactly equivalent to Python's re.match(r"(?P<first_name>\w+) (?P<last_name>\w+)", "Malcolm Reynolds") (as per your comment):
## named capture
notables <- c(" Ben Franklin and Jefferson Davis",
"\tMillard Fillmore")
#name groups 'first' and 'last'
name.rex <- "(?<first>[[:upper:]][[:lower:]]+) (?<last>[[:upper:]][[:lower:]]+)"
(parsed <- regexpr(name.rex, notables, perl = TRUE))
gregexpr(name.rex, notables, perl = TRUE)[[2]] <- function(res, result) {
m <-, lapply(seq_along(res), function(i) {
if(result[i] == -1) return("")
st <- attr(result, "capture.start")[i, ]
substring(res[i], st, st + attr(result, "capture.length")[i, ] - 1)
colnames(m) <- attr(result, "capture.names")
}, parsed)
The normal way (i.e. the R way) to extract from a string is the following:
text <- "Malcolm Reynolds"
x <- gregexpr("\\w+", text) #Don't forget to escape the backslash
regmatches(text, x)
[1] "Malcolm" "Reynolds"
You can use however Perl-style group naming by using argument perl=TRUE:
regexpr("(?P<first_name>\\w+) (?P<last_name>\\w+)", text, perl=TRUE)
However regmatches does not support it, hence the need to create your own function to handle that, which is given in the help page: <- function(res, result) {
m <-, lapply(seq_along(res), function(i) {
if(result[i] == -1) return("")
st <- attr(result, "capture.start")[i, ]
substring(res[i], st, st + attr(result, "capture.length")[i, ] - 1)
colnames(m) <- attr(result, "capture.names")
Applied to your example:
text <- "Malcolm Reynolds"
x <- regexpr("(?P<first_name>\\w+) (?P<last_name>\\w+)", text, perl=TRUE), x)
first_name last_name
[1,] "Malcolm" "Reynolds"
To go back to your initial problem:
filenames <- c("20150416_QEP1_EXT_GR_1234_hs_IP_NON_060.raw", "20150416_QEP1_EXT_GR_1234-1235_hs_IP_NON_060.raw", "20150416_QEP1_EXT_GR_1236_hs_IP_NON_060_some_other_info.raw", "20150416_QEP1_EXT_GR_1237_hs_IP_NON_060")
regex <- '(?P<date>[[:digit:]]{8})_(?P<machine>[[:alnum:]]{1,4})_(?P<whatev>[[:upper:]]+)'
x <- regexpr(regex,filenames,perl=TRUE),x)
date machine whatev
[1,] "20150416" "QEP1" "EXT"
[2,] "20150416" "QEP1" "EXT"
[3,] "20150416" "QEP1" "EXT"
[4,] "20150416" "QEP1" "EXT"

Better Strategy for pulling elements from string

I have a string that looks like this:
x <- "\r\n Ticker Symbol: RBO\r\n \t Exchange: TSX \r\n\t Assets ($mm) 36.26 \r\n\t Units Outstanding: 1,800,000 \r\n\t Mgmt. Fee** 0.25 \r\n 2013 MER* n/a \r\n\t CUSIP: 74932K103"
What I need is this:
list(Ticker = "RBO", Assets = 36.26, Shares = 1,800,000)
I've tried splitting, regex, etc. But I feel my string manipulation skills are not up to snuff.
Here's my "best" attempt so far.
x <- unlist(strsplit(unlist(strsplit(x, "\r\n\t") ),"\r\n"))
trim <- function (x) gsub("^\\s+|\\s+$", "", x)
x <- trim(x)
gsub("[A-Z]+$","\\2",x[2]) # bad attempt to get RBO
Update/better answer:
A look at cat(x) and readLines(x) helps a lot here
> cat(x)
# Ticker Symbol: RBO
# Exchange: TSX
# Assets ($mm) 36.26 #
# Units Outstanding: 1,800,000
# Mgmt. Fee** 0.25
# 2013 MER* n/a
# CUSIP: 74932K103
> readLines(textConnection(x))
# [1] "" " Ticker Symbol: RBO"
# [3] " \t Exchange: TSX " "\t Assets ($mm) 36.26 "
# [5] "\t Units Outstanding: 1,800,000 " "\t Mgmt. Fee** 0.25 "
# [7] " 2013 MER* n/a " "\t CUSIP: 74932K103"
Now we know a few things. One, we don't need the first line, and we do want the second line. That makes things easier because now the first line matches our desired first line. Next, it would be easier your list names matched the names in the string. I chose these.
> nm <- c("Symbol", "Assets", "Units")
Now all we have to do use grep with sapply, and we'll get back a named vector of matches. Setting value = TRUE in grep will return us the strings.
> (y <- sapply(nm, grep, x = readLines(textConnection(x))[-1], value = TRUE))
# b Symbol Assets
# " Ticker Symbol: RBO" "\t Assets ($mm) 36.26 "
# Units
# "\t Units Outstanding: 1,800,000 "
Then we strsplit that on "[: ]", take the last element in each split, and we're done.
> lapply(strsplit(y, "[: ]"), tail, 1)
[1] "RBO"
[1] "36.26"
[1] "1,800,000
You could achieve the same result with
> g <- gsub("[[:cntrl:]]", "", capture.output(cat(x))[-1])
> m <- mapply(grep, nm, MoreArgs = list(x = g, value = TRUE))
> lapply(strsplit(m, "[: ]"), tail, 1)
Hope that helps.
Original Answer:
It looks like if you're pulling these from a large table, that they'd all be in the same element "slot" each time, so maybe this might be a little easier.
> s <- strsplit(x, "[: ]|[[:cntrl:]]")[[1]]
- [: ] match a ":" character followed by a space character
- | or
- [[:cntrl:]] any control character, which in this case is any of \r, \t, and \n. This is probably better explained here
Then, nzchar looks in the above result for non-zero length character strings, and returns TRUE if matched, FALSE otherwise. So we can look at the result of the first line, determine where the matches are, and subset based on that.
> as.list(s[nzchar(s)][c(3, 8, 11)])
[1] "RBO"
[1] "36.26"
[1] "1,800,000"
You could put is into one line by assigning s as the inner call. Since functions and calls are evaluated from the inside out, s is assigned before R reaches the outside s subset. This is a bit less readable though.
s[nzchar(s <- strsplit(x, "[: ]|[[:cntrl:]]")[[1]])][c(3,8,11)]
So this would go s <- strsplit(...) -> [[ -> nzchar -> s[.. >- [c(3,8,11)]
sub( "\\\r\\\n.+$", "", sub( "^.+Ticker Symbol: ", "", x) )
[1] "RBO"
I suppose you might do it all in one pattern with parentheses. and backreference.
> sub( "^.+Ticker Symbol: ([[:alpha:]]{1,})\\\r\\\n.+$", "\\1", x)
[1] "RBO"
If you just want to extract different parts of the string, you can use regexpr to find phrases and extract the contents after the phrase. For example
"Ticker" = "Ticker Symbol: ",
"Assets" = "Assets ($mm) ",
"Shares" = "Units Outstanding: "
Map(function(p) {
m <- regexpr(p, lines, fixed=TRUE)
if(length( w<- which(m!=-1))==1) {
gsub("^\\sw+|\\s$", "",
substr(lines[w], m[w] + attr(m,"match.length")[w], nchar(lines[w])))
} else {
}, extr)
Which returns the named list as desired
[1] "RBO"
[1] "36.26"
[1] "1,800,000"
Here extr is a list where the name of the element is the name that will be used in the final list, and the element value is the exact string that will be matched in the text. I added in a gsub as well to trim off any whitespace.
The stringr package is good for scraping data from strings. Here are the steps I use every time. You can always make the rules as specific or robust as you see fit.
## take out annoying characters
x <- gsub("\r\n", "", x)
x <- gsub("\t", "", x)
x <- gsub("\\(\\$mm\\) ", "", x)
## define character index positions of interest
tickerEnd <- str_locate(x, "Ticker Symbol: ")[[1, "end"]]
assetsEnd <- str_locate(x, "Assets ")[[1, "end"]]
unitsStart <- str_locate(x, "Units Outstanding: ")[[1, "start"]]
unitsEnd <- str_locate(x, "Units Outstanding: ")[[1, "end"]]
mgmtStart <- str_locate(x, "Mgmt")[[1, "start"]]
## get substrings based on indices
tickerTxt <- substr(x, tickerEnd + 1, tickerEnd + 4) # allows 4-character symbols
assetsTxt <- substr(x, assetsEnd + 1, unitsStart - 1)
sharesTxt <- substr(x, unitsEnd + 1, mgmtStart - 1)
## cut out extraneous characters
ticker <- gsub(" ", "", tickerTxt)
assets <- gsub(" ", "", assetsTxt)
shares <- gsub(" |,", "", sharesTxt)
## add data to data frame
df <- data.frame(ticker, as.numeric(assets), as.numeric(shares), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

dynamic regex in R

The below code works so long as before and after strings have no characters that are special to a regex:
before <- 'Name of your Manager (note "self" if you are the Manager)' #parentheses cause problem in regex
after <- 'CURRENT FOCUS'
pattern <- paste0(c('(?<=', before, ').*?(?=', after, ')'), collapse='')
ex <- regmatches(x, gregexpr(pattern, x, perl=TRUE))
Does R have a function to escape strings to be used in regexes?
In Perl, there is for doing exactly that. If the doc is correct when it says
Returns the value of EXPR with all the ASCII non-"word" characters backslashed. (That is, all ASCII characters not matching /[A-Za-z_0-9]/ will be preceded by a backslash in the returned string, regardless of any locale settings.)
then you can achieve the same by doing:
quotemeta <- function(x) gsub("([^A-Za-z_0-9])", "\\\\\\1", x)
And your pattern should be:
pattern <- paste0(c('(?<=', quotemeta(before), ').*?(?=', quotemeta(after), ')'),
Quick sanity check:
a <- "he'l(lo)"
grepl(a, a)
# [1] FALSE
grepl(quotemeta(a), a)
# [1] TRUE
Use \Q...\E to surround the verbatim subpatterns:
# test data
before <- "A."
after <- ".Z"
x <- c("", "ABxyzYZ")
pattern <- sprintf('(?<=\\Q%s\\E).*?(?=\\Q%s\\E)', before, after)
which gives:
> gregexpr(pattern, x, perl = TRUE) > 0
dnagirl, such a function exists and is glob2rx
a <- "he'l(lo)"
tt <- glob2rx(a)
# [1] "^he'l\\(lo)$"
before <- 'Name of your Manager (note "self" if you are the Manager)'
tt <- glob2rx(before)
# [1] "^Name of your Manager \\(note \"self\" if you are the Manager)$"
You can just remove the "^" and "$" from the strings by doing:
substr(tt, 2, nchar(tt)-1)
# [1] "he'l\\(lo)"

R : How to search for a regex in a vector over elements outwardly?

Is it possible in R to search for a regex in a vector as if all the elements are a collapsed single element? If we collapse all the elements into one to do this, it becomes impossible to put them back to their element-wise form after the search.
here is a vector.
vector<-c("I", "met", "a", "cow")
now, the search word is "meta" (elements 2 and 3 collapsed).
Let's say my task is to merge the two elements across which the search string lies.
So what I expect is this:
vector = "I", "meta", "cow"
Is it possible to do this? Please help.
If you'd like something that matches "meta" but not "taco", this will do the trick:
myFun <- function(vector, word) {
D <- "UnLiKeLyStRiNg"
## Construct a string on which you'll perform regex-search
xx <- paste0(paste0(D, vector, collapse=""), D)
## Construct the regex pattern
start <- paste0("(?<=", D, ")")
mid <- paste0(strsplit(word, "")[[1]], collapse=paste0("(", D, ")?"))
end <- paste0("(?=", D, ")")
pat <- paste0(start, mid, end)
## Use it
strsplit(gsub(pat, word, xx, perl=TRUE), D)[[1]][-1]
vector <- c("I", "met", "a", "cow")
myFun(vector, "meta")
# [1] "I" "meta" "cow"
myFun(vector, "taco")
# [1] "I" "met" "a" "cow"
myFun(vector, "Imet")
# [1] "Imet" "a" "cow"
myFun(vector, "Ime")
# [1] "I" "met" "a" "cow"
If only complete elements should merged, you could try this approach:
mergeRegExpr <- function(x, pattern) {
str <- paste(x, sep="", collapse="")
## find starting position of each word
wordStart <- head(cumsum(c(1, nchar(x))), -1)
## look for pattern
rx <- regexpr(pattern=pattern, text=str, fixed=TRUE)
## pos of matching pattern == rx+nchar(pattern)-1
rxEnd <- rx+attr(rx, "match.length")-1
## which vector elements doesn't match pattern
sel <- wordStart < rx | wordStart > rxEnd
## insert merged elements
return(append(x[sel], paste(x[!sel], collapse=""), rx-1))
vector <- c("I", "met", "a", "cow")
mergeRegExpr(vector, "meta")
# "I" "meta" "cow"
mergeRegExpr(vector, "acow")
# "I" "met" "acow"
mergeRegExpr(vector, "Imeta")
# "Imeta" "cow"
## partial matching doesn't work
mergeRegExpr(vector, "taco")
# "I" "metacow"
Building on Carl Witthoft's comment, my solution was not with regex, but with basic matching:
# A slightly longer vector
v = c("I", "met", "a", "cow", "today",
"You", "met", "a", "cow", "today")
# Create the combinations of each pair
temp1 = sapply(1:(length(v)-1),
function(x) paste0(v[x], v[x+1]))
# Grab the index of the desired search term
temp2 = which(temp1 %in% "meta")
# The following also works.
# Don't know what's faster/better.
# temp2 = grep("meta", temp1)
# Do some manual substitution and deletion
v[temp2] <- "meta"
v <- v[-(temp2+1)]
I don't think this is an ideal situation at all though.