Cannot Connect to QML Emluation Layer (QML Puppet) - c++

I just made the fresh QT installation and when I create empty QT Quick project or open any of existing QT Quick examples, my QML designer doesn't work. It shows "Cannot Connect to QML Emluation Layer (QML Puppet)" error.
I tried to reinstall QT, reboot, installed additional QT kit versions and tried to switch between 32bit/64bit default/opengl versions of the kit and nothing seems to work for me. I was able to successfully run the designer ONCE, and after I closed it and tried to re-open the file it stopped working again. I also tried to search, but didn't find any solution. I also tried to ask on QT forums, but didn't receive any answer.
My system is Windows 7, with Visual Studio 2013 installed. Thanks for your help!

Do this:
Go to QT Creator Preferences (Menu Bar | Tools > Options)
Select QT Quick Option (Options headings - left side).
Click the QT Quick Designer tab.
Under QML Emulation Layer grouping, select "Use QML Emulation Layer that is built with selected QT".
No need to choose a path,
And click OK.
It will rebuild your designer view.
Worked for me.

Possibly related to this bug. Just try this workaround: in the Options
dialog go to “Qt Quick / Qt Quick Designer / QML Emulation Layer” and
disable the checkbox “Always use the QML emulation layer prived by Qt
Creator”. That will cause a rebuild of the emulation layer with the
used Qt version in the current project. That layer does not crash.
This workaround only works with Desktop Kits. – BaCaRoZzo Mar 30
This worked for me on Ubuntu 14.04.

Go to Tools->Options->Qt Quick.
In QML Emulation Layer, make sure
the path is correct for "Use fallback QML emulation layer".
Since I was reinstalling Qt, the new installation had the old path of Qt which gave rise to this issue.

If failed anyway, use "Qt Design studio" instead and build it again, it worked for me.
I recommend to uninstall Qt first and then reinstall it with "Qt Design Studio" box checked.
On Ubuntu 20 LTS, you can run it on: /home/Qt/Tools/QtDesignStudio/bin/qtdesignstudio
Good luck.


Qt Creator Design Form Editor missing

Qt Creator Design Form Editor missing
I create a Qt Quick Application
Build system: qmake
Minimum required Qt version: Qt 5.15
Kit: Desktop Qt 5.15.2 MinGW 64-bit
First time I couldn't use the "Design" tab on the left. I went to Help->About Plugins->I search Qt Quick and I check the box "Load"->I clicked OK button.
When I clicked "Design" tab ->pup up 3 windows with the project... weird!
I close "X" one of the windows and all of them disappear...
I tried to find my window but no chance...
I research a bit on google and seems a error "Qt Designer has no canvas"
Thank you in advance for any suggestions to fix the issue..

Unable to create a debugging engine in QT editor

I have recently installed Qt Creator 4.8.0 based on Qt 5.12.0 and I have it configured like in the image below. However, I haven't managed to start the debugger. As it can be seen, the debugger is correctly set for this kit, the one I'm using right now.
Any solution?
Wow! I found it!!! Here in the tab "projects", there are several build and run configurations. Despite you select a default kit, the final one being executed is the one in black under this tab.
Finally I disabled all of them except the one that was properly configured in the Kits window and it worked. I hope this information is helpful for someone. I don't think that part of the configuration is clear.
I got the same error, but in my case I was using the MSVC compiler and the kit didn't manage to find the CDB debugger. I was able to fix it by going to "Add or remove programs" -> "Windows Software Development Kit" -> Modify -> Change -> Debugging Tools for Windows.
In my case it was needed to select "Enable C++" under Debugger settings
The same dumm error QT creator shows when you simply don't have gdb installed.
Worked in my case ;)
I had the same error in MacOS, debugger suddenly stopped working (LLDB debugger worked in XCode but not Qt Creator).
In this case, I reinstalled Qt Creator and reinitialized the config by removing the .config/QtProject directory located in homedir. This solved the problem.
I had the same issue when Qt Creator didn't recognized the path to the Debugger. Due to some reason it showed multiple Auto-detected Debuggers at the same location. And on the top one of the list with the red error indicator.
Projects->Manage Kits...->Debuggers
I removed the erroneous Debugger and restart the Qt Creator.

using qt creator only as editor: are qt libraries necessary

I want to use qt creator, only as an editor, which does code completion and finds declarations etc. I dont want to use it to build etc. Is there a way, I can circumvent the need of qt-libraries? I am using a server, where my file space is limited. Also, without qt libraries, it does not allow making even a project. When I tried to install qt-libraries, it configures fine, but on make gives error.
So, can you suggest an alternative? Thanks
No, you need the Qt libs because the editor was coded in Qt.
Actually - at least under Windows -, you can. You just have to deselect all Qt library versions and only select the editor. If you want to have a debugger available on Windows, also select the checkbox for CDB support.
I have forgotten how this works with the Linux installer, but I imagine the same applies there as well, except of course for the CDB debugger, which is not available on Linux. Instead you should be able to chose from GDB and some other alternatives, though it might not be during the installation.
Once you installed it and are about to set up a new "Plain C++" project, you can't select a Qt version when creating a new kit, obviously.
If you blindly selected an already existing kit, Qt Creator might have tried to use a Qt installation for your vanilla C++ project. Instead of doing so, you should click the "Manage..." button on one of your preexisting kits and add a new, custom kit. Here you can set the "Qt version" option to "None". The rest should be set according to your needs.

Eclipse like FilteredTree for Qt?

I'm new to Qt (using Qt SDK with Qt Creator) and in the process of creating a GUI. What I'm looking for is a FilteredTree like the one found in the Preferences of Eclipse. Is there something "ready to use" out there? I've tried all search queries I can think of but no results so far.
In case it matters I'm absolutely willing to update to the newest Qt version.

Qt 4.7 using Eclipse on windows?

Has anyone had luck getting Qt Eclipse integration working on windows?
Here is what I did, to no avail:
Download latest Qt SDK, and install.
Download the Eclipse for C/C++ developers bundle, and install.
Download latest Qt/eclipse integration. (Not so new... )
At this point I can create a "qt project" in Eclipse, but the build buttons are greyed out. (Started Eclipse both normally and via the Qt/Mingw shortcut)
Any ideas?
So, it turns out that Qt is no longer really putting any effort to support Eclipse. They want to push Qt Creator.
The plugin has not been updated for a long time.
Have you added your QT version to Eclipse?