This function should be able to simplify, removing the unnecessary let module T = .... But how?! I keep getting syntax errors. Tips?
let make_module dice_results : (module Tellstory.T) =
let dice_calls = ref 0 in (* nr of times dice has been called *)
let module T = Tellstory.Make(struct
let dice n =
let result = List.nth dice_results (!dice_calls) in
dice_calls := !dice_calls + 1;
end) in
(module T)
I can't check your module, but this is an example for inspiration:
let make_module () : (module Unit) =
(module Comparable.Make (struct type t = int with compare, sexp end))
Looks like that the following, should work:
let make_module dice_results : (module Tellstory.T) =
let dice_calls = ref 0 in (* nr of times dice has been called *)
(module Tellstory.Make(struct
let dice n =
let result = List.nth dice_results (!dice_calls) in
dice_calls := !dice_calls + 1;
My old notes on ML say that
let (๐ฃโ, โฆ , ๐ฃโ) = (๐กโ, โฆ , ๐กโ) in ๐กโฒ
is a syntactic sugar for
(ฮป ๐ฃโ. โฆ (ฮป ๐ฃโ. ๐กโฒ)๐กโ โฆ )๐กโ
and that
let (๐ฃโ, ๐ฃโ) = ๐ก ๐กโฒ in ๐กโณ
is equivalent to
let ๐ฃ = ๐ก ๐กโฒ in
let ๐ฃโ = snd ๐ฃ in
let ๐ฃโ = fst ๐ฃ in
each ๐ฃ (with or without a subscript) stands for a variable,
each ๐ก (with or without a sub- or a superscript) stands for a term, and
fst and snd deliver the first and second component of a pair, respectively.
I'm wondering whether I got the evaluation order right because I didn't note the original reference. Could anyone ((confirm or reject) and (supply a reference))?
It shouldn't matter whether it's:
let ๐ฃ = ๐ก ๐กโฒ in
let ๐ฃโ = snd ๐ฃ in
let ๐ฃโ = fst ๐ฃ in
let ๐ฃ = ๐ก ๐กโฒ in
let ๐ฃโ = fst ๐ฃ in
let ๐ฃโ = snd ๐ฃ in
Since neither fst nor snd have any side-effects. Side-effects may exist in the evaluation of ๐ก ๐กโฒ but that's done before the let binding takes place.
Additionally, as in:
let (๐ฃโ, ๐ฃโ) = ๐ก ๐กโฒ in ๐กโณ
Neither ๐ฃโ nor ๐ฃโ is reliant on the value bound to the other to determine its value, so the order in which they're bound is again seemingly irrelevant.
All of that said, there may be an authoritative answer from those with deeper knowledge of the SML standard or the inner workings of OCaml's implementation. I simply am uncertain of how knowing it will provide any practical benefit.
Practical test
As a practical test, running some code where we bind a tuple of multiple expressions with side-effects to observe order of evaluation. In OCaml (5.0.0) the order of evaluation is observed to be right-to-left. We observe tthe same when it comes to evaluating the contents of a list where those expressions have side-effects as well.
# let f () = print_endline "f"; 1 in
let g () = print_endline "g"; 2 in
let h () = print_endline "h"; 3 in
let (a, b, c) = (f (), g (), h ()) in a + b + c;;
- : int = 6
# let f () = print_endline "f"; 1 in
let g () = print_endline "g"; 2 in
let h () = print_endline "h"; 3 in
let (c, b, a) = (h (), g(), f ()) in a + b + c;;
- : int = 6
# let f _ = print_endline "f"; 1 in
let g () = print_endline "g"; 2 in
let h () = print_endline "h"; 3 in
let a () = print_endline "a" in
let b () = print_endline "b" in
let (c, d, e) = (f [a (); b ()], g (), h ()) in
c + d + e;;
- : int = 6
In SML (SML/NJ v110.99.3) we observe the opposite: left-to-right evaluation of expressions.
- let
= fun f() = (print "f\n"; 1)
= fun g() = (print "g\n"; 2)
= fun h() = (print "h\n"; 3)
= val (a, b, c) = (f(), g(), h())
= in
= a + b + c
= end;
val it = 6 : int
- let
= fun f() = (print "f\n"; 1)
= fun g() = (print "g\n"; 2)
= fun h() = (print "h\n"; 3)
= val (c, b, a) = (h(), g(), f())
= in
= a + b + c
= end;
val it = 6 : int
- let
= fun f _ = (print "f\n"; 1)
= fun g() = (print "g\n"; 2)
= fun h() = (print "h\n"; 3)
= fun a() = print "a\n"
= fun b() = print "b\n"
= val (c, d, e) = (f [a(), b()], g(), h())
= in
= c + d + e
= end;
val it = 6 : int
Be aware that, in OCaml, due to the (relaxation of the) value restriction, let a = b in c is not equivalent to (fun a -> c)b. A counterexample is
# let id = fun x -> x in id 5, id 'a';;
- : int * char = (5, 'a')
# (fun id -> id 5, id 'a')(fun x -> x)
Error: This expression has type char but an expression was expected of type int
This means that they are semantically not the same construction (the let ... = ... in ... is strictly more general that the other).
This happens because, in general, the type system of OCaml doesn't allow types of the form (โฮฑ.ฮฑโฮฑ) โ int * char (because allowing them would make typing undecidable, which is not very practical), which would be the type of fun id -> id 5, id 'a'. Instead, it resorts to having the less general type โฮฑ.(ฮฑโฮฑ) โ ฮฑ * ฮฑ, which doesn't make it typecheck, because you can't unify both ฮฑ with char and with int.
I'm looking for a function that converts a string representation of a decimal number into a Num.num. There is a Num.num_of_string function but, sadly, it only works for valid integers.
I'm asking before reimplementing one such function.
You'll have to do it yourself, I think. I did it once, here's what I did :
let num_of_string =
let open Num in
let code_0 = Char.code '0' in
let num10 = Int 10 in
fun s ->
try num_of_string s
with Failure _ ->
let r = ref (Int 0) in
let pos_dot = ref (-1) in
String.iteri (fun i c ->
if c = '.' then pos_dot := String.length s - i
r := add_num (mult_num num10 !r) (num_of_int (Char.code c - code_0))
) s;
assert (!pos_dot <> -1);
div_num !r (power_num num10 (num_of_int !pos_dot))
I tried to use memoization technique to optimize the caculation of Fibonacci. My code is:
let memo f =
let vtable = ref [] in
let rec match_function x vt=
match vt with
|(x',y)::_ when x=x' -> y
|_::l ->
match_function x l
|[] ->
let y = (f x) in
vtable := (x,y):: !vtable;
(fun x -> (match_function x !vtable));;
let rec ggfib = function
0|1 as i -> i
|x -> ggfib(x-1) + ggfib(x-2);;
let memoggfib = memo ggfib;;
let running_time f x =
let start_time = Sys.time () in
let y = f x in
let finish_time = Sys.time() in
Printf.printf "Time lapse:%f\n" (finish_time -. start_time);
running_time ggfib 30;;
running_time memoggfib 30;;
The output is:
Time lapse:0.357187
Time lapse:0.353663
The difference is not that much.. Why?? And even worse, when I tried to calculate Fibonacci at 40 using
running_time ggfib 40;;
running_time memoggfib 40;;
The program appears to run into a infinite loop and stop outputting.
What is wrong here? What problem I did not take care of?
I changed the code above, to introduce a 'static' vtable for memoization.
let rec ggfib = function
0|1 as i -> i
|x -> ggfib(x-1) + ggfib(x-2);;
let running_time x0 =
let vtable = ref [] in
let start_time = Sys.time () in
let x = ref 1 in
let rec match_function ff x vt=
match vt with
|(x',y)::_ when x=x' -> y
|_::l ->
match_function ff x l
|[] ->
let y = (ff x) in
vtable := (x,y):: !vtable;
let y=ref 1 in
while !x<x0 do
y:= match_function ggfib !x !vtable;
let finish_time = Sys.time() in
Printf.printf "Time lapse:%f\n" (finish_time -. start_time);
let running_time2 x0=
let start_time = Sys.time () in
let x = ref 1 in
while !x<x0 do
ggfib !x;
let finish_time = Sys.time() in
Printf.printf "Time lapse:%f\n" (finish_time -. start_time);;
running_time 40;;
running_time2 30;;
It still acts as the basically same. I didn't see a significant improvement....
Time lapse:0.581918
Time lapse:0.577813
It looks to me like you're just memoizing the outermost calls. The inner calls are to ggfib, not to (memo ggfib).
When you call memoggfib, the memo function will remember the value of the outermost call. However, the inner calls are handled by ggfib (the function that you passed to memo). If you look at the definition of ggfib, you see that it calls itself. It doesn't call (memo ggfib).
I don't see a way to turn an ordinary (recursive) function into a memoized one. It won't automatically call the memoized version of itself internally.
If you start with a function that's intended to be memoized, I still see problems "tying the knot".
(* a "derecursified" version of fibonacci: recursive calls are
replaced by calls to a function passed as parameter *)
let rec fib_derec f = function
| 0|1 as i -> i
| n -> f (n - 1) + f (n - 2)
(* to get the fibonacci back we need to compute a fixpoint:
fib_derec should get passed 'fib' as parameter,
which we will define in term of fib_derec
let rec fib n = fib_derec fib n
let test = Array.init 10 fib
(* [|0; 1; 1; 2; 3; 5; 8; 13; 21; 34|] *)
(* we can make this construction generic *)
let rec fix derec input = derec (fix derec) input
let fib = fix fib_derec
let test = Array.init 10 fib
(* [|0; 1; 1; 2; 3; 5; 8; 13; 21; 34|] *)
(* Trick: we can use this tying-the-knot operator to insert
memoization "between the recursive calls" of the recursive function *)
let rec memo_fix table derec =
fun input ->
try Hashtbl.find table input with Not_found ->
let result = derec (memo_fix table derec) input in
Hashtbl.add table input result;
let fib_table = Hashtbl.create 100
let fib = memo_fix fib_table fib_derec
let test = Array.init 10 fib
(* [|0; 1; 1; 2; 3; 5; 8; 13; 21; 34|] *)
let test2 = fib 1000
(* -591372213: overflow, but quick result *)
I'm using the Bitstring module in the following code:
let build_data_32 v wid =
let num = wid / 32 in
let v' = Int32.of_int(v) in
let rec aux lst vv w = match w with
0 -> lst
| _ -> (BITSTRING { vv : 32 } ) :: ( aux lst (Int32.succ vv) (w-1)) in
Bitstring.concat ( aux [] v' num ) ;;
Note that when you have BITSTRING { vv : 32 }
that vv is expected to be an Int32 value. I'd like to generalize this function to work with different widths of bitstrings; ie, I'd like to create a build_data_n function where the bitstring would be constructied with BITSTRING { vv : n } .
However, the problem here is that if n is less than 32 then the succ function used above would just be the succ for type int. If it's greater than 32 it would be Int64.succ Same issue above in the line let v' = Int32.of_int(v) in - for values less than 32 it would simply be: let v' = v in , whereas for values greater than 32 it would be: let v' = Int64.of_int(v) in
Is this a case where a functor would come in handy to generalize this function and if so, how would I set that up? (and if there's some other way to do this that doesn't require functors, that would be nice to know as well)
There are a few approaches available. One is to use a functor, similar to the following:
(* The signature a module needs to match for use below *)
module type S = sig
type t
val succ : t -> t
val of_int : int -> t
(* The functor *)
module Make(M : S) = struct
(* You could "open M" here if you wanted to save some typing *)
let build_data v =
M.succ (M.of_int v)
(* Making modules with the functor *)
module Implementation32 = Make(Int32)
module Implementation64 = Make(Int64)
let foo32 = Implementation32.build_data 12
let foo64 = Implementation64.build_data 12
Another is to wrap your data type in a record:
(* A record to hold the relevant functions *)
type 'a wrapper_t = { x : 'a; succ : 'a -> 'a }
(* Use values of type 'a wrapper_t in *)
let build_data v =
v.succ v.x
(* Helper function to create 'a wrapper_t values *)
let make_int32_wrapper x = { x = Int32.of_int x; succ = Int32.succ }
let make_int64_wrapper x = { x = Int64.of_int x; succ = Int64.succ }
(* Do something with a wrapped int32 *)
let foo32 = build_data (make_int32_wrapper 12)
let foo64 = build_data (make_int64_wrapper 12)
And finally, if you are using OCaml 3.12.0 or later, you can use first class modules:
(* You can use the module type S from the first example here *)
let build_data (type s) m x =
let module M = (val m : S with type t = s) in
M.succ x
let int32_s = (module Int32 : S with type t = Int32.t)
let int64_s = (module Int64 : S with type t = Int64.t)
let foo32 = build_data int32_s 12l
let foo64 = build_data int64_s 12L
Each of these approaches can be mixed and matched. You may also be able to wrap your values in variant types or objects to get a similar result.
With BITSTRING { vv : n }, i.e. using runtime-specified field length, the type of vv cannot depend on n as it is not the compile-time constant anymore, so vv is forced to int64.
The idea is to walk over multiple dimensions, each one defined as a range
(* lower_bound, upper_bound, number_of_steps *)
type range = real * real * int
so functions like fun foo y x or fun foo z y x could be applied to the whole square XY or cube XY*Z.
SML/NJ doesn't like my implementation below :
test2.sml:7.5-22.6 Error: right-hand-side of clause doesn't agree with function result type [circularity]
expression: (real -> 'Z) -> unit
result type: 'Z -> 'Y
in declaration:
walk = (fn arg => (fn <pat> => <exp>))
Here's the code :
fun walk [] _ = ()
| walk (r::rs) f =
val (k0, k1, n) = r
val delta = k1 - k0
val step = delta / real n
fun loop 0 _ = ()
| loop i k =
let in
walk rs (f k) ; (* Note (f k) "eats" the first argument.
I guess SML doesn't like having the
type of walk change in the middle of its
definition *)
loop (i - 1) (k + step)
loop n k0
fun do2D y x = (* ... *) ()
fun do3D z y x = (* ... *) ()
val x_axis = (0.0, 1.0, 10)
val y_axis = (0.0, 1.0, 10)
val z_axis = (0.0, 1.0, 10)
val _ = walk [y_axis, x_axis] do2D
val _ = walk [z_axis, y_axis, x_axis] do3D
Is this kind of construct even possible ?
Any pointer welcomed.
Is walk expressible in ML's type system?
val walk : range list -> (real -> real -> unit) -> unit
val walk : range list -> (real -> real -> real -> unit) -> unit
The same one value cannot possibly exist with both those types in ML.
We can easily generate values for each of the desired types, though.
type range = real * real * int
signature WALK =
type apply
val walk : range list -> apply -> unit
structure Walk0 : WALK =
type apply = unit
fun walk _ _ = ()
functor WALKF (Walk : WALK) : WALK =
type apply = real -> Walk.apply
fun walk ((low, high, steps)::rs) f =
let fun loop i =
if i > steps then () else
let val x = low + (high - low) * real i / real steps
in (Walk.walk rs (f x); loop (i + 1)) end
in loop 0 end
struture Walk1 = WALKF(Walk0)
struture Walk2 = WALKF(Walk1)
struture Walk3 = WALKF(Walk2)
With this, the following values exist with the desired types.
val Walk0.walk : range list -> unit -> unit
val Walk1.walk : range list -> (real -> unit) -> unit
val Walk2.walk : range list -> (real -> real -> unit) -> unit
val Walk3.walk : range list -> (real -> real -> real -> unit) -> unit
Then you only need to write
val _ = Walk2.walk [y_axis, x_axis] do2D
val _ = Walk3.walk [z_axis, y_axis, x_axis] do3D
To use the same walk for every dimensionality, you need it to use the same type for every dimensionality.
fun walk nil f = f nil
| walk ((low, high, steps)::rs) f =
let fun loop i =
if i > steps then () else
let val x = low + (high - low) * real i / real steps
in (walk rs (fn xs -> f (x::xs)); loop (i + 1)) end
in loop 0 end
Because the type is changed to
val walk : range list -> (real list -> unit) -> unit
your usage also has to change to
fun do2D [y,x] = (* ... *) ()
fun do3D [z,y,x] = (* ... *) ()
fun walk lst f = let
fun aux rev_prefix [] = f (rev rev_prefix)
| aux rev_prefix (r::rs) = let
val (k0, k1, n) = r
val delta = k1 - k0
val step = delta / real n
fun loop 0 _ = ()
| loop i k = (
aux (k+step :: rev_prefix) rs;
loop (i - 1) (k + step)
loop n k0
aux [] lst
fun do2D [x,y] = print (Real.toString x ^ "\t" ^
Real.toString y ^ "\n")
fun do3D [x,y,z] = print (Real.toString x ^ "\t" ^
Real.toString y ^ "\t" ^
Real.toString z ^ "\n")
val x_axis = (0.0, 1.0, 10)
val y_axis = (0.0, 1.0, 10)
val z_axis = (0.0, 1.0, 10)
val () = walk [y_axis, x_axis] do2D
val () = walk [z_axis, y_axis, x_axis] do3D
Found this implementation for variable number of arguments. Not sure it applies but it looks quite ugly.