Implementing OCR on IOS - c++

Was wondering if anyone had some idea on how one would implement OCR image linking on an IOS device.
What I exactly want the app to do is scan an image using the iPhones camera, then recognise that image. When the image is recognised the app should open a link that is relative to the image.
A better example of what I am talking about is made by a company called Augment . They make a product called "Trackers" which is exactly what I would like to implement.

There are no in-build/custom SDK's that do your exact requirement.
However, you can achieve it by customizing the OpenCV library or any of Augmented reality SDK's.
Here are the links may helpful to you
OpenCV library tutorial iOS
Wikitude Augmented reality

Now there is Real-Time Recognition SDK (
It is free by the way. Disclaimer: I work for ABBYY


How can I control and receive video stream from SITL drone using px4,gazebo and C++ without using ROS?

I want to program a drone to fly with a C++ project using image processing analysis in real-time (using OpenCV). I want to do it with PX4, Gazebo simulator. The final goal is to run the project on a real
drone using Jetson-Nano and Pixhawk drone.
I have 2 main problems.
I can't manage to get the video stream of the px4 drone models without using ROS. I have followed this official guide to install the relevant software (Gazebo, Px4, GCS).
For python we have Drone-kit library to control the drone, but I want to use C++ for my project. what are the alternatives tools instead of the Drone-kit to control drones with C++ and how I can receive the video stream from the gazebo px4 drone?
After that I tried to search for information online for hours and go through the documentations, I could not find a suitable guide or solution.
Posting this as an answer after details in the comments made things more clear.
For an application like this ROS should most definitely be used. It comes with a wide range of pre-built packages and tools to enable easy localization and navigation. When looking at UAVs the MoveIt! package is a good place to look. It handles 3D navigation and has a few UAV implementations already. The Hector Quadcopter package is another good option for something like SLAM.

How do you open a windows application as a source for OpenCV?

I would like to recognize objects of windows applications, mainly computer games. I would like to accomplish this by opening the window in OpenCV and applying all kinds of effects to the game application under execution and recognize objects such as UI elements, messages and even characters that are on the screen.
Since OpenCV only allows video and webcam as input, is there a way to open a running application as a source for OpenCV?
There maybe some testing applications used in game development that use similar methods for testing, but I couldn't find any.
I also don't know the right terms that that are used when discussing the recognition of virtual objects of a computer program or computer game, but that is exactly what I would like to do.
I tried to look up forums, articles or anything written about this, but found nothing. Any help would be appreciated.
I used OpenCV for a year and I am not sure if you can pass the running application to it.
As an alternative, you might like to have a function which gives you the current screenshot of the desktop. So you can get it and pass to OpenCV.
This way you can periodically do screenshots and use your recognition.
If you are working under Windows you might need this discussion.
Hope this will somehow help you.
I've been trying all method using desktop as source in opencv few months ago as my experiment project and i success, but there's a trail inside the windows, as maybe the speed or processor depends on it. It using your own function to use desktop as source not from opencv libraries. And from there i continued custom things and got stuck in some bug that has something from memory, as it use lots of memory. I did post on stackoverflow. Hope this information helps.

Start programming Kinect application using OpenNI

I'm about to start my final year project which requires me to develop the Kinect Fusion Algorithm. I was told to code in C++ and use the OpenNI API.
I read up online but I am still confused as to how to start. I installed Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 Express as well as OpenNI, but how should I start? (I was told to practice coding first before starting to work on the project)
If I want to practice and understand how the codes work and how the Kinect respond to the code, any advice on how should I start? As I am REALLY lost at the moment and hitting a dead end, not knowing what to do next with many of the information online which I do not really understand.
First of all, if you're planning to use OpenNI with Kinect, I advise you not to use version 2.0, which is available at the official website. The reason is simply that there currently is no driver yet to support the Microsoft Kinect (the company behind OpenNI - PrimeSense - only supports a driver for their own sensor, which is different from the Kinect, and the community hasn't gotten round to writing a Kinect driver yet).
Instead grab the package from the simple-openni project's downloads page - it contains everything to get you going: libraries from the 1.5.x line.
OpenNI is the barebone framework - it only contains the architecture for natural interface data processing.
NITE is a proprietary (freeware) library by PrimeSense that provides code to process the raw depth images into meaningful data - hand tracking, skeleton tracking etc.
SensorKinect is the community-maintained driver for making the Kinect interact with OpenNI.
Mind you that these drivers don't provide a way to control the Kinect's tilt motor and the LED light. You may need to use libfreenect for that.
As for getting started, both the OpenNI and NITE packages contain source code samples for simple demos of the technology. It's a good idea to start with one and modify it to suit your needs. That's what I've done to get my own project - controlling Google Chrome with Kinect - working.
As for learning C++, there are tons of materials out there. I recommend the book "Thinking in C++" by Bruce Eckel, if you're a technical person.
There are multiple examples written for OpenNI, available at the GitHub repository:
Your best place to start is to review the Resources Page at, followed by the Reference Guide. Then tackle several of the examples -- run them, step through them and modify them to understand how they are working.

I'm trying to integrate a 3D model viewer into my GUI, but have not found a single library that will allow me to do this easily. Any suggestions?

I've tried with VTK, PCL and Qt (using the QVTKWidget.h), however, using CMake is incredibly inconvenient, as the second I update any one of the many libraries that my GUI uses, I have to spend at least another day trying to sort out the linker issues. Additionally, a lot of the time, a lot of information is lost from the 3D models using these libraries.
Note: I am focusing on using PLY as it holds color and geometry information in the same file, but any other format that does the same would be fine
I am currently trying to create a Meshlab plugin, but the support for this library is sparse, and I am yet to successfully compile the Meshlab source.
Any input or direction would be really appreciated. If you guys want to know anything more, please do let me know.
If it wasn't clear in the beginning, I am using Qt (C++) to create the GUI.
Use the QT OpenGL widget and write some OpenGL code to display your model.
PLY textural format is really simple and you can write a parser yourself.
Have you tried Coin3D? This is a Free implementation of OpenInventor wich was made by SGI back in the day as a C++ wrapper around OpenGL.
As for integration with Qt there is a library called SoQt (in the same site). They also have a newer library called Quarter that integrates more like a Qt component.
I've had greatest success with Coin + SoQt + Qt.

my first Qt application, c++ (little opencv)

I am to make a little demo app to learn some Qt and c++ and if anyone know some guides that might be good for this project i am happy to hear about it.
What i wanna do:
I want to make an app where i can open a folder location of training data(images). Then i want to show the images one by one and mark ROI (rects, cirles, polygons) or bounding boxes of objects. The reason is to mark objects in pictures and then same this regions to a file for later use for image processing in matlab or similar apps.
Qt has lots of very good official tutorials
Try playing with example projects. You can start by changing an example projects to suite your needs.