my first Qt application, c++ (little opencv) - c++

I am to make a little demo app to learn some Qt and c++ and if anyone know some guides that might be good for this project i am happy to hear about it.
What i wanna do:
I want to make an app where i can open a folder location of training data(images). Then i want to show the images one by one and mark ROI (rects, cirles, polygons) or bounding boxes of objects. The reason is to mark objects in pictures and then same this regions to a file for later use for image processing in matlab or similar apps.

Qt has lots of very good official tutorials

Try playing with example projects. You can start by changing an example projects to suite your needs.


How do you open a windows application as a source for OpenCV?

I would like to recognize objects of windows applications, mainly computer games. I would like to accomplish this by opening the window in OpenCV and applying all kinds of effects to the game application under execution and recognize objects such as UI elements, messages and even characters that are on the screen.
Since OpenCV only allows video and webcam as input, is there a way to open a running application as a source for OpenCV?
There maybe some testing applications used in game development that use similar methods for testing, but I couldn't find any.
I also don't know the right terms that that are used when discussing the recognition of virtual objects of a computer program or computer game, but that is exactly what I would like to do.
I tried to look up forums, articles or anything written about this, but found nothing. Any help would be appreciated.
I used OpenCV for a year and I am not sure if you can pass the running application to it.
As an alternative, you might like to have a function which gives you the current screenshot of the desktop. So you can get it and pass to OpenCV.
This way you can periodically do screenshots and use your recognition.
If you are working under Windows you might need this discussion.
Hope this will somehow help you.
I've been trying all method using desktop as source in opencv few months ago as my experiment project and i success, but there's a trail inside the windows, as maybe the speed or processor depends on it. It using your own function to use desktop as source not from opencv libraries. And from there i continued custom things and got stuck in some bug that has something from memory, as it use lots of memory. I did post on stackoverflow. Hope this information helps.

How to embed Chromium Embbeded Framework into GLFW

I am trying to do as the title implies. I am looking for a tutorial or an existing github project that will show me how to make this possible. As far as what I have or haven't tryed: nothing. I have been at a lose of documentation on CEF and don't know where to begin. I am aware of the alternatives (librocket, awesomium, and berkelium). If any of these have been embbeded in GLFW successfully link appropriately. As far as finding no documentation, I have looked on CEF's website and wiki and found installation instructions and an example that uses #include <window.h> instead of opengl.
It took a bit of massaging to get it to work, as the file is too big to be stored on github and the cef implementation is a few years old, however, I've posted a few "issues" with fixes and suggestions here to assist you. The software here is pretty good however it's completely lacking of decent documentation, and it depends greatly upon what directory you launch it from. Big hint: Launch the software from the base directory of this git.
Hope this helps.
I think this is a bit too much for a novice programmer. GLFW is a down-to-the-absolute-minium framework for creating OpenGL applications. CEF on the other hand depends on many utilities provided by the application it's built into. GLFW doesn't offer them, so you have to implement them in a way that CEF can live within GLFW. That's feasible, but requires some expierience. If you look at there's one short paragraph "Off-Screen Rendering". This is what you want to integrate it into a OpenGL project. Render off-screen and present the result through a textured quad (either viewport space aligned).

open window to choose images c++

I am using c++ in ubuntu 12.04 using gcc. Am trying to perform few image processing tasks using opencv. For this, I want the user to select an image. Is it possible to open the directory explorer through c++, and let user choose the image, by selecting folders or drives, etc.? I actually did not know how to google this question exactly, my apologies if this is pretty rudimentary. Your help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance
You will want to use a GUI toolkit like Qt. They ususally have some sort of function for what you want. In the case of Qt the QFileDialog would be good.
For learning Qt: There are official tutorials or maybe this question.
If you want to go down this route you can also use a completely separate program just for getting a file name. Something like zenity maybe. Which platform do you want to do this on?

Building dashboards in django

I have a django app and I would like to display some graphical data visualization to my users. I am looking for an easy-to-use package that would allow me to add graphs and widgets.
The kind of widget I want to build is a kind of speedometer dial that is red at one end and green at the other. As a user completes their job over the day, the graphic/widget adjusts itself. The dial moves from red to green.
I also want an S-curve graphic that shows the cumulative amount of work accomplished against planned. That is kind of an x/y line plot.
My question are: How easy is this to implement? Are there any add-ins libraries or packages that do this already? I am trying to keep my entire application open-source. I've seen a couple subscription services that do this type of thing, but I can't stomach the cost.
I don't mind using ajax or jquery to implement such a thing, but I would like the most elegant and maintainable solution.
Any advice or examples on how to tackle this project?
There are lots of good javascript libraries these days, but all require some effort to learn how to use. I have not found one that really is easy to use, I guess because everyone wants something different. My general experience has been the more effort you put into learning them, the more you get out.
Google has gauges:
Or really take control:
As first, see the following grid ( on djangopackages.
Not sure if that's exactly what's asked for, but you might take a look at django-dash (
It allows each user to make his own dashboard (from plugins available). Those dashboards can be made public.
Some screenshots (
It's modular and plugin based, so you need to make a plugin and widgets for every specific feature (in this particular case - the speedometer plugin and widgets for it). Each plugin/widget can include own JS/CSS when being rendered.
See the following chart usage examples:
D3.js integration examples (
Polychart2.js integration example (
protovis is no longer under active development, but they started a new poject:
You may choose from these packages:

GTK theme engine: where to start?

I would like to start coding a gtk theme engine, but i'm wondering where i can find some documentation, if any exists.
I know how to have look at someone else engine's code, examples, or torture tests and widget factories etc.., what i want instead is any documentation type, design, references, examples or tutorials possibly from reliable sources such as the Gnome foundation or the like.
You know, when coding for the Win32 platform one can pinpoint reliable references on the subject by following the MSDN and then read a variety of other sources to see how the problem has been tackled, if any.
So, where to find an authoritative, reliable and possibly complete source of documentation about GTK theme engine development? Is there any for real?
Later added:
Also, how to debug such an engine? What's the most sane and painless way to perform testing and debugging on such a delicate os' ui component?
Well, you can look for instance at the source for the gtk smooth engine in Ubuntu most of which is in one fairly enormous C file smooth_gtk2_drawing.c. I don't know if that's an especially good example, but probably finding whichever looks simplest or most actively maintained would be a good idea.
A theme engine is typically used to change the shape of widgets among other things. If you're just trying to change the color scheme and so on, you just need to create a theme.
Just like the theme engines, theres not a whole lot of documentation when it comes to creating a theme either. However, there are a ton of examples at