wchar_t* to short int conversion - c++

One of the function in a 3rd party class return awchar_t* that holding a resource id (I don't know why it uses wchar_t* type ) I need to convert this pointer to short int
This method, using AND operator works for me. but it seems like not the correct way. is there any proper way to do this?
wchar_t* s;
short int b = (unsigned long)(s) & 0xFFFF;

wchar_t* s; // I assume this is what you meant
short int b = static_cast<short int>(reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(s))
You could also replace short int b with auto b, and it will be deduced as short int from the type of the right-hand expression.

It returns the resource ID as a wchar_t* because that is the data type that Windows uses to carry resource identifiers. Resources can be identified by either numeric ID or by name. If numeric, the pointer itself contains the actual ID number encoded in its lower 16 bits. Otherwise it is a normal pointer to a null-terminated string elsewhere in memory. There is an IS_INTRESOURCE() macro to differentiate which is the actual case, eg:
wchar_t *s = ...;
// s is a numeric ID...
WORD b = (WORD) s;
// s is a null-terminated name string

Did you mean in your code wchar_t *s;?
I'd do the conversion more explicit using
short int b = reinterpret_cast<short int>(s);

If it fits your application needs, I suggest using a data type with a fixed nr of bits, e.g. uint16_t. Using short int means you only know for sure your variable has at least 16 bits. An additional question: Why do you not use unsigned short int, instead of (signed) short int?
In general, knowing the exact nr of bits make things a little more predictable, and makes it easier to know exactly what happens when you cast or use bitmasks.


memcpy with initialized variable and negative numbers with cast

I have
QByteArray bytes // Fullfilled earlier
char id_c = bytes[7];
int _id;
_id = 0; // If I comment this result would be different
memcpy(&_id, &id_c, 1);
int result = _id;
I have _id variable and if I comment "_id=0" result variable result would be different with negative number. Why? Why initializing _id with 0 would be different?!
How can I do this alternatively with same result as using "_id=0" but without memcpy and unwanted castings?
This is not my code. I am interested how to get same result correctly without stupid castings.
Because this statement:
memcpy(&_id, &id_c, 1);
Is only copying a single byte from &id_c into an address representing a 4-byte integer, &_id. Only the first byte of memory occupied by _id gets anything copied into it. Without the zero init of _id first, the remaining three bytes of that value are left undefined (presumably random garbage values off the stack).
What's wrong with an "unwanted casting"? This is just as fine and the compiler generates the most efficient code.
QByteArray bytes // Fullfilled earlier
int _id = (int)(bytes[7]);
int result = _id;
If you want sign extended result of the unsigned byte copied into _id, then this:
int _id = (signed char)(bytes[7]);
_id = 0 is called assigning 0 value to the variable _id, if you comment that then we cannot be sure what is stored in that _id , and you are updating only one byte out of that, as it is of type int it is more than one byte in size.
You might try these net/host byte order conversions:
on linux
on windows
the only difference is the header file to use; You can use preprocessor tricks to determine the platform and choose the proper header if cross-platform programming is intended. A better approach is to use the C++20 feature std::endian. But you need to handle the conversion yourself:
#include <bit>
#include <climits>
int int_cvt(int x){
if constexpr (endian::native==endian::big)
return x;
unsigned char c=x;
return y;

working with binary data and unsigned char

I'm writing a program that reads a content of a binary file (specificly Windows PE file. Wikipedia page and detailed PE structure).
Because of the binary data in the file, the characters often "fall out" of the ascii range (0-127) and that result in negative values.
To make sure I won't work with unwanted negative values, I can either pass const unsigned char * or convert the resulting char in the calculation to unsigned char.
On one hand, passing const unsigned char * makes sense because the data is non-ascii that has a numaric value and thus should be treated as positive.
In addition, it'll let me perform calculations without the need to cast the result to unsigned char.
On the other hand, I can't pass constant strings (const char *, such as pre-defined strings "MZ", "PE\0\0" etc.) to functions without first casting them to const unsigned char *.
What would be the better approach or best-practice in this scenario?
I think I'd use unsigned char, but avoid casting, and instead define a little class named ustring (or something similar). You have a couple of choices with that. One would be to instantiate std::basic_string over unsigned char. This can be useful (it gives you all of std::string's functionality, but with unsigned chars instead of chars. The obvious disadvantage is that it's probably overkill, and has essentially no compatibility with std::string, even though it's almost exactly the same thing.
The other obvious possibility would be to define your own class. Since you apparently care mostly about string literals, I'd probably go this way. The class would be initalized with a string literal, and it would just hold a pointer to the string, but as unsigned char * instead of just char *.
Then there's one more step to make life better: define a user defined literal operator named something like _us, so creating an object of your type from a string literal will look something like this: auto DOS_sig = "MZ"_us;
class ustring {
unsigned char const *data;
unsigned long long len;
ustring(unsigned char const *s, unsigned long long len)
: data(s)
, len(len)
operator char const *() const { return data; }
bool operator==(ustring const &other) const {
// note: memcmp treats what you pass it as unsigned chars.
return len == other.len && 0 == memcmp(data, other.data, len);
// you probably want to add more stuff here.
ustring operator"" _us(char const * const s, unsigned long long len) {
return ustring((unsigned char const *)s, len);
If I'm not mistaken, this should be pretty easy to work with. For example, let's assume you've memory mapped what you think is a PE file, with its base address at mapped_file. To see if it has a DOS signature, you might do something like this:
if (ustring(&mapped_file[0], 2) == "MZ"_us)
std::cerr << "File appears to be an executable.\n";
std::cerr << "file does not appear to be an executable.\n";
Caution: I haven't tested this, so fencepost errors and such are likely--for example, I don't remember whether the length passed to the user defined literal operator includes the NUL terminator or not. This isn't intended to represent finished code, just a sketch of a general direction that might be useful to explore.

Taking an index out of const char* argument

I have the following code:
int some_array[256] = { ... };
int do_stuff(const char* str)
int index = *str;
return some_array[index];
Apparently the above code causes a bug in some platforms, because *str can in fact be negative.
So I thought of two possible solutions:
Casting the value on assignment (unsigned int index = (unsigned char)*str;).
Passing const unsigned char* instead.
Edit: The rest of this question did not get a treatment, so I moved it to a new thread.
The signedness of char is indeed platform-dependent, but what you do know is that there are as many values of char as there are of unsigned char, and the conversion is injective. So you can absolutely cast the value to associate a lookup index with each character:
unsigned char idx = *str;
return arr[idx];
You should of course make sure that the arr has at least UCHAR_MAX + 1 elements. (This may cause hilarious edge cases when sizeof(unsigned long long int) == 1, which is fortunately rare.)
Characters are allowed to be signed or unsigned, depending on the platform. An assumption of unsigned range is what causes your bug.
Your do_stuff code does not treat const char* as a string representation. It uses it as a sequence of byte-sized indexes into a look-up table. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with forcing unsigned char type on the characters of your string inside do_stuff (i.e. use your solution #1). This keeps re-interpretation of char as an index localized to the implementation of do_stuff function.
Of course, this assumes that other parts of your code do treat str as a C string.

Best way to create a string buffer for binary data

When I try the following, I get an error:
unsigned char * data = "00000000"; //error: cannot convert const char to unsigned char
Is there a special way to do this which I'm missing?
For the sake of brevity, I'll explain what I'm trying to achieve:
I'd like to create a StringBuffer in C++ which uses unsigned values for raw binary data. It seems that an unsigned char is the best way to accomplish this. If there is a better method?
std::vector<unsigned char> data(8, '0');
Or, if the data is not uniform:
auto & arr = "abcdefg";
std::vector<unsigned char> data(arr, arr + sizeof(arr) - 1);
Or, so you can assign directly from a literal:
std::basic_string<unsigned char> data = (const unsigned char *)"abcdefg";
Yes, do this:
const char *data = "00000000";
A string literal is an array of char, not unsigned char.
If you need to pass this to a function that takes const unsigned char *, well, you'll need to cast it:
foo(static_cast<const unsigned char *>(data));
You have many ways. One is to write:
const unsigned char *data = (const unsigned char *)"00000000";
Another, which is more recommended is to declare data as it should be:
const char *data = "00000000";
And when you pass it to your function:
myFunc((const unsigned char *)data);
Note that, in general a string of unsigned char is unusual. An array of unsigned chars is more common, but you wouldn't initialize it with a string ("00000000")
Response to your update
If you want raw binary data, first let me tell you that instead of unsigned char, you are better off using bigger containers, such as long int or long long. This is because when you perform operations on the binary literal (which is an array), your operations are cut by 4 or 8, which is a speed boost.
Second, if you want your class to represent binary values, don't initialize it with a string, but with individual values. In your case would be:
unsigned char data[] = {0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, /* etc */}
Note that I assume you are storing binary as binary! That is, you get 8 bits in an unsigned char. If you, on the other hand, mean binary as in string of 0s and 1s, which is not really a good idea, but either way, you don't really need unsigned char and just char is sufficient.
unsigned char data[] = "00000000";
This will copy "00000000" into an unsigned char[] buffer, which also means that the buffer won't be read-only like a string literal.
The reason why the way you're doing it won't work is because your pointing data to a (signed) string literal (char[]), so data has to be of type char*. You can't do that without explicitly casting "00000000", such as: (unsigned char*)"00000000".
Note that string literals aren't explicitly of type constchar[], however if you don't treat them as such and try and modify them, you will cause undefined behaviour - a lot of the times being an access violation error.
You're trying to assign string value to pointer to unsigned char. You cannot do that. If you have pointer, you can assign only memory address or NULL to that.
Use const char instead.
Your target variable is a pointer to an unsigned char. "00000000" is a string literal. It's type is const char[9]. You have two type mismatches here. One is that unsigned char and char are different types. The lack of a const qualifier is also a big problem.
You can do this:
unsigned char * data = (unsigned char *)"00000000";
But this is something you should not do. Ever. Casting away the constness of a string literal will get you in big trouble some day.
The following is a little better, but strictly speaking it is still unspecified behavior (maybe undefined behavior; I don't want to chase down which it is in the standard):
const unsigned char * data = (const unsigned char *)"00000000";
Here you are preserving the constness but you are changing the pointer type from char* to unsigned char*.
#Holland -
unsigned char * data = "00000000";
One very important point I'm not sure we're making clear: the string "00000000\0" (9 bytes, including delimiter) might be in READ-ONLY MEMORY (depending on your platform).
In other words, if you defined your variable ("data") this way, and you passed it to a function that might try to CHANGE "data" ... then you could get an ACCESS VIOLATION.
The solution is:
1) declare as "const char *" (as the others have already said)
... and ...
2) TREAT it as "const char *" (do NOT modify its contents, or pass it to a function that might modify its contents).

How to convert char* to unsigned short in C++

I have a char* name which is a string representation of the short I want, such as "15" and need to output this as unsigned short unitId to a binary file. This cast must also be cross-platform compatible.
Is this the correct cast: unitId = unsigned short(temp);
Please note that I am at an beginner level in understanding binary.
I assume that your char* name contains a string representation of the short that you want, i.e. "15".
Do not cast a char* directly to a non-pointer type. Casts in C don't actually change the data at all (with a few exceptions)--they just inform the compiler that you want to treat one type into another type. If you cast a char* to an unsigned short, you'll be taking the value of the pointer (which has nothing to do with the contents), chopping off everything that doesn't fit into a short, and then throwing away the rest. This is absolutely not what you want.
Instead use the std::strtoul function, which parses a string and gives you back the equivalent number:
unsigned short number = (unsigned short) strtoul(name, NULL, 0);
(You still need to use a cast, because strtoul returns an unsigned long. This cast is between two different integer types, however, and so is valid. The worst that can happen is that the number inside name is too big to fit into a short--a situation that you can check for elsewhere.)
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
unitId = boost::lexical_cast<unsigned short>(temp);
To convert a string to binary in C++ you can use stringstream.
#include <sstream>
. . .
int somefunction()
unsigned short num;
char *name = "123";
std::stringstream ss(name);
ss >> num;
if (ss.fail() == false)
// You can write out the binary value of num. Since you mention
// cross platform in your question, be sure to enforce a byte order.
that cast will give you (a truncated) integer version of the pointer, assuming temp is also a char*. This is almost certainly not what you want (and the syntax is wrong too).
Take a look at the function atoi, it may be what you need, e.g. unitId = (unsigned short)(atoi(temp));
Note that this assumes that (a) temp is pointing to a string of digits and (b) the digits represent a number that can fit into an unsigned short
Is the pointer name the id, or the string of chars pointed to by name? That is if name contains "1234", do you need to output 1234 to the file? I will assume this is the case, since the other case, which you would do with unitId = unsigned short(name), is certainly wrong.
What you want then is the strtoul() function.
char * endp
unitId = (unsigned short)strtoul(name, &endp, 0);
if (endp == name) {
/* The conversion failed. The string pointed to by name does not look like a number. */
Be careful about writing binary values to a file; the result of doing the obvious thing may work now but will likely not be portable.
If you have a string (char* in C) representation of a number you must use the appropriate function to convert that string to the numeric value it represents.
There are several functions for doing this. They are documented here: