Change and replace words in a string with C++ - c++

First of all I want to apologize for my bad English writing.
My question is: for example we have a lot of sentences and in this group of words some words must replace with some other words, something like this:
In this cool day it's perfect to go to park and nice to play football.
And changed string become like this:
In this nice day it's so good to go to park and cool to play football.
As you see the word "perfect" replace with "so good" and this part is not difficult, my problem is how to replace any "cool" word to "nice" and "nice" word to "cool"?
What is the best way to do this with C++?

You can use std::string::replace to replace a part of an std::string.
And you can use std::string::find to find a specific substring in an std::string:
std::string foo = "hello replaceme!";
std::string bar = "replaceme";
size_t pos = foo.find(bar);
size_t len = bar.length();
foo.replace(pos, len, "world");
std::cout << foo << std::endl;
The above code will print hello world!.
You can then continue to loop that until foo.find returns string::npos which means it didn't find the specified substring in foo.

There is also a way to do it with char pointers if you really wanna get fancy.
Here's what I found:
const bool SUCCESS = true;
const bool FAIL = false;
boolean replace_word(const char *foo, const char *bar, const char *foo_bar){
if(foo==NULL || bar==NULL || foo_bar==NULL){
return FAIL;
char* new_string = src;
// can also do strcpy(new_string, foo);
int len_old_string = strlen(foo);
int i = 0;
while (i < len_old_string) {
if (*(foo + i) == bar[0]) {
*(new_string + i) = foo_bar[i];
foo = new_string;
return (SUCCESS);
the replace method is a bit easier, but also less dynamic.


C++ regex replace whole word

I have a small game to do in which I need to sometimes replace some group of characters with the name of the player in the sentences.
For example, I could have a sentence like :
"[Player]! Are you okay? A plane crash happened, it's on fire!"
And I need to replace the "[Player]" with some name contained in a std::string.
I have been looking for about 20 minutes in other SO questions and in the CPP reference and I really can't understand how to use the regex.
I would like to know how I can replace all instances of the "[Player]" string in a std::string.
Personally I would not use regex for this. A simple search and replace should be enough.
These are (roughly) the functions I use:
// change the string in-place
std::string& replace_all_mute(std::string& s,
const std::string& from, const std::string& to)
for(std::size_t pos = 0; (pos = s.find(from, pos) + 1); pos += to.size())
s.replace(--pos, from.size(), to);
return s;
// return a copy of the string
std::string replace_all_copy(std::string s,
const std::string& from, const std::string& to)
return replace_all_mute(s, from, to);
int main()
std::string s = "[Player]! Are you okay? A plane crash happened, it's on fire!";
replace_all_mute(s, "[Player]", "Uncle Bob");
std::cout << s << '\n';
Uncle Bob! Are you okay? A plane crash happened, it's on fire!
Regex is meant for more complex patterns. Consider, for example, that instead of simply matching [Player], you wanted to match anything between brackets. That would be a good use for regex.
Following is an example that does just that. Unfortunately, the interface of <regex> is not flexible enough to enable dynamic replacements, so we have to implement the actual replacing ourselves.
#include <iostream>
#include <regex>
int main() {
// Anything stored here can be replaced in the string.
std::map<std::string, std::string> vars {
{"Player1", "Bill"},
{"Player2", "Ted"}
// Matches anything between brackets.
std::regex r(R"(\[([^\]]+?)\])");
std::string str = "[Player1], [Player1]! Are you okay? [Player2] said that a plane crash happened!";
// We need to keep track of where we are, or else we would need to search from the start of
// the string everytime, which is very wasteful.
// std::regex_iterator won't help, because the replacement may be smaller
// than the match, and it would cause strings like "[Player1][Player1]" to not match properly.
auto pos=str.cbegin();
do {
// First, we try to get a match. If there's no more matches, exit.
std::smatch m;
regex_search(pos, str.cend(), m, r);
if (m.empty()) break;
// The interface of std::match_results is terrible. Let's get what we need and
// place it in apropriately named variables.
auto var_name = m[1].str();
auto start = m[0].first;
auto end = m[0].second;
auto value = vars[var_name];
// This does the actual replacement
str.replace(start, end, value);
// We update our position. The new search will start right at the end of the replacement.
pos = m[0].first + value.size();
} while(true);
std::cout << str;
Bill, Bill! Are you okay? Ted said that a plane crash happened!
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Simply find and replace, e.g. boost::replace_all()
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
std::string target(""[Player]! Are you okay? A plane crash happened, it's on fire!"");
boost::replace_all(target, "[Player]", "NiNite");
As some people have mentioned, find and replace might be more useful for this scenario, you could do something like this.
std::string name = "Bill";
std::string strToFind = "[Player]";
std::string str = "[Player]! Are you okay? A plane crash happened, it's on fire!";
str.replace(str.find(strToFind), strToFind.length(), name);

C++ find a sentence in list<word>

I'm trying to find an elegant way to find some text ex. "hello world" from the sentence "I compiled my first hello world. It works!"
But the sentence is a std::list<word> with some metadata.
Class Word
std::string m_word;
Location ... (X,Y in a picture)
Just wondering if there is nice way to do that with some std or boost functions rather than my 2 ugly loops. Thanks!
You can use std::search together with a custom predicate that only compares the m_word member:
bool wordsEqual(const Word& a, const Word& b) {
return a.getWord() == b.getWord();
// ...
Word needle[] = { "hello", "world" };
list<Word>::iterator it = search(lst.begin(), lst.end(),
needle, needle + 2,
This code assumes a getWord method and a constructor Word(const char*) for the array initialization.
You can look into std::search.
string pattern[] = {"hello","world"};
list<string>::iterator it = search(x.begin(),x.end(), pattern, pattern + 1);
Where x is your list. You'll probably have to provide your own binary predicate.

C++ How to get string/char in between 2 words

i got a word that is
Got a few questions:
How do i check
AD?Andorra exist
? is a wildcard, it could be comma or hex or dollar sign or other value
then after confirm AD?Andorra exist, how do i get the value of ?
The problem can be solved generally with a regular expression match. However, for the specific problem you presented, this would work:
std::string input = getinput();
char at2 = input[2];
input[2] = '#';
if (input == "AD#Andorra") {
// match, and char of interest is in at2;
} else {
// doesn't match
If the ? is supposed to represent a string also, then you can do something like this:
bool find_inbetween (std::string input,
std::string &output,
const std::string front = "AD",
const std::string back = "Andorra") {
if ((input.size() < front.size() + back.size())
|| (, front.size(), front) != 0)
|| (, back.size(), back) != 0)) {
return false;
output = input.substr(front.size(), input.size()-front.size()-back.size());
return true;
If you are on C++11/use Boost (which I strongly recommend!) use regular expressions. Once you gain some level of understanding all text processing becomes easy-peasy!
#include <regex> // or #include <boost/regex>
//! \return A separating character or 0, if str does not match the pattern
char getSeparator(const char* str)
using namespace std; // change to "boost" if not on C++11
static const regex re("^AD(.)Andorra$");
cmatch match;
if (regex_match(str, match, re))
return *(match[1].first);
return 0;
assuming your character always starts at position 3!
use the string functions substr:
If you are using C++11, i recommend you to use regex instead of direct searching in your string.

C++ split string with space and punctuation chars

I wanna split an string using C++ which contains spaces and punctuations.
e.g. str = "This is a dog; A very good one."
I wanna get "This" "is" "a" "dog" "A" "very" "good" "one" 1 by 1.
It's quite easy with only one delimiter using getline but I don't know all the delimiters. It can be any punctuation chars.
Note: I don't wanna use Boost!
Use std::find_if() with a lambda to find the delimiter.
auto it = std::find_if(str.begin(), str.end(), [] (const char element) -> bool {
return std::isspace(element) || std::ispunct(element);})
So, starting at the first position, you find the first valid token. You can use
index = str.find_first_not_of (yourDelimiters);
Then you have to find the first delimiter after this, so you can do
delimIndex = str.substr (index).find_first_of (yourDelimiters);
your first word will then be
// since delimIndex will essentially be the length of the word
word = str.substr (index, delimIndex);
Then you truncate your string and repeat. You have to, of course, handle all of the cases where find_first_not_of and find_first_of return npos, which means that character was/was not found, but I think that's enough to get started.
Btw, I'm not claiming that this is the best method, but it works...
vmpstr's solution works, but could be a bit tedious.
Some months ago, I wrote a C library that does what you want.
Documentation has been written in Spanish (sorry).
It doesn't need external dependencies. Try with splitWithChar() function.
Example of use:
#include "string_functions.h"
int main(void){
char yourString[]= "This is a dog; A very good one.";
char* elementsArray[8];
int nElements;
int i;
printf("Character split test:\n");
printf("Base String: %s\n",yourString);
nElements = splitWithChar(yourString, ' ', elementsArray);
printf("Found %d element.\n", nElements);
for (i=0;i<nElements;i++){
printf ("Element %d: %s\n", i, elementsArray[i]);
return 0;
The original string "yourString" is modified after use spliWithChar(), so be carefull.
Good luck :)
CPP, unlike JAVA doesn't provide an elegant way to split the string by a delimiter. You can use boost library for the same but if you want to avoid it, a manual logic would suffice.
vector<string> split(string s) {
vector<string> words;
string word = "";
for(char x: s) {
if(x == ' ' or x == ',' or x == '?' or x == ';' or x == '!'
or x == '.') {
if(word.length() > 0) {
word = "";
if(word.length() > 0) {
return words;

Simple Sentence Reverser in C++

I'm trying to build a program to solve a problem in a text book I bought recently and it's just driving me crazy.
I have to built a sentence reverser so I get the following:
Input = "Do or do not, there is no try."
Output = "try. no is there not, do or Do"
Here's what I've got so far:
void ReverseString::reversalOperation(char str[]) {
char* buffer;
int stringReadPos, wordReadPos, writePos = 0;
// Position of the last character is length -1
stringReadPos = strlen(str) - 1;
buffer = new char[stringReadPos+1];
while (stringReadPos >= 0) {
if (str[stringReadPos] == ' ') {
wordReadPos = stringReadPos + 1;
buffer[writePos++] = str[stringReadPos--];
while (str[wordReadPos] != ' ') {
buffer[writePos] = str[wordReadPos];
} else {
cout << str << endl;
cout << buffer << endl;
I was sure I was on the right track but all I get for an output is the very first word ("try.") I've been staring at this code so long I can't make any headway. Initially I was checking in the inner while look for a '/0' character as well but it didn't seem to like that so I took it out.
Unless you're feeling masochistic, throw your existing code away, and start with std::vector and std::string (preferably an std::vector<std::string>). Add in std::copy with the vector's rbegin and rend, and you're pretty much done.
This is utter easy in C++, with help from the standard library:
std::vector< std::string > sentence;
std::istringstream input( str );
// copy each word from input to sentence
(std::istream_iterator< std::string >( input )), std::istream_iterator< std::string >()
, std::back_inserter( sentence )
// print to cout sentence in reverse order, separated by space
sentence.rbegin(), sentence.rend()
, (std::ostream_iterator< std::string >( std::cout, " " ))
In the interest of science, I tried to make your code work as is. Yeah, it's not really the C++ way to do things, but instructive nonetheless.
Of course this is only one of a million ways to get the job done. I'll leave it as an exercise for you to remove the trailing space this code leaves in the output ;)
I commented my changes with "EDIT".
char* buffer;
int stringReadPos, wordReadPos, writePos = 0;
// Position of the last character is length -1
stringReadPos = strlen(str) - 1;
buffer = new char[stringReadPos+1];
while (stringReadPos >= 0) {
if ((str[stringReadPos] == ' ')
|| (stringReadPos == 0)) // EDIT: Need to check for hitting the beginning of the string
wordReadPos = stringReadPos + (stringReadPos ? 1 : 0); // EDIT: In the case we hit the beginning of the string, don't skip past the space
//buffer[writePos++] = str[stringReadPos--]; // EDIT: This is just to grab the space - don't need it here
while ((str[wordReadPos] != ' ')
&& (str[wordReadPos] != '\0')) // EDIT: Need to check for hitting the end of the string
buffer[writePos] = str[wordReadPos];
buffer[writePos++] = ' '; // EDIT: Add a space after words
stringReadPos--; // EDIT: Decrement the read pos every time
buffer[writePos] = '\0'; // EDIT: nul-terminate the string
cout << str << endl;
cout << buffer << endl;
I see the following errors in your code:
the last char of buffer is not set to 0 (this will cause a failure in cout<
in the inner loop you have to check for str[wordReadPos] != ' ' && str[wordReadPos] != 0 otherwise while scanning the first word it will never find the terminating space
Since you are using a char array, you can use C string library. It will be much easier if you use strtok:
It will require pointer use, but it will make your life much easier. Your delimiter will be " ".
What where the problems with your code and what are more cplusplusish ways of doing is yet well written. I would, however, like to add that the methodology
write a function/program to implement algorithm;
see if it works;
if it doesn't, look at code until you get where the problem is
is not too productive. What can help you resolve this problem here and many other problems in the future is the debugger (and poor man's debugger printf). It will make you able to see how your program actually works in steps, what happens to the data etc. In other words, you will be able to see which parts of it works as you expect and which behaves differently. If you're on *nix, don't hesitate to try gdb.
Here is a more C++ version. Though I think the simplicity is more important than style in this instance. The basic algorithm is simple enough, reverse the words then reverse the whole string.
You could write C code that was just as evident as the C++ version. I don't think it's necessarily wrong to write code that isn't ostentatiously C++ here.
void word_reverse(std::string &val) {
size_t b = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < val.size(); i++) {
if (val[i] == ' ') {
std::reverse(&val[b], &val[b]+(i - b));
b = ++i;
std::reverse(&val[b], &val[b]+(val.size() - b));
std::reverse(&val[0], &val[0]+val.size());
TEST(basic) {
std::string o = "Do or do not, there is no try.";
std::string e = "try. no is there not, do or Do";
std::string a = o;
CHECK_EQUAL( e , a );
Having a multiple, leading, or trailing spaces may be degenerate cases depending on how you actually want them to behave.