C++ find a sentence in list<word> - c++

I'm trying to find an elegant way to find some text ex. "hello world" from the sentence "I compiled my first hello world. It works!"
But the sentence is a std::list<word> with some metadata.
Class Word
std::string m_word;
Location ... (X,Y in a picture)
Just wondering if there is nice way to do that with some std or boost functions rather than my 2 ugly loops. Thanks!

You can use std::search together with a custom predicate that only compares the m_word member:
bool wordsEqual(const Word& a, const Word& b) {
return a.getWord() == b.getWord();
// ...
Word needle[] = { "hello", "world" };
list<Word>::iterator it = search(lst.begin(), lst.end(),
needle, needle + 2,
This code assumes a getWord method and a constructor Word(const char*) for the array initialization.

You can look into std::search.
string pattern[] = {"hello","world"};
list<string>::iterator it = search(x.begin(),x.end(), pattern, pattern + 1);
Where x is your list. You'll probably have to provide your own binary predicate.


C++ regex replace whole word

I have a small game to do in which I need to sometimes replace some group of characters with the name of the player in the sentences.
For example, I could have a sentence like :
"[Player]! Are you okay? A plane crash happened, it's on fire!"
And I need to replace the "[Player]" with some name contained in a std::string.
I have been looking for about 20 minutes in other SO questions and in the CPP reference and I really can't understand how to use the regex.
I would like to know how I can replace all instances of the "[Player]" string in a std::string.
Personally I would not use regex for this. A simple search and replace should be enough.
These are (roughly) the functions I use:
// change the string in-place
std::string& replace_all_mute(std::string& s,
const std::string& from, const std::string& to)
for(std::size_t pos = 0; (pos = s.find(from, pos) + 1); pos += to.size())
s.replace(--pos, from.size(), to);
return s;
// return a copy of the string
std::string replace_all_copy(std::string s,
const std::string& from, const std::string& to)
return replace_all_mute(s, from, to);
int main()
std::string s = "[Player]! Are you okay? A plane crash happened, it's on fire!";
replace_all_mute(s, "[Player]", "Uncle Bob");
std::cout << s << '\n';
Uncle Bob! Are you okay? A plane crash happened, it's on fire!
Regex is meant for more complex patterns. Consider, for example, that instead of simply matching [Player], you wanted to match anything between brackets. That would be a good use for regex.
Following is an example that does just that. Unfortunately, the interface of <regex> is not flexible enough to enable dynamic replacements, so we have to implement the actual replacing ourselves.
#include <iostream>
#include <regex>
int main() {
// Anything stored here can be replaced in the string.
std::map<std::string, std::string> vars {
{"Player1", "Bill"},
{"Player2", "Ted"}
// Matches anything between brackets.
std::regex r(R"(\[([^\]]+?)\])");
std::string str = "[Player1], [Player1]! Are you okay? [Player2] said that a plane crash happened!";
// We need to keep track of where we are, or else we would need to search from the start of
// the string everytime, which is very wasteful.
// std::regex_iterator won't help, because the replacement may be smaller
// than the match, and it would cause strings like "[Player1][Player1]" to not match properly.
auto pos=str.cbegin();
do {
// First, we try to get a match. If there's no more matches, exit.
std::smatch m;
regex_search(pos, str.cend(), m, r);
if (m.empty()) break;
// The interface of std::match_results is terrible. Let's get what we need and
// place it in apropriately named variables.
auto var_name = m[1].str();
auto start = m[0].first;
auto end = m[0].second;
auto value = vars[var_name];
// This does the actual replacement
str.replace(start, end, value);
// We update our position. The new search will start right at the end of the replacement.
pos = m[0].first + value.size();
} while(true);
std::cout << str;
Bill, Bill! Are you okay? Ted said that a plane crash happened!
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Simply find and replace, e.g. boost::replace_all()
#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
std::string target(""[Player]! Are you okay? A plane crash happened, it's on fire!"");
boost::replace_all(target, "[Player]", "NiNite");
As some people have mentioned, find and replace might be more useful for this scenario, you could do something like this.
std::string name = "Bill";
std::string strToFind = "[Player]";
std::string str = "[Player]! Are you okay? A plane crash happened, it's on fire!";
str.replace(str.find(strToFind), strToFind.length(), name);

Find a string in a vector in c++

I have a vector of string , and I want to return a string from vector which is similar to a string.
For example vector contains: "load", "fox", "google", "firefox" and the string is: "mozilla firefox". The true result in this sample is "firefox".
I use the code below, but it is wrong and returns "fox" for my sample.
vector<string>::const_iterator it_found = find_if(MyVector.begin(), MyVector.end(), [&MyString](string s) -> bool
{ return( MyString.find(s) != string::npos ); });
if(it_found != MyVector.end())
//Do Somthing
What should I do?
You are returning the first string that is a substring of your search term. It seems you want the best match, so a more sophisticated approach is needed. You could calculate some score how good the match is and find the element that gives the maximum score, e.g. with std::max_element
The score could be simply the length of the matched substring or something more complicated if you later improve your matching algorithm.
You can split the input string on whitespace using this implementation of split returning a std::vector<std::string>.
std::vector<std::string> split(std::string const &input) {
std::istringstream buffer(input);
std::vector<std::string> ret((std::istream_iterator<std::string>(buffer)),
return ret;
Then compare each string in MyVector with the candidates from the returned vector from split.
std::string MyString = "mozzilla firefox";
std::vector<std::string> MyVector = {"fire", "fox", "firefox", "mozilla"};
auto candidates = split(MyString);
auto it_found = std::find_if(MyVector.begin(), MyVector.end(), [&candidates](std::string s) -> bool{
return (std::find(candidates.begin(), candidates.end(), s) != candidates.end());
if(it_found != MyVector.end()){
std::cout<<"\nFound : "<<*it_found;
Output :
Found : firefox
Note that this only finds the first match of strings in MyVectorwith a string in the candidates.

Change and replace words in a string with C++

First of all I want to apologize for my bad English writing.
My question is: for example we have a lot of sentences and in this group of words some words must replace with some other words, something like this:
In this cool day it's perfect to go to park and nice to play football.
And changed string become like this:
In this nice day it's so good to go to park and cool to play football.
As you see the word "perfect" replace with "so good" and this part is not difficult, my problem is how to replace any "cool" word to "nice" and "nice" word to "cool"?
What is the best way to do this with C++?
You can use std::string::replace to replace a part of an std::string.
And you can use std::string::find to find a specific substring in an std::string:
std::string foo = "hello replaceme!";
std::string bar = "replaceme";
size_t pos = foo.find(bar);
size_t len = bar.length();
foo.replace(pos, len, "world");
std::cout << foo << std::endl;
The above code will print hello world!.
You can then continue to loop that until foo.find returns string::npos which means it didn't find the specified substring in foo.
There is also a way to do it with char pointers if you really wanna get fancy.
Here's what I found:
const bool SUCCESS = true;
const bool FAIL = false;
boolean replace_word(const char *foo, const char *bar, const char *foo_bar){
if(foo==NULL || bar==NULL || foo_bar==NULL){
return FAIL;
char* new_string = src;
// can also do strcpy(new_string, foo);
int len_old_string = strlen(foo);
int i = 0;
while (i < len_old_string) {
if (*(foo + i) == bar[0]) {
*(new_string + i) = foo_bar[i];
foo = new_string;
return (SUCCESS);
the replace method is a bit easier, but also less dynamic.

Equality of two strings

What is the easiest way, with the least amount of code, to compare two strings, while ignoring the following:
"hello world" == "hello world" // spaces
"hello-world" == "hello world" // hyphens
"Hello World" == "hello worlD" // case
"St pierre" == "saint pierre" == "St. Pierre" // word replacement
I'm sure this has been done before, and there are some libraries to do this kind of stuff, but I don't know any. This is in C++ preferably, but if there's a very short option in whatever other language, I'll want to hear about it too.
Alternatively, I'd also be interested in any library that could give a percentage of matching. Say, hello-world and hello wolrd are 97% likely to be the same meaning, just a hyphen and a mispelling.
Remove spaces from both strings.
Remove hyphens from both strings.
Convert both strings to lower case.
Convert all occurrences of “saint” and “st.” to “st”.
Compare strings like normal.
For example:
#include <cctype>
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
static void remove_spaces_and_hyphens(std::string &s)
s.erase(std::remove_if(s.begin(), s.end(), [](char c) {
return c == ' ' || c == '-';
}), s.end());
static void convert_to_lower_case(std::string &s)
for (auto &c : s)
c = std::tolower(c);
static void
replace_word(std::string &s, const std::string &from, const std::string &to)
size_t pos = 0;
while ((pos = s.find(from, pos)) != std::string::npos) {
s.replace(pos, from.size(), to);
pos += to.size();
static void replace_words(std::string &s)
replace_word(s, "saint", "st");
replace_word(s, "st.", "st");
int main()
// Given two strings:
std::string s1 = "Hello, Saint Pierre!";
std::string s2 = "hELlO,St.PiERRe!";
// Remove spaces and hyphens.
// Convert to lower case.
// Replace words...
// Compare.
std::cout << (s1 == s2 ? "Equal" : "Doesn't look like equal") << std::endl;
There is a way, of course, to code this more efficiently, but I recommend you start with something working and optimize it only when it proves to be a bottleneck.
It also sounds like you might be interested in string similarity algorithms like “Levenshtein distance”. Similar algorithms are used, for example, by search engine or editors to offer suggestion on spell correction.
I dont know any library, but for equlity, if speed is not rpoblem, you can do char-by-char compare and ignore "special" characters (respectively move iterator further in text).
As for comparing texts, you can use simple Levenshtein distance.
For spaces and hyphens, just replace all spaces/hyphens in the string and do a comparison. For case, convert all text to upper or lower case and do the comparison. For word replacement, you would need a dictionary of words with the key being the abbreviation and the value being the replacement word. You may also consider using the Levenshtein Distance algorithm for showing how similar one phrase is to another. If you want statistical probablility of how close a word/phrase is to another word/phrase, you will need sample data to do a comparison.
QRegExp is what you are looking for. It won't print out the percentages, but you can make some pretty slick ways of comparing one string to another, and finding the number of matches of one string to another.
Regular Expressions are available with almost ever language out there. I like GSkinner's RegEx page for learning regular expressions.
Hope that helps.
for the first 3 requirments,
remove all spaces/hypens of string (or replace it to a char, e.g'')
"hello world" --> "helloworld"
compare them ignore case.
Case insensitive string comparison in C++
for the last requirment, it is more compliate.
first you need a dictionary, which in KV structure:
'St.': 'saint'
'Mr.': 'mister'
second use boost token to seperate the string, and fetch then in the KV Store
then replace the token to the string, but it may in low performance:

Replace whole words in a string list without using external libraries

I want to replace some words without using external libraries.
My first attempt was to make a copy of the string, but it was not efficient, so this is another attempt where I use addresses:
void ReplaceString(std::string &subject, const std::string &search, const std::string &replace)
size_t position = 0;
while ((position = subject.find(search, position)) != std::string::npos) //if something messes up --> failure
subject.replace(position, search.length(), replace);
position = position + replace.length();
Because this is not very efficient either, I want to use another thing, but I got stuck; I want to use a function like replace_stuff(std::string & a); with a single parameter using string.replace() and string.find() (parsing it with a for loop or something) and then make use of std::map <std::string,std::string>; which is very convenient for me.
I want to use it for a large number of input words. (let's say replacing many bad words with some harmless ones)
The problem with your question is the lack of the necessary components in the Standard library. If you want an efficient implementation, you'd probably need a trie for efficient lookups. Writing one as part of the answer would be way to much code.
If you use a std::map or, if C++11 is available in your environment, a std::unordered_map, you will need to utilitize additional information about the input string and the search-replace pairs from the map. You'd then tokenize the string and check each token if it has to be replaced. Using positions pointing in the input string is a good idea since it avoids copying data. Which brings us to:
Efficiency will depend on memory access (reads and writes), so you should not modify the input string. Create the output by starting with an empty string and by appending pieces from the input. Check each part of the input: If it is a word, check if it needs to be replaced or if it is appended to the output unmodified. If it is not part of a word, append it unmodified.
It sounds like you want to replace all the "bad" words in a string with harmless ones, but your current implementation is inefficient because the list of bad words is much larger than the length of your input string (subject). Is this correct?
If so, the following code should make it more efficient. As you can see, I had to pass the map as a parameter, but if your function is going to be part of a class, you don't need to do so.
void ReplaceString(std::string &subject, const std::map<std::string, std::string>& replace_map)
size_t startofword = 0, endofword = 0;
while(startofword < subject.size())
size_t length = std::string::npos;
//get next word in string
endofword = subject.find_first_of(" ", startofword);
if(endofword != std::string::npos)
length = endofword-startofword;
std::string search = subject.substr(startofword, length);
//try to find this word in the map
if(replace_map.find(search) != replace_map.end())
//if found, replace the word with a new word
subject.replace(startofword, length, replace_map[search]);
startofword += replace_map[search].length();
startofword += length;
I use the following functions, hope it helps:
//replaces each occurence of the phrase in sWhat with sReplacement
std::string& sReplaceAll(std::string& sS, const std::string& sWhat, const std::string& sReplacement)
size_t pos = 0, fpos;
while ((fpos = sS.find(sWhat, pos)) != std::string::npos)
sS.replace(fpos, sWhat.size(), sReplacement);
pos = fpos + sReplacement.length();
return sS;
// replaces each single char from sCharList that is found within sS with entire sReplacement
std::string& sReplaceChars(std::string& sS, const std::string& sCharList, const std::string& sReplacement)
size_t pos=0;
while (pos < sS.length())
if (sCharList.find(sS.at(pos),0)!=std::string::npos) //pos is where a charlist-char was found
sS.replace(pos, 1, sReplacement);
pos += sReplacement.length()-1;
return sS;
You might create a class, say Replacer:
class Replacer
std::map<std::string,> replacement;
// init the map here
replacement.insert ( std::pair<std::string,std::string>("C#","C++") );
void replace_stuff(std::string & a);
Then the replace_stuff definition would be very similar to your original ReplaceString (it would use map entries instead of the passed parameters).