changing thread number doesn't affect code - xeon-phi

I am trying to learn xeon-phi , and while studying the Intel Xeon-Phi Coprocessor HPC book , I tried to run the code here. (from book)
The code uses openmp and 2 threads.
But the results I am taking are the same as running with 1 thread.
( no use of openmp at all )
I even used in mic different combinations but still the same:
It seems that somehow openmp is not enabled?Am I missing something here?
The code using only 1 thread is here
I compiled using:
icc -mmic -openmp -qopt-report -O3 hello.c

I am not sure exactly which book you are talking about, but perhaps this will help.
The code you show does not use the offload programming style and must be run natively on the the coprocessor, meaning you copy the executable to the coprocessor and run it there or you use the micnativeloadex utility to run the code from the host processor. You show that you know the code must be run natively because you compiled it with the -mmic option.
If you use micnativeloadex, then the number of omp threads on the coprocessor is set by executing "export MIC_OMP_NUM_THREADS=124" on the host. If you copy the executable to the coprocessor and then log in to run it there, the number of omp threads on the coprocessor is set by executing "export OMP_NUM_THREADS=124" on the coprocessor. If you use "export OMP_NUM_THREADS=2" on the coprocessor, you get only two threads; the MIC_OMP_NUM_THREADS environment variable is not used if you set it directly on the coprocessor.
I don't see any place in the code where it prints out the number of threads, so I don't know for sure how you determined the number of threads actually being used. I suspect you were using a tool like micsmc. However micsmc tells you how may cores are in use, not how many threads are in use.
By default, the omp threads are laid out in order, so that the first core would run threads 0,1,2,3, the second core would run threads 4,5,6,7 and so on. If you are using only two threads, both threads would run on the first core.
So, is that what you are seeing - not that you are using only one thread but instead that you are using only one core?

I was looking at the serial version of the code you are using. For the following lines:
for(j=0; j<MAXFLOPS_ITERS; j++)
// scale 1st array and add in the 2nd array
// example usage - y = mx + b;
for(k=0; k<LOOP_COUNT; k++)
fa[k] = a * fa[k] + fb[k];
I see that here you do not scan the complete array. Instead you keep on updating the first 128 (LOOP_COUNT) elements of the array Fa. If you wish to compare this serial version to the parallel code you are referring to, then you will have to ensure that the program does same amount of work in both versions.

I noticed three things in your first program omp:
the total floating point operations should reflect the number of threads doing the work. Therefore,
gflops = (double)( 1.0e-9*LOOP_COUNTMAXFLOPS_ITERSFLOPSPERCALC*numthreads);
You harded code the number of thread = 2. If you want to use the OMP env variable, you should comment out the API "omp_set_num_threads(2);"
After transferring the binary to the coprocessor, to set the OMP env variable in the coprocessor please use OMP_NUM_THREADS, and not MIC_OMP_NUM_THREADS. For example, if you want 64 threads to run your program in the coprocessor:
% ssh mic0
% export OMP_NUM_THREADS=64


CUDA GPU __global__ function does not complete

__global__ void functionA()
int main()
I'm trying to run a simple test with the above. But the program only outputs "main1". The program should output "functionA" and "main2" too.
This seems to have two reasons:
First of all you need to add
after the CUDA routine in order to block the main until the device has completed all tasks.
Furthermore this might happen if you set the wrong GPU architecture/compute capability XX when compiling the code
$ nvcc -gencode=arch=compute_XX,code=sm_XX -o my_app
In this case only the host code is run while the parts on the accelerator will be omitted it seems. You can find an overview of the corresponding number XX for the different hardware generations over here. The K20m you are running is 35. So it should be
$ nvcc -gencode=arch=compute_35,code=sm_35 -o my_app
in your case.
This might also occur if you have multiple graphic accelerators in your system and the code is executed on the wrong one. Each graphics card/accelerator is assigned a particular device id. The device with number 0 should be assigned automatically to the most powerful device and will be used by default. Therefore the first time I compiled the code on my system containing a powerful Tesla K80 (architecture 37) and a low power Quadro P620 (architecture 60) I selected 37 and had the same error as you have while when selecting 60 the code would run. I then used then the Querying Device Properties example to give me a list of the CUDA-capable devices and their corresponding device id, just to find out that on my system the Tesla K80 is set as 1 and 2 while the simple Quadro P620 graphics card is set as 0. I assume this is the case as the K80 is deprecated in CUDA 11!
You can select the device inside your code with cudaSetDevice or change it when launching the program with
where 1 has to be replaced by the device id you wish to use. Doing so should make your code run without any problems.
You can also test if this really is the issue this by cloning the Github repository of "Learn CUDA Programming", then browsing Chapter01/01_cuda_introduction/01_hello_world/, compile the make file with $ make and finally run it with $ ./hello_world. It automatically compiles for multiple architectures/compute capabilities and should therefore run without any issue!

openmp Fortran--- Code showing same performance

I am a new user of openmp. I have written the following code in fortran and tried to add parallel feature to it using openmp. Unfortunately, it is taking same time as serial version of this subroutine. I am compiling it using this f2py command. Am sure, I am missing a key concept here but unable to figure it out. Will really appreciate on getting help on this.
!f2py -c --opt='-O3' --f90flags='-fopenmp' -lgomp -m g3Test g3TestA.f90
exp1 =0.0
exp2 =0.0
exp3 =0.0
!$OMP PARALLEL DO shared(xConfig,s1,s2,s3,c1,c2,c3) private(h)&
!$OMP REDUCTION(+:exp1,exp2,exp3)
do k=0,numRows-1
xConfig(0:2) = X(k,0:2)
do h=0,nPhi-1
exp1(h) = exp1(h)+exp(-((xConfig(0)-c1(h))**2)*s1)
exp2(h) = exp2(h)+exp(-((xConfig(1)-c2(h))**2)*s2)
exp3(h) = exp3(h)+exp(-((xConfig(2)-c3(h))**2)*s3)
end do
end do
ALine = exp1+exp2+exp3
As neatly explained in this OpenMP Performance training course material from the University of Edinburgh for example, there are a number of reasons why OpenMP code does not necessarily scale as you would expect (for example how much of the serial runtime is taken by the part you are parallelising, synchronisation between threads, communication, and other parallel overheads).
You can easily test the performance with different numbers of threads by calling your python script like, e.g. with 2 threads:
env OMP_NUM_THREADS=2 python <your script name>
and you may consider adding the following lines in your code example to get a visual confirmation of the number of threads being used in the OpenMP part of your code:
do k=0,numRows-1
!this if-statement is only for debugging, remove for timing
!$ if (k==0) then
!$ print *, 'num_threads running:', OMP_get_num_threads()
!$ end if
xConfig(0:2) = X(k,0:2)

Single thread programme apparently using multiple core

Question summary: all four cores used when running a single threaded programme. Why?
Details: I have written a non-parallelised programme in Xcode (C++). I was in the process of parallelising it, and wanted to see whether what I was doing was actually resulting in more cores being used. To that end I used Instruments to look at the core usage. To my surprise, while my application is single threaded, all four cores were being utilised.
To test whether it changed the performance, I dialled down the number of cores available to 1 (you can do it in Instruments, preferences) and the speed wasn't reduced at all. So (as I knew) the programme isn't parallelised in any way.
I can't find any information on what it means to use multiple cores to perform single threaded tasks. Am I reading the Instruments output wrong? Or is the single-threaded process being shunted between different cores for some reason (like changing lanes on a road instead of driving in two lanes at once - i.e. actual parallelisation)?
Thanks for any insight anyone can give on this.
EDIT with MWE (apologies for not doing this initially).
The following is C++ code that finds primes under 500,000, compiled in Xcode.
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
clock_t start, end;
double runTime;
start = clock();
int i, num = 1, primes = 0;
int num_max = 500000;
while (num <= num_max) {
i = 2;
while (i <= num) {
if(num % i == 0)
if (i == num){
std::cout << "Prime: " << num << std::endl;
end = clock();
runTime = (end - start) / (double) CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
std::cout << "This machine calculated all " << primes << " under " << num_max << " in " << runTime << " seconds." << std::endl;
return 0;
This runs in 36s or thereabouts on my machine, as shown by the final out and my phone's stopwatch. When I profile it (using instruments launched from within Xcode) it gives a run-time of around 28s. The following image shows the core usage.
instruments showing core usage with all 4 cores (with hyper threading)
Now I reduce number of available cores to 1. Re-running from within the profiler (pressing the record button), it says a run-time of 29s; a picture is shown below.
instruments output with only 1 core available
That would accord with my theory that more cores doesn't improve performance for a single thread programme! Unfortunately, when I actually time the programme with my phone, the above took about 1 minute 30s, so there is a meaningful performance gain from having all cores switched on.
One thing that is really puzzling me, is that, if you leave the number of cores at 1, go back to Xcode and run the program, it again says it takes about 33s, but my phone says it takes 1 minute 50s. So changing the cores is doing something to the internal clock (perhaps).
Hopefully that describes the problem fully. I'm running on a 2015 15 inch MBP, with 2.2GHz i7 quad core processor. Xcode 7.3.1
I want to premise your answer lacks a lots of information in order to proceed an accurate diagnostic. Anyway I'll try to explain you the most common reason IHMO, supposing you application doesn't use 3-rd part component which perform in a multi-thread way.
I think that could be a result of scheduler effect. I'm going to explain what I mean.
Each core of the processor takes a process in the system and executed it for a "short" amount of time. This is the most common solution in desktop operative system.
Your process is executed on a single core for this amount of time and then stopped in order to allow other process to continue. When your same process is resumed it could be executed in another core (always one core, but a different one). So a poor precise task manager with a low resolution time could register the utilization of all cores, even if it does not.
In order to verify whether the cause could be that, I suggest you to see the amount of CPU % used in the time your application is running. Indeed in case of a single thread application the CPU should be about 1/#numberCore , in your case 25%.
If it's a release build your compiler may be vectorising parallelise your code. Also libraries you link against, say the standard library for example, may be threaded or vectorised.

Efficient variable watching in C/C++

I'm currently writing a multi-threaded, high efficient and scalable algorithm. Because I have to guess a parameter for the code and I'm not sure how the calculation performs on a specific data set, I would like to watch a variable. The test only works with a real world, huge data set. It is possible to analyze the collected data after profiling. Imagine the following, simple code example (real code can contain multiple watch points:
// function get's called by loops of multiple threads
void payload(data_t* data, double threshold) {
double value = calc(data);
// here I want to watch the value
if (value < threshold) {
} else {
I thought about the following approaches:
Using cout or other system outputs
Use a binary output (file, network)
Set a breakpoint via gdb/lldb
Use variable watching + logging via gdb/lldb
I'm not happy with the results because: To use 1. and 2. I have to change the code, but this is a debugging/evaluating task. Furthermore 1. requires locking and 1.+2. requires I/O operations, which heavily slows down the entire code and makes testing with real data nearly impossible. 3. is also too slow. To use 4., I have to know the variable address because it's not a global variable, but because threads get created by a dynamic scheduler, this would require breaking + stepping for each thread.
So my conclusion is, that I need a profiler/debugger that works at machine code level and dumps/logs/watches the variable without double->string conversion and is highly efficient, or to sum up with other words: I would like to profile the internal state of my algorithm without heavy slow-down and without doing deep modification. Does anybody know a tool that is able to this?
OK, this took some time but now I'm able to present a solution for my problem. It's called tracepoints. Instead of breaking the program every time, it's more lightweight and (ideally) doesn't change performance/timing too much. It does not require code changes. Here is an explanation how to use them using gdb:
Make sure you compiled your program with debugging symbols (using the -g flag). Now, start the gdb server and provide a network port (e.g. 10000) and the program arguments:
gdbserver :10000 ./program --parameters you --want --to use
Now, switch to a second console and start gdb (program parameters are not required here):
gdb ./program
All following commands are entered in the gdb command line interface. So let's connect to the server:
target remote :10000
After you got the connection confirmation, use trace or ftrace to set a tracepoint to a specific source location (try ftrace first, it should be faster but doesn't work on all platforms):
trace source.c:127
This should create tracepoint #1. Now you can setup an action for this tracepoint. Here I want to collect the data from myVariable
action 1
collect myVariable
If expect much data or want to use the data later (after restart), you can set a binary trace file:
tsave trace.bin
Now, start tracing and run the program:
You can wait for program exit or interrupt your program using CTRL-C (still on gdb console, not on server side). Continue by telling gdb that you want to stop tracing:
Now we come the tricky part and I'm not really happy with the following code because it's really slow:
set pagination off
set logging file trace.txt
tfind start
while ($trace_frame != -1)
set logging on
printf "%f\n", myVariable
set logging off
This dumps all variable data to a text file. You can add some filter or preparation here. Now you're done and you can exit gdb. This will also shutdown the server:
For detailed documentation especially for explanation of filtering and more advanced tracepoint positions, you can visit the following document:
To isolate trace file writing from your program execution, you can use cgroups or another network connected computer. When using another computer, you have to add the host to the port information (e.g. To load a binary trace file later, just start gdb as shown above (forget the server) and change the target:
gdb ./program
target tfile trace.bin
you can set hardware watchpoint using gdb debugger, for example if you have
bool b;
variable and you want to be notified every time the value of it has chenged (by any thread)
you would declare a watchpoint like this:
(gdb) watch *(bool*)0x7fffffffe344
root#comp:~# gdb prog
GNU gdb (GDB) 7.5-ubuntu
Copyright ...
For bug reporting instructions, please see:
Reading symbols from /dist/Debug/GNU-Linux-x86/cppapp_socket5_ipaddresses...done.
(gdb) watch *(bool*)0x7fffffffe344
Hardware watchpoint 1: *(bool*)0x7fffffffe344
(gdb) start
Temporary breakpoint 2 at 0x40079f: file main.cpp, line 26.
Starting program: /dist/Debug/GNU-Linux-x86/cppapp_socket5_ipaddresses
Hardware watchpoint 1: *(bool*)0x7fffffffe344
Old value = true
New value = false
main () at main.cpp:50
50 if (strcmp(mask, "") != 0) {
(gdb) c
Hardware watchpoint 1: *(bool*)0x7fffffffe344
Old value = false
New value = true
main () at main.cpp:41
41 if (ifa ->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET) { // check it is IP4
(gdb) c
eth0 IP Address
[Inferior 1 (process 18146) exited normally]
(gdb) q

java parallelisation problem - parallelisation is as slow as serialisation

I have been developing an individual base model. All you need to know is that individuals are born, reproduce and die. I have a GUI in which i can see these processes happening.
I have a mac pro, with 8 cores and 16GB ram.
Considering that the simulation will have to be repeated a few times to get error bars, etc, I thought i could run the main class and then have separate simulations (all run from the same program) ran on separate cores. Simple. Each parallel simulation would have no knowledge of the other simulations, hence no need for synchronization blocks.
When the main method is run, it invokes the constructor of the main class - which creates the other objects and the simulation begins. Hence - to parallelise - I created a fixed thread pool which would all separately invoke the main class constructor and multiple (well, 8, the number of cores) simulations.
BUT - it is running as slow as if I was running the simulations in serial. The animation in the GUIs for each simulation are updated in order, not simultaneously.
In fact, if I run the program 8 times simultaneously from the command line (and place in the background with '&') it is much faster and behaves much more like I would have hoped. Which is irritating!
At the start of the simulation some IO operations are performed to read in data about the individuals, but only at the start.
Interestingly, the first objects to be created by the `parallel' processes were made at the same memory addresses - but I don't think that is a problem.
If anybody has any insight into this lack of performance from the java concurrency tools, why the program appears to be running in serial and why simply running the main method from the command line 8 times is better than attempting to parallelise that would be most helpful.
Because to be frank I am losing faith in java's parallelisation capabilities.
noOfProcessors = (byte)Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
ExecutorService eservice = Executors.newFixedThreadPool( noOfProcessors );
List<Future> futuresList = new ArrayList<Future>();
for( int i = 0; i < noOfProcessors; i++ ){
futuresList.add( eservice.submit( new simulation() ) );
}//end for
for( Future future : futuresList ){
}catch( InterruptedException ex ){
Logger.getLogger( simPanel.class.getName() ).log( Level.SEVERE, null, ex );
System.exit( 1 );
}catch( ExecutionException ex ){
Logger.getLogger( simPanel.class.getName() ).log( Level.SEVERE, null, ex );
System.exit( 1 );
}//end try-catch
}//end for loop
While not too familiar with Java's Executors class, the serial behaviour seems to indicate that your thread pool is running all threads on the same processor. Perhaps it has something to do with how the JVM handles threads? Anyway, see if you can create separate processes in Java and see if that makes a difference.