Notepad ++ Regular Expression on finding missing {/} - regex

I have one big file filled with custom text and scripts, that are used by one software, it crashes because of one problem
The software display whole text throught
for example
as we can see the whole text is inside custom script that starts from {#HEXCOLOR} and ends with {/} but in some lines the "{/}" is missing, that make program crash.
for example
It is possible some how to search for missing {/} in the file via Regular Expression ?
I tried by myself but failed:

you could use this pattern
and replace with \1{/}


Regex to extract all strings from source code used when calling a function

We have an old, grown project with thousands of php files and need to clean it up.
Throughout the whole project we do have a lot of function calls similar to:
All of those are embedded into the code and represent translation keys. I would like to find a way to extract all "translation keys" in all occurrences.
The PHP project is in VS Code, so a RegEx Search would be helpful to list the results.
Or I could search through the project with any other tool you would recommend
However I would also need to "export" just the strings to a textfile or similar.
The ideal result would be:
As a bonus - if someone knows, how I could get the above list including filename where the result has been found - that would be really fantastic!
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
The RegEx I came up with:
list the full occurrence - How can I just get the first part of the result (between Single Quotes OR between Double Quotes OR beginning with $)
See here:
Here are some steps to get exactly what you want. Using this you can do a find and replace on your search results!
So you could do sequential regex find/replaces in the right circumstances.
The replace can be just within the search results editor and not affect the underlying files at all - which is what you want.
You can also have the replace action actually edit the underlying files if you wish.
[Hint: This technique can also make doing a find item a / replace with b in files that contain term c much easier to do.]
(1) Open a new search editor: Ctrl+Shift+P
(That command is currently unbound to a keybinding.)
(2) Paste this regex into the Search input box (with the regex option .* selected):
`(.*?)(\btrans\(['"]?)([^,'")]+)(.*)` - a relatively simple regex
regex101 demo
See my other answer for a regex to work with up to 6 entries per line:
(3) You will get a list of files with the search results. Now open a Find widget Shift+F in this Search editor.
(4) Put the same regex into that Find input. Regex option selected. Put $3 into the Replace field. This only replaces in this Search editor - not the original files (although that can be done if you want it in some case). Replace All.
If using the 1-6 version regex, replace with:
$1$5 $9 $13 $17 $21 $25
(5) Voila. You can now save this Search Editor as a file.
The first answer works for one desired capture per line as in the original question. But that relatively simple regex won't work if there are two or more per line.
The regex below works for up to 6 entries per line, like
stuff trans("SomeString2"); some content trans("SomeString2a");more stuff [repeat, repeat]
But it doesn't for 7+ - you'll need a regex guru for that.
Here is the process again with a twist of using a snippet in the Search Editor instead of a Find/Replace. Using a snippet allows more control over the formatting of the final result.
(1) Open a new search editor: Ctrl+Shift+P (That command is currently unbound to a keybinding.)
(2) Paste this regex into the Search input box (with the regex option .* selected):
regex101 demo
(3) You will get a list of files with the search results. Now select all your results individually with Ctrl+Shift+L.
(4) Trigger this keybinding:
"key": "alt+i", // whatever keybinding you like
"command": "editor.action.insertSnippet",
"when": "editorTextFocus",
"args": {
"snippet": "${TM_SELECTED_TEXT/((.*?)(\\btrans\\([\\'\\\"]?)([^,\\'\\\")]*)((.*?)(\\btrans\\([\\'\\\"]?)([^,\\'\\\")]*))?((.*?)(\\btrans\\([\\'\\\"]?)([^,\\'\\\")]*))?((.*?)(\\btrans\\([\\'\\\"]?)([^,\\'\\\")]*))?((.*?)(\\btrans\\([\\'\\\"]?)([^,\\'\\\")]*))?((.*?)(\\btrans\\([\\'\\\"]?)([^,\\'\\\")]*))?)(.*)/$4${8:+\n }$8${12:+\n }$12${16:+\n }$16${20:+\n }$20${24:+\n }$24/g}"
That snippet will be applied to each selection in your search result. This part ${8:+\n } is a conditional which adds a newline and some spaces if there is a capture group 8 - which would be a second trans(...) on a line.
Demo: (unfortunately, it doesn't properly show the Ctrl+Shift+L selecting all lines individually or the Alt+i snippet trigger)

Search for multiple strings in several files with Sublime 3 using AND

This previous (similar) question of mine Search for multiple strings in several files with Sublime 3 was answered with a way to search for multiple strings in multiple files in SublimeText, using the regex OR operator:
Find: (string1|string2)
Where: <open folders>
This works perfectly for searching files where either string1 OR string2 is present. What I need now is to search in lots of files for both strings present. I.e., I need to use the AND operator.
I looked around this question Regular Expressions: Is there an AND operator? and also this one Regex AND operator and came up with the following recipes:
(string1 string2)
but none of them work.
So the question is: how can I search multiple strings in several files at once with SublimeText?
(I'm using SublimeText 3103)
Add: the strings are not necessarily in the same line. They can be located anywhere within each file. For example, this file:
string1 dfgdfg d dfgdf
dfgdfg string2 dfgdfg
should trigger a match.
Open sublime Text and press
or click on the Find in Files options under Files tab. The above is keyboard shortcut for this option. When you press above key, these are following options
When you select ... button from above, you get 6 options which are Add Folder or Add Open Files or Add Open Folders
To search strings that occur in the same line
Use the following regex for your and operation
I am using the following regex
(?=.*def)(?=.*s)\w+ <-- \w+ will help in understanding which line is matched(will see later)
and I am searching within current open files
Make sure the Use Buffer option is enabled (one just before Find). It will display the matches in a new file. Also make sure the Show Context (one just before Use Buffer) option is enabled. This will display the exact line that matches. Now Click on Find on the right side.
Here is the output I am getting
See the difference in background color of line 1315 and 1316(appearing in left side). 1316 is matched line in designation file
This is the image of last part
There were total 6 files that were opened while I used this regex
For finding strings anywhere in file
but it will kill sublime if number of lines increases.
If there are only two words that you need to find, the following will work super fast in comparison to above

Notepad++ - Selecting or Highlighting multiple sections of repeated text IN 1 LINE

I have a text file in Notepad++ that contains about 66,000 words all in 1 line, and it is a set of 200 "lines" of output that are all unique and placed in 1 line in the basic JSON form {output:[{output1},{output2},...}]}.
There is a set of characters matching the RegEx expression "id":.........,"kind":"track" that occurs about 285 times in total, and I am trying to either single them out, or copy all of them at once.
Basically, without some super complicated RegEx terms, I am stuck because I can't figure out how to highlight all of them at once, and also the Remove Unbookmarked Lines feature does not apply because this is all in one line. I have only managed to be able to Mark every single occurrence.
So does this require a large number of steps to get the file into multiple lines and work from there, or is there something else I am missing?
Edit: I have come up with a set of Macro schemes that make the process of doing this manually work much faster. It's another alternative but still takes a few steps and quite some time.
Edit 2: I intended there to be an answer for actually just highlighting the different sections all at once, but I guess that it not possible. The answer here turns out to be more useful in my case, allowing me to have a list of IDs without everything else.
You seem to already have a regex which matches single instances of your pattern, so assuming it works and that we must use Notepad++ for this:
Replace .*?("id":.........,"kind":"track").*?(?="id".........,"kind":"track"|$) with \1.
If this textfile is valid JSON, this opens you up to other, non-notepad++ options, like using Python with the json module.
Edited to remove unnecessary steps

Windows Batch File - Find and return string inside matching pattern

I'm using a batch file to identify and load fonts temporarily. It looks for strings like /FontFamily(Rubber Dinghy Rapids)/ occurring inside .ai and .pdf files.
Now if I do findstr /r FontFamily\(.*\), this command returns a hugely interminable line of crap data with FontFamily(Rubber Dinghy Rapids) lost somewhere in there. I ACTUALLY need it to return the value of .* it found inside - in this case Rubber Dinghy Rapids.
Can I do this more elegantly? Or maybe I can switch to using VBScript if it's more elegant there?
My current solution is slow as hell... nested for loops, with one of them delimiting the crap data by the ( character, then finding the line that says FontFamily(Rubber Dinghy Rapids then stripping out the FontFamily( string, leaving me finally with Rubber Dinghy Rapids.
I wrote an hybrid Batch-JScript program called FindRepl.bat that use JScript's regular expressions to search for strings in a file. Using my program you may solve your problem this way:
FindRepl.bat "FontFamily\((.*)\)" /$:1 < input.txt
You may get my program from this site.

Regex for converting file path to package/namespace

Given the following file path:
I would like to generate the following using a single regex replace (the root can be a constant):
This is for the purpose of generating a snippet for Sublime Text which can automatically insert the correct package/namespace header for my scala/java classes :)
Sublime Text uses the following syntax for their regex replace patterns (aka 'substitutions'):
Hence why an iterative approach cannot be taken - it has to be done in one pass! Also, substitutions cannot be nested :(
If you know the maximum number of nested folders.You can specify that in your regex.
For 1 to 3 nested folders
For 1 to 5 nested folders
Given the constraints this is only thing you can do
This gets you closer, but not exactly it:
Output would be:
Without multiple replacements in a single line and without recursive back references it's going to be hard.
You might have to do a second replacement, replacing something like this with an empty string (if you can):