Have a powersshell to return a list of folders from DFS, I want to reduce long folder names to their resultant acronym. This is what I have so far, it replaces space with underscores...
$folders = Get-DfsnFolder -Path "\\dfs\path\*"| %{$folder = $_.path.split("\"); $folder[4].replace(" ","_")}
foreach ($folder in $folders) { if ($folder.length -gt 24) {
if ($_.length -gt 20) { $_.split("?<=\_)[\_]+").substring(0,1);
<Do something here to put the letters back into $folders>
Essentially I want an acronym creator
I don't fully understand why you want the underscores, is that a separate requirement for strings shorter than 20 characters?
Anyway, for splitting a string in to words and returning only the first letter of each word, you can combine split and join like this:
("this is a test" -split " " |% { $_[0] }) -join ""
Combined with your code, you can use something like:
$folders |% {
if($_.length -gt 20) {
( $_ -split " " |% { $_[0] } ) -join ""
} else {
$_.replace(" ","_")
you can use the Rename-Item cmdlet:
Rename-Item takes a [destination path] and a [source path]
Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.Name.Replace(' ','_') -Force #this is for the space to underscore `Replace`
Rename-Item $_.FullName $_.Name.Substring(0,1) -Force #this is for the first letter `Substring`
I have a real "headsmasher" on my plate.
I have this piece of script:
$lines = Select-String -List -Path $sourceFile -Pattern $pattern -Context 20
foreach ($id in $lines) {
if (Select-String -Quiet -LiteralPath export.txt -Pattern "$($Matches[1]).+$($id.Pattern)") {
else {
Select-String -Path $sourceFile -Pattern $pattern -Context 20 >> $duplicateTransactionsFile
but it is not working for me as I wanted it to.
I have two .txt files: "$sourcefile = source.txt" and "export.txt"
The source.txt looks like something like this:
Some text here ***********
F I N A L C O U N T 1 9 , 9 9
** [0000123456]
ID Number:0000123456
Some other text here*******
F I N A L C O U N T 9 , 9 9
** [0000789000]
ID Number:0000789000
The export.txt is like this:
0000123456 19,99
0000555555 ,89
0000666666 3,05
0000777777 31,19
0000789000 9,99
What I am trying to do is look into source.txt and search for the number that I enter (spaced out in my case)
*e.g: "9,99" but only that. As you can see, the next number in the source.txt is "19,99" and it also contains "9,99" but I do not want it to be matched.
and once I find the number, look for the next line in the source.txt that contains the text "ID Number:" then get the numbers right after the ":" Once I get those numbers after the ":", I want to now look into the export.txt and see if the numbers after the ":" are there and whether it has the "9,99" on the same line next to it but exactly "9,99" and nothing else lie "19,99", "29,99", and so on.
Then the rest is easy:
if (*true*) {
do this
else {
do that
Could you guys give me some love here and help a brother out?
I very much appreciate any help or hint you could share.
Best of wishes!
You could approach this like below:
# read the export.txt file and convert to a Hashtable for fast lookup
$export = ((Get-Content -Path 'D:\Test\export.txt').Trim() -replace '\s+', '=') -join "`r`n" | ConvertFrom-StringData
# read the source file and split into multiline data blocks
$source = ((Get-Content -Path 'D:\Test\source.txt' -Raw) -split '-{2,}').Trim() | Where-Object { $_ -match '(?sm)^\s?F I N A L C O U N T' }
# make sure the number given is spaced-out
$search = (((Read-Host "Search for Final Count number") -replace '\s' -split '') -join ' ').Trim()
Write-Host "Looking for a matching item using Final Count '$search'"
# see if we can find a data block that matches the $search
$blocks = $source | Where-Object { $_ -match "(?sm)^F I N A L C O U N T\s+$search\s?$" }
if (!$blocks) {
Write-Host "No item in source.txt could be found with Final Count '$search'" -ForegroundColor Red
else {
# loop over the data block(s) and pick the one that matches the search count
$blocks | ForEach-Object {
# parse out the ID
$id = $_ -replace '(?sm).*ID Number:(\d+).*', '$1'
# check if the $export Hashtable contains a key with that ID number
if ($export.Contains($id)) {
# check if that item has a value of $search without the spaces
if ($export[$id] -eq ($search -replace '\s')) {
# found it; do something
Write-Host "Found a match in the export.txt" -ForegroundColor Green
else {
# found ID with different FinalCount
Write-Host "An item with ID '$id' was found, but with different Final Count ($($export[$id]))" -ForegroundColor Red
else {
# ID not found
Write-Host "No item with ID '$id' could be found in the export.txt" -ForegroundColor Red
If as per your comment, you would like the code to loop over the Final Count numbers found in the source.txt file instead of a user typing in a number to search for, you can shorten the above code to:
# read the export.txt file and convert to a Hashtable for fast lookup
$export = ((Get-Content -Path 'D:\Test\export.txt').Trim() -replace '\s+', '=') -join "`r`n" | ConvertFrom-StringData
# read the source file and split into multiline data blocks
$blocks = ((Get-Content -Path 'D:\Test\source.txt' -Raw) -split '-{2,}').Trim() |
Where-Object { $_ -match '(?sm)^\s?F I N A L C O U N T' }
if (!$blocks) {
Write-Host "No item in source.txt could be found with Final Count '$search'" -ForegroundColor Red
else {
# loop over the data block(s)
$blocks | ForEach-Object {
# parse out the FINAL COUNT number to look for in the export.txt
$search = ([regex]'(?sm)^F I N A L C O U N T\s+([\d,\s]+)$').Match($_).Groups[1].Value
# remove the spaces, surrounding '0' and trailing comma (if any)
$search = ($search -replace '\s').Trim('0').TrimEnd(',')
Write-Host "Looking for a matching item using Final Count '$search'"
# parse out the ID
$id = $_ -replace '(?sm).*ID Number:(\d+).*', '$1'
# check if the $export Hashtable contains a key with that ID number
if ($export.Contains($id)) {
# check if that item has a value of $search without the spaces
if ($export[$id] -eq $search) {
# found it; do something
Write-Host "Found a match in the export.txt with ID: $($export[$id])" -ForegroundColor Green
else {
# found ID with different FinalCount
Write-Host "An item with ID '$id' was found, but with different Final Count ($($export[$id]))" -ForegroundColor Red
else {
# ID not found
Write-Host "No item with ID '$id' could be found in the export.txt" -ForegroundColor Red
There are surely multiple valid ways to accomplish this. Here is my approach:
(See comments for explanations. Let me know if you have any questions)
param (
# You can provide this when calling the script using "-Search 9,99"
# If not privided, powershell will prompt to enter the value
$Source = "source.txt",
$Export = "export.txt"
# insert spaces
$pattern = $Search.ToCharArray() -join " "
# Search for the value in the source file.
$found = $false
switch -Regex -File $Source {
# This regex looks for something that is not a number,
# followed by only whitespace, and then your (spaced) search value.
# This makes sure "19,99" is not matched with "9,99".
# You could use a more elaborate regex here, but for your example,
# this one should work fine.
"\D\s+$pattern" {
$found = $true
"ID Number:(\d+)" {
# Get the ID number from the match.
$id = $Matches[1]
# If the search value was found
# (that means, this ID number is immediately followed by the search value)
# we can stop looking.
if ($found) {
# quick check if the value was actually found
if (-not $found) {
throw "Value $Search not found in $Source."
# Search for the id in the export file.
switch -Regex -File $Export {
"$id\s+(\S+)" {
# Get the amount value from the match
$value = $Matches[1]
# If the value matches your search...
if ($value -eq $search) {
# do this
else {
# otherwise do that
Note: You could additionally convert the values to decimal to account for different text representations when searching and comparing.
I have to replace multiple strings with the same pattern, and several strings are on the same line. The replacement value should be incremental. I need to match and replace only the pattern as in the example, not requesId, nor messageId.
<requestId>qwerty-qwer12-qwer56</requestId>Ace of Base Order: Q2we45-Uj87f6-gh65De<something else...
<requestId>1234qw-12qw9x-123456</requestId> Stevie Wonder <messageId>1234qw-12qw9x-123456</msg
reportId>plmkjh8765FGH4rt6As</msg:reportId> something <keyID>qwer1234asdf5678zxcv0987bnml65gh</msgdc
The desired output should be:
<requestId>Request-1</requestId>Ace of Base Order: Request-2<something else...
<requestId>Request-4</requestId> Stevie Wonder <messageId>Request-4</msg
reportId>ReportId-1</msg:reportId> something <keyId>KeyId-1</msg
The regex finds all matching values but I cannot make the loop and replace these values. The code I am trying to make work is:
<requestId>qwerty-qwer12-qwer56</requestId>Ace of Base Order: Q2we45-Uj87f6-gh65De<something else...
<requestId>1234qw-12qw12-123456</requestId> Stevie Wonder <messageId>1234qw-12qw12-123456</msg
reportId>plmkjh8765FGH4rt6As</msg:reportId> something <keyID>qwer1234asdf5678zxcv0987bnml65gh</msgdc
'# | Set-Content $log -Encoding UTF8
$requestId = #{
Count = 1
Matches = #()
$tmp = Get-Content $log | foreach { $n = [regex]::matches((Get-Content $log),'\w{6}-\w{6}-\w{6}').value
if ($n)
$_ -replace "$n", "Request-$($requestId.count)"
} $_ }
$tmp | Set-Content $log
You want Regex.Replace():
$requestId = 1
$tmp = Get-Content $log |ForEach-Object {
[regex]::Replace($_, '\w{6}-\w{6}-\w{6}', { 'Request-{0}' -f ($script:requestId++) })
$tmp |Set-Content $log
The script block will run once per match to calculate the substitue value, allowing us to resolve and increment the $requestId variable, resulting in the consecutive numbering you need.
You can do this for multiple patterns in succession if necessary, although you may want to use an array or hashtable for the individual counters:
$counters = { requestId = 1; keyId = 1 }
$tmp = Get-Content $log |ForEach-Object {
$_ = [regex]::Replace($_, '\w{6}-\w{6}-\w{6}', { 'Request-{0}' -f ($counters['requestId']++) })
[regex]::Replace($_, '\b\w{32}\b', { 'Key-{0}' -f ($counters['keyId']++) })
$tmp |Set-Content $log
If you want to capture and the mapping between the original and the new value, do that inside the substitution block:
$translations = #{}
# ...
[regex]::Replace($_, '\w{6}-\w{6}-\w{6}', {
# capture value we matched
$original = $args[0].Value
# generate new value
$substitute = 'Request-{0}' -f ($counters['requestId']++)
# remember it
$translations[$substitute] = $original
return $substitute
In PowerShell 6.1 and newer versions, you can also do this directly with the -replace operator:
$requestId = 0
$tmp = Get-Content $log |ForEach-Object {
$_ -replace '\w{6}-\w{6}-\w{6}', { 'Request-{0}' -f ($requestId++) }
$tmp |Set-Content $log
I want to write a powershell script which will convert a string which is present between double quotes in a file, and convert it into upper case.
The files are placed in different folders.
I am able to extract the string between the double quotes and convert it to upper case, but not able to replace it in the correct position.
Ex : This is the input string.
"e" //&&'i&&
The output should be
"E" //&&'i&&
This is what i have tried. Also this even i not replacing the content of the file.
$items = Get-ChildItem * -recurse
# enumerate the items array
foreach ($item in $items)
# if the item is a directory, then process it.
if ($item.Attributes -ne "Directory")
(Get-Content $item.FullName ) |
Foreach-Object {
if (($_ -match '\"'))
$str = $_
$ext = [regex]::Matches($str, '".*?"').Value -replace '"'
$ext = $ext.ToUpper()
Write-Host $ext
$_ = $ext
else { }
} |
Set-Content $item.FullName
This can do it. Really I wasn't following your code so I stripped it and modified the regex.
$items = Get-ChildItem "C:\Users\UsernameHere\Desktop\Folder123\*.txt"
# enumerate the items array
foreach ($item in $items){
# if the item is a directory, then process it.
if ($item.Attributes -ne "Directory"){
$content = (gc $item.FullName )
$content = $content.replace('"\w.*"',$matches[0].ToUpper)
$content | sc $item
If you had powershell 6 or 7:
'"hi"' -replace '".*"', { $_.value.toupper() }
'"e" //&&''i&&' -replace '".*"', { $_.value.toupper() }
"E" //&&'i&&
I am able to print the upper case characters with the below code, but the file is not getting updated. It still has the old characters, How to update the fie with new contents.
$items = Get-ChildItem *.txt -recurse
# enumerate the items array
foreach ($item in $items)
# if the item is a directory, then process it.
if ($item.Attributes -ne "Directory")
(Get-Content $item.FullName ) |
Foreach-Object {
$str = $_
$_ = [regex]::Replace($_, '"[^"]*"', { param($m) $m.Value.ToUpper() })
Write-Host $_
} |
Set-Content $item.FullName
I've found multiple examples of what I'm trying here, but for some reason it's not working.
I have a list of regular expressions that I'm checking against a single value and I can't seem to get a match.
I'm attempting to match domains. e.g. gmail.com, yahoo.com, live.com, etc.
I am importing a csv to get the domains and have debugged this code to make sure the values are what I expect. e.g. "gmail.com"
Regular expression examples AKA $FinalWhiteListArray
Function CheckDirectoryForCSVFilesToSearch {
$global:CSVFiles = Get-ChildItem $Global:Directory -recurse -Include *.csv | % {$_.FullName} #removed -recurse
Function ImportCSVReports {
Foreach ($CurrentChangeReport in $global:CSVFiles) {
$global:ImportedChangeReport = Import-csv $CurrentChangeReport
Function CreateWhiteListArrayNOREGEX {
$Global:FinalWhiteListArray = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$WhiteListPath = $Global:ScriptRootDir + "\" + "WhiteList.txt"
$Global:FinalWhiteListArray= Get-Content $WhiteListPath
$Global:ScriptRootDir = Split-Path -Path $psISE.CurrentFile.FullPath
$Global:Directory = $Global:ScriptRootDir + "\" + "Reports to Search" + "\" #Where to search for CSV files
Foreach ($Global:Change in $global:ImportedChangeReport){
If (-not ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Global:Change.Previous_Provider_Contact_Email))){
$pos = $Global:Change.Provider_Contact_Email.IndexOf("#")
$leftPart = $Global:Change.Provider_Contact_Email.Substring(0, $pos)
$Global:Domain = $Global:Change.Provider_Contact_Email.Substring($pos+1)
$results = $Global:FinalWhiteListArray | Where-Object { $_ -match $global:Domain}
Thanks in advance for any help with this.
the problem with your current code is that you put the regex on the left side of the -match operator. [grin] swap that and your code otta work.
taking into account what LotPings pointed out about case sensitivity and using a regex OR symbol to make one test per URL, here's a demo of some of that. the \b is for word boundaries, the | is the regex OR symbol. the $RegexURL_WhiteList section builds that regex pattern from the 1st array. if i haven't made something clear, please ask ...
$URL_WhiteList = #(
$RegexURL_WhiteList = -join #('\b' ,(#($URL_WhiteList |
ForEach-Object {
}) -join '|\b'))
$NeedFiltering = #(
foreach ($NF_Item in $NeedFiltering)
if ($NF_Item -match $RegexURL_WhiteList)
'[ {0} ] matched one of the test URLs.' -f $NF_Item
output ...
[ GMail.com ] matched one of the test URLs.
[ www.yahoo.com ] matched one of the test URLs.
[ Live.com/other/another ] matched one of the test URLs.
I have a text file with the following content:
Static Text MachineA MachineB MachineC
Just Another Line
The first line has two static words (Static Text) with a space between. After those two words there are 0 or more computer names, also seperated with a space.
I need to find a way to add text to the first line (second line does not change) if there are 0 computers but also if there is 1 or more computers. I need to replace all computer names with a new computer name. So the script should edit the file to get something like this:
Static Text MachineX MachineY
Just Another Line
I've looked at the -replace function with Regex but can't figure out why it is not working. This is the script I have:
$OptionsFile = "C:\scripts\OptionsFile.txt"
$NewComputers = "MachineX MachineY"
$content = Get-Content $OptionsFile
$content |
ForEach-Object {
if ($_.ReadCount -eq 1) {
$_ -replace '\w+', $NewComputers
} else {
} |
Set-Content $OptionsFile
I hope someone can help me out with this.
If Static Text doesn't appear elsewhere in the file, you could simply do this:
$OptionsFile = "C:\scripts\OptionsFile.txt"
$NewComputers = "MachineX MachineY"
(Get-Content $OptionsFile) -replace '^(Static Text) .*', "`$1 $NewComputers" |
Set-Content $OptionsFile
If Static Text can appear elsewhere, and you only want to replace the first line, you could do something like this:
$OptionsFile = "C:\scripts\OptionsFile.txt"
$NewComputers = "MachineX MachineY"
(Get-Content $OptionsFile) | % {
if ($_.ReadCount -eq 1) {
"Static Text $NewComputers"
} else {
} | Set-Content $OptionsFile
If you only know that Static Text consists of two words in the first line, but don't know which words exactly they'll be, something like this should work:
$OptionsFile = "C:\scripts\OptionsFile.txt"
$NewComputers = "MachineX MachineY"
(Get-Content $OptionsFile) | % {
if ($_.ReadCount -eq 1) {
$_ -replace '^(\w+ \w+) .*', "`$1 $NewComputers"
} else {
} | Set-Content $OptionsFile
Check if a line is starting with a 'Static Text ' followed by a sequence of word characters and return your string in case there a match:
Get-Content $OptionsFile | foreach {
if($_ -match '^Static Text\s+(\w+\s)+')
'Static Text MachineX MachineY'