Microsoft CRM Dynamics GP Using database after CRM License Expires - microsoft-dynamics

my company wants to stop using GP but would like to retain all the historical data (for reporting) from the Great Plains 2010 system . Can someone please advise if I can just take a backup of the Great Plains database after the license expires and run reports in SSRS from the old database? Please advise what the best approach should be.

If your reports currently run correctly in SSRS you are good to go - there is no SSRS dependency on Dynamics GP (just the SQL database.)
You can easily test this scenario. Create a new SQL Server Instance. Take a backup of your existing GP company database(s) and restore them to the new SQL Server instance (configure security the same as your production instance.) Now, create copies of your reports and give them a new data source pointing to the new SQL Server instance. Verify that all of the copied reports run successfully.
This is the equivelent to not using GP any longer as there will be no application pointing at the restored databases - just plain old SSRS reports reading from a SQL database.


How to migrate AAS/SSAS cube to Power BI premium?

We have few cubes located in on-prem SSAS and on AAS (Azure analysis services). The report connect to the cube via live connection.
We are planning to migrate the cubes into the Power BI Premium workspace.
I want to ask - how do I migrate the cube from analysis services to Power BI Premium? Do I publish the model from visual studio analysis services project into Power BI premium workspace? Or do I convert the visual studio analysis services project into .pbix based data model?
Hi Easiest way is to migrate using Tabular Editor
First in power bi make sure you have enabled XMLA endpoint read write enabled in the tenant. Refer below SS
Get the analysis services url and click on From DB and paste the AAS url
Be mindful of the compatibility level Recommending to put it into 1565 range
After this deploy into the premium workspace.
Get the wokrspace connection string from below mentioned place.
Paste it in below.
Deploy by picking following settings.
And Deploy.
Deploying the code like #amelia suggested is a great way to migrate and the answer was extremely well written. For AAS there is a new built-in migration process which backs up and restores the AAS model to Power BI. Then it enables redirection so that existing Excel reports (or other client tools) automatically are redirected to Power BI.

Interfacing C++ with SAP ERP

Is it possible in C++ Visual studio that I can connect to SAP Database, write data to it ?
For example, I'm doing a facial recognition project and it's already done, but the remaining part is to connect SAP and write the Face ID of the user to the HR database plus the time stamp.
Ahmed, first you need to determine what the database your SAP system is running on, doesn't sound like you know so get that information first so you can get the right driver. Then the answer to your question is, yes. Create a connection using your driver first to connect to the server and database you are trying to update, you'll need to get the server name, database name and database credentials for your DBA, then in Visual Studio go to View > Server Explorer to add access to your new connection and then write your SQL to update insert you records.
The second part, yes if you write to the database tables properly it will show up in SAP.

How to point to a different database in oracle APEX v 5.x?

I have Oracle APEX configured on my laptop pointing to Oracle express DB on my laptop also.
I want to point to a different database on another server (specifically Oracle eBusiness suite database). How could this be achieved?
Does all the data live in the other database? Or does most of the data live in your local database and you just need to pull a bit of data from the other database?
If you are building applications that interact primarily with the data in the Oracle eBusiness Suite database, you'd realistically want to install APEX (if it is not already installed there) in the Oracle eBusiness Suite database and build your APEX application there. If you are building applications that interact primarily with data in your local database and you just need to pull a bit of data from the eBusiness Suite database, you can create a database link in your local database that connects to the remote database and reference objects over the database link.

Sync Framework 2.1 Local Cache as SQL Server Possible?

Could someone please help me with whether it's possible to use a full blown SQL Server as Local Database Cache instead of CE?
The reason being CE has 4GB limit. CE is not an option for us as our database records will grow significantly within few months.
Any alternative solution will be much appreciated.
if you're referring to the Local Database Cache project item in Visual Studio, the answer is no. Only Sql Compact (SqlCeClientSyncProvider) is supported by that wizard. You can however handcode your own provider and the sync code without using the wizard.
or you can just use the SqlSyncProvider (can be used against Sql Express, Sql Server, Sql Azure).
see: Synchronizing SQL Server and SQL Express

How to profile embed firebird database

Did I make wrong to use firebird database I don't know. It has lot's of good futures but I can't figure out why my query (stored procedure) didn't work.
Is there any profiler/monitoring tool for firebird?
Firebird database is working stand alone so it is embeded db. And It doesn't allow to connect with 2 users. If there is a profiler I wonder how it will connect while I'm executing my queries.
IBExpert and Database Worbench have stored procedure debugger
There is also many monitoring tools
I advice you to install server version if you want to have more than 2 users