Sync Framework 2.1 Local Cache as SQL Server Possible? - microsoft-sync-framework

Could someone please help me with whether it's possible to use a full blown SQL Server as Local Database Cache instead of CE?
The reason being CE has 4GB limit. CE is not an option for us as our database records will grow significantly within few months.
Any alternative solution will be much appreciated.

if you're referring to the Local Database Cache project item in Visual Studio, the answer is no. Only Sql Compact (SqlCeClientSyncProvider) is supported by that wizard. You can however handcode your own provider and the sync code without using the wizard.
or you can just use the SqlSyncProvider (can be used against Sql Express, Sql Server, Sql Azure).
see: Synchronizing SQL Server and SQL Express


Any ole db provider/consumer for PostgreSQL?

I'm working with c++ visual studio 2015, currently i'm using sql server for database but now i'm switching on postgres DB but i'm not getting any relevent OLE DB consumer/provider please suggest.
You can either work with PGNP OLEDB Provider for PostgreSQL, Greenplum and Redshift or use a combination of Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC and psqlODBC.
Although the second combination involves more components (and, probably, more layers), it's probably more up-to-date.

Microsoft CRM Dynamics GP Using database after CRM License Expires

my company wants to stop using GP but would like to retain all the historical data (for reporting) from the Great Plains 2010 system . Can someone please advise if I can just take a backup of the Great Plains database after the license expires and run reports in SSRS from the old database? Please advise what the best approach should be.
If your reports currently run correctly in SSRS you are good to go - there is no SSRS dependency on Dynamics GP (just the SQL database.)
You can easily test this scenario. Create a new SQL Server Instance. Take a backup of your existing GP company database(s) and restore them to the new SQL Server instance (configure security the same as your production instance.) Now, create copies of your reports and give them a new data source pointing to the new SQL Server instance. Verify that all of the copied reports run successfully.
This is the equivelent to not using GP any longer as there will be no application pointing at the restored databases - just plain old SSRS reports reading from a SQL database.

What is a good api to sql from visual c++

I want to do simple stuff like adding entries and reading entries by index. What libraries are there and which ones are the best?
SQLite would be a good simple SQL database engine, with a simple embedded C++ interface.
SQLAPI++ would be a good choice for many commercial SQL databases (Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, Sybase, Informix, InterBase, SQLBase, MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite and ODBC)
One option is to use Microsoft's SQL Server Compact Edition. It is free, and has Visual Studio integration.
You can download it and find out more at the following link:
SQL Server Compact Edition
If you not worried about HUGE concurrency then use SQLite ( Download the aggregated version and you only have 2 files: sqlite3.h and sqlite3.c. It's REALLY easy to use and requires no server set up or configuration.

How to profile embed firebird database

Did I make wrong to use firebird database I don't know. It has lot's of good futures but I can't figure out why my query (stored procedure) didn't work.
Is there any profiler/monitoring tool for firebird?
Firebird database is working stand alone so it is embeded db. And It doesn't allow to connect with 2 users. If there is a profiler I wonder how it will connect while I'm executing my queries.
IBExpert and Database Worbench have stored procedure debugger
There is also many monitoring tools
I advice you to install server version if you want to have more than 2 users

MS Access backend for django

I've been working on a modification of the django-pyodbc package so that it could be used with MS Access.
I need this for a legacy database we are tied to at my organization, and have been doing a rather hacky job specific to my situation, but have also been making useful, generalizable progress in terms of adapting SQL syntax for MS Access.
My question is, is this a project that anyone else in the world is interested in? should I clean up my code and try to fully generalize it, or is everyone else in the world able to solve their MS Access problems by moving to SQL server?
I would move the data to SQL Server if that is an option.
If moving the data is not an option and if my Django app is already connecting to SQL Server, I might just create a linked server on SQL Server and go through SQL Server instead.