A single multi-object Kalman filter vs. multiple-single-object Kalman filters (plural) - c++

Gidday cobbers/esteemed colleagues,
With multi-object tracking that implements Kalman prediction/correction the general approach I see suggested in other SO threads is to simply have a vector/array of Kalman filters for each object.
i.e. 'multiple-single-object Kalman filters'
But knowing that if you define your state space matrices correctly, states that are independent of each other will remain so once any (coherent) math is said and done - why don't we just augment the various state and associated matrices/vectors involved in a filter with all the object 'data' and use one Kalman filter? (yes, there will be lots of zeros in most of the matrices).
Is there any algorithmic complexity advantage either way? My intuition is that using one filter vs. many might reduce overhead?
Maybe is it just easier to manage in terms of human readability in dealing with multiple filters?
Any other reasons?
p.s. eventual code will be in openCV/C++

If by augmenting you mean combining the states of all objects (both means and covariances) into a single super-state and then using a single filter for prediction/estimation of this super-state, then I am afraid your intuition about it being more efficient is most likely wrong.
You need to consider that KF equations involve operations such as matrix inversion, with O(n^3) (or very close to this figure) computational complexity where n is the dimension of the matrix. If you aggregate multiple objects into a single state, the computational complexity will skyrocket, even if there are mostly zeroes as you said.
Dealing with multiple filters, one per tracked object, is in my opinion both cleaner from the design standpoint and a more efficient approach. If you are indeed bottlenecked by KF performance (profile first), consider allocating the Kalman Filter data in a contiguous array to minimize cache misses.


Real reason for speed up in fasttext

What is the real reason for speed-up, even though the pipeline mentioned in the fasttext paper uses techniques - negative sampling and heirerchichal softmax; in earlier word2vec papers. I am not able to clearly understand the actual difference, which is making this speed up happen ?
Is there that much of a speed-up?
I don't think there are any algorithmic breakthroughs which make the word2vec-equivalent word-vector training in FastText significantly faster. (And if you're using the character-ngrams option in FastText, to allow post-training synthesis of vectors for unseen words based on substrings shared with training-words, I'd expect the training to be slower, because every word requires training of its substring vectors as well.)
Any speedups in FastText are likely just because the code is well-tuned, with the benefit of more implementation experience.
To be efficient on datasets with a very large number of categories, Fast text uses a hierarchical classifier instead of a flat structure, in which the different categories are organized in a tree (think binary tree instead of list). This reduces the time complexities of training and testing text classifiers from linear to logarithmic with respect to the number of classes. FastText also exploits the fact that classes are imbalanced (some classes appearing more often than other) by using the Huffman algorithm to build the tree used to represent categories. The depth in the tree of very frequent categories is, therefore, smaller than for infrequent ones, leading to further computational efficiency.
Reference link: https://research.fb.com/blog/2016/08/fasttext/

Managing large spatial data set with attributes in C++

I have a data set with about 700 000 entries, and each entry is a set of 3D coordinates with attributes such as name, timestamp, ID, and so on.
Right now I'm just reading the coordinates and render them as points in OpenGL. However I want to associate each point with its corresponding attributes and I want to be able to sort and pick them during runtime based on their attributes. How would I go about to achieve this in an efficient manner?
I know I can put I can put the data in a struct and use stl sort for sorting, but is that a good design choice or is there a more efficient/elegant way of handling the problem?
The way I tend to look at these design choices is to first use one of the standard library containers (btw, if you need to "just" do lookup you don't necessarily have to sort, but you need a container that allows lookup), then check if this an "efficient enough" solution for the problem.
You can usually come up with a custom solution that is more efficient and maybe more elegant but you tend to run into two issues with that:
1) You end up having to implement some type of a container, which will cost you time both in implementation and debugging compared to a well understood and tested container that is already out there. Most of the time you're better off trying to solve the problem at hand rather than make it bigger by adding more code.
2) If someone else will have to maintain your code at some point, chances are they are familiar with standard library components both from a design and implementation perspective, but they won't be familiar with your custom container, thus increasing the learning curve.
If you consider each attribute of your point class as a component of a vector, then your selection process is a region query. Your example of a string attribute being equal to something means that the region is actually a line in your data space. However, there won't be any sorting made on other attributes within that selection, you will have to implement it by yourself, but it should be relatively straightforward for octrees, which partition data in ordered regions.
As advocated in another answer, try existing standard solutions first. If you can find an of the shelf implementation of one of these data structures:
KD tree
Octree, or more likely, a n dimensional version of the quadtree or octree principle (I will use the term octree herein to denote the general data structure)
then go for it. These are the data structures I recommend for spatial data management.
You could also use an embedded RDBMS capable of working with spatial data (they usually implement R-tree for spatial indexing), but it may not be interesting if your dataset isn't dynamic.
If your dataset falls within the 10000 entries range, then by today standards it isn't that large, so using simpler structures should suffice. In that perimeter, I would go first for a simple std::vector, and use std::sort and std::find to filter the data in smaller set and sort it afterward.
I would probably try an ordered set or map on the most queried attribute in a second attempt, then do some benchmarks to pick the more performing solution.
For a more efficient one dimensional indexing algorithm (in essence, that`s what sets and maps are), you might want to try B-trees: there's C++ implementation available from google.
My third attempt would go toward an OpenCL solution (although if you are doing heavy OpenGL rendering, you might prefer doing the work on the CPU instead, but that depends on your framerate needs).
If your dataset is much larger, as it seems to be, then consider one of the more complex solutions I listed initially.
At any rate, without more details about your dataset and how you plan to use it, it will be difficult to provide a good solution, so the only real advice we can give is: try everthing you can and benchmark.
If you're dealing with point clouds, take a look at PCL, it could save you a lot of time and effort without having to dig into the intricacies of spatial indexing yourself. It also includes visualisation.

C++ - fastest sorting algorithm for objects based on distance

I'm trying to make a game or 3D application using openGL. The game/program will have many objects in them and drawn to the screen(around 7000 of them). When I render them, I would need to calculate the distance between the camera and the object and sort them in order to correctly render the objects within the scene. Knowing this, what is the best way to sort them? I really want the sorting to be done really fast, but I've heard there are "trade off" for them, so what algorithm should I use to get the best performance out of it?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Edit: a lot of people are talking about the z-buffer/depth buffer. This doesn't work in some cases like a few people talked about. This is why I asked this question.
Sorting by distance doesn't solve the transparency problem perfectly. Consider the situation where two transparent surfaces intersect and each has a part which is closer to you. Perhaps rare in games, but still something to consider if you don't want an occasional glitched look to your renderer.
The better solution is order-independent transparency. With the latest graphics hardware supporting atomic operations, you can use an A-buffer to do this with little memory overhead and in a single pass so it is pretty efficient. See for example this article.
The issue of sorting your scene is still a valid one, though, even if it isn't for transparency -- it is still useful to sort opaque objects front to back to to allow depth testing to discard unseen fragments. For this, Vaughn provided the great solution of BSP trees -- these have been used for this purpose for as long as 3D games have been around.
Use http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Insertion_sort which has O(n) complexity for nearly sorted arrrays.
In your case by exploiting temporal cohesion insertion sort gives fastest results.
It is used for http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sweep_and_prune
From link above:
In many applications, the configuration of physical bodies from one time step to the next changes very little. Many of the objects may not move at all. Algorithms have been designed so that the calculations done in a preceding time step can be reused in the current time step, resulting in faster completion of the calculation.
So in such cases insertion sort is best(or similar sorts with O(n) at best case)

Why is triangle law so important in Data Mining

I am interested in knowing why triangle law is so important for a better data mining.As far as I know the triangle law helps us to define patterns and form clusters based on the distances between different objects.Does anyone have any other inputs for triangle law?
It is actually not that important. In data mining, we cannot generally assume to have a proper "mathematical" distance function. As soon as we allow duplicates, we already lose one of the key axioms - we can have two different objects with the distance 0. (And in classification, they may even have different classes in the worst case).
However, the triangle inequality can allow us to prune the search space. If we have a distance function that satisfies triangle inequality and use an appropriate index, we can skip a lot of computations, thus making the algorithm faster.
Note that a lot of research and implementations do not so much care about this kind of optimization. Many data miners working with R like building a distance matrix (which is in O(n^2)!) and then try to do as much as possible with matrix operations, because that is simple to program and R is quite fast at this kind of operations (using a highly optimized C code, instead of interpreted R code). But if you need to go beyond this, a key ingredient for performance is to exploit triangle inequality where possible.

Large matrix inversion methods

Hi I've been doing some research about matrix inversion (linear algebra) and I wanted to use C++ template programming for the algorithm , what i found out is that there are number of methods like: Gauss-Jordan Elimination or LU Decomposition and I found the function LU_factorize (c++ boost library)
I want to know if there are other methods , which one is better (advantages/disadvantages) , from a perspective of programmers or mathematicians ?
If there are no other faster methods is there already a (matrix) inversion function in the boost library ? , because i've searched alot and didn't find any.
As you mention, the standard approach is to perform a LU factorization and then solve for the identity. This can be implemented using the LAPACK library, for example, with dgetrf (factor) and dgetri (compute inverse). Most other linear algebra libraries have roughly equivalent functions.
There are some slower methods that degrade more gracefully when the matrix is singular or nearly singular, and are used for that reason. For example, the Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse is equal to the inverse if the matrix is invertible, and often useful even if the matrix is not invertible; it can be calculated using a Singular Value Decomposition.
I'd suggest you to take a look at Eigen source code.
Please Google or Wikipedia for the buzzwords below.
First, make sure you really want the inverse. Solving a system does not require inverting a matrix. Matrix inversion can be performed by solving n systems, with unit basis vectors as right hand sides. So I'll focus on solving systems, because it is usually what you want.
It depends on what "large" means. Methods based on decomposition must generally store the entire matrix. Once you have decomposed the matrix, you can solve for multiple right hand sides at once (and thus invert the matrix easily). I won't discuss here factorization methods, as you're likely to know them already.
Please note that when a matrix is large, its condition number is very likely to be close to zero, which means that the matrix is "numerically non-invertible". Remedy: Preconditionning. Check wikipedia for this. The article is well written.
If the matrix is large, you don't want to store it. If it has a lot of zeros, it is a sparse matrix. Either it has structure (eg. band diagonal, block matrix, ...), and you have specialized methods for solving systems involving such matrices, or it has not.
When you're faced with a sparse matrix with no obvious structure, or with a matrix you don't want to store, you must use iterative methods. They only involve matrix-vector multiplications, which don't require a particular form of storage: you can compute the coefficients when you need them, or store non-zero coefficients the way you want, etc.
The methods are:
For symmetric definite positive matrices: conjugate gradient method. In short, solving Ax = b amounts to minimize 1/2 x^T A x - x^T b.
Biconjugate gradient method for general matrices. Unstable though.
Minimum residual methods, or best, GMRES. Please check the wikipedia articles for details. You may want to experiment with the number of iterations before restarting the algorithm.
And finally, you can perform some sort of factorization with sparse matrices, with specially designed algorithms to minimize the number of non-zero elements to store.
depending on the how large the matrix actually is, you probably need to keep only a small subset of the columns in memory at any given time. This might require overriding the low-level write and read operations to the matrix elements, which i'm not sure if Eigen, an otherwise pretty decent library, will allow you to.
For These very narrow cases where the matrix is really big, There is StlXXL library designed for memory access to arrays that are mostly stored in disk
EDIT To be more precise, if you have a matrix that does not fix in the available RAM, the preferred approach is to do blockwise inversion. The matrix is split recursively until each matrix does fit in RAM (this is a tuning parameter of the algorithm of course). The tricky part here is to avoid starving the CPU of matrices to invert while they are pulled in and out of disk. This might require to investigate in appropiate parallel filesystems, since even with StlXXL, this is likely to be the main bottleneck. Although, let me repeat the mantra; Premature optimization is the root of all programming evil. This evil can only be banished with the cleansing ritual of Coding, Execute and Profile
You might want to use a C++ wrapper around LAPACK. The LAPACK is very mature code: well-tested, optimized, etc.
One such wrapper is the Intel Math Kernel Library.