I'm looking at the Current Population Survey in Stata, although this question could apply to any survey with individual weights.
It's straightforward to generate a table showing the mean of a variable -- say wages -- over time given individual weights:
table qtr [aw=pworwgt], contents(mean wage)
What I'd like to do automatically is show the average level of, in this example, wages, but with the proportions of certain categories fixed to a date.
So for example, let's say I have 6 educational categories (Less than HS, HS, Some College, AA, BA/BS, Grad School)... I'd want to see how wages would be different if I fixed the educational proportions of the workforce to their, say, 2005 levels.
Ideally, the solution would not be resource intensive for large-numbered categories. For example, I might want to do something similar with the CPS's detail occupational metric, which has hundreds of levels.
My gut tells me "margins" may be part of the solution but I'm not familiar enough with that command... also, I'd like to be able to generate table output so I can graph in other software.
ETA: Here's the way I tried to do this for fixing weights by age and sex: by cycling through all the data, comparing the contemporaneous proportions to the base quarter proportions, and then adjusting the individual weights accordingly. This takes a really long time to cycle through however.
local start = tq(1994q1)
local end = tq(2014q4)
local base = tq(2006q1)
tempvar pop2006
tempvar cohort2006
tempvar poptemp
gen pworwgt_a = pworwgt
levelsof pesex, local(sex)
sum pworwgt if qtr == `base'
gen `pop2006' = r(N)*r(mean)
gen `cohort2006' = .
gen `poptemp' = .
forvalues age = 16/85 {
foreach s in `sex' {
sum pworwgt if age == `age' & pesex == `s' & qtr == `base'
replace `cohort2006' = r(N)*r(mean)/`pop2006'
forvalues q = `start'/`end' {
sum pworwgt if qtr == `q'
replace `poptemp' = r(N)*r(mean)
sum pworwgt if age == `age' & pesex == `s' & qtr == `q'
replace pworwgt_a = pworwgt_a*`cohort2006'/((r(N)*r(mean))/`poptemp') if age == `age' & pesex == `s' & qtr == `q'
I don't have scope to test this, but here are suggested simplifications to the code segment. I don't address the main question, which I don't understand, partly because there is no precise description of data structure in the question.
To summarize suggestions:
Use summarize, meanonly when that is all you need and use r(sum) ditto.
Use scalars not variables for constants.
Shift repeated calculations to once-and-for-all calculations of variables. I think you can do even more of this, but I will stop here.
local start = tq(1994q1)
local end = tq(2014q4)
local base = tq(2006q1)
tempname pop2006 cohort2006
tempvar qassum qsum
// quarter-age-sex sums in a single variable
bysort qtr age pesex : gen double `qassum` = sum(pworwgt)
by qtr age pesex : replace `qassum` = `qassum`[_N]
// quarterly sums in a single variable
by qtr: gen double `qsum' = sum(pworwgt)
by qtr: replace `qsum` = `qsum'[_N]
gen pworwgt_a = pworwgt
levelsof pesex, local(sex)
sum pworwgt if qtr == `base', meanonly
scalar `pop2006' = r(sum)
forvalues age = 16/85 {
foreach s in `sex' {
sum pworwgt if age == `age' & pesex == `s' & qtr == `base', meanonly
scalar `cohort2006' = r(sum)/`pop2006'
replace pworwgt_a = pworwgt_a*`cohort2006'/`qassum'/`qsum' if age == `age' & pesex == `s'
I have been trying to run this simulation code in Stata version 15.1, but am having issues running it as indicated below.
local num_clus 3 6 9 18 36
local clussize 5 10 15 20 25
*Model specifications
local intercept 17.87
local timecoeff1 -5.42
local timecoeff2 -5.72
local timecoeff3 -7.03
local timecoeff4 -6.13
local timecoeff5 -9.13
local intrvcoeff 5.00
local sigma_u3 25.77
local sigma_u2 120.62
local sigma_error 38.35
local nrep 1000
local alpha 0.05
*Generate multi-level data
capture program drop swcrt
program define swcrt, rclass
version 15.1
args num_clus clussize intercept intrvcoeff timecoeff1 timecoeff2 timecoeff3 timecoeff4 timecoeff5 sigma_u3 sigma_error alpha
assert `num_clus' > 0 & `clussize' > 0 & `intercept' > 0 & `intrvcoeff' > 0 & `timecoeff1' < 0 & `timecoeff2' < 0 & `timecoeff3' < 0 & `timecoeff4' < 0 & `timecoeff5' < 0 & `sigma_u3' > 0 & `sigma_error' > 0 & `alpha' > 0
/*Generate simulated multi—level data*/
set obs `num_clus'
qui gen cluster = _n
qui gen group = 1+mod(_n-1,4)
/*Generate cluster-level errors*/
qui gen u_3 = rnormal(0,`sigma_u3')
expand `clussize'
bysort cluster: gen individual = _n
/*Set up time*/
expand 6
bysort cluster individual: gen time = _n-1
/*Set up intervention variable*/
gen intrv = (time>=group)
/*Generate residual errors*/
qui gen error = rnormal(0,`sigma_error')
/*Generate outcome y*/
qui gen y = `intercept' + `intrvcoeff'*intrv + `timecoeff1'*1.time + `timecoeff2'*2.time + `timecoeff3'*3.time + `timecoeff4'*4.time + `timecoeff5'*5.time + u_3 + error
/*Fit multi-level model to simulated dataset*/
mixed y intrv i.time ||cluster:, covariance(unstructured) reml dfmethod(kroger)
/*Return estimated effect size, bias, p-value, and significance dichotomy*/
tempname M
matrix `M' = r(table)
return scalar bias = _b[intrv] - `intrvcoeff'
return scalar p = `M'[1,4]
return scalar p_= (`M'[1,4] < `alpha')
end swcrt
*Postfile to store results
tempname step
tempfile powerresults
capture postutil clear
postfile `step' num_clus [B]clussize[/B] intrvcoeff p p_ bias using `powerresults', replace
ERROR: (note: file /var/folders/v4/j5kzzhc52q9fvh6w9pcx9fgm0000gn/T//S_00310.00000c not found)
*Loop over number of clusters
foreach c of local num_clus{
display as text "Number of clusters" as result "`c'"
foreach s of local clussize{
display as text "Cluster size" as result "`s'"
forvalue i = 1/`nrep'{
display as text "Iterations" as result `nrep'
quietly swcrt `num_clus' `clussize' `intercept' `intrvcoeff' `timecoeff1' `timecoeff2' `timecoeff3' `timecoeff4' `timecoeff5' `sigma_u3' `sigma_error' `alpha'
post `step' (`c') (`s') (`intrvcoeff') (`r(p)') (`r(p_)') (`r(bias)')
postclose `step'
Number of clusters3
Cluster size5
*Open results, calculate power
use `powerresults', clear
levelsof num_clus, local(num_clus)
levelsof clussize, local(clussize)
matrix drop _all
*Loop over combinations of clusters
*Add power results to matrix
foreach c of local num_clus{
foreach s of local clussize{
quietly ci proportions p_ if num_clus == `c' & clussize = `s'
local power `r(proportion)'
local power_lb `r(lb)'
local power_ub `r(ub)'
quietly ci mean bias if num_clus == `c' & clussize = `s'
local bias `r(mean)'
matrix M = nullmat(M) \ (`c', `s', `intrvcoeff', `power', `power_lb', `power_ub', `bias')
*Display the matrix
matrix colnames M = c s intrvcoeff power power_lb power_ub bias
matrix M not found
matrix list M, noheader format(%3.2f)
matrix M not found
There are a few things that seem to be amiss above.
I get a message after the postfile command saying that the file is not found. Nowhere in my code do I actually use that name so it seems to be generated by Stata.
After the loop and the post command I get error r(9).
Error message r(111) - says that the matrix is not found.
I have checked the following parts of the code to try and resolve the issue:
Specified local macros outside of the program and passed into it via the args statement of the program
Match between the variables in the call of the swcrt with the args statement in the program
Match between arguments in assert statement of the program with args command and whether the alligator clips are specified appropriately
Match b/w the number of variables in the post and postfile commands
I am not quite sure why I get these errors considering that the code did work previously and the program iterated (even when I take away the changes there is still the error). Does anyone know why this happens? If I had to guess, the matrix can't be found because of the error with the file not being found when I use postfile.
I have a dataset with multiple subgroups (variable economist) and dates (variable temps99).
I want to run a tabsplit command that does not accept bysort or by prefixes. So I created a macro to apply my tabsplit command to each of my subgroups within my data.
For example:
levelsof economist, local(liste)
foreach gars of local liste {
display "`gars'"
tabsplit SubjectCategory if economist=="`gars'", p(;) sort
return list
replace nbcateco = r(r) if economist == "`gars'"
For each subgroup, Stata runs the tabsplit command and I use the variable nbcateco to store count results.
I did the same for the date so I can have the evolution of r(r) over time:
levelsof temps99, local(liste23)
foreach time of local liste23 {
display "`time'"
tabsplit SubjectCategory if temps99 == "`time'", p(;) sort
return list
replace nbcattime = r(r) if temps99 == "`time'"
Now I want to do it on each subgroups economist by date temps99. I tried multiple combination but I am not very good with macros (yet?).
What I want is to be able to have my r(r) for each of my subgroups over time.
Here's a solution that shows how to calculate the number of distinct publication categories within each by-group. This uses runby (from SSC). runby loops over each by-group, each time replacing the data in memory with the data from the current by-group. For each by-group, the commands contained in the user's program are executed. Whatever is left in memory when the user's program terminates is considered results and accumulates. Once all the groups have been processed, these results replace the data in memory.
I used the verbose option because I wanted to present the results for each by-group using nice formatting. The derivation of the list of distinct categories is done by splitting each list, converting to a long layout, and reducing to one observation per distinct value. The distinct_categories program generates one variable that contains the final count of distinct categories for the by-group.
* create a demontration dataset
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
clear all
set seed 12345
* Example generated by -dataex-. To install: ssc install dataex
input str19 economist
"Carmen M. Reinhart"
"Janet Currie"
"Asli Demirguc-Kunt"
"Esther Duflo"
"Marianne Bertrand"
"Claudia Goldin"
"Bronwyn Hughes Hall"
"Serena Ng"
"Anne Case"
"Valerie Ann Ramey"
expand 20
bysort economist: gen temps99 = 1998 + _n
gen pubs = runiformint(1,10)
expand pubs
sort economist temps99
gen pubid = _n
gen SubjectCategory = ""
forvalues i=1/19 {
replace SubjectCategory = SubjectCategory + " " + word("`nep'",`i') ///
if runiform() < .1
replace SubjectCategory = subinstr(trim(SubjectCategory)," ",";",.)
leftalign // from SSC
* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
program distinct_categories
dis _n _n _dup(80) "-"
dis as txt "fille = " as res economist[1] as txt _col(68) " temps = " as res temps99[1]
// if there are no subjects for the group, exit now to avoid a no obs error
qui count if !mi(trim(SubjectCategory))
if r(N) == 0 exit
// split categories, reshape to a long layout, and reduce to unique values
keep pubid SubjectCategory
quietly {
split SubjectCategory, parse(;) gen(cat)
reshape long cat, i(pubid)
bysort cat: keep if _n == 1
drop if mi(cat)
// show results and generate the wanted variable
list cat
local distinct = _N
dis _n as txt "distinct = " as res `distinct'
gen wanted = `distinct'
runby distinct_categories, by(economist temps99) verbose
This is an example of the XY problem, I think. See http://xyproblem.info/
tabsplit is a command in the package tab_chi from SSC. I have no negative feelings about it, as I wrote it, but it seems quite unnecessary here.
You want to count categories in a string variable: semi-colons are your separators. So count semi-colons and add 1.
local SC SubjectCategory
gen NCategory = 1 + length(`SC') - length(subinstr(`SC', ";", "", .))
Then (e.g.) table or tabstat will let you explore further by groups of interest.
To see the counting idea, consider 3 categories with 2 semi-colons.
. display length("frog;toad;newt")
. display length(subinstr("frog;toad;newt", ";", "", .))
If we replace each semi-colon with an empty string, the change in length is the number of semi-colons deleted. Note that we don't have to change the variable to do this. Then add 1. See also this paper.
That said, a way to extend your approach might be
egen class = group(economist temps99), label
su class, meanonly
local nclass = r(N)
gen result = .
forval i = 1/`nclass' {
di "`: label (class) `i''"
tabsplit SubjectCategory if class == `i', p(;) sort
return list
replace result = r(r) if class == `i'
Using statsby would be even better. See also this FAQ.
I have a large data set. I have to subset the data set (Big_data) by using values stored in other dta file (Criteria_data). I will show you the problem first:
**Big_data** **Criteria_data**
==================== ================================================
lon lat 4_digit_id minlon maxlon minlat maxlat
-76.22 44.27 0765 -78.44 -77.22 34.324 35.011
-67.55 33.19 6161 -66.11 -65.93 40.32 41.88
....... ........
(over 1 million obs) (271 observations)
==================== ================================================
I have to subset the bid data as follows:
use Big_data
keep if (-78.44<lon<-77.22) & (34.324<lat<35.011)
save data_0765, replace
keep if (-66.11<lon<-65.93) & (40.32<lat<41.88)
save data_6161, replace
(1) What should be the efficient programming for the subsetting in Stata? (2) Are the inequality expressions correctly written?
1) Subsetting data
With 400,000 observations in the main file and 300 in the reference file, it takes about 1.5 minutes. I can't test this with double the observations in the main file because the lack of RAM takes my computer to a crawl.
The strategy involves creating as many variables as needed to hold the reference latitudes and longitudes (271*4 = 1084 in the OP's case; Stata IC and up can handle this. See help limits). This requires some reshaping and appending. Then we check for those observations of the big data file that meet the conditions.
clear all
set more off
*----- create example databases -----
tempfile bigdata reference
input ///
lon lat
-76.22 44.27
-66.0 40.85 // meets conditions
-77.10 34.8 // meets conditions
-66.00 42.0
expand 100000
save "`bigdata'"
clear all
input ///
str4 id minlon maxlon minlat maxlat
"0765" -78.44 -75.22 34.324 35.011
"6161" -66.11 -65.93 40.32 41.88
drop id
expand 150
gen id = _n
save "`reference'"
*----- reshape original reference file -----
use "`reference'", clear
tempfile reference2
destring id, replace
levelsof id, local(lev)
gen i = 1
reshape wide minlon maxlon minlat maxlat, i(i) j(id)
gen lat = .
gen lon = .
save "`reference2'"
*----- create working database -----
use "`bigdata'"
timer on 1
quietly {
forvalues num = 1/300 {
gen minlon`num' = .
gen maxlon`num' = .
gen minlat`num' = .
gen maxlat`num' = .
timer off 1
timer on 2
append using "`reference2'"
drop i
timer off 2
*----- flag observations for which conditions are met -----
timer on 3
gen byte flag = 0
foreach le of local lev {
quietly replace flag = 1 if inrange(lon, minlon`le'[_N], maxlon`le'[_N]) & inrange(lat, minlat`le'[_N], maxlat`le'[_N])
timer off 3
*keep if flag
*keep lon lat
timer list
The inrange() function implies that the minimums and maximums must be adjusted beforehand to satisfy the OP's strict inequalities (the function tests <=, >=).
Probably some expansion using expand, use of correlatives and by (so data is in long form) could speed things up. It's not totally clear for me right now. I'm sure there are better ways in plain Stata mode. Mata may be even better.
(joinby was also tested but again RAM was a problem.)
Doing computations in chunks rather than for the complete database, significantly improves the RAM issue. Using a main file with 1.2 million observations and a reference file with 300 observations, the following code does all the work in about 1.5 minutes:
set more off
*----- create example big data -----
clear all
set obs 1200000
set seed 13056
gen lat = runiform()*100
gen lon = runiform()*100
local sizebd `=_N' // to be used in computations
tempfile bigdata
save "`bigdata'"
*----- create example reference data -----
clear all
set obs 300
set seed 97532
gen minlat = runiform()*100
gen maxlat = minlat + runiform()*5
gen minlon = runiform()*100
gen maxlon = minlon + runiform()*5
gen id = _n
tempfile reference
save "`reference'"
*----- reshape original reference file -----
use "`reference'", clear
destring id, replace
levelsof id, local(lev)
gen i = 1
reshape wide minlon maxlon minlat maxlat, i(i) j(id)
drop i
tempfile reference2
save "`reference2'"
*----- create file to save results -----
tempfile results
clear all
set obs 0
gen lon = .
gen lat = .
save "`results'"
*----- start computations -----
clear all
* local that controls # of observations in intermediate files
local step = 5000 // can't be larger than sizedb
timer clear
timer on 99
forvalues en = `step'(`step')`sizebd' {
* load observations and join with references
timer on 1
local start = `en' - (`step' - 1)
use in `start'/`en' using "`bigdata'", clear
timer off 1
timer on 2
append using "`reference2'"
timer off 2
* flag observations that meet conditions
timer on 3
gen byte flag = 0
foreach le of local lev {
quietly replace flag = 1 if inrange(lon, minlon`le'[_N], maxlon`le'[_N]) & inrange(lat, minlat`le'[_N], maxlat`le'[_N])
timer off 3
* append to result database
timer on 4
quietly {
keep if flag
keep lon lat
append using "`results'"
save "`results'", replace
timer off 4
timer off 99
timer list
display "total time is " `r(t99)'/60 " minutes"
use "`results'"
2) Inequalities
You ask if your inequalities are correct. They are in fact legal, meaning that Stata will not complain, but the result is probably unexpected.
The following result may seem surprising:
. display (66.11 < 100 < 67.93)
How is it the case that the expression evaluates to true (i.e. 1) ? Stata first evaluates 66.11 < 100 which is true, and then sees 1 < 67.93 which is also true, of course.
The intended expression was (and Stata will now do what you want):
. display (66.11 < 100) & (100 < 67.93)
You can also rely on the function inrange().
The following example is consistent with the previous explanation:
. display (66.11 < 100 < 0)
Stata sees 66.11 < 100 which is true (i.e. 1) and follows up with 1 < 0, which is false (i.e. 0).
This uses Roberto's data setup:
clear all
set obs 1200000
set seed 13056
gen lat = runiform()*100
gen lon = runiform()*100
local sizebd `=_N' // to be used in computations
tempfile bigdata
save "`bigdata'"
*----- create example reference data -----
clear all
set obs 300
set seed 97532
gen minlat = runiform()*100
gen maxlat = minlat + runiform()*5
gen minlon = runiform()*100
gen maxlon = minlon + runiform()*5
gen id = _n
tempfile reference
save "`reference'"
timer on 1
levelsof id, local(id_list)
foreach id of local id_list {
sum minlat if id==`id', meanonly
local minlat = r(min)
sum maxlat if id==`id', meanonly
local maxlat = r(max)
sum minlon if id==`id', meanonly
local minlon = r(min)
sum maxlon if id==`id', meanonly
local maxlon = r(max)
use if (inrange(lon,`minlon',`maxlon') & inrange(lat,`minlat',`maxlat')) using "`bigdata'", clear
qui save data_`id', replace
timer off 1
I would try to avoid preserveing and restoreing the "big" file, and doing so is possible, but at the expense of losing Stata format.
Using the same set up as Roberto and Dimitriy did,
set more off
use `bigdata', clear
merge 1:1 _n using `reference'
* check for data consistency:
* minlat, maxlat, minlon, maxlon are either all defined or all missing
assert inlist( mi(minlat) + mi(maxlat) + mi(minlon) + mi(maxlon), 0, 4)
* this will come handy later
gen byte touse = 0
* set up and cycle over the reference data
count if !missing(minlat)
forvalues n=1/`=r(N)' {
replace touse = inrange(lat,minlat[`n'],maxlat[`n']) & inrange(lon,minlon[`n'],maxlon[`n'])
local thisid = id[`n']
outfile lat lon if touse using data_`thisid'.csv, replace comma
Time it on your machine. You could avoid touse and thisid and only have the single outfile within the cycle, but it would be less readable.
You can then infile lat lon using data_###.csv, clear later. If you really need the Stata files proper, you can convert that swarm of CSV files with
local allcsv : dir . files "*.csv"
foreach f of local allcsv {
* change the filename
local dtaname = subinstr(`"`f'"',".csv",".dta",.)
infile lat lon using `"`f'"', clear
if _N>0 save `"`dtaname'"', replace
Time it, too. I protected the save as some of the simulated data sets were empty. I think this was faster than 1.5 min on my machine, including the conversion.
I am using carryforward (ssc install carryforward) to fill in missing observations. Some of my data are annual and I want to use them for subsequent monthly observations, but only if the carried forward data are less than two years old. Can I achieve this logic with the dynamic_condition() option, particularly using #? I have to complete this for many variables, and would like to avoid a lot of variable generation and dropping (and really I'd like to know if it's possible).
The following "manual" solution works, but can I replicate it on the fly with dynamic_condition()? My attempts below fail.
/* generate data with observation every June */
set obs 100
generate date_ym = ym(2001, 1) + (_n - 1)
format date_ym %tm
generate date_m = month(dofm(date_ym))
generate x = runiform() if (date_m == 6) & !inlist(_n, 30, 42)
/* carryforward (ssc install carryforward), "manual" solution */
egen date_m2 = group(date_ym) if !missing(x)
carryforward date_m2, replace
bysort date_m2 (date_ym): generate date_m3 = cond(_n > 24, ., date_m2)
carryforward x if !missing(date_m3), gen(x_cf)
tsset date_ym
list, sep(12)
/* can I replicate this with dynamic_condition() option? */
/* no time series operators with # */
/* carryforward x, gen(x_cf2) dynamic_condition(sum(d.# == 0) < 24) */
/* x_cf2: d.x_cf2 invalid name */
/* second # doesn't work */
/* carryforward x, gen(x_cf3) dynamic_condition(sum(# == #[_n - 1]) < 24) */
/* x_cf3: equation [_n-1] not found */
Disclosure: I don't use carryforward (SSC), but that's because I tend to think back to the principles as I understand them, as documented here.
To do this, you need to keep a record not only of previous non-missing values but also of the dates when a variable was last not missing. This arose previously: see this answer
The essence of a simpler approach is here:
set seed 2803
set obs 100
generate date_ym = ym(2001, 1) + (_n - 1)
format date_ym %tm
generate x = runiform() if inlist(_n, 30, 42)
gen last = date_ym if !missing(x)
replace last = last[_n-1] if missing(last)
replace x = x[_n-1] if missing(x) & (date_ym - last) < 24
The generalisation to panels is using by: and the generalisation to multiple variables uses a foreach loop. If the dates of missing values can be different for different variables, that mostly just shifts the loop.
Schematically, suppose we are cycling over an arbitary varlist and that the dates of missing values differ, but we use the rule of using the last value within 24 months.
gen last = .
quietly foreach v of varlist <varlist> {
replace last = cond(!missing(`v'), date_ym, .)
replace last = last[_n-1] if missing(last)
replace `v' = `v'[_n-1] if missing(`v') & (date_ym - last) < 24
I am trying to create a variable for each year in my data based on mathematical expressions of other variables (I have annual data and used "..." to avoid writing each year). I am using the summarize command in Stata to extract the standard deviation but Stata does not recognize the frac variable. I have tried to use egen but that results in an unknown function error. Using gen results in an already defined variable. I would appreciate anyone helping with the following code or pointing me to a link where this issue has been discussed.
foreach yr of numlist 1995...2012 {
local row = `yr' - 1994
local numerator = 100*(income - L1.income)
local denominator = ((abs(income) + abs(L1.income)) / 2)
local frac = (`numerator' / `denominator')
summarize frac
local sdfrac = r(sd)
matrix C[`row', 1] = `numerator'
matrix C[`row', 2] = `denominator'
matrix C[`row', 3] = `sdfrac'
If I am understanding your question right, maybe you don't need to use a loop until the end and then you can post the results to a postfile:
This is just a thought:
tempname memhold
tempfile filename
postfile `memhold' year sdfrac using `filename'
gen row=year-1994
gen numerator=100*(income-L1.income)
gen denominator=((abs(income)+abs(L1.income))/2)
gen frac=numerator/denominator
foreach yr of numlist 1995...2012 {
summarize frac if year=`yr'
local sdfrac=r(sd)
post `memhold' (year) (`sdfrac')
postclose `memhold'
clear all
use `filename'
*View Results
This code should get you a data set with the name of the year and the standard deviation of the frac variable as variables.
In a comment, OP added a question about code similar to this (but ignored the request to post it in a more civilised form). Note that backticks or left quotation marks in Stata clash with SO mark-up codes in comments. Presumably some
tempname memhold
definition preceded this.
postfile `memhold' year sdfrac sex race using myresults
levels of sex, local (s)
levelsof race, local (r)
foreach a of local s {
foreach b of local r {
forval yr = 1995/2012 {
summarize frac if year == `yr' & sex == `a' & race == `b'
post `memhold' (`yr') (`r(sd)') (`sex') (`race')
Let's focus on what the problem is. You want the standard deviations of frac for all combinations of sex, race and year in a separate file. That's one line
collapse (sd) frac, by(year sex race)
If you want to see a table alongside the data, consider
egen group = group(sex race year), label
and then
tab group, su(frac)
tabstat frac, by(group) stat(sd)
This code modifies that by #Pcarlitz, mostly by simplifying it. I can't check with your data, which I don't have.
It's too long to fit into a comment.
I would not use a temporary file as you want to save these results, it seems.
tempname memhold
postfile `memhold' year sdfrac using myresults
gen frac = (100*(income - L1.income))/((abs(income) + abs(L1.income))/2)
forval yr = 1995/2012 {
summarize frac if year==`yr'
post `memhold' (`yr') (`r(sd)')
postclose `memhold'
use myresults
UPDATE As in a later answer, consider collapse as a much simpler direct alternative here.