OpenGL beam spotlight - opengl

After reading up on OpenGL and GLSL I was wondering if there were examples out there to make something like this
I am particular interesting in the beam and intensity of light (god ray ?) .
Does anybody have a good start point ?

OpenGL just draws points, lines and triangles to the screen. It doesn't maintain a scene and the "lights" of OpenGL are actually just a position, direction and color used in the drawing calculations of points, lines or triangles.
That being said, it's actually possible to implement an effect like yours using a fragment shader, that implements a variant of the shadow mapping method. The difference would be, that instead of determining if a surface element of a primitive (point, line or triangle) lies in the shadow or not, you'd cast rays into a volume and for every sampling position along the ray test if that volume element (voxel) lies in the shadow or not and if it's illuminated add to the ray accumulator.


GLSL shader: occlusion order and culling

I have a GLSL shader that draws a 3D curve given a set of Bezier curves (3d coordinates of points). The drawing itself is done as I want except the occlusion does not work correctly, i.e., under certain viewpoints, the curve that is supposed to be in the very front appears to be still occluded, and reverse: the part of a curve that is supposed to be occluded is still visible.
To illustrate, here are couple examples of screenshots:
Colored curve is closer to the camera, so it is rendered correctly here.
Colored curve is supposed to be behind the gray curve, yet it is rendered on top.
I'm new to GLSL and might not know the right term for this kind of effect, but I assume it is occlusion culling (update: it actually indicates the problem with depth buffer, terminology confusion!).
My question is: How do I deal with occlusions when using GLSL shaders?
Do I have to treat them inside the shader program, or somewhere else?
Regarding my code, it's a bit long (plus I use OpenGL wrapper library), but the main steps are:
In the vertex shader, I calculate gl_Position = ModelViewProjectionMatrix * Vertex; and pass further the color info to the geometry shader.
In the geometry shader, I take 4 control points (lines_adjacency) and their corresponding colors and produce a triangle strip that follows a Bezier curve (I use some basic color interpolation between the Bezier segments).
The fragment shader is also simple: gl_FragColor = VertexIn.mColor;.
Regarding the OpenGL settings, I enable GL_DEPTH_TEST, but it does not seem to have anything of what I need. Also if I put any other non-shader geometry on the scene (e.g. quad), the curves are always rendered on the top of it regardless the viewpoint.
Any insights and tips on how to resolve it and why it is happening are appreciated.
Update solution
So, the initial problem, as I learned, was not about finding the culling algorithm, but that I do not handle the calculation of the z-values correctly (see the accepted answer). I also learned that given the right depth buffer set-up, OpenGL handles the occlusions correctly by itself, so I do not need to re-invent the wheel.
I searched through my GLSL program and found that I basically set the z-values as zeros in my geometry shader when translating the vertex coordinates to screen coordinates (vec2( vertex.xy / vertex.w ) * Viewport;). I had fixed it by calculating the z-values (vertex.z/vertex.w) separately and assigned them to the emitted points (gl_Position = vec4( screenCoords[i], zValues[i], 1.0 );). That solved my problem.
Regarding the depth buffer settings, I didn't have to explicitly specify them since the library I use set them up by default correctly as I need.
If you don't use the depth buffer, then the most recently rendered object will be on top always.
You should enable it with glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST), set the function to your liking (glDepthFunc(GL_LEQUAL)), and make sure you clear it every frame with everything else (glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT)).
Then make sure your vertex shader is properly setting the Z value of the final vertex. It looks like the simplest way for you is to set the "Model" portion of ModelViewProjectionMatrix on the CPU side to have a depth value before it gets passed into the shader.
As long as you're using an orthographic projection matrix, rendering should not be affected (besides making the draw order correct).

Curved Frosted Glass Shader?

Well making something transparent isn't that difficult, but i need that transparency to be different based on an object's curve to make it look like it isn't just a flat object. Something like the picture below.
The center is more transparent than the sides of the cylinder, it is more black which is the background color. Then there is the bezel which seems to have some sort of specular lighting at the top to make it more shiny, but i'd have no idea how to go about that transparency in that case. Using the normals of the surface relative to the eye position to determine the transparency value? Any help would be appreciated.
(moved comments into answer and added some more details)
Use (Sub Surface) scattering instead of transparency.
You can simplify things a lot for example by assuming the light source is constant along whole surface/volume ... so you need just the view ray integration not the whole volume integral per ray... I do it in my Atmospheric shader and it still looks pretty awesome almost indistinguisable from the real thing see some newer screenshots ... have compared it to the photos from Earth and Mars and the results where pretty close without any REALLY COMPLICATED MATH.
There are more options how to achieve this:
Voxel map (volume rendering)
It is easy to implement scattering into volume render engine but needs a lot of memory and power.
use 2 depth buffers (front and back face)
this need 2 passes with Cull face on and CW/CCW settings. This is also easy to implement but this can not handle multiple objects in the same view along Z axis of camera view. The idea is to pass both depth buffers to shader and integrating the pixel rays along its path cumulating/absorbing light from light source. Something like this:
render geometry to both depth buffers as 2 textures.
render quad covering whole screen
for each fragment compute the ray line (green)
compute the intersection points in booth depth buffers
obtain 'length,ang'
integrate along the length using scattering to compute pixel color
I use something like this:
vec3 p,p0,p1; // p0 front and p1 back face ray/depth buffer intersection points
int n=16; // integration steps
dl=(p1-p0)/float(n); // integration step vector
vec3 c=background color;
float q=dot(normalize(p1-p0),light)=fabs(cos(ang)); // normal light shading
for (p=p1,i=0;i<n;p1-=dp,i++) // p = p1 -> p0 path through object
b=B0.rgb*dl; // B0 is saturated color of object
c.r*=1.0-b.r; // some light is absorbed
c+=b*q; // some light is scattered in
} // here c is the final fragment color
After/durring the integration you should normalize the color ... so that the resulting color is saturated around the real view depth of the rendered material. for more informatio see the Atmospheric scattering link below (this piece of code is extracted from it)
analytical object representation
If you know the surface equation then you can compute the light path intersections inside shader without the need for depth buffers or voxel map. This Simple GLSL Atmospheric shader of mine uses this approach as ellipsoids are really easily handled this way.
Ray tracer
If you need precision and can not use Voxel maps then you can try ray-tracing engines instead. But all scattering renderers/engines (#1,#2,#3 included) are ray tracers anyway... As you can see all techniques discussed here are the same the only difference is the method of obtaining the ray/object boundary intersection points.

Deferred Lighting | Point Lights Using Circles

I'm implementing a deferred lighting mechanism in my OpenGL graphics engine following this tutorial. It works fine, I don't get into trouble with that.
When it comes to the point lights, it says to render spheres around the lights to only pass those pixels throught the lighting shader, that might be affected by the light. There are some Issues with that method concerning cullface and camera position precisely explained here. To solve those, the tutorial uses the stencil-test.
I doubt the efficiency of that method which leads me to my first Question:
Wouldn't it be much better to draw a circle representing the light-sphere?
A sphere always looks like a circle on the screen, no matter from which perspective you're lokking at it. The task would be to determine the screenposition and -scaling of the circle. This method would have 3 advantages:
No cullface-issue
No camereposition-in-lightsphere-issue
Much more efficient (amount of vertices severely reduced + no stencil test)
Are there any disadvantages using this technique?
My second Question deals with implementing mentioned method. The circles' center position could be easily calculated as always:
vec4 screenpos = modelViewProjectionMatrix * vec4(pos, 1.0);
vec2 centerpoint = vec2(screenpos / screenpos.w);
But now how to calculate the scaling of the resulting circle?
It should be dependent on the distance (camera to light) and somehow the perspective view.
I don't think that would work. The point of using spheres is they are used as light volumes and not just circles. We want to apply lighting to those polygons in the scene that are inside the light volume. As the scene is rendered, the depth buffer is written to. This data is used by the light volume render step to apply lighting correctly. If it were just a circle, you would have no way of knowing whether A and C should be illuminated or not, even if the circle was projected to a correct depth.
I didn't read the whole thing, but i think i understand general idea of this method.
Won't help much. You will still have issues if you move the camera so that the circle will be behind the near plane - in this case none of the fragments will be generated, and the light will "disappear"
Lights described in the article will have a sharp falloff - understandably so, since sphere or circle will have sharp border. I wouldn-t call it point lightning...
For me this looks like premature optimization... I would certainly just be rendering whole screenquad and do the shading almost as usual, with no special cases to worry about. Don't forget that all the manipulations with opengl state and additional draw operations will also introduce overhead, and it is not clear which one will outscale the other here.
You forgot to do perspective division here
The simplest way to calculate scaling - transform a point on the surface of sphere to screen coords, and calculate vector length. It mst be a point on the border in screen space, obviously.

Doubts in RayTracing with GLSL

I am trying to develop a basic Ray Tracer. So far i have calculated intersection with a plane and blinn-phong shading.i am working on a 500*500 window and my primary ray generation code is as follows
vec3 rayDirection = vec3( gl_FragCoord.x-250.0,gl_FragCoord.y-250.0 , 10.0);
Now i doubt that above method is right or wrong. Please give me some insights.
I am also having doubt that do we need to construct geometry in OpenGL code while rayTracing in GLSL. for example if i am trying to raytrace a plane do i need to construct plane in OpenGL code using glVertex2f ?
vec3 rayDirection = vec3( gl_FragCoord.x-250.0,gl_FragCoord.y-250.0 , 10.0);
Now i doubt that above method is right or wrong. Please give me some insights.
There's no right or wrong with projections. You could as well map viewport pixels to azimut and elevation angle. Actually your way of doing this is not so bad at all. I'd just pass the viewport dimensions in a additional uniform, instead of hardcoding, and normalize the vector. The Z component literally works like focal lengths.
I am also having doubt that do we need to construct geometry in OpenGL code while rayTracing in GLSL. for example if i am trying to raytrace a plane do i need to construct plane in OpenGL code using glVertex2f?
Raytracing works on a global description containing the full scene. OpenGL primitives however are purely local, i.e. just individual triangles, lines or points, and OpenGL doesn't maintain a scene database. So geometry passed using the usual OpenGL drawing function can not be raytraced (at least not that way).
This is about the biggest obstacle for doing raytracing with GLSL: You somehow need to implement a way to deliver the whole scene as some freely accessible buffer.
It is possible to use Ray Marching to render certain types of complex scenes in a single fragment shader. Here are some examples: (use Chrome or FireFox, requires WebGL)
Gift boxes:
Torus Journey:
Christmas tree:
The key to making this stuff work is writing "distance functions" that tell the ray marcher how far it is from the surface of an object. For more info on distance functions, see:

OpenGL/GLSL: What is the best algorithm to render clouds/smoke out of volumetric data?

I would like to render the 3D volume data: Density(can be mapped to Alpha channel), Temperature(can be mapped to RGB).
Currently I am simulationg maximum intensity projection, eg: rendering the most dense/opaque pixel in the end.But this method looses the depth perception.
I would like to imitate the effect like a fire inside the smoke.
So my question is what is the techniques in OpenGL to generate images based on available data?
Any idea is welcome.
Thanks Arman.
I would try a volume ray caster first.
You can google "Volume Visualization With Ray Casting" and that should give you most of what you need. NVidia has a great sample (using openg) of ray casting through a 3D texture.
On your specific implementation, you would just need to keep stepping through the volume accumlating the temperature until you reach the wanted density.
If your volume doesn't fit in video memory, you can do the ray casting in pieces and then do a composition step.
A quick description of ray casting:
1) Render a six sided cube in world space as the drawing primitive make sure to use depth culling.
Vertex shader:
2) In the vertex shader store off the world position of the vertices (this will interpolate per fragmet)
Fragment shader:
3) Use the interpolated position minus the camera position to get the vector of traversal through the volume.
4) Use a while loop to step through the volume from the point on the cube through the other side. 3 ways to know when to end.
A) at each step test if the point is still in the cube.
B) do a ray intersection with cube and calculate the distance between the intersections.
C) do a prerender of the cube with forward face culling and store the depths into a second texture map then just sampe at the screen pixel to get the distance.
5) accumulate while you loop and set the pixel color.