Can I avoid dynamic_cast when subclasses define new member variables? - c++

I'm trying to write an application in a "modern" C++ style, while at the same time trying to learn how to do so, and have gotten stuck on a design issue that should be fairly basic.
The application indexes various things, such as files/folders, music (via some music player API, not the filesystem) and perhaps in the future bookmarks and so on.
The issue comes in representing these things. My plan was to use a base class, e.g. IndexedObject, which I then subclass into something like IndexedFile, IndexedSong and so on.
These kinds of objects need to have some members in common, and some not. All kinds need an icon and a name to display in the application, so those clearly go in IndexedObject. However, an indexed file needs a full path, whereas an indexed song needs artist, album and title, but we might not know its path (it might not even be located on disk). Storing all of this in a single class seems very ugly, and in that case, I would still need a "type" member to figure out what a particular class instance is supposed to represent.
For the parts of the program where I have an IndexedObject but need to access the information only a particular subclass such as IndexedFile knows about, is there a better option than using dynamic_cast, or is this exactly when it should be used?
By "better", I mean for any reasonable definition of better, such as having higher performance, being safer, and so on. Other options may well include an altogether different design, by the way. This base class/subclass design was just the first thing I thought of.
A few commenters asked to provide code. However, I don't really have much code that is relevant to this particular question; the question is how I should design and code this (whether the subclass approach is even the right one). I could be super-specific in what I need, but then the answers would become near-useless for anyone other than myself.
I could provide a bit of extra detail about what the goal is, though, so read on if you want that.
The program indexes the various things mentioned in the background, and stores them in an some container type (QVector in my case) for easy retrieval. The user brings the app up via some hotkey, and types in search terms. For each typed letter, the app filters the index, and displays the matches.
For each match found, the UI needs to know its type. If it's a song, perhaps we want to format that as "artist - track name (from album)" or something; if it's a bookmark, perhaps show the domain name and part of the URL, and so on.
So in other words, if I use the subclass method, I might do something like:
// The real code would of course have a bit more meat with some basic methods
class IndexedObject {
string name;
image icon;
class IndexedSong : public IndexedObject {
string artist;
string title;
class IndexedBookmark : public IndexedObject {
some_url_type url;
void displayObject(const IndexedObject &obj) {
// Pseudo-C++ follows
if (obj is IndexedSong) {
display icon, artist and title
else if (obj is IndexedBookmark) {
display icon, name and URL;
... the issue with this example is that the question isn't how to use dynamic_cast, which the example above seems to imply I must, but whether there is an entirely different way to solve this problem that avoids dynamic_cast altogether.

For your code, you could define a virtual function in the base class, and let the sub classes implement that function, which can avoid dynamic_cast. The code will be like this:
class IndexedObject {
string name;
image icon;
virtual void display() = 0;
class IndexedSong : public IndexedObject {
string artist;
string title;
virtual void display()
class IndexedBookmark : public IndexedObject {
some_url_type url;
virtual void display()
void displayObject(const IndexedObject &obj) {
The Open-Closed principle is to deal with this case, you can find more details in the url and it talks about how to not use dynamic_cast.

Instead of using dynamic_cast, the preferred way is to put the parts that must be done differently for different classes into virtual functions. The term to look for, and learn about, is "polymorphism".
P.S. Maybe it's not a good idea to use inheritance at all - there may be songs which also are files. Composition might work better.

Polymorphic data storage types are a bit of a problem for C++, since good OOP style dictates that the polymorphic behavior should be housed in the subclasses themselves... that is, say, IndexedObject would have a pure-virtual play() function, and IndexedSong's implementation would play a song, IndexedVideo's would play a video, and so on. But if it's something else consuming the data, it's difficult to make a nice, abstract interface for that.
dynamic_cast, enumerations specifying the type, etc. are almost always employed in this situation.


How to avoid using dynamic_cast, when implementing external actions?

dynamic_cast is pure evil. Everybody knows it. Only noobs use dynamic_cast. :)
That's what I read about dynamic_cast. Many topics on stackoverflow say "use virtual functions in this case".
I've got some interfaces that reflect capabilities of objects. Let's say:
class IRotatable
virtual void set_absolute_angle(float radians) =0;
virtual void rotate_by(float radians) =0;
class IMovable
virtual void set_position(Position) =0;
and a base for a set of classes that may implement them:
class Object
virtual ~Object() {}
In GUI layer I would like to enable/disable or show/hide buttons depending on which features are implemented by the object selected by the user:
Object *selected_object;
I would do it in such a way (simplified):
button_that_rotates.enabled = (dynamic_cast<IRotatable*>(selected_object) != nullptr);
void execute_rotation(float angle)
if(auto rotatable = dynamic_cast<IRotatable*>(selected_object))
but as other (more experienced ones) say, it is obvious evidence of bad design.
What would be a good design in this case?
And no, I don't want a bunch of virtual functions in my Object. I would like to be able to add new interface and new classes that implement it (and new buttons) without touching Object.
Also virtual function like get_buttons in by Object doesn't seem good for me. My Object knows completely nothing about GUI, buttons and such things.
A function like get_type that returns some enum could also solve a problem, but I don't see why self-implemented substitute of RTTI should be better than the native one (ok, it would be faster, but it doesn't matter in this case).
You've already hit the nail on the head: you're trying to get type information from an "opaque" Object* type. Using dynamic_cast is just a hack to get there. Arguably your problem is actually that C++ doesn't have what you want: good type information. But here's some thoughts.
First, if you're going to a lot of this sort of thing, you may find that you are actually shifting away from typical inheritance and your program may be better suited to a component based design pattern, as is more common in video games. There you often have a somewhat opaque GameObject at the root and want to know what "components" it has. Unity does this sort of thing and they have nice editor windows based on components attached to the GameObject; but C# also has nice type info.
Second, some other part of the might know about the concrete type of the object and can help build your visual display, causing the Object* to no longer be a bottleneck.
Third, if you do go with something like the option you're talking about, I think you will find having type id of some sort vs. the use of dynamic_cast to be more helpful, since you can then build tables to look up types to say, visual builders.
Also, you were wondering why a self-rolled type info vs. RTTI? If you are quite concerned about performance, RTTI is on for all types and that means everything could take a hit; the self-rolled option allows for opt-in (at the cost of complexity). Additionally you won't need to push this onto others if you're writing a library pulled in via source, etc.

Accessing subclass functions of member of collection of parent class objects

(Refer Update #1 for a concise version of the question.)
We have an (abstract) class named Games that has subclasses, say BasketBall and Hockey (and probably many more to come later).
Another class GameSchedule, must contain a collection GamesCollection of various Games objects. The issue is that we would, at times, like to iterate only through the BasketBall objects of GamesCollection and call functions that are specific to it (and not mentioned in the Games class).
That is, GameSchedule deals with a number of objects that broadly belong to Games class, in the sense that they do have common functions that are being accessed; at the same time, there is more granularity at which they are to be handled.
We would like to come up with a design that avoids unsafe downcasting, and is extensible in the sense that creating many subclasses under Games or any of its existing subclasses must not necessitate the addition of too much code to handle this requirement.
A clumsy solution that I came up with, that doesn't do any downcasting at all, is to have dummy functions in the Game class for every subclass specific function that has to be called from GameSchedule. These dummy functions will have an overriding implementation in the appropriate subclasses which actually require its implementation.
We could explicitly maintain different containers for various subclasses of Games instead of a single container. But this would require a lot of extra code in GameSchedule, when the number of subclasses grow. Especially if we need to iterate through all the Games objects.
Is there a neat way of doing this?
Note: the code is written in C++
Update# 1: I realized that the question can be put in a much simpler way. Is it possible to have a container class for any object belonging to a hierarchy of classes? Moreover, this container class must have the ability to pick elements belonging to (or derive from) a particular class from the hierarchy and return an appropriate list.
In the context of the above problem, the container class must have functions like GetCricketGames, GetTestCricketGames, GetBaseballGame etc.,
This is exactly one of the problems that The "Tell, Don't Ask" principle was created for.
You're describing an object that holds onto references to other objects, and wants to ask them what type of object they are before telling them what they need to do. From the article linked above:
The problem is that, as the caller, you should not be making decisions based on the state of the called object that result in you then changing the state of the object. The logic you are implementing is probably the called object’s responsibility, not yours. For you to make decisions outside the object violates its encapsulation.
If you break the rules of encapsulation, you not only introduce the runtime risks incurred by rampant downcasts, but also make your system significantly less maintainable by making it easier for components to become tightly coupled.
Now that that's out there, let's look at how the "Tell, Don't Ask" could be applied to your design problem.
Let's go through your stated constraints (in no particular order):
GameSchedule needs to iterate over all games, performing general operations
GameSchedule needs to iterate over a subset of all games (e.g., Basketball), to perform type-specific operations
No downcasts
Must easily accommodate new Game subclasses
The first step to following the "Tell, Don't Ask" principle is identifying the actions that will take place in the system. This lets us take a step back and evaluate what the system should be doing, without getting bogged down into the details of how it should be doing it.
You made the following comment in #MarkB's answer:
If there's a TestCricket class inheriting from Cricket, and it has many specific attributes concerning the timings of the various innings of the match, and we would like to initialize the values of all TestCricket objects' timing attributes to some preset value, I need a loop that picks all TestCricket objects and calls some function like setInningTimings(int inning_index, Time_Object t)
In this case, the action is: "Initialize the inning timings of all TestCricket games to a preset value."
This is problematic, because the code that wants to perform this initialization is unable to differentiate between TestCricket games, and other games (e.g., Basketball). But maybe it doesn't need to...
Most games have some element of time: Basketball games have time-limited periods, while Baseball games have (basically) innings with basically unlimited time. Each type of game could have its own completely unique configuration. This is not something we want to offload onto a single class.
Instead of asking each game what type of Game it is, and then telling it how to initialize, consider how things would work if the GameSchedule simply told each Game object to initialize. This delegates the responsibility of the initialization to the subclass of Game - the class with literally the most knowledge of what type of game it is.
This can feel really weird at first, because the GameSchedule object is relinquishing control to another object. This is an example of the Hollywood Principle. It's a completely different way of solving problems than the approach most developers initially learn.
This approach deals with the constraints in the following ways:
GameSchedule can iterate over a list of Games without any problem
GameSchedule no longer needs to know the subtypes of its Games
No downcasting is necessary, because the subclasses themselves are handling the subclass-specific logic
When a new subclass is added, no logic needs to be changed anywhere - the subclass itself implements the necessary details (e.g., an InitializeTiming() method).
Edit: Here's an example, as a proof-of-concept.
struct Game
std::string m_name;
Game(std::string name)
: m_name(name)
virtual void Start() = 0;
virtual void InitializeTiming() = 0;
// A class to demonstrate a collaborating object
struct PeriodLengthProvider
int GetPeriodLength();
struct Basketball : Game
int m_period_length;
PeriodLengthProvider* m_period_length_provider;
Basketball(PeriodLengthProvider* period_length_provider)
: Game("Basketball")
, m_period_length_provider(period_length_provider)
void Start() override;
void InitializeTiming() override
m_period_length = m_time_provider->GetPeriodLength();
struct Baseball : Game
int m_number_of_innings;
Baseball() : Game("Baseball") { }
void Start() override;
void InitializeTiming() override
m_number_of_innings = 9;
struct GameSchedule
std::vector<Game*> m_games;
GameSchedule(std::vector<Game*> games)
: m_games(games)
void StartGames()
for(auto& game : m_games)
You've already identified the first two options that came to my mind: Make the base class have the methods in question, or maintain separate containers for each game type.
The fact that you don't feel these are appropriate leads me to believe that the "abstract" interface you provide in the Game base class may be far too concrete. I suspect that what you need to do is step back and look at the base interface.
You haven't given any concrete example to help, so I'm going to make one up. Let's say your basketball class has a NextQuarter method and hockey has NextPeriod. Instead, add to the base class a NextGameSegment method, or something that abstracts away the game-specific details. All the game-specific implementation details should be hidden in the child class with only a game-general interface needed by the schedule class.
C# supports reflections and by using the "is" keyword or GetType() member function you could do these easily. If you are writing your code in unmanaged C++, I think the best way to do this is add a GetType() method in your base class (Games?). Which in its turn would return an enum, containing all the classes that derive from it (so you would have to create an enum too) for that. That way you can safely determine the type you are dealing with only through the base type. Below is an example:
enum class GameTypes { Game, Basketball, Football, Hockey };
class Game
virtual GameTypes GetType() { return GameTypes::Game; }
class BasketBall : public Game
GameTypes GetType() { return GameTypes::Basketball; }
and you do this for the remaining games (e.g. Football, Hockey). Then you keep a container of Game objects only. As you get the Game object, you call its GetType() method and effectively determine its type.
You're trying to have it all, and you can't do that. :) Either you need to do a downcast, or you'll need to utilize something like the visitor pattern that would then require you to do work every time you create a new implementation of Game. Or you can fundamentally redesign things to eliminate the need to pick the individual Basketballs out of a collection of Games.
And FWIW: downcasting may be ugly, but it's not unsafe as long as you use pointers and check for null:
for(Game* game : allGames)
Basketball* bball = dynamic_cast<Basketball*>(game);
if(bball != nullptr)
I'd use the strategy pattern here.
Each game type has its own scheduling strategy which derives from the common strategy used by your game schedule class and decouples the dependency between the specific game and game schedule.

Retrieving values of collection from multiple classes, what's the correct way?

Before anything, thanks for reading!
I'm developing an application in C++ and I want an advice about a design issue. Let me explain:
The main class of my application has some collections, but other classes eventually need to get a value from one of those collections. Something like this:
class MainClass {
// Collections are internally implemented as QHash
Collection<Type1> col1;
Collection<Type2> col2;
class RosterUnit {
RosterUnit() {
/* This method needs to get a specific value from col1 and
initialize this class with that data */
class ObjectAction {
virtual void doAction() = 0;
class Action1 : public ObjectAction {
void doAction() {
// This needs a specific value from col2
class Action2 : public ObjectAction {
void doAction() {
// This needs a specific value from col1
My first approach was passing the whole collection as parameter when needed, but it is not so good for ObjectAction subclasses, because I would have to pass the two collections and if I later create another subclass of ObjectAction and it needs to get an element from other collection (suppose col3), I would have to modify the doAction() signature of every ObjectAction subclass, and I think that is not too flexible. Also, suppose I have a Dialog and want to create a RosterUnit from there. I would have to pass the collection to the dialog just to create the RosterUnit.
Next I decided to use static variables in RosterUnit and ObjectAction that pointed to the collections, but I'm not very happy with that solution. I think it is not flexible enough.
I have been reading about design patterns and I first thought a Singleton with get functions could be a good choice, but after some more investigation I think it isn't a proper design for my case. It would be easier and more or less the same if I use global variables, which don't seem to be the right way.
So, could you give some advices, please?
Thank you very much!
As mentioned previously, Iterators are good for abstracting away the details of the Collection. But going this route implies that the objects that use the Iterators will need to know about what's inside the Collection. Meaning they will need to know how to decide which object in the Collection they need, thus increasing the coupling. (more details below in the Factory paragraph) This is something you need to consider.
Another approach would be to create accessor methods on the MainClass that take some sort of key and return an object from the Collection (findObject(key)). Internally the MainClass methods would search through the container(s) and return the appropriate object. To use this approach, you will however need access to the MainClass, either by dependancy injection as mentioned before, or possibly making it a Singleton (not recomended in this scenario, though).
With the info provided so far, it may even be better for your ObjectAction Factory to have a reference to the MainClass, and as a part of the ObjectAction creation logic, call the appropriate MainClass accessor and pass the result into the ObjectAction, thus decoupling the ObjectAction Objects from the MainClass.
You probably want to use iterators, they exist exactly for the purpose of abstracting away sequences from specific containers.
If your issue is how to pass the iterators to the code that needs them in the first place, do not give in to the temptation to use globals. It may look more convoluted if you have to pass parameters in, but your code is that much more decoupled for it. "Dependency Injection" is a good keyword if you want to read more about this topic.
I would also advise you to check out std::function or boost::function instead of inheriting from ObjectAction. Functional style is getting more common in modern C++, as opposed to how it's usually done in languages like Java.
There's not enough information here of what you are trying to do. You make it sound like 'at some point in the future, this statically created action needs this data that was left behind.' How does that make any sense? I would say either construct the actions with the data, as you would for instance with a Future or Callable), or have the command ask for the next piece of data, in which case you are just implementing a Work queue.
Sounds like you are trying to do something like a thread pool. If these actions are in any way related, then you should have then in some composing object, implementing something like the Template Method pattern, e.g. execute() is abstract and calls a few other methods in a fixed sequence and that cannot be overridden, the other methods must be (protocol enforcement).

Can someone explain the benefits of polymorphism?

So I understand pretty much how it works, but I just can't grasp what makes it useful. You still have to define all the separate functions, you still have to create an instance of each object, so why not just call the function from that object vs creating the object, creating a pointer to the parent object and passing the derived objects reference, just to call a function? I don't understand the benefits of taking this extra step.
Why do this:
class Parent
virtual void function(){};
class Derived : public Parent
void function()
cout << "derived";
int main()
Derived foo;
Parent* bar = &foo;
return -3234324;
vs this:
class Parent
virtual void function(){};
class Derived : public Parent
void function()
cout << "derived";
int main()
Derived foo;
return -3234324;
They do exactly the same thing right? Only one uses more memory and more confusion as far as I can tell.
Both your examples do the same thing but in different ways.
The first example calls function() by using Static binding while the second calls it using Dynamic Binding.
In first case the compiler precisely knows which function to call at compilation time itself, while in second case the decision as to which function should be called is made at run-time depending on the type of object which is pointed by the Base class pointer.
What is the advantage?
The advantage is more generic and loosely coupled code.
Imagine a class hierarchy as follows:
The calling code which uses these classes, will be like:
Shape *basep[] = { &line_obj, &tri_obj,
&rect_obj, &cir_obj};
for (i = 0; i < NO_PICTURES; i++)
basep[i] -> Draw ();
Where, line_obj, tri_obj etc are objects of the concrete Shape classes Line, Triangle and so on, and they are stored in a array of pointers of the type of more generalized base class Shape.
This gives the additional flexibility and loose coupling that if you need to add another concrete shape class say Rhombus, the calling code does not have to change much, because it refers to all concrete shapes with a pointer to Base class Shape. You only have to make the Base class pointer point to the new concrete class.
At the sametime the calling code can call appropriate methods of those classes because the Draw() method would be virtual in these classes and the method to call will be decided at run-time depending on what object the base class pointer points to.
The above is an good example of applying Open Closed Principle of the famous SOLID design principles.
Say you want someone to show up for work. You don't know whether they need to take a car, take a bus, walk, or what. You just want them to show up for work. With polymorphism, you just tell them to show up for work and they do. Without polymorphism, you have to figure out how they need to get to work and direct them to that process.
Now say some people start taking a Segway to work. Without polymorphism, every piece of code that tells someone to come to work has to learn this new way to get to work and how to figure out who gets to work that way and how to tell them to do it. With polymorphism, you put that code in one place, in the implementation of the Segway-rider, and all the code that tells people to go to work tells Segway-riders to take their Segways, even though it has no idea that this is what it's doing.
There are many real-world programming analogies. Say you need to tell someone that there's a problem they need to investigate. Their preferred contact mechanism might be email, or it might be an instant message. Maybe it's an SMS message. With a polymorphic notification method, you can add a new notification mechanism without having to change every bit of code that might ever need to use it.
polymorphism is great if you have a list/array of object which share a common ancestor and you wich to do some common thing with them, or you have an overridden method. The example I learnt the concept from, use shapes as and overriding the draw method. They all do different things, but they're all a 'shape' and can all be drawn. Your example doesn't really do anything useful to warrant using polymorphism
A good example of useful polymorphism is the .NET Stream class. It has many implementations such as "FileStream", "MemoryStream", "GZipStream", etcetera. An algorithm that uses "Stream" instead of "FileStream" can be reused on any of the other stream types with little or no modification.
There are countless examples of nice uses of polymorphism. Consider as an example a class that represents GUI widgets. The most base classs would have something like:
class BaseWidget
virtual void draw() = 0;
That is a pure virtual function. It means that ALL the class that inherit the Base will need to implement it. And ofcourse all widgets in a GUI need to draw themselves, right? So that's why you would need a base class with all of the functions that are common for all GUI widgets to be defined as pure virtuals because then in any child you will do like that:
class ChildWidget
void draw()
//draw this widget using the knowledge provided by this child class
class ChildWidget2
void draw()
//draw this widget using the knowledge provided by this child class
Then in your code you need not care about checking what kind of widget it is that you are drawing. The responsibility of knowing how to draw itself lies with the widget (the object) and not with you. So you can do something like that in your main loop:
for(int i = 0; i < numberOfWidgets; i++)
And the above would draw all the widgets no matter if they are of ChildWidget1, ChildWidget2, TextBox, Button type.
Hope that it helps to understand the benefits of polymorphism a bit.
Reuse, generalisation and extensibility.
I may have an abstract class hierarchy like this: Vehicle > Car. I can then simply derive from Car to implement concrete types SaloonCar, CoupeCar etc. I implement common code in the abstract base classes. I may have also built some other code that is coupled with Car. My SaloonCar and CoupeCar are both Cars so I can pass them to this client code without alteration.
Now consider that I may have an interface; IInternalCombustionEngine and a class coupled with with this, say Garage (contrived I know, stay with me). I can implement this interface on classes defined in separate class hierarchies. E.G.
public abstract class Vehicle {..}
public abstract class Bus : Vehicle, IPassengerVehicle, IHydrogenPowerSource, IElectricMotor {..}
public abstract class Car : Vehicle {..}
public class FordCortina : Car, IInternalCombustionEngine, IPassengerVehicle {..}
public class FormulaOneCar : Car, IInternalCombustionEngine {..}
public abstract class PowerTool {..}
public class ChainSaw : PowerTool, IInternalCombustionEngine {..}
public class DomesticDrill : PowerTool, IElectricMotor {..}
So, I can now state that an object instance of FordCortina is a Vehicle, it's a Car, it's an IInternalCombustionEngine (ok contrived again, but you get the point) and it's also a passenger vehicle. This is a powerful construct.
The poly in polymorphic means more than one. In other words, polymorphism is not relevant unless there is more than one derived function.
In this example, I have two derived functions. One of them is selected based on the mode variable. Notice that the agnostic_function() doesn't know which one was selected. Nevertheless, it calls the correct version of function().
So the point of polymorphism is that most of your code doesn't need to know which derived class is being used. The specific selection of which class to instantiate can be localized to a single point in the code. This makes the code much cleaner and easier to develop and maintain.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Parent
virtual void function() const {};
class Derived1 : public Parent
void function() const { cout << "derived1"; }
class Derived2 : public Parent
void function() const { cout << "derived2"; }
void agnostic_function( Parent const & bar )
int main()
int mode = 1;
? static_cast<Parent const &>(Derived1())
: static_cast<Parent const &>(Derived2())
Polymorphism is One of the principles OOP. With polymorphism you can choose several behavior in runtime. In your sample, you have a implementation of Parent, if you have more implementation, you can choose one by parameters in runtime. polymorphism help for decoupling layers of application. in your sample of third part use this structers then it see Parent interface only and don't know implementation in runtime so third party independ of implementations of Parent interface. You can see Dependency Injection pattern also for better desing.
Just one more point to add. Polymorphism is required to implement run-time plug-ins. It is possible to add functionality to a program at run-time. In C++, the derived classes can be implemented as shared object libraries. The run time system can be programmed to look at a library directory, and if a new shared object appears, it links it in and can start to call it. This can also be done in Python.
Let's say that my School class has a educate() method. This method accepts only people who can learn. They have different styles of learning. Someone grasps, someone just mugs it up, etc.
Now lets say I have boys, girls, dogs, and cats around the School class. If School wants to educate them, I would have to write different methods for the different objects, under School.
Instead, the different people Objects (boys,girls , cats..) implement the Ilearnable interface. Then, the School class does not have to worry about what it has to educate.
School will just have to write a
public void Educate (ILearnable anyone)
I have written cats and dogs because they might want to visit different type of school. As long as it is certain type of school (PetSchool : School) and they can Learn, they can be educated.
So it saves multiple methods that have the same implementation but different input types
The implementation matches the real life scenes and so it's easy for design purposes
We can concentrate on part of the class and ignore everything else.
Extension of the class (e.g. After years of education you come to know, hey, all those people around the School must go through GoGreen program where everyone must plant a tree in the same way. Here if you had a base class of all those people as abstract LivingBeings, we can add a method to call PlantTree and write code in PlantTree. Nobody needs to write code in their Class body as they inherit from the LivingBeings class, and just typecasting them to PlantTree will make sure they can plant trees).

Inheritance and Polymorphism - Ease of use vs Purity

In a project our team is using object lists to perform mass operations on sets of data that should all be processed in a similar way. In particular, different objects would ideally act the same, which would be very easily achieved with polymorphism. The problem I have with it is that inheritance implies the is a relationship, rather than the has a relationship. For example, several objects have a damage counter, but to make this easy to use in an object list, polymorphism could be used - except that would imply an is a relationship which wouldn't be true. (A person is not a damage counter.)
The only solution I can think of is to have a member of the class return the proper object type when implicitly casted instead of relying on inheritance. Would it be better to forgo the is a / has a ideal in exchange for ease of programming?
To be more specific, I am using C++, so using polymorphism would allow the different objects to "act the same" in the sense that the derived classes could reside within a single list and be operated upon by a virtual function of the base class. The use of an interface (or imitating them via inheritance) seems like a solution I would be willing to use.
I think you should be implementing interfaces to be able to enforce your has a relationships (am doing this in C#):
public interface IDamageable
void AddDamage(int i);
int DamageCount {get;}
You could implement this in your objects:
public class Person : IDamageable
public class House : IDamageable
And you'd be sure that the DamageCount property and has a method to allow you to add damage, without implying that a person and a house are related to each other in some sort of heirarchy.
This can be accomplished using multiple inheritance. In your specific case (C++), you can use pure virtual classes as interfaces. This allows you to have multiple inheritance without creating scope/ambiguity problems. Example:
class Damage {
virtual void addDamage(int d) = 0;
virtual int getDamage() = 0;
class Person : public virtual Damage {
void addDamage(int d) {
// ...
damage += d * 2;
int getDamage() {
return damage;
class Car : public virtual Damage {
void addDamage(int d) {
// ...
damage += d;
int getDamage() {
return damage;
Now both Person and Car 'is-a' Damage, meaning, they implement the Damage interface. The use of pure virtual classes (so that they are like interfaces) is key and should be used frequently. It insulates future changes from altering the entire system. Read up on the Open-Closed Principle for more information.
I agree with Jon, but assuming you still have need for a separate damage counter class, you can do:
class IDamageable {
virtual DamageCounter* damage_counter() = 0;
class DamageCounter {
Each damageable class then needs to provide their own damage_counter() member function. The downside of this is that it creates a vtable for each damageable class. You can instead use:
class Damageable {
DamageCounter damage_counter() { return damage_counter_; }
DamageCounter damage_counter_;
But many people are Not Cool with multiple inheritance when multiple parents have member variables.
Sometimes it's worth giving up the ideal for the realistic. If it's going to cause a massive problem to "do it right" with no real benefit, then I would do it wrong. With that said, I often think it's worth taking the time to do it right, because unnecessary multiple inheritance increases complexity, and it can contribute to the system being less maintainable. You really have to decide what's best for your circumstance.
One option would be to have these objects implement a Damageable interface, rather than inheriting from DamageCounter. This way, a person has-a damage counter, but is damageable. (I often find interfaces make a lot more sense as adjective than nouns.) Then you could have a consistent damage interface on Damageable objects, and not expose that a damage counter is the underlying implementation (unless you need to).
If you want to go the template route (assuming C++ or similar), you could do this with mixins, but that can get ugly really quickly if done poorly.
This question is really confusing :/
Your question in bold is very open-ended and has an answer of "it depends", but your example doesn't really give much information about the context from which you are asking. These lines confuse me;
sets of data that should all be processed in a similar way
What way? Are the sets processed by a function? Another class? Via a virtual function on the data?
In particular, different objects would ideally act the same, which would be very easily achieved with polymorphism
The ideal of "acting the same" and polymorphism are absolutely unrelated. How does polymorphism make it easy to achieve?
Normally when we talk about 'is a' vs 'has a' we're talking about Inheritance vs Composition.
Um...damage counter would just be attribute of one of your derived classes and wouldn't really be discussed in terms of 'A person is a damage counter' with respect to your question.
Having the damage counter as an attribute doesn't allow him to diverse objects with damage counters into a collection. For example, a person and a car might both have damage counters, but you can't have a vector<Person|Car> or a vector<with::getDamage()> or anything similar in most languages. If you have a common Object base class, then you can shove them in that way, but then you can't access the getDamage() method generically.
That was the essence of his question, as I read it. "Should I violate is-a and has-a for the sake of treating certain objects as if they are the same, even though they aren't?"
Normally when we talk about 'is a' vs 'has a' we're talking about Inheritance vs Composition.
Um...damage counter would just be attribute of one of your derived classes and wouldn't really be discussed in terms of 'A person is a damage counter' with respect to your question.
See this:
Which might help you along the way.
#Derek: From the wording, I assumed there was a base clase, having re-read the question I kinda now see what he's getting at.
"Doing it right" will have benefits in the long run, if only because someone maintaining the system later will find it easier to comprehend if it was done right to begin with.
Depending on the language, you may well have the option of multiple inheritance, but normally simple interfaces make the most sense. By "simple" I mean make an interface that isn't trying to be too much. Better to have lots of simple interfaces and a few monolithic ones. Of course, there is always a trade off, and too many interfaces would probably lead to ones being "forgotten" about...
The ideal of "acting the same" and polymorphism are absolutely unrelated. How does polymorphism make it easy to achieve?
They all have, e.g., one function in common. Let's call it addDamage(). If you want to do something like this:
foreach (obj in mylist)
Then you need either a dynamic language, or you need them to extend from a common parent class (or interface). e.g.:
class Person : DamageCounter {}
class Car : DamageCounter {}
foreach (DamageCounter d in mylist)
Then, you can treat Person and Car the same in certain very useful circumstances.
Polymorphism does not require inheritance. Polymorphism is what you get when multiple objects implement the same message signature (method).