MinGW w64 windows library eclipse (app crash) - c++

I'm trying to get C++ working properly in Eclipse but it seems that anything except the normal MinGW is failing and I have no idea what I'm doing.
Reason I'm trying this is because MinGW complains about to_string() not existing in the std library and I've read that this was fixed in MinGW-w64.
I've downloaded MinGW and MinGW-w64 to separate folders, currently MinGW is included in PATH.
When I change my project properties [C/C++ Build -> Environment] variables to go with MinGW-w64 the stuff still builds but crashes when I try to run it.
I'm trying to build a win32 app (#include <windows.h>)
Flags in [C/C++ Build -> Settings -> GCC C++ Compiler -> Miscellaneous]: -c -fmessage-length=0 -std=c++11 -mwindows
I've also included a Pre-build step: windres ../src/resources.rc -o ../Resources/resources.o
And for some reason it compiles without error, but when I try to run the binary.exe it just crashes (which it didn't with normal MinGW).
I've also looked into Cygwin but I have no idea what packages to download and I can't even find the std library, let alone the windows library, in the massive massive list of installable packages.
I also don't want to use Visual C++ because that requires you to install Visual Studio (an IDE I loathe because of reasons(yes, multiple))
I'm doing the minor "Games Programming" and my school is giving us a crash-course C++ (which exists of six 3 hour long lessons to get a grasp of the basics) to use in building a simple game application. Problem is the teachers are Visual Studio fanboys and don't really know anything outside of that environment (most of 'em don't really seem to care either for that matter).
I'm having a lot of trouble setting this up with no prior experience in C++ and a very janky C++ support for windows. ( I do know my fair share of Java (in Eclipse) and a bit of C# )
I've been searching for at least an hour without any results.
If I forgot to write down stuff or am being a total idiot here please do enlighten me.
Any help is much appreciated
Edit: I'm suddenly getting other error output <- forgot to clean before building
Edit edit: the error:
(hi is the icon)
Another Edit:
if I debug it breaks at No source available for "main() at 0x4081a9" which makes sense because I didn't make that kind of main because I'm writing a windows app. if I press continue it runs (what?) but then when I close it I see the following output:
C++ Win32.exe
~"[Inferior 1 (process 7012) exited normally]
[New Thread 7012.0x1d14]
Temporary breakpoint 1, 0x00000000004081a9 in main ()
Quit (expect signal SIGINT when the program is resumed)


Netbeans 12.4 on Ubuntu 18.04: how to set up a new C/C++ project? Where's the documentation?

I've decided to relearn my C/C++ programming skills after not having used them since Borland Turbo C on MS-DOS went out the window. For this purpose I installed Netbeans 12 on Ubuntu 18.04 (including ccls and clangd, the paths to which are set under Tools -> Options -> C/++) and attempted to compile and run the obligatory hello.c to make sure it works. However, I'm quite confused about how to enter the properties for the new project. At step 3, Editor, I can enter Compile Commands which I guess might be /usr/bin/gcc (?) but what I am supposed to enter at step 4 I have no idea:
Attempts to compile and run hello.c unsurprisingly generate errors and fail:
Exception in thread "main" java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "": error=2, No such file or directory [...]
More to the point, though, I have Googled extensively and other than another unanswered question on SO about more or less the same issue I can't find anything in any of the documentation anywhere! I understand that NB12.4 is fairly fresh and that the documentation is a work in progress, but all I can find (such as the C/C++ Projects Quick Start Tutorial or Defining Your C/C++ Project’s Development Environment) is either very old (circa 2014; Netbeans versions 7 and 8, mostly) or doesn't even hint at any of this, much less discuss it.
Is this documented anywhere? If so, where? Any pointers in the right direction appreciated!

First time using SFML-2.5.1 in NetBeans IDE 8.2 I ran into the problem

After the setup I've done in the properties of the project: at C++Compiler and Linker in both Release and Debug configurations I tried to build the project, which went successful.
Then I decided to run it and had some difficulties: using External Terminal, that did absolutely nothing, Standard output, that showed some text related to dll files I've clue about, Internal Terminal, that showed the very same text.
After that didn't work I went for cmd execution and what I saw was this.
Could you explain what that means and what I'm supposed to do. I'm new to all that kind of stuff, so I apologise if I did something stupid.
EDIT: If not seen, I'm using Windows 10 and the version of SFML is GCC 7.3.0 MinGW (DW2) - 32-bit

VSCode c++ configuring for vc toolchain

I'm trying to start a work in vscode , latest C++ plugin version supports ms debugger, so as I'm mostly working under windows it was a signal to try this.
c++ tools plugin from MS and cmake tools were installed.
my test project was however not built . the problem is clear , but I need an advice from experienced vscode users how to solve this right.
cmake doesn't see vc compiler.
(after using QtCreator) I expected that vscode could detect vc installation... however that's not so. ok, I have a two ways:
fill environment variables INCLUDE/LIB/PATH with a headers, libs and binaries
just run vcvarsall.bat x64
Second way is a simple and reliable. so final question is:
how to run .bat at the begining of vscode start?
(I don't mean write another bat/cmd, prepare the environment and run vscode inside the same script after that)
Although the question is fairly old, I'll try to give a useful answer, in case others stumble across, just like I did.
I believe what you are trying to achieve is not possible. Code inherits the environment it was started with. If you did not launch it from a developer command prompt, you will not be able build and debug. (Building might be possible if every task first starts the vcvarsall.bat, but that slows things down by a lot. Debugging I think will still not work.)
If you are willing to, you can check out vector-of-bools CMake Tools extension which does build automation as well as automatic MSVC detection. It builds using CMake (thus you need to write your build scripts using CMake), but it will take care of building just by pressing F7, like what most VS users are familiar with.

OS X Eclipse C++ Launch Failed - Binary Not Found

I am quite troubled as this shouldn't be causing me such a headache. I've downloaded the most recent Eclipse Indigo and all CDT C++ plugins for MAC OS X 10.7.1/
Upon restarting after installing the above CDT plugins, I've developed a simple 'hello world' c++ application and have tried running the application, "Launch failed. Binary not found." error message. I've read multiple fixes but none have worked. I tried adding the -arch i386 flag to the linker and compiler commands, still no luck.
Has anyone successfully gotten Eclipse C++ running on 10.7.1?????? This blows my mind. I can simply write the same program in VIM and compile it just fine via the terminal and execute just fine. ECLIPSE DOESN'T WANT TO PLAY ALONG.
I will be deeply indebted to anyone who can help!!!!!
EDIT: compiler output
**** Build of configuration Debug for project HelloWorld ****
make all Building file: ../main.cpp
Invoking: GCC C++ Compiler g++ -I/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk/usr/include -O0 -g3 -Wall -c -fmessage-length=0 -arch i386 -MMD -MP -MF"main.d" -MT"main.d" -o "main.o" "../main.cpp"
Finished building: ../main.cpp
Building target: libHelloWorld
Invoking: MacOS X C++ Linker g++ -arch i386 -dynamiclib -o "libHelloWorld" ./main.o
Finished building target: libHelloWorld
**** Build Finished ****
I am using Eclipse Juno with CDT on a 2007 Macbook running Snow Leopard. I have the two symptoms:
No Binaries folder in Project Explorer, and
The 'Launch failed. Binary not found' error.
I have spent hours searching on Google for an answer, long enough to ascertain that these two symptoms are indicative of any number of problems which have been reported for not quite a decade without adequate resolution. That is a problem right there because after a decade there should have been more than enough input data to provide one troubleshooting procedure somewhere which walks the user step by step through the elimination of all possible causes.
Instead, for hours I have read about a multitude of people, many of whom have resolved their particular problem but all of them seeming to have had to do something slightly different to get there.
This should not be that difficult to resolve. Particularly in cases such as mine [but I am not the only one] when the Console view displays a Build with no errors yet the user can copy the binary file [which Eclipse bizarrely says it can not find] to the Desktop and run it without any problems from either Finder or a bash terminal session.
All of this seems to be pointing rather emphatically toward the lack of adequate indicators in the Mach0 64 binary parser which should be designed to tell us exactly what it needs which it is not seeing.
Admittedly, this is exacerbated in the case of MacBooks like mine which are running a 64bit OS [Snow Leopard] on a 64bit CPU which the manufacturer, unfortunately, hamstrung with a 32-bit bootup kernel. But, be forewarned, I have already tried the -arch i386 g++ switch, and the relinking of g++ to g++-4.0 without any change in the symptoms.
ADDENDUM ADDED 10/07/2012:
I am adding this checklist in the hope of clarifying a Way for the undoubtedly many others who will ask this question in the years to come. This Way reflects what I found to be necessary when using Eclipse Juno with a Mac running Snow Leopard:
1) Go to Preferences->C/C++->New CDT Project Wizard, and under Preferred Toolchains, make sure all the Executable project types are set to MacOSX GCC.
2) This is a biggie. I was able to get a Binaries folder in Project Explorer, and hence be able to run the project after building it, by using a Project name which does not contain dots ['.']. This I learned from another answer here, edited a few hours after my previous message. This requirement is easy to miss, hence a common one particularly if you are Eclipse experienced but only with other languages, because tutorials for other language plugins [such as with PyDev or for Java] frequently have you create Projects with dots in the name. If you have developed that habit with other languages, break it when using CDT for C/C++. Be forewarned, however, that it is not enough to just do a Right-Click and Rename an existing project name this time not using dots. The simplest Way is to delete your old project and create a new one with a name without dots.
3) There are many websites cautioning you to make sure you either use the -arch i386 compiler switch or change the links for /usr/bin/gcc and /usr/bin/g++ to point to gcc-4.0 and g++-4.0 instead of gcc-4.2 and g++-4.2. I created a bash script to ease switching back and forth and investigated if this was necessary. It was not, at least not with my Macbook. Based on what I read at one site from a Mach-O developer, I suspect that the current version of Mach-0 64 goes both ways. Which is a good segue to ...
4) In the Project Properties, not Preferences, go to C/C++ Build->Settings and under Binary Parsers make sure Mach-O 64 Parser is checked. Make sure this, and not the deprecated Mach-O parser, is checked.
5) At this point, after you build your project, several things should be evident in the Project Explorer:
6) There should now be a Binaries folder under project's folder.
7) Within that Binaries folder should now be your executable file. It should have [x86_64/le] next to it if, like me, your Mac is effectively 32bit. Now is not the best time to get into the confusing topic of whether your Mac is effectively 32bit or 64bit. If you do not know, and a lot folks don't because Apple does make it confusing, check out the little app which can be downloaded from http://www.ahatfullofsky.comuv.com/English/Programs/SMS/SMS.html which will tell you What Is Truth. It is free, but the 'price' is that you have to scroll pass the ads at the top of the page reflecting the programmer's political disposition.
For those of you that are new to programming/eclipse/IDEs and get the same error but the solutions above don't work, I solved my "Launch Failed. Binary Not Found." error by doing the following: Simply be sure to build your project ("Project" > "Build All") before attempting to run or debug. I was thinking that the IDE would do the building when I clicked debug or run, but that is not the case (obviously, in retrospect). Newbie lesson learned. Once you build you should see a "Binaries" and "Debug" folder under the root directory of the project.
I was using OS X 10.7.3, if it matters, though I assume the mistake I made is fundamental and any eclipse distro would give the same error.
on mac:
Make sure you have xcode installed. Test it by writing "info g++" you must see proper information about the compiler.
Build your project.
Go to the folder of your project. You should see an executable file in Debug or realise folder, depending to your building configurations. If you d-click on the executable file you should see the result on the terminal.
Back to Ecliipse, from Run/Run Configurations... and then browse to the folder that you have the executable file - one you already found - you can also change build configurations as you wish in that window. And make build automatic for each run.
Run again it should work.
Good luck !
I had the same problem, then I found a solution on this site.
Let me explain shortly;
Create your c++ project,
Have a look at project properties(⌘I),
Select Mach-O parser under binary properties,
Write your codes down,
Do not forget building your project (⌘B) before run.
You should change the settings for your project to build an executable instead of a dynamic library:
Invoking: MacOS X C++ Linker g++ -arch i386 -dynamiclib -o "libHelloWorld" ./main.o`
Go to project properties -> C/C++ Build -> Settings -> Build artifact, and select Executable in the first drop down list.
I am using Eclipse Oxygen and the following fixed my problem:
Right-click on your project and go to properties. Navigate to C/C++ Build > Tool Chain Editor and select MacOSX GCC in the Current toolchain, and Apply and Close.
Build your project with CMD+B and then run it.
I was having the same problem. The answer can be hard to find as the "binary not found" issue has cropped up several times before, with different causes and solutions (selecting the 64-bit parser, etc.).
It turns out that, in my case, the fix was simple: you have to do a manual build, just once, for every new project you create. After that, works as usual.
Details: using a fresh fresh install of Eclipse Indigo Service Release 1 on Mac OS 10.7.2.
If your project name contains a "." (dot), the binary file will not be generated on building project.
Remove all the "."(dots) from the project name and rebuilt it or try creating a new project.
Happy coding!
If you can successfully built but when try to run it getting error:
Possible solution could be adding new configuration with full path to your binary output file
(Run->Run Configuration...->Main->C++ Application):
I solved a similar problem with Eclipse by creating a "Launch Configuration". I am using the Indigo release of Eclipse on OSX Lion with CDT (C/C++ dev environment). I found the option to create a new launch configuration in Project->Properties->Run/Debug Settings.
I encountered this problem after creating and building an empty "Hello World Ansi C Autotools Project". The build process created a working executable as src/a.out. I could run a.out successfully from the terminal but Eclipse did not understand that this was an executable for my project until I created a launch configuration pointing to it. Once I did that I was able to run a.out as usual using the green run button.
I had the same problem, even when i had set the artifact to executable. It was because the shared lib setting was ticked and this causes a dylib to be made even though you have specified an executable.
I go this to run by setting the Builder Type to Internal Builder on the C/C++ Build tab, in the project properties dialog.
No matter which approach to take to solve this issue on your workspace, this problem seemed to have become native to the project that I had created. Neither using the arguments or making sure the gcc version for linking did not work. I did find an intuitive solution. Here it is:to the "...binary not available..." error.
Do the following:(remember the following steps are after you have taken either of the above routes and none of those have solved the issue.
1.) delete everything - the project and the files.
2.) create new project and source files
I had the similar issue but code was different. In File.h file make sure
virtual ~Destructor () {}; //Don't forget Curly braces {}
Above statement shows destructor initialized () and defined with curly braces { } . In my code I forgot to define Destructor.
Hope this helps
I was having the same problem, so I fiddled around a littpe bit and found out that if I clicked on the "profile" button (green play icon with a little clock under it), to the right of the "run" button, my program would Run the next time I clicked on the Run button.
I actually dont know what that did, but it allowed me to run the code.
if anybody knows why this helped, and whether it is an actual solution or not dont hesitate to relpy!

Xcode breakpoints only hit when set during debugging

I’m porting a C++ sdk from Windows to Mac OSX 10.5. I have a problem in Xcode where my breakpoints in certain files will only be hit if I set them while debugging. If I stop debugging and then restart, the breakpoints no longer get hit. If I add them while not debugging, they don't get hit. This is only in certain files and my breakpoints are always dark blue. i.e. I can’t tell the difference between a breakpoint that will get hit and one that won’t.
Specifically, my sdk is made up of various dynamic libraries. These are built using Perforce jam, which calls the various compile and link executables depending on my OS and compiler version (such as Visual Studio’s cl.exe and link.exe). I have a simple (unit testing) command line application that links to these dynamic libraries and calls code in them. This application on Windows is a Visual Studio project, in which I set breakpoints on library code and expect them to be hit.
I’ve created the same C++ command line utility application in Xcode 3.1.2 that links to the sdk dylibs and calls code in them. Some of the breakpoints work fine. I can set breakpoints in code that’s called from the troublesome code, and step out to the troublesome code, which I can then step through fine. The troublesome code is compiled into the same dylib as code that works fine. It’s also long and complicated enough not to be a candidate for inlining.
I’ve tried the following:
Turn Load symbols lazily off.
Compile with both gcc 4.0 and gcc 4.2.
Do a full clean and shutdown.
Delete the user-specific files of the xcodeproj package.
Rename the files so they can’t clash with system files.
Clear everything out of the Breakpoints window.
Create a new Xcode project.
My application is compiled in debug with DWARF format and my libraries are built with the –g flag (along with –v, –arch i386 and –fvisibility-inlines-hidden).
Help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Update: sorry for not updating this, my Mac port project was postponed. I never resolved this, but discovered that it actually only occurs in constructor bodies. I'll revisit this as and when I hit the problem again.
Have you tried these?
Why aren't my breakpoints working?
Not really an answer: You should make a bug report in the official Apple bugtracker. The chances are high that you get an answer sooner or later there - or perhaps it is really a bug.