how can I add windows store template to visual studio 2013? - templates

I have visual studio 2013 and 64x win 7 pc.
I want to create a windows phone app with a single button and textbox.
When I click file>new>project I cant see windows store in templates.
I couldnt find how to search online from tools>external tools.

Did you installed Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) for Windows 8.1?
The sdk contains the components needed to develop windows store apps.
If you are going to develop Windows phone 8.0 instead of 8.1, this XDA forum thread should help you. I haven't personally tried that because I am looking to develop Windows 8.1 in Win 7 x64.
You can also try to install the SDK 8.0 and 8.1 lite version by Arnold Vink. I tried the sdk 8.1 lite version with no luck but perhaps it will work for you.
You can check out my SO question on what I have done so far. Hope this helps.


Why are my C++WinRT includes not working?

So I recently tried to set up the environment to develop UWP apps, and installed VS community 2019 16.5.3
Here are my selected components:
UWP development workload and Desktop development with C++
I also installed the VSIX extension from the VS market place.
When I create a new Windows Console App(C++WinRT) this is my main and you can see the error list
I already tried uninstalling and reinstalling VS 2019. I have the proper Windows 10 SDK version + I also enabled developer mode in Windows settings. Im on Windows 10 1909 build 18363.720
The includes are in 'pch.h' by default.
Thank you.

Visual Studio for Windows Media Foundation

I am going to build sample application using Windows Media Function, but I am confused with Visual Studio version that need to be used. Also how I can start with this sample application. Do I need to download Windows Developer SDK for building this sample? Also what tools I need to use to build UI components.
I want to build sample application for playing local video file.
To develop classic/desktop applications using Media Foundation API it is sufficient to use simplest edition of Visual Studio, e.g. Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition along with Windows 10 SDK (do not get confused by "Windows 10" in the title, appropriately built applications can run in Windows XP and more recent). You will have to look up desktop application samples in older Windows SDK versions up to version 7.1, since version 8 they were omitted (later they were put online here). At the same time, there are also newer Media Foundation samples available in the format of Windows 10 UWP applications, you can built them with the mentioned toolset as well.

VS 2017 RC missing Windows 10 Mobile Emulator

I installed Visual Studio 2017 RC, and in general I'm really impressed! One problem, however, is that I can't figure out the proper method of installing the Windows 10 Mobile Emulator. I have installed the Windows 10 SDK as well as the Emulator itself. My Programs and Features clearly shows these two items are installed:
. Windows 10 for Mobile Image - 10.0.14393.0
. Windows Software Development Kit - Windows 10.0.14393.33
I also have properly selected the Cordova tools during the installation of VS 2017 RC. I can create a new JavaScript project using Cordova and it looks to be correct in the Solution Explorer.
But when I launch Visual Studio 2017 RC and then inspect the Solution Platforms dropdown, it only has these options:
Configuration Manager...
I do not see any option for Windows 10 Mobile.
What am I missing?
Nevermind.... Somehow I installed more stuff and then found what I am looking for by selecting Windows-X86, and then there are options for Mobile Emulator 10.0.14393.0 in various memory and screen configurations. Just keep clicking things until it works, I suppose... Seriously, probably my own fault. Moving on!

How to installing Windows 10 Phone in Qt?

I want to develop Windows 10 Mobile applications. I installed Visual Studio 2015 Community and I installed Qt 5.6 packages from Qt 5.5.1 MaintenanceTool (Image) and I installed Universal Windows packages from VS 2015, so I think Win SDK installed. Then I installed Windows 8 Phone packages from VS 2015. But Win 10 Mobile packages is disabled on the Qt Creator (Image). How can I develop Win 10 Mobile apps with Qt? Thanks.
Edit: Debugger not found: MSVC, win rt armv7, win rt 32 bit
You should install Visual Studio 2013 to develop Windows Phone applications. If you want to develop WindowsRT applications you can use Visual Studio 2015.
Look at the picture with packages. There is information which version you should use to develop specific applications.
You need to install the debugging tools for windows, which are only available through the Windows SDK. You can select only the debugging tools, and leave the rest of the SDK as it was.

Directx 11.0 with visual studio 2012 on windows 8 64 bit

I want to begin learning DirectX 11.0 . I have Visual Studio 2012 ultimate installed on windows 8 pro 64 bit. I want to be able to develop games that would run in windows 7 as well.
Is this possible without downloading June 2010 SDK? or will the Windows SDK do? Can somebody post links to the right tutorials please?
I do not prefer 3rd party solutions and I want to avoid downloading the June 2010 SDK if possible.
I have some experience with 3D game development in XNA.
I am a total newbie to DirectX.
DX SDK is now included in Windows SDK.
But I have not seen any tutorial talking about developing desktop games using this already included SDK.
Most of them ask to download DX June 2010 SDK; probably these tutorials have not updated themselves after arrival of VS2012.
And the recent ones talk about porting a VS2010 DX game to VS2012, and the first step generally is to download the DX June 2010 SDK.
Therefore, I am beginning to suspect whether it is possible to build desktop games using this new inbuilt SDK?
Or indeed one has to download the June 2010 DX SDK?
or June SDK needs to be downloaded only when porting VS2010 games to VS2012?
you have to download the DX SDK from MSDN I read the documentation
Programs compiled on visual studio 2012 with the built in SDK should work perfectly well on windows 7 (subject of course to not using any new API calls or anything). I'm running vs2012 on windows 7 using d3d11 and the programs it builds run perfectly well on there.