Directx 11.0 with visual studio 2012 on windows 8 64 bit - c++

I want to begin learning DirectX 11.0 . I have Visual Studio 2012 ultimate installed on windows 8 pro 64 bit. I want to be able to develop games that would run in windows 7 as well.
Is this possible without downloading June 2010 SDK? or will the Windows SDK do? Can somebody post links to the right tutorials please?
I do not prefer 3rd party solutions and I want to avoid downloading the June 2010 SDK if possible.
I have some experience with 3D game development in XNA.
I am a total newbie to DirectX.
DX SDK is now included in Windows SDK.
But I have not seen any tutorial talking about developing desktop games using this already included SDK.
Most of them ask to download DX June 2010 SDK; probably these tutorials have not updated themselves after arrival of VS2012.
And the recent ones talk about porting a VS2010 DX game to VS2012, and the first step generally is to download the DX June 2010 SDK.
Therefore, I am beginning to suspect whether it is possible to build desktop games using this new inbuilt SDK?
Or indeed one has to download the June 2010 DX SDK?
or June SDK needs to be downloaded only when porting VS2010 games to VS2012?

you have to download the DX SDK from MSDN I read the documentation

Programs compiled on visual studio 2012 with the built in SDK should work perfectly well on windows 7 (subject of course to not using any new API calls or anything). I'm running vs2012 on windows 7 using d3d11 and the programs it builds run perfectly well on there.


Effects11d.lib file, DirectX11 on visual studio 2017/2015

Nowdays my team study DirectX11 with book which name is introduction to 3D game programming with DirectX11.
we are trying to set up our visual studio(ver 2017, 2015) as the book says. But we failed because Effects11d.lib file is missing.
Where can we download or find that file?(the file isn't on C drive where windows installed)
If there is any other solution, please give me an advice
The DirectX 11 book you are using most likely expects you to be using the legacy DirectX SDK. The issue is that the Windows SDK that comes with VS 2015 and VS 2017 contains newer headers than those that shipped in the now 8 years old legacy DirectX SDK where they overlap, and some portion of the legacy DirectX SDK is deprecated so is not present on your system already.
You can still use the legacy DirectX SDK with VS 2015 / VS 2017, but you need to take some extra steps. Most of those steps are detailed at the bottom of this MSDN page.
There are also known issues trying to install the legacy DirectX SDK. See this post.
You should also review the post: Where’s DXERR.LIB?
Specifically using the Effects 11 library, you should use the latest from from GitHub which you can also find on NuGet. The latest version works both with and without using the legacy DirectX SDK.
Ideally you should avoid using the legacy DirectX SDK all together. See Living without D3DX and The Zombie DirectX SDK for details.

Visual Studio for Windows Media Foundation

I am going to build sample application using Windows Media Function, but I am confused with Visual Studio version that need to be used. Also how I can start with this sample application. Do I need to download Windows Developer SDK for building this sample? Also what tools I need to use to build UI components.
I want to build sample application for playing local video file.
To develop classic/desktop applications using Media Foundation API it is sufficient to use simplest edition of Visual Studio, e.g. Visual Studio 2015 Community Edition along with Windows 10 SDK (do not get confused by "Windows 10" in the title, appropriately built applications can run in Windows XP and more recent). You will have to look up desktop application samples in older Windows SDK versions up to version 7.1, since version 8 they were omitted (later they were put online here). At the same time, there are also newer Media Foundation samples available in the format of Windows 10 UWP applications, you can built them with the mentioned toolset as well.

how can I add windows store template to visual studio 2013?

I have visual studio 2013 and 64x win 7 pc.
I want to create a windows phone app with a single button and textbox.
When I click file>new>project I cant see windows store in templates.
I couldnt find how to search online from tools>external tools.
Did you installed Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) for Windows 8.1?
The sdk contains the components needed to develop windows store apps.
If you are going to develop Windows phone 8.0 instead of 8.1, this XDA forum thread should help you. I haven't personally tried that because I am looking to develop Windows 8.1 in Win 7 x64.
You can also try to install the SDK 8.0 and 8.1 lite version by Arnold Vink. I tried the sdk 8.1 lite version with no luck but perhaps it will work for you.
You can check out my SO question on what I have done so far. Hope this helps.

directx 9 cannot find the include libraries

I wanna start learning DirectX in Visual C++ 2010, but it says that d3dx11 and d3dx9 can't be found when I include d3dx9.h, I can play games in DirectX 11 and dxdiag says my computer is running directX 11, but when I searched for DirectX 11 in C drive and my D-Drive, it couldn't find anything. So I decided to install DirectX 11 and then I got a folder after installing, but it didn't have any include or bin folders, so I couldn't go to properties and VC++ and add the include directories. Decided to try DirectX 9 instead to start with, but when I installed DirectX 9 June 2010 version, I went to C\Microsoft DirectX SDK (June 2010) there is no directories, only DirectX utilities and documentation for c++ and sample browser and Command prompt. So I don't really know what to do anymore, I have tried to install d3dx9.lib and put in in the default lib folder for VS 2010. but no success, But I have DirectX 9 2004 summer libraries and Include folders set up for visual c++, but that is such an old version so it doesn't include d3dx9.lib. I'm running Windows 8.1 64 bit OS.
The DirectX SDK and all version of the D3DX libraries are both deprecated.
The 'modern' solution is to use the Windows 8.x SDK which comes with Visual Studio 2012 and Visual Studio 2013. You can install the Windows 8.1 SDK 'standalone' and use it with Visual Studio 2010 by using .props files. See MSDN and this blog post for all the details.
You can mix using the Windows 8.x SDK with the legacy DirectX SDK in order to continue to use D3DX for Win32 desktop applications--you cannot use the DirectX SDK for Windows Store apps, Windows phone, or Xbox One. See the instructions on MSDN for how to handle the include/lib path directories. If you are going to continue to use the legacy DirectX SDK, you need to be aware of a number of things:
The DirectX SDK (June 2010) installer has some compatibility issues with systems that have VS 2010 SP1 REDIST installed. See this post.
The DirectX SDK (June 2010) does not have the latest developer debug runtime for Windows 8.1. You have to install the Windows 8.1 SDK, VS 2013, or the VS 2013 remote debugging tools to get the DEBUG layers and REFERENCE device. See this post.
There is no support for the Direct3D 9 DEBUG device on Windows 8.1.
The "PIX for Windows" tool in the DirectX SDK does not work for Direct3D 10.x or Direct3D 11.x on Windows 8.1, Windows 8.0, or Windows 7 SP1 with the DirectX 11.1 Runtime installed. Use the Visual Studio 2013 Graphics Diagnostics, or Intel/AMD/NVIDIA's GPU tools.
If you are deploying a game that needs the legacy DLLs like D3DX, be sure to use the April 2011 refreshed version of DXSETUP and not the copy that is in the DirectX SDK (June 2010). See this post and be sure to read Not So DirectSetup.
Given all that, your life will be a lot easier if you just use Direct3D 11 and avoid the legacy DirectX SDK and D3DX entirely. You can find many Direct3D 11 replacements for D3DX that only requires the Windows 8.x SDK along with a bunch of updated samples. See Living Without D3DX, DirectX Tool Kit, and DirectX SDK Samples Catalog. You can get all that to work with VS 2010, but it's a lot easier to get Visual Studio 2013 Express for Windows Desktop (for Win32 desktop applications) and/or Visual Studio 2013 Express for Windows (for Windows Store apps and Windows phone apps).
PS: Even back when the DirectX SDK was still the supported way to get Direct3D headers for VS 2010, it was not available until you manually added the include/path directories to your project. That's why you can't include "d3dx9.h" in your project freshly created.

What is Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 3.5 SP1?

I am going to use Cython for my project. As a prerequisite, Microsoft Windows SDK for Windows 7 and .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 should be installed in order to link with the right runtime.
However, I already have Virtual Studio 2012 installed in my computer, so I am wondering if this is still necessary?
And, what is it? Is it different from Visual Studio? I found some introduction about it, and seems it is already included in Visual Studio.
VS 2012 contain framework 4.5 till now and yes they both are same.
since, cython was originally made on VS2008 so it has some issue to later framework.
some cool guys solved this issue on vs 2010.
You can have more detail on this links