umbraco 7 page displays wrong template - templates

I use Umbraco 7.2.1
I have a document type called News with allowed 2 different templates: News (default) & Projects
I create a page and choose Project template for it. And it displays News template instead.
I tried the following to see what's wrong and came to nothing:
I set up a new page and choose Projects template - the page displays News template instead.
I changed the default template for this doc type to Projects and set up new page with different title - the new page still displays News template instead of default Projects.
It is not logical. Tried to refresh the cache but the problem persists.
I ensured the template is correct and it displays as such in the CMS as well.
I have another doc type which uses different templates and have no problem with that. Only with News/ Projects templates.
Completely not logical..

You will need to check the structure on the doc type to check if both templates have been allowed to the News doc type. Typically when you create a new document type, only one template will be assigned. Alternatively, go to content, click on the properties tab and down the bottom you will see template. You should have dropdown enabling you to select which template you would like to use.


Kentico 10 Link to existing page feature

Is there any way to force Kentico 10 to adopt a certain template when I link to another page with a template of a type I do not want?
An example would be I have a folder of CTA's. I want one of these CTA's to link to a page that uses the template "genericTemplate" but I would like the linked page I just created to be of template type "nonGenericTemplate".
The reason for this is that "genericTemplate" does not have the fields I am looking for and I would prefer to not force people to input field data in two places ("genericTemplate" and "nonGenericTemplate")
I maybe misunderstanding what you mean by CTA; to me it's a link that a user can click on.
I don't believe that Kentico puts the field on the Page Template object, but on the Page Type object. The Page Type reflects what can be stored against a page, the Page Template reflects how the page looks.
When you create pages in Kentico you can assign a default Page Template to a Page Type in the administration interface; it's in the New document settings category of the Page Type interface called Default page template
If it's Page Type you meant, you can change the administration interface itself to only display fields when certain criteria are met. You could write a macro too, if the logic is quite complex. You can do this against a field itself or if you've got linked classes you can do it against the whole group. That way, you'd only need one Page Type to cover all eventualities.

Umbraco change page template dynamically

I am using Umbraco 7.5.8. I would like for a page to switch to another template if the browser being used is certain versions of internet explorer. I wasn't sure how to do this or if it could be done.
It seems that adding the altTemplate parameter to the URL, e.g:
works right out of the box (just make sure to add the new template to the document type's "Allowed Templates" in Umbraco). Combined with Mario's suggestion to use JavaScript, this should do it.

Joomla 3.3.1 category blog not showing on specific template

I'm working on Joomla 3.3.1 (on Mac, MAMP). When I choose to display a menu item as "category blog" it leads to a blank page. If I select a different template style (on the menu item details) the page does show correctly.
How can I use my default template to show the page correctly? Where can the problem be?
I'm using the template "ict_conches_free" as my default template.
Will just add this as a proper answer:
Try checking for the following directory templates/YOU_TEMPLATE/html/com_content/category. If it exists then it mean a Template Override has been made for that specific view which allows users to override the view of an extension without having to modify core files.
In your case, if it exists, then the override is faulty in some way, shape or form. So simply delete the category folder.

Joomla: How to assign custom layout to category?

I have a magazine using Joomla. I need to be able to have different layouts for different issues.
I copied the default template, modified it and it shows just fine in Template manager, but how do I actually assign it to a category so all articles added to that category would automatically use it?
UPDATE: Solution below seems to work... however now it seems to open it correctly only when I go through the blog view and when I use my link on the front page directly to an article it uses wrong layout?
If you are using Joomla 1.6 or 1.7, you should be able to assign a template to a menu item. So if you have a menu item pointing to the blog view of a category. Set the corresponding template to that menu item.
This is done in Extensions -> Template Manager -> Styles -> "Your Magazine Template"

Joomla Template Overrides

In joomla, I need to assign specially designed templates for both "User Edit" (Where user edits their details)
and "Search Results"
I can't for the life of me work out how Joomla is selecting templates now. Certainly ItemID's aren't obvious and template overrides aren't giving any clues.
Currently Search is defaulting to the site 'home page' template, and the user edit to the 'default' template.
I don't think it should matter but we are using jfusion.
Can anyone point me in the write direction
Templates in Joomla are assigned to different pages (via menu items) under Extensions > Template manager. The default template (with a star) is assigned to all otherwise unassigned pages. For the other templates, click the name and choose the pagesto assign it to.
If you don't have menu items assigned to the pages you mentioned, you can create a new menu called "hidden menu", make the menu items there, then link to those menus.
I think you're getting terminology mixed up though. "Template overrides" are files that reside in each template that override the default content output. There's only one set per template - if you want multiple template overrides you need multiple templates.
template over rides are stored in the templates folder.
so if you are using teh template called "beez" (comes stock standard)
the template overides are in :
they are then stored under the module or component name. eg the article layout for com_content is stored in:
the template is usualy called default.php, but each component and module can have a few extra templates that they use as well as deafult.php
Now you are asking to change the "user" view for com_user when editing
I think that location is:
if you ever want to find the origanal template which is to be overridden in this case: template that would be in:
so in general
Lets try ::
parameter template comes from /includes/application.php:311
// Allows for overriding the active
template from the request
$template = JRequest::getCmd('template',
Hope it will work :-)