Joomla: How to assign custom layout to category? - templates

I have a magazine using Joomla. I need to be able to have different layouts for different issues.
I copied the default template, modified it and it shows just fine in Template manager, but how do I actually assign it to a category so all articles added to that category would automatically use it?
UPDATE: Solution below seems to work... however now it seems to open it correctly only when I go through the blog view and when I use my link on the front page directly to an article it uses wrong layout?

If you are using Joomla 1.6 or 1.7, you should be able to assign a template to a menu item. So if you have a menu item pointing to the blog view of a category. Set the corresponding template to that menu item.
This is done in Extensions -> Template Manager -> Styles -> "Your Magazine Template"


Display custom template in ribbon in Sitecore

Just like Weblog Entry I want to display custom template so user can create content page directly from there.
You need to set Insert Options on the standard values of the template for the Blog item to have a new custom template in that box.
Navigate to the Standard Values for the Blog template and click on the Assign button in the top Ribbon to add new templates.
Here's a post describing how to set this up in Sitecore pre 8, but the functionality is still exactly the same

umbraco 7 page displays wrong template

I use Umbraco 7.2.1
I have a document type called News with allowed 2 different templates: News (default) & Projects
I create a page and choose Project template for it. And it displays News template instead.
I tried the following to see what's wrong and came to nothing:
I set up a new page and choose Projects template - the page displays News template instead.
I changed the default template for this doc type to Projects and set up new page with different title - the new page still displays News template instead of default Projects.
It is not logical. Tried to refresh the cache but the problem persists.
I ensured the template is correct and it displays as such in the CMS as well.
I have another doc type which uses different templates and have no problem with that. Only with News/ Projects templates.
Completely not logical..
You will need to check the structure on the doc type to check if both templates have been allowed to the News doc type. Typically when you create a new document type, only one template will be assigned. Alternatively, go to content, click on the properties tab and down the bottom you will see template. You should have dropdown enabling you to select which template you would like to use.

Joomla 3.3.1 category blog not showing on specific template

I'm working on Joomla 3.3.1 (on Mac, MAMP). When I choose to display a menu item as "category blog" it leads to a blank page. If I select a different template style (on the menu item details) the page does show correctly.
How can I use my default template to show the page correctly? Where can the problem be?
I'm using the template "ict_conches_free" as my default template.
Will just add this as a proper answer:
Try checking for the following directory templates/YOU_TEMPLATE/html/com_content/category. If it exists then it mean a Template Override has been made for that specific view which allows users to override the view of an extension without having to modify core files.
In your case, if it exists, then the override is faulty in some way, shape or form. So simply delete the category folder.

Joomla Category Home Pages

Is there any way in Joomla2.5 to create Home/Landing Pages (ie. "default") pages for each category.
For example, I would like the user to be able to go to and see a default home page for category1, and a different home page for category2 and so on. Is there any way to achieve this? Could I create an article under each category and set it's alias as index? or will I get an error about having duplicate aliases (even though they are under different categories)?
Any help is greatly appreciated. Please let me know if I need to provide further info.
An alias has to be unique within a category. So you should be fine using the same alias in different categories.
You should be able to achieve a structure like you described with menu items for each category. And of course SEF needs to be turned on with rewrite enabled.
The menu items don't need to be visible on the page, you can also create a "hidden" menu. Just don't show the accompagning menu module.
These menu items can be anything: a category list of the articles, an article itself, a featured list of articles in a category or whatever you like.

Joomla 2.5! How can i customize own template for category layout?

I am designing a template. With Beez_2 template, articles are able to display under blog layout, but with my own template, they are only able to able to display under list layout. How can i customize own template to display articles in a category under blog/list layout?.. Thank. I am using joomla 2.5!
Check your templates' /templates/some_template/html/com_content/category folder: there should be at least two files, "default.php" and "blog.php", if you only have default, the blog view may not be available.
For testing, just rename "category" to something else and you should see the default blog available again.