Keep original wsdl in jax-ws - web-services

How can I expose a webservice keeping the original wsdl file?
I have a wsdl file and I generated the stub classes from that file, then I implemented the service, but when I deploy in my Weblogic server, the generated wsdl file is not the same as original wsdl file.
For example, the generated wsdl has different Binding name, Port name, xsd url changed, etc, and I need keep the original wsdl due to client request.
Is possible provide the original wsdl to jax-ws? I tried using the wsdllocation property from WebService annotation too, but it doesn't works.


Different WSDL after creating the web service from a WSDL

I have a wsdl and can create the server from it in various ways. But I need the wsdl generated by the web service is just like the original wsdl.
I have the .wsdl file and generate the .asmx file (for example using the wsdl.exe)
When caught the URL localhost/MyWS.asmx?wsdl the wsdl generated is not equal to the source.
It is possible that the wsdl is equal after the generated webservice?

SOAP web service without WSDL at the end of URL

I have a web service deployed on Jetty. I use the SOAP UI to call it via link like http://ip:port/DefaultRequestListener?workflow=WsdlCPF&soapAction=Import and it works.
I have always worked with service which had ?wsdl at the end of url, but now I confused.
Why there is no ?wsdl at the end of url?
A Web Service endpoint usually has an url that looks like this:
It does not have a wsdl parameter. This is the url of the web service itself, the one that will be called by the clients.
Most web service frameworks have a convenient feature in which they map the url of the endpoint with a wsdl url parameter to a webpage that shows the content of the WSDL for that web service. So this url:
Is like telling the server: "Show me the wsdl file for this web service endpoint". The content that you see in that webpage is not a wsdl file stored in disk, it is just the content of the wsdl generated by the framework.
This feature is very useful because if we want to create a client for that web service we don't need to go ask for the wsdl file, we can just go and fetch it from that url.
In SoapUI
All this means that in SoapUI you would create a new project and tell him that the wsdl file can be found here: http://server:port/services/myservice?wsdl. If you tell him that the wsdl file is: http://server:port/services/myservice it will throw an error as that is not a wsdl file.
Alternatively you could enter the location of the wsdl file that you have in disk instead of the url and it should create the same ws client.
Then SoapUI will read the wsdl and he will see that the endpoint for the web service is http://server:port/services/myserviceso this is where he will send the requests.
Your web service
In your case, since you are already passing url parameters to the endpoint, you can consider that your webservice will be called at this url:
And if you want to see the wsdl for that web service, you just add a wsdl parameter to the url. Note that just as any other url query the symbol ? just denotes that the url ends there and next characters are url parameters which are separated by &. In your case you have 3 parameters (workflow, soapAction and now wsdl):
now it returns a text like Company type: blah blah... Region: blah blah...
This is the wsdl content, which of course includes the xml types used in the web service, all normal.
Maybe it looks strange to you because in the wsdl file you have in disk it does not show all these types and instead it imports the xsd files that contain those definitions. The wsdl you see in your browser will never have imports like that, and will always show all the types embedded in the wsdl file.
Scroll down past all those types definitions and you will see the rest of the wsdl.
I hope it helped to make clear that the url with ?wsdl at the end is not the web service and it's just the wsdl content.

Which is better to generate the WS client from the WSDL URL or from the WSDL file?

I am using a wsdl file sent to me via email to generate a WS client application but I wonder if it is better to have the WSDL hosted on a server and to use an URL to request it.
Actually, I requested the URL but apparently this WSDL don't have one and I can ask to create an Url for the wsdl if it is really necessary.
Can you tell me please what are the benefits of using the WSDL Url to create a WS client ?
There is not difference for you how to generate WS client. In both cases this is just WSDL document, no matter where it located is.
I see only one benefit direct accessible WSDL against WSDL file - WSDL will be always actual and and all web service changes will be reflected to WSDL document.
If you using axis 2, you can try call your webservice with ?wsdl suffix to get WSDL document
if this your webservice url
This is wsdl location

Technically,to create soap message, WSDL file is a must?

I'm using the SoapUI to generate the soap request. It hints me to input the wsdl file. I do it, and it create the soap-style message. Everything is OK.
But I have a doubt. If I have webservice without any WSDL file, can I still generate the soap-style message by hand? If it can, how to?
Or if I know the webservice need to input two int paramaters and return one string value, can I speculate the soap message only by these limited information?
If you are just doing -requests- then you don't need to have the WSDL file if you know the specific service you're asking and the parameters as you say. You can even do it by hand by creating the request and then sending it over HTTP (for example you could create it with your editor in a file and then send it via wget or curl).
As for an example I'll cite wikipedia:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<m:GetStockPrice xmlns:m="">
What you need to change is the parts in the soap:Body: of course the GetStockPrice (which is the service you're accessing) and StockName which is the parameter (in your case you may have more than one).
If in doubt you can put something to listen on a socket (for example netcat) and make your application with WSDL do a query to it and see the exact informations, then remove WSDL and work "by hand".
In Java: If you have webservice (annotated class etc.), the your server create one WSDL file when you deployed it. This WSDL you can use for soapUi.
If you have any structure (endpoint, class, XSD etc.), you can create soap message by hand.
If you weren't use WSDL for soap message, it wouldn't call/send this message. So the wsdl document is a required element according to the protocol. WSDL describes of how the service can be called, what parameters it expects, and what data structures it returns.
From Wikipedia:
WSDL is often used in combination with SOAP and an XML Schema to
provide Web services over the Internet. A client program connecting to
a Web service can read the WSDL file to determine what operations are
available on the server. Any special datatypes used are embedded in
the WSDL file in the form of XML Schema. The client can then use SOAP
to actually call one of the operations listed in the WSDL file using
for example XML over HTTP.
Here is in example for invoking web service dynamically. In this case the author doesn't know the description of the WSDL.
The purpose of the WSDL is to describe the service.
This machine-readable description allows computer programs to create clients that know how to call the service and process the responses.

Will JAX WS Web Service generation always create XSD file

I am using RAD 7.5 to generate WSDL from java service class using JAX-WS. My Server is WAS 7.0. I am not able to see any option in RAD to exclude the XSD generation and include the request & response type object details in WSDL itself.
Is this possible to create a WSDL file which will also hold the request & response object detail using JAX-WS? I dont want to have XSD file.
I am new to Web Service, please let me know if I am thinking something rubbish :)