Undefined reference to gfortran_runtime_error - fortran

I would like to run a model is written Fortran90 under Ubuntu 14.04. I use gfortran 95 compiler (gfortran 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu6). The required netCDF libraries (netCDF C and Fortran netCDF) are installed as suggested in: http://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/docs/. The netcdf is built as shared library so libnetcdf.so and libnetcff.so files there are in the library directory. The libgfortran3 4.8.2-19ubuntu1 is installed for GNU fortran application linked against the shared library.
The LDFLAGS is set in the compiler_options.inc file by the following way:
LNCDF=-L$(NCPATH)/lib -lnetcdff -lnetcdf
When I compile the model I get the following messages:
/home/Beata/kid_a_setup/src/test_cases_2d.f90:1446: undefined reference to `_gfortran_runtime_error_at
Could someone explain me what causes the error and how I can fix it?

undefined reference to _gfortran_runtime_error_at means that the libgfortran library has not been found.
Either your system is misconfigured (can you compile, link and run a "Hello, world" program using gfortran?), or you are using the gcc command for linking instead of gfortran for linking. gcc does not know about the libgfortran library, where _gfortran_runtime_error_at is defined.


How to link to -llapack when compiling fortran using gfortran

I am trying to compile a simple program, example.f90
program example
use dsyevd
implicit none
end program example
I am compiling using the command
gfortran -llapack example.f90
However this compilation returns the message
Fatal Error: Cannot open module file 'dsyevd.mod' for reading at (1): No such file or directory
dsyevd is a function in lapack. I have installed intel-mkl onto my computer which contains lapack95. Any advice on how to link my compile to these libraries would be hugely appreciated.
Thank you!
Lapack does not contain any module called dsyevd, so you cannot use it. It is a subroutine so it should be called.
Using -llapack is OK for the default Lapack pre-installed in your Linux distribution. For MKL you must use the appropriate options from the Link Advisor.

What is the meaing of "(.text+0x26c4)" means in fortran linking error message?

I am using gfortran compiler and ld linker in LINUX ubuntu 16.04.
When I am compiling some program written in Fortran 77, I have the following error message:
libdist.a(setup.F.o): In function `setup_':
setup.F:(.text+0x26c4): undefined reference to `mpi_send_'
setup.F:(.text+0x2b3c): undefined reference to `mpi_recv_'
setup.F:(.text+0x7984): undefined reference to `mpi_send_'
setup.F:(.text+0xb107): undefined reference to `mpi_recv_'
I guess it is about the position of error. However, it is difficult to me the find where is the error.
Can I have a better presentation of the position of error? Such as the c/cxx error: "setup.F:15:12: "
It is an address. And is is NOT a Fortran error. It is a linker error. You can get the very same error from a C or C++ code or any other compiled code linked by the same linker.
Generate debugging symbols (compiler option -g or -ggdb or similar - consult Debugging options in the GCC Fortran manual) to get something more meaningful. But if you do that you will realize that it only points you to some location where you do:
call mpi_send(...)
in some subroutine or function called setup().
So, it is not terribly useful in this case. The important thing is that you should link the appropriate MPI library. Normally that is done by calling mpif90 or mpifort or a similar wrapper which is called instead of gfortran. Consult the documentation of your MPI library implementation.

Error of linking a static lib embedded with Lua on Linux

after using -ldl and link liblua.a in Project 2(console) the compile is okay, but when it runs it crashed with error Segment fault (core dumped) as soon as it runs a Lua function.
Problem Background:
OS: Linux Ubuntu
IDE: CodeBlock
Launguage: C++
2 project:
Project 1: static lib using Lua;
Project 2: console application, using the lib generated by Project 1
Problem description
Project 1 (static lib) is built successfully.
The problem is that when building project 2, it says that those Lua functions in the lib from project 1 are undefined, here is part of the error messages:
g++ -o bin/Release/BattleConsoleCB obj/Release/main.o -s
In function `boolDataLoader::GetNumber<double>(char const*, double&) [clone .isra.5]':
DataLoader.cpp:(.text+0x13): undefined reference to `lua_settop'
DataLoader.cpp:(.text+0x1e): undefined reference to `lua_getglobal'
DataLoader.cpp:(.text+0x2b): undefined reference to `lua_isnumber'
DataLoader.cpp:(.text+0x3e): undefined reference to `lua_tonumberx'
DataLoader.cpp:(.text+0x51): undefined reference to `lua_settop'
Note that "DataLoader.cpp" is from project 1, which should have been built in the static lib "libBattleCore.a" which should have been embedded with Lua.
How to solve the problem? Thanks for your help.
Additional information:
Project 2 should include: "libBattleCore.h", "main.cpp", libBattleCore.a
Project 1 : CodeBlockbuilding options have included "Lua/install/include" in Compile search directory and "Lua/install/lib" in Link search directory
The same code is successfully built and run on Win with VS2012
If anything else is needed, please inform, I will add it.
I am a green hand on linux and g++. :-(
Thank you
I can't comment without 50 rep. There is no support for anonymous replies. So posting here is all I can do.
It's been a few years, but with g++, I thought it was .o files that you listed on the command line and with libraries you used -L to specify the directory to search and then -lname to include the library. (Where name lacked the leading lib and trailing .a.) E.g. -L../BattleConsole -lBattleCore
Oh, and the ordering of -lfoo -lbar vs -lbar -lfoo is critical, determining which library can use code from the other.
It's not clear that a static library will necessary include code from other libraries. You may need to link (in the right order) against the libraries from project1.
Try "nm". As in nm --demangle libBattleCore.a | grep ... This will let you see what precisely is included in each library. man nm or http://linux.die.net/man/1/nm can help you figure out what the letters stand for. For example, U is Undefined (used by not provided). T is defined in the text (code) segment. W and V are weakly-defined. Etc.

Unable to compile program with twitcurl

I want to compile a C++ program with a twitter library, on Linux.
I'm current using twitcurl as the twitter API library and installed g++ and all the necessary files and packages that are listed on the official website: http://code.google.com/p/twitcurl/wiki/WikiHowToUseTwitcurlLibrary
However, when I compile my program using this command g++ twitterClient.cpp -ltwitcurl, I get this error: cannot find -ltwitcurl
I also used CodeBlocks IDE to compile it but got this error: undefined reference to twitCurl::~twitCurl()
My code only contains a few lines:
#include <iostream>
#include "Twitter/Twitter.hpp"
using namespace std ;
int main ()
Twitter t ;
return 0 ;
I've already spent a lot of time on this but am unable to solve the problem. What should I do in order to compile the program on the command-line and CodeBlocks?
$ g++ twitterClient.cpp -ltwitcurl
cannot find -ltwitcurl
This means your compiler doesn't find the libtwitcurl.so.1. in its library directories.
First, make sure you correctly build the twitcurl library and obtained the libtwitcurl.so.1. file with something like this :
svn co http://twitcurl.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/libtwitcurl
cd libtwitcurl/
Secondly, make sure you put the file (or a symlink) in one of your compiler's library path :
cp libtwitcurl.so.1.0 /usr/lib/
You can check g++ library paths using the following command :
g++ --print-search-dirs | grep libraries
(/usr/lib/ is usually at the end.)
If you don't want/can't put the file in your compiler's library path, you can also tell it where to find libtwitcurl.so.1. by adding -L/path/to/twitcurl/ in the g++ options, but it is not needed if the file is already in one of the compiler's library path.
You need to specify path to twitter lib:
g++ twitterClient.cpp -L/path/to/lib/dir -ltwitcurl

GMP Library, compile error in C++, MinGW, Code::Blocks

I have built GMP for MinGW. The IDE I'm using is Code::Blocks. I don't have any problems with C functions of GMP. But I'm having problem with C++. The program I tried to run is as simple as this,
using namespace std;
mpz_class a;
return 0;
And the Errors I get are
F:\Compilers\C_Libraries\GMP\lib\libgmpxx.a(osmpz.o):osmpz.cc|| undefined reference to `__gmpz_get_str'|
F:\Compilers\C_Libraries\GMP\lib\libgmpxx.a(osfuns.o):osfuns.cc:(.rdata+0x1c)||undefined reference to `__gmp_asprintf_memory'|
F:\Compilers\C_Libraries\GMP\lib\libgmpxx.a(osfuns.o):osfuns.cc:(.rdata+0x20)||undefined reference to `__gmp_asprintf_reps'|
F:\Compilers\C_Libraries\GMP\lib\libgmpxx.a(osdoprnti.o):osdoprnti.cc|| undefined reference to `__gmp_doprnt_integer'|
F:\Compilers\C_Libraries\GMP\lib\libgmpxx.a(osdoprnti.o):osdoprnti.cc|| undefined reference to `__gmp_asprintf_final'|
||=== Build finished: 5 errors, 0 warnings ===|
Now, some additional data:
I don't have any problem with C functions. And also, if I remove cout<< statement the file compiles and runs fine. The problem is probably with overloaded operators.
libgmpxx.a and libgmp.a are linked with compiler. It can be seen in the error messages too...
The problem is probably with the libgmpxx.a alone. So, I built the Library again, but the files are same.
I used this tutorial build GMP with MSYS for MinGW. http://www.cs.nyu.edu/exact/core/gmp/ and http://suchideas.com/journal/2007/07/installing-gmp-on-windows/
The version of GMP I'm using is 5.0.4.
So, what I want to know is, what could be the problem? And how could it be solved?
And, if unsolvable and if you have the working files for 5.0.4 version, please share it. :(
I suspect the command to build your program specifies the libgmp* libraries in the wrong order. Make sure the libgmp.a library is specified after the libgmpxx.a library:
-lgmpxx -lgmp
If they are specified in the other order, then when pulling in dependencies from libgmpxx.a library, the libgmp.a library won't be searched.
From the ld linker's docs on the -l option:
The linker will search an archive only once, at the location where it
is specified on the command line. If the archive defines a symbol
which was undefined in some object which appeared before the archive
on the command line, the linker will include the appropriate file(s)
from the archive. However, an undefined symbol in an object appearing
later on the command line will not cause the linker to search the
archive again.
See the -( option for a way to force the linker to search archives
multiple times.
You may list the same archive multiple times on the command line.