Unable to compile program with twitcurl - c++

I want to compile a C++ program with a twitter library, on Linux.
I'm current using twitcurl as the twitter API library and installed g++ and all the necessary files and packages that are listed on the official website: http://code.google.com/p/twitcurl/wiki/WikiHowToUseTwitcurlLibrary
However, when I compile my program using this command g++ twitterClient.cpp -ltwitcurl, I get this error: cannot find -ltwitcurl
I also used CodeBlocks IDE to compile it but got this error: undefined reference to twitCurl::~twitCurl()
My code only contains a few lines:
#include <iostream>
#include "Twitter/Twitter.hpp"
using namespace std ;
int main ()
Twitter t ;
return 0 ;
I've already spent a lot of time on this but am unable to solve the problem. What should I do in order to compile the program on the command-line and CodeBlocks?

$ g++ twitterClient.cpp -ltwitcurl
cannot find -ltwitcurl
This means your compiler doesn't find the libtwitcurl.so.1. in its library directories.
First, make sure you correctly build the twitcurl library and obtained the libtwitcurl.so.1. file with something like this :
svn co http://twitcurl.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/libtwitcurl
cd libtwitcurl/
Secondly, make sure you put the file (or a symlink) in one of your compiler's library path :
cp libtwitcurl.so.1.0 /usr/lib/
You can check g++ library paths using the following command :
g++ --print-search-dirs | grep libraries
(/usr/lib/ is usually at the end.)
If you don't want/can't put the file in your compiler's library path, you can also tell it where to find libtwitcurl.so.1. by adding -L/path/to/twitcurl/ in the g++ options, but it is not needed if the file is already in one of the compiler's library path.

You need to specify path to twitter lib:
g++ twitterClient.cpp -L/path/to/lib/dir -ltwitcurl


Problems with including custom c++ library in Visual Studio Code

I was trying to include the GMP library, which was simply the code below(I did nothing else):
#include <gmpxx.h>
However, when I tried to compile the code, the following error from g++ compiler occured:
myCode.cpp:3:10: fatal error: gmpxx.h: No such file or directory
#include <gmpxx.h>
I have tried everything I searched online, putting the GMP lib here and there, adding INFINITE includepaths in c_cpp_properties.json, still, it keeps showing the message, although, I can find the file through "Go to Definition" option.
Is there any known solution to this?
It's not enough to configure VS Code includes, you need to pass those options to the compiler as well.
You don't mention your platform at all, so I'm going to use an example from my personal machine, a Macbook Pro with the fmt library.
When compiling with the fmt library, I have to provide three more options to the compiler.
-I/usr/local/include // Tells the compiler where to look for extra includes
-L/usr/local/lib // Tells the compiler where to look for extra libraries
-lfmt // fmt-specific command to use fmt library
So the full command ends up looking like this:
g++ -Wall -std=c++17 -I/user/local/include -L/usr/local/lib -lfmt main.cpp
I need all three options because fmt is installed in a non-standard location that the compiler doesn't check by default. According to the documentation, you can get away with just -lgmp and -lgmpxx if you installed the library in a standard location (happens by default with *nix and a package manager, I imagine).
If you use build tasks in VS Code, this can be set up and automated for you.

'main.cpp:1: No include path in which to find iostream'

I just tried to compile simple Hello World in C++ using MinGW compiler in my Windows 10 command line. I used the command gcc main.cpp, and as I hit enter, I got this error: 'main.cpp:1: No include path in which to find iostream'.
What is the error and how do I fix it?
Use g++ main.cpp
The command gcc is setup for c compilation. It does not link the c++ standard library.
g++ does link c++ standard library.

how to integrate matlab compiled code into c++ in Debian system

I have been trying to use Matlab compiler SDK to packaging my Matlab program as C++ shared library in Debian system. I have got the folder including test.c, test.h, test.so (test is my Matlab program name), and I have installed the Matlab_runtime in the Debian system. I have set the variables LD_LIBRARY_PATH_ and _ XAPPLRESDIR_ as required in the readme.txt _ *( _ replace MCR_ROOT by the directory where the MATLAB Runtime is installed on the target machine.
(1) Set the environment variable XAPPLRESDIR to this value:
(2) If the environment variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH is undefined, set it to the concatenation of the following strings:
I edit my main.cpp include test.h. when I try to compile the main.cpp use _ gcc main.cpp -o main_, I got the error as follows:
In file included from main.cpp:2:0:
test.h:15:22: fetal error: mclmcrrt.h: No such file or directory
#include "mclmcrrt.h"
I know that mclmcrrt.h is in the package of Matlab_runtime, it means I failed to link to the library of Matlab_runtime. Anybody knows what should I do to make my main.cpp compile successfully? I tried two days to work on how to connect to the Matlab_runtime library, but still failed. I am a beginner to linux. Great thanks if anyone can help.
This is a compilation problem, not linkage. Your compiler does not know where mclmcrrt.h is. Please help it find it by telling it where it is:
gcc -I<the_folder_where_mclmcrrt.h_lives_in> ...

Errors while trying to compile with external libraries

I have downloaded the mimetic library installation files,
and followed the INSTALL instructions.
a script that creates the make file after checking a series of things.
compiles the cpp files, after this different .o and .lo files appear in the original folder.
make install
seems to do a lot but the only thing that I seem to notice is that a mimetic directory
appears under /usr/local/include with all the header files.
than I try to compile the most simple main file possible:
(as offered in the library site : original example )
#include <mimetic/mimetic.h>
using namespace mimetic;
int main()
MimeEntity me;
return 0;
I am compiling with following command ( on CentOS 5.7, gcc version : 4.1.2 ):
g++ mimetic.cpp
The error I get:
/tmp/ccWnsteO.o: In function `main':
mimetic.cpp:(.text+0x80): undefined reference to `mimetic::MimeEntity::MimeEntity()'
mimetic.cpp:(.text+0x91): undefined reference to `mimetic::MimeEntity::~MimeEntity()'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
From this I understand that the header files are found but the source/library itself
is missing.
the MimeEntity constructor declaration appears in : /usr/local/include/mimetic/mimeentity.h
when I do a search for mimeentity I get the following :
I've tried with a search path to the libraries but the same error appears
g++ mimetic.cpp -L/home/mimetic-0.9.7/mimetic/
Something else strange is happening, when I try to compile the main mimetic.cpp file
with the line
MimeEntity me;
changed to
MimeEntity me();
it compiles.
You are getting a linker error simply because you are not referencing the library when compiling the test source file. It needs to be something like:
g++ mimetic.cpp -l<libraryname>
The reason it compiles when you add the braces is that you are really declaring a function called 'me' that returns a MimeEntry. While it compiles, it does not do what you want.
The command you are using to build your mimetic example seems incomplete. You are specifying library search patch (-L) but not the library itself.
Make sure that -L option specified the location of the mimetic library
Add -l'the-name-of-the-mimetic-library'. My guess would be -lmimetic
Add -I (that is capital i) option for the location of the headers.

Linking with .so files (webkit)

I'm trying to create a program that uses some of the code from WebKit/GTK+. Specifically, I want to load a string, use WebKit's parser to construct a DOM tree and then iterate over that tree.
I'm trying to use a class called HTMLDocument. WebKit/GTK+ doesn't expose this as part of its API and I'm running into some trouble linking against it.
I'm able to build WebKit/GTK+ normally, which gives me a file called: libwebkit-1.0.so. My program is:
#include <iostream>
#include <WebCore/config.h>
#include <WebCore/html/HTMLDocument.h>
using namespace WebCore;
int main() {
String title = "test";
RefPtr<HTMLDocument> d = HTMLDocument::create(0);
d->write("<!doctype html><html><head><title>" + title + "</title></head><body></body></html>");
This compiles fine (I'm using the same include directives used by webkit to build), but results in linking errors.
...test_doc.cpp:18: undefined reference to `WebCore::String::String(char const*)'
...test_doc.cpp:21: undefined reference to WebCore::Document::open(WebCore::Document*)'
...(similar for every function I use)
If I run:
nm -C .libs/libwebkit-1.0.so | grep 'WebCore::Document::open'
I see:
003b1830 T WebCore::Document::open(WebCore::Document*)
which seems to indicate that the function is available. I have a reasonable amount of C++ experience, but not much experience with linking files under Linux.
I'm not expecting this exact problem to be solved, but I'm hoping someone can correct me if I have conceptual problems. My main question is why I see "undefined reference" errors when I'm linking with an .so file that lists that function as being defined. Is another file or build step needed?
Thank you very much.
Ubuntu 9.10
g++ 4.4.1
g++ is invoked with:
g++ --debug -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. `pkg-config --cflags libsoup-2.4` \
-DNDEBUG -I./WebCore -I./WebCore/accessibility -I./WebCore/bindings/js \
-I./WebCore/bridge -I./WebCore/bridge/c -I./WebCore/css -I./WebCore/dom \
...many more webkit include directories...
-DDATA_DIR=\"/usr/local/share\" \
test_doc.cpp -o test_doc.out \
(I get the same result with -L/path/to/lib -lwebkit-1.0)
I think you might be running into an ordering problem: man g++ specifies that the order of the -l option is significant, and from memory the linker will only look for symbols in objects which have preceeded the current file on the command line.
I suspect what is happening is that the linker is trying to link test_doc before it's seen libwebkit-1.0.so, so it hasn't seen any of those symbols yet and bails.
You should use the -L/path/to/web and -lwebkit-1.0.
Also, I would compile your .cpp file in to a .o and then build your executable separately to make sure things are isolated.
Anyway, you may need to set your $LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to include the path where that .so is stored. If you link to a shared library, you will need that library at run-time. Therefore, you do not want to have your webkit SO stored in its build directory (build/.libs). You want to install it. If you are not root, then you should ./configure with a --prefix=/some/path to install it to some local directory. Alternatively, you can link against the static library. One way to do this is to use the -bstatic (or similar) flag before your -lwebkit-1.0.
This is a good resource for Linux library creation and use.
I think you're issue is that the symbols you need are not exported. You can do objdump --dynamic-syms libwebkit-1.0.so to see which symbols are available. In the WebKit GTK build files there is use of the -fvisibility=hidden flag to restrict the symbols. Check your generated GNUMakefile and you'll see SYMBOL_VISIBILITY = -fvisibility=hidden. You should be able to modify the build files to get what you need.