Integration of Google Calendar with amazon EC2 - amazon-web-services

I am using Google calendar and based on calendar booking i want to start AWS EC2 instances.
Is there a way to achieve this interaction?

A very good use case actually; it is really cool.
This is one of the ways you can plan the design and architecture. You would be making use of the Google Calender API endpoint using REST or SDK to continuously (asynchronously) poll the events and activities; depending on how you specify the EC2 instance to be started or stopped. You can obtain the information from Calendar data. Based on this you can start or stop the instance via. the AWS SDK.
There AWS SDKs are available for almost all the popular programming languages - .net, java, php, ruby, python and also Google Go. If not you can always fall back with the REST API calls and the same.
I recommend you to take a look at Skeedly to get some ideas. -


Is there any equivalent feature to BPMN UserTask available in AWS Step functions?

We have our old 'Camunda based Spring boot application' which we currently deployed it into kubernetes which is running in an AWS EC2 Instance. This application acts as a backend for an angular based UI application.
Now we need to develop a new application similar to the above, which needs to interact with UI.
Our process flow will contain some UserTasks (BPMN) which will wait until manual interaction performed by human user via angular UI.
We are evaluating the possibility of using AWS stepfunctions instead of Camunda, if possible.
I googled but unable to find a concrete answer.
Is AWS stepfunctions have any feature similar to BPMN/Camunda's UserTask ?
Short answer: No.
Long answer:
After a whole day of study, I decided to continue with CamundaBPM because of below reasons.
AWS step-functions don't have an equivalent feature of UserTask in BPMN.
Step functions supports minimal human intervention via sending emails/messages by using AWS SQS(simple queue service) and AWS SNS(simple notification service).
Refer this link for full example. This manual interaction also based on 'task token'. So this interaction is limited to basic conversational style.
Step-function is NOT coming with in-built database & data management support, the developer has to take care of designing database schema, creating tables, their relationship etc.
On the other hand, Camunda is taking care of creating tables, their relationship, saving & fetching data.
No GUI modeler is available in step-functions, instead you need to draw workflow in a JSON-like language. This will be very difficult if your workflow becomes complex.
Drawing workflow in Camunda is just drag-and-drop using it's modeler.

How create a combined response from multiple microservices (cloud run containers) in a single api endpoint using Google Cloud Endpoints (gateway)?

I am familiar with firebase platform, but I am relatively a new user of the google cloud platform as whole.
I am working on a project built using a microservices structure, and I do have so many question for which I cannot find an answer or better I cannot find any example.
Unfortunately all the example that I am able to find are way to simple to be able to extrapolate a viable answer for my issues.
I adopted the new cloud run offer, and I decided to play with the full managed version (not kubernetes). I built few microservices (each service is built using express for node or flask for python - depending on what the services does). Each microservices expose it's own endpoint and has it's own api to call the methods - and I use a service account to allow the application to perform the internal calls.
I now want to expose the application to the external (specifically to my client built using vuejs technology), and I was trying to leverage another google product to create and expose an api: the google endpoints.
My question (specifically referred to the cloud run structure) is related to how is possible and what I need to do to create an api endpoints to communicate with the client app, that internally calls multiple services and combine their response in one.
Just to be clear, let's make an example:
Cloud run service 1 -> crud user api
Cloud run service 2 -> crud product api
Cloud endpoint external visible api -> get user from service 1, and after get products from service 2 and return the combined response all green products for user Jane Doe.
How I can aggregate the response directly in the endpoint gateway, check for failure and if everything goes smooth send the aggregate response to the client?
I need to build the aggregate endpoint in something else, like a cloud function for example? or I can do it directly in the google endpoints gateway?
Note that for cloud run the google endpoints is another cloud run container.
Thanks guys for some help, running pretty much out of option here.
As per my understanding, API Gateway should just work as a proxy, presenting all micro services as a single endpoint. To this scenarios I think you can have following 2 approaches :
1: Implement a new micro service (or on any of the existing one) which will do invocations and aggregation of responses.
2: Client(like UI) can invoke the services and do the aggregation on their side as well.
I feel, it is not a good idea to do it at api-gateway.
In my opinion, from an architectural point of view, the best option for you is to create a new microservice which will take the responses from the other two and then, it will aggregate them.
I understand that you want to aggregate the responses in a api-geteway and you are not able to find code examples for it. Here I was able to find a guide on what are you wanting to implement. The full code implementation can be found in this repository.
Keep in mind though, this idea of implementation is not a best practice.
This is ok, only if those two services that are going to be combined are independent. Meaning there is no functional/business relation between them and the concurrency or inconsistency problem will not occur in the process of aggregating.

Can i open a website through an Amazon Web Service?

Is it possible to open a website,like for example, on an amazon web service?
My objective is to automate a certain task in a game and to do so without having to be online on my computer. The point is to spend less time on that game, but to not be left behind on the progress. (I'm building a bot to automate the daily tasks there, just need to know if i can now leave everything running on amazon)
Another project i want to do is to automate access to my email account and perform certain tasks depending on the emails i receive.
You get the point, i tried searching on google but i only find results about creating or hosting your own website in there and not about accessing existing websites and using automation in them.
It sounds like what you want is a virtual private server - basically a computer in the cloud that you control and is always on.
AWS have a service called LightSail for this kind of purpose. Under the hood lightsail just uses EC2, but lightsail takes away a lot of the options and configuration to provide a simpler 'click and go' kind of service.
Once you have a server you can schedule regular tasks. Depending on the complexity of your needs, you could look at using Cron as a scheduler and curl for you http requests.
For the specifics of any project you have I would suggest opening a new question with details of what you are trying to do, the reading you have done, and examples of any code you have tried.

how to integrate AWS services for language without sdk

AWS provides SDK only for some languages. How could I integrate AWS services in an application for which an official SDK is not provided. Eg C of Scala or Rust? I know that for Scala, some aws sdk projects are available but as they are individual contributions (and not aws releases), I am reluctant to use them.
All the SDKs do is wrap some minimal interface around the API calls made to the AWS servers. For any service you wish to integrate into your application, just head over to their API documentation, and write your own codes/wrappers.
For eg. this link takes you to the API reference for EC2 service.
In the early days of AWS, we needed an SDK for C++. At that time an SDK for C++ did not exist, so I wrote one based upon the REST API. This is no easy task as the Amazon API is huge and by the time you complete coding for one service, you have to go back and update with all of the AWS feature improvements and changes. This seems like a never ending loop.
Several of the AWS SDKs were started by third party developers and then contributed to Amazon as open source projects. If you have a popular language that you feel that others could benefit from, start an open source project and get everyone involved. It could become an official project if there is enough demand. Ping me if you do as I might be interested in contributing.

Amazon Mechanical Turk task retrieval API

I'm writing an app wherein the premise is that people who can't directly fund a charity out of their pocket could automatically work on Amazon AWS HITs in order to bring clean water to the 3rd world - I'd known there was an Amazon AWS API but is very unclear on how to retrieve a HIT to be worked on, rather than just consume some data about some tasks I'm trying to complete.
Is there any way to retrieve a HIT to be worked on through the AWS API or otherwise?
Thanks ahead of time.
As far as I know, the only way to work on a HIT is through the mTurk website. i.e. - not via API.
There is a site that is trying to do something very similar to what you have described.