how to integrate AWS services for language without sdk - amazon-web-services

AWS provides SDK only for some languages. How could I integrate AWS services in an application for which an official SDK is not provided. Eg C of Scala or Rust? I know that for Scala, some aws sdk projects are available but as they are individual contributions (and not aws releases), I am reluctant to use them.

All the SDKs do is wrap some minimal interface around the API calls made to the AWS servers. For any service you wish to integrate into your application, just head over to their API documentation, and write your own codes/wrappers.
For eg. this link takes you to the API reference for EC2 service.

In the early days of AWS, we needed an SDK for C++. At that time an SDK for C++ did not exist, so I wrote one based upon the REST API. This is no easy task as the Amazon API is huge and by the time you complete coding for one service, you have to go back and update with all of the AWS feature improvements and changes. This seems like a never ending loop.
Several of the AWS SDKs were started by third party developers and then contributed to Amazon as open source projects. If you have a popular language that you feel that others could benefit from, start an open source project and get everyone involved. It could become an official project if there is enough demand. Ping me if you do as I might be interested in contributing.


How does AWS inform API users of changes?

I'm working on a project centered around API Change Management. I'm curious as to how AWS informs developers of changes to its APIs. Is it through the document history ( Or do they send out emails to developers?
Regarding emails, are emails sent to all developers using the API (ex. API Gateway) or just developers using a particular endpoint and will be affected by the change? What is the frequency of notifications - breaking changes, minor changes, etc.
Thanks so much for your help!
For non-breaking changes, you can learn about them on the Developer Guide as you pointed out. Some of these changes are also announced on their What's New page (RSS feed). You can also follow the SDK releases which are updated often (e.g. by using the RSS feed for aws-sdk-go releases). I believe that most of the SDKs are using code generation to generate a lot of the API functionality. They push updates to these files in the SDK git repositories (ruby example, go example), but it is not clear if there is another place to find these files. It doesn't seem like they want us to consume these directly (see this developer forum thread from 2015). There's also, which appears to be built by AWS themselves.
AWS very rarely makes breaking changes to their API. Even SimpleDB, which is a very old AWS product, still works.
Having said that, they do make breaking changes from time to time, but they try to announce them well ahead of time. The biggest breaking change that they are trying to complete is probably their attempt to deprecate S3 path-style access. This was first quietly announced in their AWS Developer Forums, which caused a lot panic especially since the timeline was incredibly short. Based on the panic, AWS quickly backtracked and revised the plan, more publicly this time.
They have done some other S3 breaking changes in other ways. For example, S3 buckets must now have DNS-compliant names. This was only recently (March 1, 2018) enforced on new buckets in us-east-1, but for most other regions this was enforced from the start when the regions were made available. Old S3 buckets in us-east-1 may still have names that are not DNS-compliant.
Lambda is removing old runtimes once the version of the programming language stops being maintained (such as Python 2.7). This should be a known expectation for anyone who starts using the service, and there is always a new version that you can migrate to. AWS sends you email reminders if you still have Lambda functions that is using the old runtime, when the deadline nears.
Here is a GitHub repository where people try to track breaking changes: You can see that the list is not that long.

Can we deploy QlikSense on serverless architecture?

Can we deploy QlikSense/QlikView on serverless architecture?
Currently using Monolithic architecture, any other way to move on to serverless?
While I am not familiar with Qlik's products, it is unlikely they would be suitable for serverless architecture.
Companies generally offer the products either as:
Downloadable products that you run on your own server (which could be a virtual server in the cloud), or
Software-as-a-Service, where you access their website directly and no server is required (eg Salesforce)
"Serverless architecture" is a design decision that can be made when designing a software product. It means the the application is broken-down into small components ('microservices') that can be run on services like AWS Lambda, with no actual server.
However, such architecture would normally only be used for your own applications that you create. If another company has designed their system to be 'serverless', then they would normally run it on a cloud system (eg AWS) and offer it to users as Software-as-a-Service. It would be highly unusual to have a 'download' product that runs on a serverless architecture.
I notice that Qlik has product offerings that run on AWS (AWS Marketplace: Qlik), which runs on an Amazon EC2 instance, rather than serverless.
If you look into the Qlik Core product then yes Qlik can be deployed on an elastic containerised enviroment. But then as I understand it you don't get the standard objects and visualisations, user management etc. So you have to code your own stuff that ties into the Qlik Data Analytics Engine via apis.
So, how do you get it? Licensing info here but let’s talk components
Linux-based Associative Engine – provided as a Docker image with built-in support for Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform
Supporting APIs – these ingest your data into the Qlik Associative Engine through connectors
Supporting Open Source Libraries – these various libraries by Qlik expose the engine to help you build solutions faster
It’s all language agnostic but JavaScript lovers will find it easier to work with given the number of our open source tools available in JavaScript. Other top languages and tools used include R, Go, Shell, C#, Python, Java and D3. Qlik Core can also be managed with the orchestration tool of your choice for implementing, scaling and managing containerized applications.
It really depends on what exactly are you building. As The Budac mentioned you can use Qlik Core
If you just want invoke Qlik API (for example some automation jobs) then serverless functions are making sense.
Qlik Sense (both Enterprise and Kubernetes versions) expose a lot more different API which can be called from technically everywhere.
QlikView on the other hand is more ... conservative. QV is an older software and the API/integrations are more limited. For example: to call the Management API you have to be on the same domain as QV. Personally I've only connected to QV Management API only with C# and pretty sure you cant use JS/Node

Which AWS JS SDK package(s) to use for Cognito?

As of now, there are at least 5 packages for the AWS SDK as it pertains to Cognito.
Custom built via multiple mechanisms:
The global SDK
Some of them overlap in terms of methods. Many are only slightly different. The docs and links vary from outdated to flat out incorrect.
Most docs are in ES5, some in ES6, some in TypeScript, some in Node.
How are developers supposed to know how to make heads or tails from these?
I work with Cognito everyday as a developer. I recommend starting with the AWS JavaScript SDK (the full SDK). Everything that you need for Cognito development is there and is always the latest. Once you know the details for Cognito, take a look at the higher level packages. By that time you will probably have written your own library of code and then won't consider the others.
The problem with Cognito development is that unless you stay with the core SDK, the other packages either don't exist or are not compatible with SDKs for other platforms or for other languages such as PHP or Java.
Depending on your goals / requirements, you may need to support mobile, desktop, server, Lambda, etc. If you stay with the core SDK then you can quickly adapt to each environment. If you use a higher level package that only works, for example with node.js, then you have a porting problem.
One item that I forgot to mention is that Cognito is really three different services and therefore three different sections (classes, etc.) within the SDK. There is Cognito User Pools, Cognito Federated Identities and Cognito Sync. Some of the higher level SDKs only support one or the other or just parts of one to make interfaces easier (or more intuitive).

Amazon States Language: Java Library
Is there an API/library which I can use to process states as per this standard. I understand AWS resources are available; is there anything independent of AWS and in the java library that can be used?
There is complete lightweight microservice platform (probably fastest on the market) called light4j eventuate. One of subproject is which implements Amazon States Language completely.
As of now, there is no Java implementation/bindings outside AWS.
Netflix Conductor blog states:
Recently announced AWS Step Functions added some of the features we were looking for in an orchestration engine. There is a potential for Conductor to adopt the states language to define workflows.
So - since their decider component is a Java service - maybe that could become a Java implementation someday. is based on nodejs and focused on openwhisk compatibility.

Integration of Google Calendar with amazon EC2

I am using Google calendar and based on calendar booking i want to start AWS EC2 instances.
Is there a way to achieve this interaction?
A very good use case actually; it is really cool.
This is one of the ways you can plan the design and architecture. You would be making use of the Google Calender API endpoint using REST or SDK to continuously (asynchronously) poll the events and activities; depending on how you specify the EC2 instance to be started or stopped. You can obtain the information from Calendar data. Based on this you can start or stop the instance via. the AWS SDK.
There AWS SDKs are available for almost all the popular programming languages - .net, java, php, ruby, python and also Google Go. If not you can always fall back with the REST API calls and the same.
I recommend you to take a look at Skeedly to get some ideas. -