How does the compiler know where are static fields allocated? - c++

Imagine you have a class A with a static field int mstatic.
Imagine if that class has a method mymethod that modifies mstatic. When compiling mymethod, how can the adress of mstatic be known ? I know that in case of non-static fields, a pointer to the calling object (the famous "this") is implicitly passed to the method so it is used to find the adresses, but how do we do for static fields ?

Static fields are allocated similarly to namespace-scope or global variables... there's basically one or two areas (variables needing 0 initialisation may be separated from those needing initial non-0 values) sequentially populated with all such variables in the translation unit. If the variable's defined in another variable, the address will be patched in during linking or loading. Note that the addresses are typically effectively hard-coded (fixed address, perhaps from a specific data segment register), unlike stack (which may be stack register relative, but the stack register is modified as functions are called and return, unlike data segment registers which may be set to the same value while the thread is running) or heap hosted variables (where the address is determined during malloc or new.


Why do C and C++ compilers place explicitly initialized and default initialized global variables in different segments?

I was reading this great post about memory layout of C programs. It says that default initialized global variables resides in the BSS segment, and if you explicitly provide a value to a global variable then it will reside in the data segment.
I've tested the following programs in C and C++ to examine this behaviour.
#include <iostream>
// Both i and s are having static storage duration
int i; // i will be kept in the BSS segment, default initialized variable, default value=0
int s(5); // s will be kept in the data segment, explicitly initialized variable,
int main()
std::cout<<&i<<' '<<&s;
0x488020 0x478004
So, from the output it clearly looks like both variable i & s resides in completely different segments. But if I remove the initializer (initial value 5 in this program) from the variable S and then run the program, it gives me the below output.
0x488020 0x488024
So, from the output it clearly looks like both variables i and s resides in the same (in this case BSS) segment.
This behaviour is also the same in C.
#include <stdio.h>
int i; // i will be kept in the BSS segment, default initialized variable, default value=0
int s=5; // s will be kept in the data segment, explicitly initialized variable,
int main(void)
printf("%p %p\n",(void*)&i,(void*)&s);
004053D0 00403004
So, again we can say by looking at the output (means examining the address of variables), both variable i and s resides in completely different segments. But again if I remove the initializer (initial value 5 in this program) from the variable S and then run the program it gives me the below output.
004053D0 004053D4
So, from the output it clearly looks like both variables i and s resides in the same (in this case BSS) segment.
Why do C and C++ compilers place explicitly initialized and default initialized global variables in different segments? Why is there a distinction about where the global variable resides between default initialized and explicitly initialized variables? If I am not wrong, the C and C++ standards never talk about the stack, heap, data segment, code segment, BSS segment and all such things which are implementation-specific. So, is it possible for a C++ implementation to store explicitly initialized and default initialized variables in the same segments instead of keeping it in different segments?
Neither language C or C++ has any notion of "segments", and not all OSs do either, so your question is inevitably dependent on the platform and compiler.
That said, common implementations will treat initialized vs. uninitialized variables differently. The main difference is that uninitialized (or default 0-initialized) data does not have to be actually saved with the compiled module, but only declared/reserved for later use at run time. In practical "segment" terms, initialized data is saved to disk as part of the binary, while uninitialized data is not, instead it's allocated at startup to satisfy the declared "reservations".
The really short answer is "because it takes up less space". (As noted by others, the compiler doesn't have to do this!)
In the executable file, the data section will contain data that has its value store in the relative place. This means for every byte of initialized data, that data section contains one byte.
For zero-initialized globals, there is no reason to store a lot of zeros. Instead, just store the size of the whole set of data in one single size-value. So instead of storing 4132 bytes of zero in the data seciton, there is just a "BSS is 4132 bytes long" - and it's up to the OS/runtime to set up so that it is zero. - in some cases, the runtime of the compiler will memset(BSSStart, 0, BSSSize) or similar. In for example Linux, all "unused" memory is filled with zero anyway when the process is created, so setting BSS to zero is just a matter of allocating the memory in the first place.
And of course, shorter executable files have several benefits: Less space taken up on your hard-disk, faster loading time [extra bonus if the OS pre-fills the allocated memory with zero], faster compile time as the compiler/linker doesn't have to write the data to disk.
So there is an entirely practical reason for this.
By definition, BSS is not a different segment, it is a part of data-segment.
In C and C++, statically-allocated objects without an explicit
initializer are initialized to zero, an implementation may also assign
statically-allocated variables and constants initialized with a value
consisting solely of zero-valued bits to the BSS section.
A reason to store them in BSS is, those types of variables with uninitialized or default values can be obtained in run-time without wasting space in the binary files rather than the variables which are placed in data-segment.

Allocation of global variables C++

It seems unclear as to where global variables get stored when declared different ways and which way is best?
For example, where are the variables stored in each example and what is their scope?
//Example 1 (at the top of a cpp file):
Rectangle rect(15,12);
//Example 2:
Rectangle *rect = new Rectangle(15,12);
"Where are the variables stored" is usually the wrong question. It varies between platforms and the language is designed to provide an abstraction over such details anyway.
Example 1 creates a Rectangle object with static storage duration. It will normally be destroyed automatically after main returns.
Example 2 creates a Rectangle object with dynamic storage duration. It will be destroyed whenever you call delete on the pointer (or, perhaps, call the destructor explicitly); otherwise it won't be destroyed. Informally people say objects of dynamic storage duration are "on the heap", but the implementation detail this evokes has a platform-dependent meaning.
If the first is definied outside a function, it is going to be stored in the DATA segment. If it's defined in a function, it is going to be stored on the stack.
With the second (the pointer itself) it's the same, but the object the pointer is pointing to is going to be allocated on the heap.
At the risk of oversimplification . . . .
An compiler will divide the compilation unit into sections:
- Executable data
- Read only data
- read write data
The linker will collect all the section with the same attributes together. At the end of the link process a global read/write data usually gets merges with read/write data.
This creates read/write data.
Rectangle rect(15,12);
This creates read/write data for rect as well as executable data that calls new at startup.
Rectangle *rect = new Rectangle(15,12);
Ignoring debug information, local variables on have scope only during compilation. After compilation, local variables are only [relative] memory locations. Global variables remain identifiable after compilation. After linking, global variables essentially disappear.
(For simplicity I ignore universal symbols and shared libraries.)
Where the variables "get stored" is implementation defined, and is not in the scope of the C++ standard, except as to the specific semantics of their scope.
Assuming that both declarations are statically-scoped, in both cases 'rect' will be stored at the static scope. In the second case, rect will refer to a heap-allocated object, and throughout the application's lifetime, the application may delete the pointer, and/or reassign it to point to some other instance of this class.

Where located a const value? [duplicate]

I wonder where constant variables are stored. Is it in the same memory area as global variables? Or is it on the stack?
How they are stored is an implementation detail (depends on the compiler).
For example, in the GCC compiler, on most machines, read-only variables, constants, and jump tables are placed in the text section.
Depending on the data segmentation that a particular processor follows, we have five segments:
Code Segment - Stores only code, ROM
BSS (or Block Started by Symbol) Data segment - Stores initialised global and static variables
Stack segment - stores all the local variables and other informations regarding function return address etc
Heap segment - all dynamic allocations happens here
Data BSS (or Block Started by Symbol) segment - stores uninitialised global and static variables
Note that the difference between the data and BSS segments is that the former stores initialized global and static variables and the later stores UNinitialised ones.
Now, Why am I talking about the data segmentation when I must be just telling where are the constant variables stored... there's a reason to it...
Every segment has a write protected region where all the constants are stored.
For example:
If I have a const int which is local variable, then it is stored in the write protected region of stack segment.
If I have a global that is initialised const var, then it is stored in the data segment.
If I have an uninitialised const var, then it is stored in the BSS segment...
To summarize, "const" is just a data QUALIFIER, which means that first the compiler has to decide which segment the variable has to be stored and then if the variable is a const, then it qualifies to be stored in the write protected region of that particular segment.
Consider the code:
const int i = 0;
static const int k = 99;
int function(void)
const int j = 37;
Generally, i can be stored in the text segment (it's a read-only variable with a fixed value). If it is not in the text segment, it will be stored beside the global variables. Given that it is initialized to zero, it might be in the 'bss' section (where zeroed variables are usually allocated) or in the 'data' section (where initialized variables are usually allocated).
If the compiler is convinced the k is unused (which it could be since it is local to a single file), it might not appear in the object code at all. If the call to totherfunc() that references k was not commented out, then k would have to be allocated an address somewhere - it would likely be in the same segment as i.
The constant (if it is a constant, is it still a variable?) j will most probably appear on the stack of a conventional C implementation. (If you were asking in the comp.std.c news group, someone would mention that the standard doesn't say that automatic variables appear on the stack; fortunately, SO isn't comp.std.c!)
Note that I forced the variables to appear because I passed them by reference - presumably to a function expecting a pointer to a constant integer. If the addresses were never taken, then j and k could be optimized out of the code altogether. To remove i, the compiler would have to know all the source code for the entire program - it is accessible in other translation units (source files), and so cannot as readily be removed. Doubly not if the program indulges in dynamic loading of shared libraries - one of those libraries might rely on that global variable.
(Stylistically - the variables i and j should have longer, more meaningful names; this is only an example!)
Depends on your compiler, your system capabilities, your configuration while compiling.
gcc puts read-only constants on the .text section, unless instructed otherwise.
Usually they are stored in read-only data section (while global variables' section has write permissions). So, trying to modify constant by taking its address may result in access violation aka segfault.
But it depends on your hardware, OS and compiler really.
offcourse not , because
1) bss segment stored non inilized variables it obviously another type is there.
(I) large static and global and non constants and non initilaized variables it stored .BSS section.
(II) second thing small static and global variables and non constants and non initilaized variables stored in .SBSS section this included in .BSS segment.
2) data segment is initlaized variables it has 3 types ,
(I) large static and global and initlaized and non constants variables its stord in .DATA section.
(II) small static and global and non constant and initilaized variables its stord in .SDATA1 sectiion.
(III) small static and global and constant and initilaized OR non initilaized variables its stord in .SDATA2 sectiion.
i mention above small and large means depents upon complier for example small means < than 8 bytes and large means > than 8 bytes and equal values.
but my doubt is local constant are where it will stroe??????
This is mostly an educated guess, but I'd say that constants are usually stored in the actual CPU instructions of your compiled program, as immediate data. So in other words, most instructions include space for the address to get data from, but if it's a constant, the space can hold the value itself.
This is specific to Win32 systems.
It's compiler dependence but please aware that it may not be even fully stored. Since the compiler just needs to optimize it and adds the value of it directly into the expression that uses it.
I add this code in a program and compile with gcc for arm cortex m4, check the difference in the memory usage.
Without const:
int someConst[1000] = {0};
With const:
const int someConst[1000] = {0};
Global and constant are two completely separated keywords. You can have one or the other, none or both.
Where your variable, then, is stored in memory depends on the configuration. Read up a bit on the heap and the stack, that will give you some knowledge to ask more (and if I may, better and more specific) questions.
It may not be stored at all.
Consider some code like this:
#import<math.h>//import PI
double toRadian(int degree){
return degree*PI*2/360.0;
This enables the programmer to gather the idea of what is going on, but the compiler can optimize away some of that, and most compilers do, by evaluating constant expressions at compile time, which means that the value PI may not be in the resulting program at all.
Just as an an add on ,as you know that its during linking process the memory lay out of the final executable is decided .There is one more section called COMMON at which the common symbols from different input files are placed.This common section actually falls under the .bss section.
Some constants aren't even stored.
Consider the following code:
int x = foo();
x *= 2;
Chances are that the compiler will turn the multiplication into x = x+x; as that reduces the need to load the number 2 from memory.
I checked on x86_64 GNU/Linux system. By dereferencing the pointer to 'const' variable, the value can be changed. I used objdump. Didn't find 'const' variable in text segment. 'const' variable is stored on stack.
'const' is a compiler directive in "C". The compiler throws error when it comes across a statement changing 'const' variable.

does a variable consume memory in addition to just its content (e.g. type, location)?

Quite likely this has been asked/answered before, but not sure how to phrase it best, a link to a previously answered question would be great.
If you define something like
char myChar = 'a';
I understand that this will take up one byte in memory (depending on implementation and assuming no unicode and so on, the actual number is unimportant).
But I would assume the compiler/computer would also need to keep a table of variable types, addresses (i.e. pointers), and possibly more. Otherwise it would have the memory reserved, but would not be able to do anything with it. So that's already at least a few more bytes of memory consumed per variable.
Is this a correct picture of what happens, or am I misunderstanding what happens when a program gets compiled/executed? And if the above is correct, is it more to do with compilation, or execution?
The compiler will keep track of the properties of a variable - its name, lifetime, type, scope, etc. This information will exist in memory only during compilation. Once the program has been compiled and the program is executed, however, all that is left is the object itself. There is no type information at run-time (except if you use RTTI, then there will be some, but only because you required it for your program to function - such as is required for dynamic_casting).
Everything that happens in the code that accesses the object has been compiled into a form that treats it exactly as a single byte (because it's a char). The address that the object is located at can only be known at run-time anyway. However, variables with automatic storage duration (like local variables), are typically located simply by some fixed offset from the current stack frame. That offset is hard-baked into the executable.
Wether a variable contains extra information depends on the type of the variable and your compiler options. If you use RTTI, extra information is stored. If you compile with debug information then there will also extra overhead be added.
For native datatypes like your example of char there is usually no overhead, unless you have structs which also can cotnain padding bytes. If you define classes, there may be a virtual table associated with your class. However, if you dynamically allocate memory, then there usually will be some overhead along with your allocated memory.
Somtimes a variable may not even exist, because the optimizer realizes that there is no storage needed for it, and it can wrap it up in a register.
So in total, you can not rely on counting your used variables and sum their size up to calculate the amount of memory it requires because there is not neccessarily a 1:1: relation.
Some types can be detected in compile type, say in this code:
void foo(char c) {...}
it is obvious what type of variable c in compile time is.
In case of inheritance you cannot know the real type of the variable in the compile type, like:
void draw(Drawable* drawable); // where drawable can be Circle, Line etc.
But C++ compiler can help to determine the type of the Drawable using dynamic_cast. In this case it uses pointer to a virtual method tables, associated with an object to determine the real type.

Copy static class member to local variable for optimization

While browsing open source code (from OpenCV), I came across the following type of code inside a method:
// copy class member to local variable for optimization
int foo = _foo; //where _foo is a class member
for (...) //a heavy loop that makes use of foo
From another question on SO I've concluded that the answer to whether or not this actually needs to be done or is done automatically by the compiler may be compiler/setting dependent.
My question is if it would make any difference if _foo were a static class member? Would there still be a point in this manual optimization, or is accessing a static class member no more 'expensive' than accessing a local variable?
P.S. - I'm asking out of curiosity, not to solve a specific problem.
Accessing a property means de-referencing the object, in order to access it.
As the property may change during the execution (read threads), the compiler will read the value from memory each time the value is accessed.
Using a local variable will allow the compiler to use a register for the value, as it can safely assume the value won't change from the outside. This way, the value is read only once from memory.
About your question concerning the static member, it's the same, as it can also be changed by another thread, for instance. The compiler will also need to read the value each time from memory.
I think a local variable is more likely to participate in some optimization, precisely because it is local to the function: this fact can be used by the compiler, for example if it sees that nobody modifies the local variable, then the compiler may load it once, and use it in every iteration.
In case of member data, the compiler may have to work more to conclude that nobody modifies the member. Think about multi-threaded application, and note that the memory model in C++11 is multi-threaded, which means some other thread might modify the member, so the compiler may not conclude that nobody modifies it, in consequence it has to emit code for load member for every expression which uses it, possibly multiple times in a single iteration, in order to work with the updated value of the member.
In this example the the _foo will be copied into new local variable. so both cases the same.
Statis values are like any other variable. its just stored in different memory segment dedicated for static memory.
Reading a static class member is effectively like reading a global variable. They both have a fixed address. Reading a non-static one means first reading the this-pointer, adding an offset to the result and then reading that address. In other words, reading a non-static one requires more steps and memory accesses.