C++ equivalent of Debugger.IsAttached() [duplicate] - c++

I use stackwalk64 to generate stacktraces for C++ in visual studio 2008 using the latest symchk.exe and dbghlp.dll. This works fine when I'm running the standalone exe. However, when the debugger is attached I deadlock visual studio. I previously had a workaround where I downloaded all of the system32 symbols to disk and this worked well, but a recent update seems to have broken my workaround even though I updated the symbols. Ideally I would like to determine if the visual studio debugger is attached (it will only ever be the VS debugger) so I can turn off my stack traces in that case. Thanks for any help.

Use IsDebuggerPresent and possibly CheckRemoteDebuggerPresent


Visual Studio 2017 debugger fails connected to a ClearCase mapped drive

I'm using Visual Studio 2017 with a ClearCase dynamic view connected to a mapped drive.
Starting a debugger session fails with:
Unable to start program filename.exe.
Operation is not supported.
Unknown error: 0x80070057.
Using a ClearCase snapshot view, the debugging session works as expected, without error message.
Visual Studio 2013 works perfectly fine with a snapshot or dynamic view.
Any help would be appreciated.
It depends on your exact ClearCase version, as seen in this PI45450 (project issue, similar but not identical to your case)
Running the executable by specifying its fully qualified UNC
pathname may work, such as
In your case, with Windows:
See if the full path (M:\...\<application>.exe) works better with Visual Studio 2017.
Or try and upgrade ClearCase if possible (
There is a new ClearCase APAR for this behavior, because it was initially reported only if the CC VS 2017 integration was installed. It actually doesn't need the integration, at least not on Windows 10 with UAC on. The APAR is PI86014, but it may not be visible yet as it's really new.
The issue is specific to Visual Studio 2017, Visual Studio 2015 will open and start the debug session fine, and the debug executables load just fine from a dynamic view.
The integration released in the technote seems to be a little buggy. Perhaps the one in and will behave better.

Visual Studio 2017 wont show c++ template/extansion

I am trying to use Microsoft visual studio IDE to run my c++ code, however, when I go to create a project, I do not see the option for a c++ project. I tried reinstalling the program to see if I could somehow install the package/extension however it just won't seem to come up.
The only templates that appear are in c# or f#.
If someone could please lead me into the right direction so that I can fix this, it would be great. Thank you.
I don't see any mention of C++ in the release notes.
According to this post on MSDN, there is no C++ support in the Mac version of Visual Studio. It contains links to instructions for using Visual Studio Code, as well as the option to install a VM running Windows.
Apparently Visual Studio Code supports C++ projects, since it can execute external tools. The Microsoft Visual C++ build tools are free for Windows, but I don't think there is a version for the Mac, so some other external compiler is necessary.

Missing MSVCP120D.dll but don't have Visual Studios anymore

I dug up an old project of mine from college when we exclusively used Visual Studios, and I'm looking to run it again. I don't have the exe anymore, just the debug version. When I run the debug version, I get the missing MSVCP120D.dll error. I have no way to recompile this into the release version. Is there a way for me to download the missing dlls, without downloading Visual Studios?
Incase you didn't know, MSVCP120D.dll is a dynamic link library for the IDE "Microsoft Visual C++ 12.0", which I believe is from Visual Studio 2013.
If you know the version of Visual Studio that you used (You specified 2010 and 2012 in the tags), you can use the following link to download the toolchain, Visual C++: https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/kb/2977003
Another option is reverse-engineering, but this will be an incredibly difficult process and cannot give you the source that you originally used to create the debug version. Your best bet is to find the version you're after, if not re-writing it.
This installation, should you have the administrator privileges to perform it, should cause the error to cease, as your system will be able to find it in Sys32/Syswow64.
Edit: I would be vary wary to download a .dll from any other site other than Microsoft's official site, malicious DLLs are readily available from dodgy sites.

Error "msvcr100.dll" (only on Windows 7 & Vista) even AFTER statically linking (/MT)

I have a simple dll that is being injected into a target process using MS detours. The process doing the injecting is C# .net application.
Both the DLL and the detours library have been statically linked (/MT option).
However when I try to inject the dll into a target program on a client's machine I get error "msvcr100.dll" is missing" error. Now I open the dll w/ depends and there is no dependency on "msvcr100.dll".
Even weirder this issue only happens when the client is vista x64 or windows 7 x64. The dll is successfully injected on windows xp x32 and windows 7 x32 systems.
Any ideas on what bug in visual studio is indicating a dependency on a library not being used?
On edit:
Looks like someone else had the same issue ... never resolved.
Compiled .dll files requiring msvcr100.dll to load
For the record installing Visual studio 2010 C++ redistributable on client machine "solves" the issue however I hoped to avoid that dependency by statically linking.
You might be able to figure out what's going on my attaching (pre-injection) the cdb debugger to the process on a machine where msvcr100.dll is loaded (with the DLL installed). Use the
sxe ld:msvcr100
command to break when that DLL is loaded (I'm not 100% sure if that's the exactly correct syntax). Once it's loaded, you might be able to figure out why by looking at the call stack. If not, try setting a breakpoint on everything in that module:
bm msvcr100!*
and see who's calling it. That should give you a really good idea why it's being loaded.
So I never did discover exactly what the issue is but on a hunch I tried running the application (exact same build w/ mscvr100.dll error) on another Windows 7 machine and it worked fine.
I reinstalled Windows 7 on the "problem" machine and the same build works fine without error. In my google searching I came across a report of another person having this issue after uninstalling Visual Studio. I know for a fact that Visual Studio was installed on the "problem" Windows 7 machine at one time and was currently uninstalled.
If this happens to someone else I would recommend try running the binary on a machine that has never had visual studio installed. If it works without issue then likely there is some issue related to VS uninstall.

msvcp80d.dll not found while using TBB

I am using Intel TBB C++ for multithreading an application on visual studio 2008. When I run the executable I get a dialog saying "MSVCP80D.dll" was not found. There is so much on the net about this that it confuses me.
Please help.
EDIT: Based on answers, finally I was able to fix the "dll missing" problem. I had given a path to TBB lib of vc8 leading to dependency on vc8 dlls, which are used with visual studio 2005, not with 2008. (Using depends (http://www.dependencywalker.com/ ) it is easy to determine the run-time dependencies of an executable.) I changed by project to depend on vc9 dlls, not vc8 and then it worked fine.
Another thing to note is use of manifest files on windows. Manifest files describe dependencies. The manifest files must be generated while writing an application as it is necessary.
You can find them online at various places. Just scan it for a virus and put it in your program's path and everything should work fine. You may need more than one of the debug dlls, you can use depends32.exe to see what you are missing.
MSVC80D is VS 2005. As part of VS2008 you would have MSVC90D instead.
Your app is compiled with debug version. Debug version of VC runtime is not in path.
Try to generate release version.
Are you running the program on your development machine? If you are not, you might get this error. The "D" at the end of the filename means that the DLL is a debug DLL, and often not on computers without Visual Studio installed. You're not supposed to redistribute it (copy it around), either. You should compile a "release" version of your application and run that. If you really can't do that for some reason, and it's only one or two computers, then try installing the express version of visual studio on that computer.
If you are having this problem on your development machine, it can apparently be caused by a compiler/linker problem. Try doing a clean build ("clean", then "build" in Visual Studio).
Ok, after a lot of search, and by chance, I landed on this forum http://www.codeguru.com/forum/showthread.php?t=446789 which says something I interpret as "the version of TBB I am using does not support VS 2008".
But this still uncertain.