Ember.js change route without page reload - ember.js

I am planning an Ember web app which I want to operate on one page without page reloads.
However, I also want to be able to share the state of the app at any time, and therefore make use of Ember's URL-centric design.
As a total Ember noob, I am wondering if and how Ember accomplishes this (relying on routes, but without page reloads).
Any info is greatly appreciated!

I would recommend reading up on "Query Parameters" (see here) as that is the feature it sounds like you are looking for.


How to load Django template after enter similar to facebook?

What I have been trying to find, with no answer yet, is how I could have a user click on link to a template, then instead of waiting for the whole page to load, allow the user to view what has already loaded while they wait for more load heavy content to arrive, similar to what Facebook does when you first get to a page and see things loading.
There is not much more I can say as the question is pretty self-explanatory. I have checked google and stack overflow.
In order to allow the use to view the loaded page and dynamically view the rest of the page, you use a technology known as AJAX. It allows you to make asynchronous calls to the database, which can be triggered by some JS event(like onscroll) and load the queried data without reloading the entire page.
AJAX in Django is pretty straightforward, though some knowledge of JQuery(or even Javascript) will be required. You may also use the python package django-dajax which will make things easier. I think you will find the following links useful:
Tango with Django ajax guide (one of the best, but a bit tough)
django-dajax docs
Hope this helps!

How to communicate data between controllers in Ember.js?

I am in the painfully slow process of learning Ember and find the guides and documentation severely limited when it comes to non-trivial examples.
To my question now.
Given the following router definition:
App.Router.map(function () {
this.resource('home', function() {
this.resource('weather', function() {
this.route('site', {path: '/:weather_site'});
When the user enters the home.weather.index route the model hook executes and fetches all weather information from the server. When the user then enters home.weather.some_site the model hook of the new route would bring weather data for that particular site from the server. How can this redundancy be prevented? In other words, how can controllers communicate data to each other? Should I use the setupController hook in each Route to achieve this or are there better ways?
Are there any good resources to help me understand the data flow in and out of Ember? Are there any good resources to help me learn Ember faster than digging into the source?
How can this redundancy be prevented?
It's not clear if/how/why the model hook for home/weather/index would fetch all weather information from the server. If that's desired behavior, then totally agreed there is no reason to fetch the same data when user enters home/weather/site.
If you are using ember-data there should be no redundancy since:
when user visits home/weather/index App.Site.find() fetches all weather data
when they visit home/weather/site App.Site.find(weather_site) returns site from cache and does not make a new request to the server
if user visits home/weather/site directly (or refreshes browser) then App.Site.find(weather_site) will call server and fetch just data for that site.
So unless there is something I'm missing there is no redundancy to prevent.
In other words, how can controllers communicate data to each other?
Seems unnecessary, but since you ask: Controllers communicate with one another via bindings. You declare a dependency from one controller to another via the controller's needs property, then Ember inject's a that dependency automatically. See the ember guide dependencies-between-controllers for more on how this works.
Should I use the setupController hook in each Route to achieve this or are there better ways?
That shouldn't be necessary in this case.
Are there any good resources to help me understand the data flow in and out of Ember?
Not clear what you mean by data flow. Best guess is that you'd learn a lot from Luke Melia's gothamjs presentation
Are there any good resources to help me learn Ember faster than digging into the source?
Reading the source is always a good option, but there are many other resources. I recommend checking out embercasts and ember weekly

ember hash urls in google

I am concerned about page ranking on google with the following situation:
I am looking to convert my existing site with 150k+ unique page results to a ember app, off the route. so currently its something like domain.com/model/id - With ember and hash change - it will be /#/model/id. I really want history state but lack of IE support doesn't leave that as a option. So my Sitemap for google has lots and lots of great results using the old model/id. On the rails side I will test browser for compatibility, before either rendering the JS rich app or the plain HTML / CSS. Does anyone have good SEO suggestions with my current schema for success.
Linked below is my schema and looking at the options -
History state is awesome but it looks like support is only around 60% of browsers.
Thanks guys for the suggestions, the google guide is similar to what I'm going to try. I will roll it out to 1 client this month, and see what webmasters and analytics show.
here is everything you need to have your hash links be seo friendly: https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/
basically You write Your whole app with hashlinks, but You have to add "!" to them, so You have #!/model/id. Next You must have all pages somewhere generated and if google asks for them, return "plain html" as described here: https://developers.google.com/webmasters/ajax-crawling/docs/getting-started
use google webmaster tools to check if Your site is crawlable.
I'm not sure if you're aware that you can configure Ember to use the browser history for the location API and keep using your pages the way they are reference now. All you need to do is configure the Route's location property
location: 'history'
See more details about specifying the location api here

Ember.js hybrid application - maybe embeded outlets

I am creating an Ember.js application which basically has a very simple UI: header, content, footer -- all this in the application layer.
But, when you see the site at first, you have a hybrid application -- google needs to reach parts of it, but login, registration, dashboard, and other pages, should be handled by Ember.
And I might have a bit of an issue, because if I render some views, say on the homepage, in some outlets, then those outlets are going to be different after login, on the user's dashboard.
I cannot show off the UI, but i could try to provide more details if needed.
My question would be how to handle this issue?
I used a bit of a hack for now: just before Ember initialize, I remove from the DOM the content rendered server-side.
This might be ugly, but it works. This way robots may reach the content I want them to reach, the users on the other hand will see something better.

Tracking User Actions on Landing Pages in Django

I'm developing a web application. It's months away from completion but I would like to build a landing page to show to potential customers to explain things and gauge their interest--basically collecting their email address and if they feel like it additional information like names + addresses.
Because I'm already using Django to build my site I thought I might use another Django App to serve as this landing page. The features I need are
to display a fairly static page and potentially a series of pages,
collect emails (and additional customer data)
track their actions--e.g., they got through the first two pages but didnt fill out the final page.
Is there any pre-existing Django app that provides any of these features?
If there is not a Django app, then does anyone know of another, faster/better way than building my own app? Perhaps a pre-existing web service that you can skin and make look like your own? Maybe there's the perfect system but it's PHP?--I'm open for whatever.
Option 1: Google Sites
You can set it up very very quickly. Though your monitoring wouldn't be as detailed as you're asking for.. Still, easy and fasssst!
Option 2: bbclone
Something else that may be helpful is to set up some PHP based site (wordpress or something) and use bbclone for tracking stuff on it. I've found bbclone to be pretty intense with the reporting what everyone does - though it's been a while since I used it.
Option 3: Django Flatpages
The flatpages Django contrib app is pretty handy for making static flat pages. I'd probably just embed a Google Docs Form to collect email addresses (as that's super fast and lets you get back to real work). But this suggestion would still leave you needing to figure out how to get the level of detail you want on the stats end.
Perhaps consider Google Analytics anyway?
Regardless, I suggest you use Google Analytics with everything. That'll work with anything you do really, and for all I know, perhaps you can find a way to get the stats you're really looking for out of it.