Django admin filter urls for not-equals - django

I've created a custom FieldListFilter for my site's admin for whether modeltranslation translations are available for a field.
It creates a filter that currently looks like this on the sidebar:
The "Lacks English" option adds vt_title_en__exact= to the query string.
I would like to also implement a "Has English" which does the opposite filter. Can I do that with a django admin site url query strings?
Btw: source for my custom filter:

I think vt_title_en__gt= can do the job. Any non-empty string is greater than "".

You should create queryset method for do it, because there is no such possibility to put exclusion or negation into expected_parameters.


Save the dynamically populated value on dropdown

I'm using wagtail CMS for Django, I want to add a dynamically populated value for a dropdown and save it on the Page model, this is my code:
class MyPage(Page):
domain = CharField(max_length=10, choices=MY_CHOICES)
subdomain = CharField(max_length=10, choices=[('', '------')]
I've got some frontend logic to populate dynamically the options for subdomain, but after I hit save I got: The page could not be created due to validation errors And in the subdomain field: Select a valid choice. [my value] is not one of the available choices.
I can't use ForeignKey to populate subdomain because it depends from an external API service that we're using.
I tried to use a custom field that inherits from CharField with no success, it looks it executes validate method only for the domain field.
If you use the choices argument, you have to predefine the list of possible values. Read the relevant part of the docs (last two paragraphs of that section).
You could omit the choices argument from the model field definition and only render a HTML select tag in the frontend (which is then filled with options dynamically, like you explained).
You could also look into changing the default widget of the CharField to a select tag, like this answer and this part of the docs show.

Django pagination - nice urls

I did pagination in my django projet. Everything works just perfect, but my urls looks terrible, like
How to create nice urls like
host:8000/page/2/ or host:8000/2/
I use standard Paginator class via ListView
How to do this w/o third party code ?
If you define url pattern like this:
url(r'^/page/(?P<page>\d+)/$', 'myapp.views.list_view'),
then ListView will pass page url keyword into paginator.
Each path segment is supposed to be a valid resource, so it's not clear what you will display on /path/ URL.
Django pagination system assumes that webpages will default to using the URL query, so it's recommended to keep it as a URL query and it's more revealing.

'Hiding' form query from URL (Django 1.3)

I have a form with 6-7 fields. After user input, my webapp searches for those fields in a database and displays the results.
Now the issue is, that the URL ends up having all the form field names and their values in it.
Now with the form having 7-8 fields the url ends up looking ugly.
Is there a Django technique to 'hide' these from the URL? Quotes around hide because I'd be okay with a completely different way to pass the objects to my database from the form as well.
Use a POST request. Here's the django docs on forms and a specific example using POST>. HTML-wise, all you need to do is change the method on the form tag.
I do not recommend to use POST requests for search. If you'll use GET it will be easer for user, he can just bookmark a link and save search or share search results with friends.

How to organize URLs in django for views handling GET data and parsing URL?

I have a view that displays some movie data. I thought that it might be a good idea to have a view handle a an URL like movie-id/1234 to search for movie id 1234. Furthermore I would like to be able to enter the ID into a form and send that to a server and search for it. To do that I created a second entry in the file shown below.
urlpatterns = patterns('',
url(r'movie-id/(?P<movie_id>.+?)/$', 'movieMan.views.detailMovie'),
url(r'movie-id/$', 'movieMan.views.detailMovie', name=''),
So if I want to pass data to my view either via a URL or a GET or POST request I have to enter two urls or is there a more elegant way? In the view's code I am then checking if there is any GET data in the incoming request.
To make the second url usable with the template engine, where I wanted to specify the view's url using the {% url %} syntax I had to introduce a name attribute on this url to distinguish between these two.
I am not sure if I am thinking too complicated here. I am now asking myself what is the first url entry good for? Is there a way to get the URL of a movie directly? When do these kinds of URLs come into play and how would they be generated in the template ?
Furthermore I would like to be able to enter the ID into a form and
send that to a server and search for it.
Is this actually a search? Because if you know the ID, and the ID is a part of the URL, you could just have a textbox where the user can write in the ID, and you do a redirect with javascript to the 'correct' URL. If the ID doesn't exist, the view should return a Http404.
If you mean an actual search, i.e. the user submitting a query string, you'll need some kind of list/result view, in which case you'll be generating all the links to the specific results, which you will be sure are correct.
I don't think there is a more elegant way.
I did almost the same thing:
url( r'^movies/search/((?P<query_string>[^/]+)/)?$', 'mediadb.views.search_movies' ),
The url pattern matches urls with or without a search parameter.
In the view-function, you will have to check whether the parameter was defined in the url or in the query string.

Use url args in views, is it possible?

I'd like to use url arguments in views (not templates, I know how to do that).
So is it possible to use them like:
def item_link(self, item):
return mainpage_url_name + "%s/%i" % (item.slug, item.cid)
mainpage_url_name - is of course defined in url patterns (as name variable)
I'm a total newb in Django...
First you should use names for your url patterns as documented here.
Then you can use reverse() to use these names in your views or methods.
Following your comments you are using the syndication framework.
Therefore you should make sure that you define get_absolute_url() for you models, ideally using the permalink decorator (for a clean reversing of your urls).
Looking at the example from Django's docs that should be all that's necessary.
To specify the contents of <link>, you
have two options. For each item in
items(), Django first tries calling
the item_link() method on the Feed
class. In a similar way to the title
and description, it is passed it a
single parameter, item. If that method
doesn't exist, Django tries executing
a get_absolute_url() method on that